the assignment is aligned with the course themes and uses current municipal/city
documents in order to provide exposure to real life examples and practices from
Canadian planning
make connections between theory and practice
provide support for tutorial activities

approx. 1,000 words (for an easy reference, this is equivalent to two pages, in Times New Roman font, size 12, normal margins (1 inch/2.5cm), single spaced.
the word count includes only the text of the answers there is no need for a cover page, but please include your name, student number and tutorial number (e.g. Tutorial 1, 1-2pm) at the top of the first page

For this assignment, all the necessary materials are provided through the course page on
Quercus and also referenced in the text below (so there is no need to allocate any additional time or effort for a literature search etc.). This step will also hopefully make the work on the assignment a straightforward and predictable process, in terms of planning and time management.

The materials included (and posted on Quercus) are:
Chapter 2 – Shaping the City of the City of Toronto Official Plan (also available at
Chapter 4 – Land Use Designations of the City of Toronto Official Plan (also available
at https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/planning-development/official-planguidelines/official-plan/chapters-1-5/)
Official Plan Indicators 2018, City of Toronto (also available at https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/planning-development/official-planguidelines/official-plan/)

The instructions and questions below show which sections and subsections of the three
documents to focus on in answering each question.

Assignment questions (40 points total; weight: 15% of grade):
The assignment should provide a series of answers to the following questions (please make sure to answer each question individually and to number the answers, so it is clear which question is answered):
1. Considering the Housing Section in the Official Plan Indicators 2018 document, answer
the following question: What are the impacts of the number of residential units with 2 or
more bedrooms? Consider the implications in terms of demography, mobility and urban
expansion. (answer in no more than 125 words) (6 points)
2. In no more than 300 words, compare and contrast the 2.2.2. Centres (in Chapter 2 –
Shaping the City) (10 points)
3. What are a few reasons that explain the differences between infill development and
existing developed surrounding areas in Neighbourhoods (in Chapter 4 – Land Use
Designations) (answer in no more than 75 words) (3 points)
4. What is the key element in Avenue Studies that can influence and decide how future
development should be planned and implemented, and what is the reason for its inclusion
in this type of studies? (1-2 sentences maximum) (3 points)
5. In no more than 350 words, 1. summarize the main characteristics of Downtown and
Avenues (in Chapter 2 – Shaping the City) and 2. identify/list three differences and two
similarities (for the second part of the answer, it is fine to use point form: e.g. one line for
each differences and similarity; avoid a one or two-word answer) (10 points)
6. Consider the following scenario: by the end of this term (April), you will need to decide
where you will live for the next 10 years. Your alternatives are: downtown, avenues, or
neighbourhoods (either low-rise or apartment neighborhoods). Reflecting on what you
read so far for this assignment or other information in the three documents provided, as
well as based on your own preferences), choose one of the four alternatives and argument your choice (answer in no more than 200-250 words; for this last answer, the use of first person writing is fine) (8 points)

Important notes:
Please write in full sentences, unless the question clearly states that it is fine to use point form for the answer.
Please do not simply copy and paste sentences, phrases or parts of, in the answers to the questions. This may result in grade of 0 (zero) for the respective answer. Instead, please paraphrase or summarize (put into you own words) the material.

If you are not very familiar with paraphrasing and summarizing (a writing skill applicable to many other assignments and courses), feel free to consult the following resources: https://integrity.mit.edu/handbook/academic-writing/avoiding-plagiarismparaphrasing
Some resources on how to address compare and contrast type of questions (useful also for exam questions, or essays when a comparison or comparative approach is needed, etc.): https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/comparing-and-contrasting/
https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/twc/types-writing (see the Compare and Contrast handout) https://advice.writing.utoronto.ca/types-of-writing/comparative-essay/

Given the very short length of the assignment, please do not use any quotations (which are – in a sense – just another form of copy & paste, but with proper referencing).

