This assignment consists of a short essay question, and a short response question. The main intent of these questions is to ensure that you have a sound grasp of the fundamentals of the material presented in this unit. To that end, there is a 3 to 4 page (1000 words) limit for the short essay question. Im not so concerned with whether you agree with a particular author or not. The quality of your answer is based on your exposition of the competing positions, your comparative analysis of those positions and, lastly, your argument in support of the position you defend.
As with all the assignments in this course, the short essay question is not designed to be a research question. There is no requirement to get material from external sources such as other authors, or reference websites, who have summarized, or criticized, the authors you are dealing with. In effect, including such material defeats your purpose in completing your essay because you are essentially telling me what some other person thought about the material you should be explaining and assessing. If you make reference to sources external to the course readings it will be detrimental to your mark. In some cases, I may ask you to re-work and submit your assignment. The point of your essay is to formulate the course material and develop your critical response. You can do this by working with the course material and developing your own ideas about the issue. The essay is simply your opportunity to set that out in paper.
So, the material you need to successfully complete this assignment can be found in the online course materials available through the UMLearn course site. There may also be some reading material that is part of the hard copy course readings package. You can find this information on the course materials section of our course UMLearn website.
1. Short Essay Question: (90 marks) Consider the three arguments in support of the existence of God: the Ontological argument, the Cosmological Argument, and the Teleological Argument. Explain these three competing arguments by making reference to the authors included in our course readings. Which argument offers the most plausible justification for the existence of God? Explain why.
2. Short Response Question: (10 marks) You should try to limit yourself to two or three paragraphs for this question.
The logical problem of evil maintains that the God doesnt exist because of a logical inconsistency. Explain that logical inconsistency. 
Assigned reading/viewing/listening
The assigned readings should be read in the following order:

1.  Clifford, William Kingdom. The ethics of belief.

2.  James, William. The will to believe.

3.  Saint Anselm, excerpts from Proslogion. (The Ontological Argument) Chapters II V.

4.  Saint Thomas Aquinas, excerpts from Summa Theologica. (The Cosmological Argument). Question 2 Article 3 Whether God exists?

5.  David Hume, excerpts from Dialogues concerning natural religion. Part II.

6.  William Paley. State of the argument and application of the argument continued. In Natural Theology.

7.  David Hume. Part X from Dialogues concerning natural religion.

8.  MacKie, J. L. 1955. “Evil and Omnipotence.” Mind 64: 200-212. Available in your readings package.

9.  Peterson, Michael, William Hasker, Bruce Reichenbach, and David Basinger. 1991. “The logical problem of evil,” from Reason and religious belief, 94-107. New York: Oxford University Press. Available in your readings package.

10.  Hume, David. Skeptical challenge to the belief in miracles. Section X, Of Miracles, Part I.

Post your final project presentation to this discussion topic, and in your initial post, address the following:

What do you feel is most successful about your final presentation?
Briefly describe the challenges you encountered in creating your final presentation. These could be issues with PowerPoint or the other applications used to build your presentation, issues analyzing your media artifact and making recommendations to change it, or even issues in identifying/breaking down the tools and technology used to create the artifact.
A consideration of the tools and technology regarding social media (for improving effectiveness in conveying messages) was an important aspect of the course. How do you think you will use social media going forward as it relates to your future studies or a potential future career in media/communications?
How will you use the concepts presented in this course in your future career?
In responding to at least one of your peers, choose a project that has not received feedback yet, and provide your classmate with comments that primarily identify and discuss the strengths of their presentation. Are there any similarities or differences in their presentationor in their initial discussion postto your own presentation or initial discussion post? Offer support and/or advice regarding their future goals.

What do you feel is most successful about your final presentation?
I completed the project despite coming down with pneumonia. Having connected the Adidas sneakers in the photo to lyrics from an old Run DMC song gave me my focus and I stuck with the idea about delivering good news, so follow through was my only real success.

