1) Through online research identify 3 organizations actively working for the positive discrimination Of minority or disadvantaged groups. Identify the cause and key policy advocated. Provide the websites for these organizations. Organizations can be international organizations.

2) Through online research identify projects and initiatives that aim at reducing intergroup conflicts by means of influencing attitudes. Identify purpose and mission. Provide the website for the organizations, can be international organizations

Use only HTML/CSS. Attached below are the resources needed. Code accordingly.

Take note:
– Google fonts to be used: Literata (Regular, Medium, Bold) and its pairing Roboto or Source Sans Pro
– mouse able to hover over each category and an orange line appears

Additional (if applicable within your ability):
– Geometric line to animate when user is scrolling down the page.

Use only HTML/CSS. Attached below are the resources needed. Code accordingly.

Take note:
– Google fonts to be used: Literata (Regular, Medium, Bold) and its pairing Roboto or Source Sans Pro
– mouse able to hover over each category and an orange line appears

Additional (if applicable within your ability):
– Geometric line to animate when user is scrolling down the page.

1. Discuss why we study complex systems science and methodologies when a reductionist approach offers a simpler alternative.
2.  Determine the stakeholder group for climate change and categorise them by their primary perspectives.
3.  Discuss the consequences of not recognising complexity in a problem situation. Illustrate your answer using the international dilemma of dealing with climate change and the range of stakeholders you have identified.
4. Discuss the usefulness of hard and soft systems methodologies for tackling climate change.

Integrated Experiential Learning: data visualizations of the exploratory data analysis
XN Project: data visualizations of the exploratory data analysis in Tableau
Project Goals and objectives
The Viacom Company wants to know the performance of audiences by using visualization tool. This project aims to find some patterns or trends from the customers online orders. Also, the project wants to make user portraits for future targeted advertising or recommendation. Therefore, the project may needs to solve business questions as following:
    What are the attributes of custom audience that result in high engagement (large clicks and low cpc)?
    Whether the number of users and orders are growing steadily each year, and whether the volume of sales is changing from quarter to quarter
    What kind of goods do people in different countries and regions prefer
    What’s the correlation between CTR and audiences’ impressions?
    Build the statistical model of predicting the cpm, cpc and ctr for them.
Dataset: custom_audience_ads.csv lookalike_data.csv
Data dictionary: data_dict_custom_audiences.docx

Requirement: Report includes the following information:
Use the dataset to analyze those business questions, Results of your exploratory analysis; conclusions you can draw from the exploratory analysis, data visualizations of the exploratory data analysis, etc

Report: 8001000 Word, double space. Include Screenshots and APA citations where appropriate.
Tableau: The twbx file.

Use only HTML/CSS. Attached are the resources needed, based on the mock-up example given, fully code and style accordingly.

Take note:
– Google Fonts to be used: Literata (Regular, Medium, Bold) with pairing of Roboto or Source Sans Pro
-Colours: #FCAC3F, #1A3295, #F5F5F5, #707070
– nav bar to hover over each category

Additional (if possible/within your ability to do so):
– the geometric line to appear slowly (animate) as user scrolls down

Imagine you are your companys marketing manager. You have been asked to review its slate of brands. Reflect on the process you would implement in order to objectively ensure the company did not have too many brands. Are your ideas innovative? Why?

Journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

In your 4- to 5-page paper, include:

I chose Google Classroom

An introduction to the digital technology you have chosen to address and the social, moral, or ethical concerns for the technology user (students, teachers, other users in your organization).

A review of current research on the topic that looks at trends in this area (e.g., statistics on use, frequency of negative behaviors). Pay particular attention to related social and moral issues.

At least four recommendations for building character in those using the chosen digital technology to ensure that it is used ethically while also supporting educational initiatives or aims of schooling. Consider what you have learned about character education.

Include the domain (moral, performance or civic) and values you are addressing. Your product will be students that have the character to interact with this technology in an ethical manner.