Overview of Prompt 2:  After reading about a study conducted on concussed student-athletes, you think you’ve identified a possible problem in the setup of the concussion study. In order to confirm your intuition, you use two datasets available to you.  After exploring the data, and performing the appropriate statistical analysis using RStudio, you are asked to write a letter to the editor of the concussion study that clearly explains your statistical findings.

Background (Motivation): Recovery curve after concussion for student athletes

The (fictitious) Midwest Journal of Medicine recently published a study of the recovery curve after concussions for student athletes.  Student athletes complete a computer-based neurocognitive assessment when they first enter their university and are given a baseline concussion score.  If a student athlete becomes concussed, they are asked to perform the assessments again and again until their neurocognitive assessment score returns to their baseline score.

You believe that hand dominance may have an impact on the study results and observe that this wasnt controlled for in the original study.  To show the importance of controlling for hand dominance when performing computer-based evaluations, you decide to conduct your own study among undergraduate students at UM.

Your Study: Effects of hand dominance on various computer-based activities for undergraduate students at UM.

You have two different datasets available to you coming from a random sample of undergraduate students at UM.  Each student was asked to perform a series of two computer-based activities that measure reaction time (Links to an external site.) and memory (Links to an external site.).  Each student performed each activity twice; first using their dominant hand and again using their non dominant hand. You will be using these study results to evaluate if hand dominance has an effect on reaction time and memory when measured through these two computer based activities.

Below is a summary of the data collected for each activity:

It is attached below

Your Task

Write a 500 – 700 word letter to the editor of the concussion study published in the Midwest Journal of Medicine (according to these two guidelines, guideline 1 (Links to an external site.) and guideline 2 (Links to an external site.)).  Your letter to the editor should clearly explain your concern with the original concussion study, your experiments, and the findings from your experiments. Using your statistical findings comment on the impact of hand dominance on both reaction time and memory assessment.

Be sure to include the following:

The motivation for your letter.  Specifically, state the concern with the original concussion study.
An introduction to the outline of your experiment including:
The type of experimental design
The type and role for each of the experimental variables: hand used (dominant versus non-dominant) and completion time
Explain how we use dependent data when evaluating how hand dominance affects reaction time and memory assessment through the two computer based activities
Should randomness have been used in the hand dominance experimental design? If so, at what point? Refer to the screenshots  of the survey questions.
For one of the experiments (reaction time or memory assessment), perform a hypothesis test to assess whether there is a difference in completion time, on average, when undergraduate students at UM use their dominant vs. non-dominant hand, using a 5% significance level. Be sure to include:
Definition of the parameter of interest in context
Your hypotheses and results of your test.  You can include either a screenshot from R or a table of important values (test statistic, distribution, and p-value) calculated by hand.
An evaluation of the p-value and conclusion in context
Define alpha and power in context
Explain two ways in which you could increase the power of this test
For the other experiment, compute the 95% confidence interval to estimate the mean difference in completion time for all undergraduate students at UM when they use their dominant vs. non-dominant hand. Be sure to include:
Definition of the parameter of interest in context
Your confidence interval.
An explanation to the editor regarding whether or not the method for creating a confidence interval is reliable. This explanation shouldnt depend on your specific sample, but is for the method in general.
A clear explanation of how the confidence interval can be used to assess if hand dominance has an effect on completion time, on average, for all undergraduate students at UM 
An explanation to the editor about how you would make your interval more precise
A brief conclusion including:
A summary about whether there is a difference in performance, on average, when undergraduate students at UM use their dominant vs. non-dominant hands during reaction time and memory tests
Recommendations to the original concussion researchers about how they can adjust a similar future study on concussions.

The two data files are attached as well memory and reaction time.

The table data is attached as well

The format of the letter should follow these two guidelines from the two links



Please attach your final report in PDF format only.  Font size of 11 pt or higher.  For each of the topics listed below, that were introduced in this class, please report the following:

1) Business application (in 6 words or less)

2) hyperlink to the web page

3) Brief summary of the application (3 –  5 sentences)


Regression Analysis


Time Series

Binomial Probability

Poisson Probability

Must have the program SPSS

This course exercises many skills related to understanding statistical procedures and analysis. For this assessment, you have the opportunity to incorporate many of the skills discussed in this course into a research report. You will use the GSS Explorer website, form a hypothesis, and then conduct a statistical analysis on the data in order to determine whether the hypothesis is accurate or not. In addition, you will record the results and make conclusions based on the hypothesis you originally designed. Having the ability to connect all the concepts to apply research and real variables ensures you understand the various methods of statistical analysis.