The answers will be assessed primarily in terms of quality of content/substance, and how well they answer the corresponding question, but also in terms on structure, organization and internal coherence of the answer/paragraph. While no points will be deducted for individual grammar or spelling errors, if an answer has too many errors that can impede the understanding of the ideas, or lead to a superficial or confusing answer/content, it can be assessed as having a low(er) quality of content/substance, and graded accordingly.
For this assignment only, because the sources were already provided to you and the questions point to specific sections in one or more of the three documents, there is no need to provide in-text citations and a list of references at the end.

The assignment should be double-spaced and written in 12-point font
2. The assignment must be a minimum of two pages. Points will be automatically
deducted for essays shorter than two pages
3. Your essay must be clear and concise. Your arguments must be fully supported
with the Chapters 1 and 2 readings, the lecture presentations and the videos
presented in class
4. There are no required number of pages or limit for the assignment
5. Assignments must be uploaded via Blackboard by 11:59 Pm on Wednesday
February 19, 2019

In what ways did the Constitution ensure that government would be responsive to the people? How has government become more responsive since 1787? What role did the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Townshend Act play leading up to the American Revolution?

400-600 words. 4-6 entries; about 60-120 words per source .
Purpose/goals of the assignment:

    develop your ability to conduct scholarly research and relate the results of this research to a specific inquiry
    develop your ability to translate specialist information into non-specialist language
    draft building blocks for the final report
    practice APA citation style (or MLA if you are majoring in a humanities field)

Analyzing Super Market and Grocery industry
Fill out word document worksheet

Do not use speculative statements.  Typical key words indicating speculation include: if, should, could, would, and may.  Avoid contractions in written business reports.  You only use contractions in a business report when it involves a direct quote. 

Avoid vague pronouns.  Pronouns such as this, these and it used out of context and without attribution are examples.  Often students will have a paragraph in the facts column that consists of several sentences.  The students then start the analysis with the pronoun this.  The reader cannot determine the reference the appropriate idea without considerable guessing.

Write a response to the following post:

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) involves numerous provisions and regulations to health care. There are positive and negative aspects to each federal policy, but can legislation produce sustainable high-quality health care? Government intervention through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has transformed the financing and delivery of health care (Wiley & Matthews, 2017). While policies are generally produced to benefit as many people as possible, they can also create challenges (Conti & Jones, 2017; Hall & McCue, 2016). The ACA affects quality of health care in both public and private sectors (Conti & Jones, 2017). It can be argued that legislation, such as the Affordable Care Act, will not produce sustainable high-quality health care.

The goal of the ACA is to provide affordable medical coverage to American citizens, which includes Medicaid expansion and health insurance exchange maintenance (Conti & Jones, 2017). However, the ACA could place an unnecessary strain on health care. Legislation, including the ACA, creates challenges across states as it is the responsibility of each state to make decisions based on the policies and incentives (Conti & Jones, 2017; Wiley & Matthews, 2017). While the ACA has the potential to create affordable and high-quality health care, it falls short of creating a united front between diverse health care stakeholders behind a shared vision of value (Larkin, Swanson, Fuller, & Cortese, 2016). Gaps in health care have been created by the ACA and will require cooperation across several sectors, including public health and medical, behavioral, and social services, in order to have a chance of producing sustainable high-quality health care (Conti & Jones, 2017; Hall & McCue, 2016).

On a positive note, the ACA created a marketplace that prohibits insurers from considering subscribers health status and created a structure that facilitates comparison shopping (Hall & McCue, 2016). However, as a result of the ACA, premium rates have increased, new established private insurers focused on the individual market have failed, and private-sector preparedness to adopt future policies varies between states (Conti & Jones, 2017; Hall & McCue, 2016). This creates a vision of decreased value and quality care as patient outcomes are affected by cost (Larkin et al., 2016). It is evident that government intervention through legislation is intended to benefit the involved parties. While the ACA has potential to produce sustainable high-quality health care, various challenges, including a lack of a shared vision across all levels, will prohibit sustainable high-quality health care from becoming a reality (Conti & Jones, 2017; Larken et al., 2016).