Briefly describe the challenges you encountered in creating your final presentation.
The final slide was a challenge for me. My mind went blank on how to create a visual representation of my thought process.  I am not sure I succeeded in transforming my thoughts into an artifact that makes sense to anyone other than myself.

Briefly describe the challenges you encountered in creating your final presentation
My PowerPoint template was corrupted somehow since the last class I used it for, and I had several technical glitches.

How do you think you will use social media going forward as it relates to your future studies or a potential future career in media/communications?
A few years back I won a small cash prize for a novel I wrote and met with an agent from New York who refused to represent me because I am not active enough on social media. I do not like to document my every thought, pandering towards an audience. I am a boring individual., which makes me chuckle, because I am never ever bored. To try to become popular just to jump start a career feels artificial. I write because I must and if I continue only selling three to four stories a year, I will use my day job to cover the spread with bills.  Luckily, my husband is an engineer who earns a decent income, and our kids are grown. Show, dont tell, is the advice creative writers are given about writing and it is hard for me  to constantly tell the world what I am up to.

How will you use the concepts presented in this course in your future career?
Paying close attention to my own bias I will try to refrain from actively persuading others to agree with me. My attitudes and preferences hardly matter in the grand scheme of things. My point of view has been formed through a lifetime of experiences, but my viewpoint is mine alone, and I do not want to push any sort of agenda on others. I will be using my critical thinking skills to review novels for a living as well as writing some lifestyle pieces. I will get paid to share my opinion, so not leaning into bias requires a lot of objective thinking. 21 years after I walked away from a newspaper job because they refused to write about the unfair treatment of a black man, I find myself in a world that looks eerily familiar. Black men still get beat down (or killed) by authority figures simply for living in the skin they are in, and that upsets me. A trick of genetics allowed me to roam through life without harassment (about my skin tone at least, I could fill volumes with #metoo stories, but they bore me, so how could I expect anyone else to care)  but because my mom and stepdad are brown, I have witnessed firsthand there are separate Americas. When we went to the country club for my mom to get her teacher of the year award when I was 13, she was instructed where the cleaning staff should report, even though she wore a suit and her picture was in the lobby as the guest of honor that night. The major thing that has changed is now there is a camera in smart phones to documents truths so many were blind to before. Once, I gave up on being a cog in the media machine, but I think the world is more receptive to certain stories than they once were, and I look forward to spinning my gears, and adding input.

Question 1. What was your initial reaction to this book? Did you find it interesting? Was it an easy read? Do you feel like it applied well into the class? Was there anything you did not like? Book: The Power of Resilience Book by yossi

Question 2: Although the Katrina evacuation was a success, what about it was not so well though out specifically due to the evacuation?

Question 3: In the TED talk Breaking Down the Risk, he mentions a quote ” I’ve always wanted to sail the seven seas but I can’t afford it, what these people can’t afford is not to go.” Why would he mention this quote and how do you feel it applies to risk? Breaking down risk: Steve Fisher at TEDxAthens

I attached my final paper instructions. This is what you will be using I choose this facility and got it approved already.

Facility: Lincoln Tunnel

Top 1 disaster

1. Flooding

I will focus on flooding. The most recent flooding that happened in the Lincoln tunnel was caused by a water main rupture in a facility room.

A case study I found but you don’t have to use if you find something better is a study for Port of Miami Tunnel “Resiliency Through Flood Gates.” This study talks about building resilience to climatic risks and sea level predictions. It talks about how important flood gates are and the estimated amount of money you save by just having them if a flooding was to occur. The Lincoln tunnel has 44,600 pound flood gates as well, a water-tight barrier that seals the entire portal to the tunnels.

1. There needs to be Porters five forces model diagram included regarding Online High School.
2. Other macroenvironmental external factors
3. Required Internal Resources and Competencies to Compete in the Market
4. Required Licenses, Patents, and Rulings or Legal Requirements to Compete in the Market

Each of the Aforementioned needs to be a heading topic. The topic is Online High School.