You will use data from the GSS Data Explorer website, which contains archival data. Archival data is pre-existing data that has been collected by another individual or organization and is available to be analyzed, enabling you to draw new conclusions about the data. The website requires you sign up for an account. If you need help with sign-up, watch GSS Data Explorer Instructions, which walks you through the process of creating an account with the website (free of charge), finding your variables for the research report, and extracting the data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Decide Your Variables
Begin by selecting two variables of your choice from the following list of variablesits recommended that you choose one from List A and one from list B. Note that “r” represents the participant.

List A
Labor force status (wrkstat).
Marital status (marital).
R’s highest degree (degree).
Have gun in home (owngun).
How often does r read newspaper (news).
Www hours per week (wwwhr).
List B
People helpful or looking out for selves (helpful).
People fair or try to take advantage (fair).
Can people be trusted (trust).
Days of poor mental health past 30 days (mntlhlth).
Told have depression (depress).
Happy or unhappy with life today (hapunhap).
Rs rating of life overall now from 010 (lifenow).
Rs quality of life (quallife).
Rs mental health, mood, and ability to think (hlthmntl).
In the past 7 days, how often r has been bothered by emotional problems (emoprobs).
How often r was unhappy or depressed in past 4 weeks (unhappy).
If you want to report demographic information on your participants (optional):

Respondent’s sex (sex).
Respondent’s race (race).
Extract Your Data
When you decide on your variables, extract your data from the GSS Data Explorer website. If you need help, watch GSS Data Explorer Instructions. Be sure to name your project for this course.

After you’ve extracted your data, design a research topic involving the two selected variables. For example, if you select condition of health and How often r attends religious services, you may want to research how religion impacts an individuals health and wellness.

Be sure to visit the Resources for this assessment to help you with the steps of your research report, such as the literature review, determining which statistical test to use, and writing your results in APA style.

The Research Report Template [DOCX] will help you include the following in your paper.

Literature Review.
Search for relevant, scholarly articles that support your hypothesis and argument.
Consult the Resources for this assessment for guidance on searching for sources.
You should have a total of six sources.
For each source, write 12 paragraphs that includes a main idea, evidence from the source, and an analysis.
Include both null and alternate hypotheses.
Describe the number of participants in the study.
For this archival data project, the number of participants refers to the number of participants who responded to both of your selected variables.
Discuss the measurement you chose from your work throughout the course.
Data Analysis.
Explain the form of analysis that you used to manipulate your data. Consider the following questions in your explanation.
From the point that you had the raw data, what test did you run?
Why did you select that test?
Why did you choose to manipulate the data?
How did you manipulate the data?
What results did you desire?
Report the results of your statistical analysis.
Reflect on whether your null hypothesis or alternate hypothesis is correct.
Make a conclusion in regard to the relationship between the variables.
Discuss your results in relation to the following:
How do your results compare to other research studies?
How can your results be generalized?
What were the limitations of the study?
Is your research valid and reliable? Or, how would you evaluate the validity and reliability of your study?
Submission Requirements
Submit the completed 68 page template as your deliverable for assessment. Be sure that you have cited all sources in APA style.

Note: Faculty may use the Writing Feedback Tool when grading this assessment. The Writing Feedback Tool is designed to provide you with guidance and resources to develop your writing based on five core skills. You will find writing feedback in the Scoring Guide for the assessment, once your work has been evaluated.

Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Apply appropriate notation, terminology, procedures, and concepts to statistics problems.
Explain the rationale for a selected measurement for a research study.
Describe conditions of the research findings that can be appropriately generalized.
Competency 3: Evaluate confidence and significance of statistical data.
Describe participants in relation to selected variables in a research study.
Explain the data analysis process for a research study.
Explain the reliability and validity of conclusions.
Competency 4: Apply quantitative analysis to individual, organizational, and social issues.
Report the results of a statistical analysis.
Discuss the conclusions of a research study.
Competency 5: Communicate quantitative analysis effectively in a manner consistent with expectations for psychology professionals.
Support hypothesis and arguments with relevant scholarly literature.
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.
Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.

1) choose a math book written for a general audience which appeals to you from the library
2) read a chapter ora section, (note something that strikes you on the first read)
3) re-read it carefully, (note something else that strikes you on the second read)
4) write a page summary and reaction; follow the guidelines:
Be sure to write in accurate, complete sentences.
Be sure to include
an accurate bibliographic entry for the text read
a statement of the topic addressed
a description of the area (what category? history, philosophy, geometry, etc.)
a statement of what appealed to you
a statement about what is clearer to you due to this reading
anything else you choose to express about the reading

From the projects, I expect:
Creativity (were trying to move away from book-like pictures).  Think of something a kid would enjoy looking at or enjoy creating.

Your project should bring meaning and life to the detailed vocabulary.  You, I and your classmates should find your approach interesting and engaging.

Your work should have a consistency to it, and at the end of the semester be a finished product.