Conti, R. M., & Jones, D. K. (2017). Policy diffusion across disparate disciplines: Private- and public-sector dynamics affecting state-level adoption of the ACA. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 42(2), 377-385. doi: http://dx.doi.org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1215/03616878-3766771

Hall, M. A., & McCue, M. J. (2016, July 20). How has the affordable care act affected health insurers financial performance? [web log comment]. Retrieved from https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2016/jul/how-has-affordable-care-act-affected-health-insurers-financial

Larkin, D. J., Swanson, C.R., Fuller, S., & Cortese, D. A. (2016). The Affordable Care Act: A case study for understanding and applying complexity concepts to health care reform. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 22(1), 133-140. doi: https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1111/jep.12271

Wiley, L. F., & Matthews, G. W. (2017). Health care system transformation and integration: A call to action for public health. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 45, 9497. doi: https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1177/1073110517703335

Write a thesis that explains the issue(s) you will analyze.
Use the book to provide historical context for the film.
If relevant to your topic, what issues did the film not address about the era in which it was made that you believe are important. Provide information from the book in your discussion of those issues.
If relevant to your topic, what symbolism, metaphors, etc. do you see in the film?
If relevant to your topic, how did the values of the time shape the making of the film? You need to be able to support your arguments about the values of the time with information from the book, not just state what you believe the values of the time were.
Do not limit yourself to the suggestions I have provided here.

These papers are not book reports/film summaries.  Avoid lengthy summarization I have read the books and watched the films; I do not need to be told what they are about.  Use summarization only as necessary for evaluating the books and films.

You must cite the books properly.  History majors must use Chicago Manual Style.  Students majoring in other disciplines may use the citation style appropriate to that discipline.

Film Bare Knees and the PDF for the books will be added shortly

Write a response to the following post:

As Mosadeghrad (2014) has noted,

Healthcare service quality is even more difficult to define and measure than in other sectors. Distinct healthcare industry characteristics such as intangibility, heterogeneity, and simultaneity make it difficult to define and measure quality. Healthcare service is an intangible product and cannot physically be touched, felt, viewed, counted, or measured like manufactured goods. Producing tangible goods allows quantitative measures of quality since they can be sampled and tested for quality throughout the production process and in later use. However, healthcare service quality depends on service process, customer, and service provider interactions. Some healthcare quality attributes such as timeliness, consistency, and accuracy are hard to measure beyond a subjective assessment by the customer.

In addition, according to Bansal and Malhotra (2018), the essential components such as leadership style and practice, management, innovation, organizational structures, and patient-centered care are important for healthcare providers. Moreover, Harris and Mayo (2018) have observed that aspects like leadership behavior, work environment, work culture, and other things can play a critical role in the healthcare professions to improve patient care and job satisfaction.

Finally, according to Witjas-Paalberends et al. (2018), patient care involves things such as trust and decreasing conservation in the field that can increase or help to move quickly in the healthcare technologies (advanced big-data), and strategies in collaborative health innovations.

In summary, Cordery and Howell (2018) have reasoned that non-profit organizations were more likely to operate in trust goods such as health. Cordery and Howell (2018) agreed that governments prefer to fund non-profit organizations. For that reason, non-profit providers would deliver higher quality service to unprofitable patients and respond to community needs.


Bansal, R. N., & Malhotra, M. (2018). Catalyzing Public Healthcare Efficacy: Striking the Right Cords of Leadership. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 12(10), 16. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.7860/JCDR/2018/31233.12090

Cordery, C., & Howell, B. (2017). Ownership, Control, Agency and Residual Claims in Healthcare: Insights on Cooperatives and Non-Profit Organizations. Annals of Public & Cooperative Economics, 88(3), 403424. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1111/apce.12156

Harris, J., & Mayo, P. (2018). Taking a case study approach to assessing alternative leadership models in health care. British Journal of Nursing, 27(11), 608613. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.12968/bjon.2018.27.11.608

Mosadeghrad A. M. (2014). Factors influencing healthcare service quality. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 3(2), 7789. https://doi.org/10.15171/ijhpm.2014.65