Porters five forces model is a standard for industry analysis, used extensively to understand the core profitability of a market. Because you have been hired to provide expert objective insight, you are expected to deliver a deep-level analysis using the Porter model. It is not the obvious factors, such as the existing competition will fight for market share, that creates confidence in your ability from the client. It is the identification of the core foundational elements of an industry and the complicated interaction of external and therefore non-controllable factors that determine if a product launch is likely to be successful. Identifying those factors will make you seem valuable to your client.
It is very likely that JGJ Inc. may not have all of the required internal competencies and resources necessary to compete in the new market. Since you are not an insider, you do not know all of your clients capabilities, capacities, and resources. You do not need to know. Your role here is to provide a thorough objective description of what is needed, not to analyze or rate your client. Therefore, you will need to provide an objective overview of these needed competencies and resources so JGJs management team can determine what it has and what it needs.

Either select an organization that you are currently working in or assume the role of CEO of your own organization. How would you go about incorporating the ideas learned in class into the organization and its people?

Discuss the following:

How will you enable people to be more aware?

How will you enable Joyful work?

What will you do to enable internal motivation?

How will you implement a culture of humanistic leadership?

What process will you use to develop people?

What will you do to enable creative and critical thinking in daily activities?

How will teams be taught to work together well and make good joint decisions?

What will you do to improve interpersonal communications in the organization?

What will you do to encourage people to be more inclusive and appreciative of each other?

On a personal note, what will you do to enable yourself to grow and develop as a leader of self and others, as a result of your learning and experience in our class?

Aim for 8-10 references (APA)

Using the Zou Fencing Case, address the following in your paper

Discuss the key items auditors must consider when determining the design effectiveness of internal controls AND  when testing the operating effectiveness of internal controls.

What sort of evidence must an auditor consider when testing the operating effectiveness of internal controls?

In this case for each of the risk identified by the engagement team, determine if the evaluation of design was appropriate (explain why or why not).

Also discuss whether engagement team appropriately evaluated each risk, justify your answer.

Your relevant authoritative guidance MUST come from the PCOAB auditing standards. (Needs to be cited accordingly and MUST state which standard number is being used). Must have at least 2 standard numbers and you need to explain why that standard number was chosen in a cohesive manner. PCAOB Auditing Standards Available at:

All works cited needs to come from the PCAOB Auditing Standards webpage (link above). Also the Works cited page needs to be properly written. This is an example of how it n MUST look like : Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. (2002). Responsibilities and functions of the independent auditor. In General auditing standards (AS 1001). Retrieved from (date last accessed 10/14/2020)

Using the ABC Retailers – Internal Controls Case (PDF Attached), address the following in your report:

    Is the failure in the vendor request change form control indicative of a material weakness in internal control over financial reporting? Why or why not?
    What are the considerations an auditor must take into account when deciding whether a control deficiency is severe or a material weakness?
    Does the Assistant Controllers failure to adequately review the Vendor Change Form represent a deficiency in the design or operating effectiveness of the control? Explain your choice.
    What implications does the deficiency listed above have on other specific controls?

*Notes: These objectives should be addressed through out your paper. To make your report a cohesive analysis, you should not be addressing these item one by one and in order. Consider how these bullet points below relate to each other.  DO NOT simply copy and paste the auditing standards directly into your paper. 1. You should be putting the concept that is relevant from the standards into your own words. 2. You should be explaining why you think a standard is relevant.

Your relevant authoritative guidance MUST come from the PCOAB auditing standards. (Needs to be cited accordingly and MUST state which standard number is being used). Must have at least 2 standard numbers and you need to explain why that standard number was chosen in a cohesive manner. PCAOB Auditing Standards Available at:

All works cited needs to come from the PCAOB Auditing Standards webpage (link above). Also the Works cited page needs to be properly written. This is an example of how it n MUST look like : Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. (2002). Responsibilities and functions of the independent auditor. In General auditing standards (AS 1001). Retrieved from (date last accessed 10/14/2020)