The project should contain well-labeled diagrams with precise vocabulary that will be outlined in class.  You may use written definition as needed for clarity.

Projects will be collected at various points in the semester for grading, and you are expected to keep up with the work.

Rectangle assignment

Brainstorming Activity – Geometry Projects
Over the break, please begin to think about the geometry project that well complete during the second half of the semester. I would like you to spend some time exploring various ways to display geometric pictures and their associated vocabulary.

The first assignment to begin the portfolio is to:

Create 3 different versions/visions/constructions of a rectangle.

Your construction should:
Clearly show all relevant aspects of what makes a rectangle a rectangle

Have all relevant parts of the rectangle labeled, in some way

meet all the other criteria from the syllabus description I know this feels open-ended and vague.  It should.  The idea is for you to spend some time constructing and understanding geometric objects and vocabulary in a way that is significant for you. 

You will need to bring these three constructions to class on March 20. 

If you get stuck:
Try making rectangles with different materials.  If you used paper for one of the rectangles, dont use paper for the other two.

Try seeing rectangles or other shapes in different parts of your life.  Just try to be aware and tuned in to the geometry all around us

Try thinking about something you want to do/create/explore and see if you can fit geometry into that.  A random example off the top of my head:  if you like running, create running paths in the shapes of geometrical figures and use something like AllTrails to capture them.  Then, just go running a bunch.  Seriously this project should be something you like.

Answer these questions about the movie
Fermat’s Last Theorem – The Theorem and Its Proof: An Exploration of Issues and Ideas [1993]

Who is its main character? You may feel that the man is the main character, or you may feel
the equation is its main character. Be sure to mention both.

Why have I shown this to you now? What does the content have to do with logic?

Comment on what was interesting, surprising, or in general what you learned about
mathematicians or the culture of mathematics

Note a few of the mathematicians, aside from Wiles:

Note any of comments or stories that caught your attention:

What is Fermat’s Last Theorem, and why is it, and the proof, interesting?

What does Fermat’s Last Theorem, or its proof, contribute to the practical world?

What did you observe about problem solving techniques?


Compare python’s data analysis and extraction capabilities with the tools you use daily such as  Excel, R, Matlab, SAS etc.

Specifically, provide 3 points of comparison where Python differs from other analytics tools you are familiar with–such as R, SAS, Matlab, Excel, Tableu, etc.

I would like a mathematical summary of the topic “Cancer-Immune Interactions” using the attached research papers. With the “Cancer therapeutic potential” being the main source.

I would like the first page to be a summary of the topic “Cancer-Immune Interactions”, and the rest of the two pages to answer each of the following questions.

How does the immune system affect tumor cell growth?

Could it be responsible for dormancy followed by aggressive recurrence?

How therapies impact this interplay?

So, in summary, page number 1 talk about the topic “Cancer-Immune Interactions”,
page 2 answers “How does the immune system affect tumor cell growth?”
page 2-3 answer “Could it be responsible for dormancy followed by aggressive recurrence?”
page 3 answer “How therapies impact this interplay?”

Thank you.

I would like a mathematical summary of the topic “Cancer-Immune Interactions” using the attached research papers. With the “Cancer therapeutic potential” being the main source.

I would like the first two pages to be a summary of the topic “Cancer-Immune Interactions”, and the rest of the three pages to answer each of the following questions.

How does the immune system affect tumor cell growth?

Could it be responsible for dormancy followed by aggressive recurrence?

How therapies impact this interplay?

So, in summary, pages number 1 and 2 talk about the topic “Cancer-Immune Interactions”,
page 3 answer “How does the immune system affect tumor cell growth?”
page 4 answer “Could it be responsible for dormancy followed by aggressive recurrence?”
page 5 answer “How therapies impact this interplay?”

Thank you.

Sample design is very important, as we saw in the U.S. 2000 presidential election, where Florida was initially declared for the Democratic candidate based on a sample that did not truly reflect the entire state. Careful consideration must be paid to ensure a representative sample if we are inferring those results on a population.
Have you seen or read about an example where data were presented on an issue, but the sample was not representative of the population from which it was drawn? If you can’t recall a specific example, locate one using an Internet search.

For this discussion, summarize the issue and respond to the following questions.

Why do you believe the sample was not representative of the population?
What are the undesirable consequences of using a poor sampling technique?
How could the inaccurate reporting of the data been prevented?
Your initial response should be four paragraphs in length. Use current APA formatting to cite your sources.
Make your initial post by the fourth day of the module week. Return to the discussion later in the module week to read and reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Your replies should be at least two paragraphs. In your replies include the following.

What could have been done during the sample selection process to ensure the sample was representative of the population?
What additional undesirable consequences do you see from the inaccurate reporting of data from a non-representative sample?
Review the Discussion Rubric for detailed grading instructions.