Witjas-Paalberends, E. R., van Laarhoven, L. P. M., van de Burgwal, L. H. M., Feilzer, J., de Swart, J., Claassen, E., & Jansen, W. T. M. (2018). Challenges and best practices for big data-driven healthcare innovations conducted by profit-non-profit partnerships – a quantitative prioritization. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 11(3), 171181. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/20479700.2017.1371367

Reply  | 

Write a response to the following post:

When choosing a structure that will produce the highest quality of patient care, it is first essential to understand the various types of clients that will be served. Health care customers can be split into three main groups, including the patients, the physicians who recommend the healthcare procedures, and the health insurance providers (Pavla et al., 2017). Next, it is important to determine how the quality of patient care is measured since quality of services is the key factor that affects clients’ decisions in the health care market (Pavla et al., 2017). Quality to consumers can be measured in various forms including economic performance, convenience, number of aging and lower socioeconomic patients that are cared for, and government regulations or incentives that are utilized (Conti & Jones, 2017; Tynkkynen & Vrangbaek, 2018).

While there are both positive and negative quality outcomes to each structure, a review of literature argues a public, non-profit health care structure will ultimately produce the highest quality of patient care. First, public structures have shown better economic performance when compared to private health care organizations (Tynkkynen & Vrangbaek, 2018). In addition, public structures treat a larger population of aging and lower socioeconomic status patients (Tynkkynen & Vrangbaek, 2018). The Public Health Service Act is a government incentive that provides assistance to health care organizations who serve patients of a lower socioeconomic status (Conti & Jones, 2017). Federal policies and incentives seem to be geared toward helping public health care organizations because of their involvement within lower socioeconomic communities (Conti & Jones, 2017; Tynkkynen & Vrangbaek, 2018).

Not-for-profit health care is based on a service-driven model, which is seen to produce a higher quality of patient care (Price, 2018). The service-driven culture is a result of heavily relying on funding from donors and the community (Price, 2018). Public health care structures focus on the health of people within a community by promoting healthy lifestyles, detecting behavioral and economic risks, and researching disease and injury prevention (Wiley & Matthews, 2017). Because for-profit health care organizations function on a business model, they might not be as willing to give up profits for charitable causes for the communities they serve (Price, 2018). For these various reasons, it is argued that a public, non-profit health care structure will ultimately produce the highest quality of patient care.


Conti, R. M., & Jones, D. K. (2017). Policy diffusion across disparate disciplines: Private- and public-sector dynamics affecting state-level adoption of the ACA. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 42(2), 377-385. doi: http://dx.doi.org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1215/03616878-3766771

Pavla, S., Jana, H., Jana, L., Juliana, T., Soa, Z., & Jan, . (2017). The key factors influencing clients decision-making in the market of selected planned healthcare in the Czech Republic. Journal of Competitiveness, 9(4), 94-113. doi: https://doaj.org/article/ce3eb18851b5448d801b6bf905df3382

Price, N. (2018, May 16). For-profit healthcare organizations vs. Not-for-profit healthcare organizations [web log comment]. Retrieved from https://www.boardeffect.com/blog/for-profit-vs-not-for-profit-healthcare/.

Tynkkynen, L. & Vrangbaek, K. (2018). Comparing public and private providers: a scoping review of hospital services in Europe. BMC Health Services Research, 18(141). doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-018-2953-9

Wiley, L. F., & Matthews, G. W. (2017). Health care system transformation and integration: A call to action for public health. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 45(1_suppl), 9497. doi: https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1177/1073110517703335.

Part One:
1. Go over the attached link. (It is a 9 to 10 minutes YouTube Video.)
2. Who are the major stakeholders involved in this issue?  How are they affected/not affected by this issue? (List those stakeholders directly stated in the scenario and those who could possibly be affected.)

Part Two:
Discuss the following question: 

Should A.I. technology be implemented into all employment sectors?  (Pick one theory/principle that may support your position/answer. Explain how.)
Theories list: 1.Utilitarianism 2.Deontology 3.Kant’s Categorical Imperative