The focus of this units discussion is not on the financial planning process, but rather on the capital structure of the CCRC.   

Based on the information provided in the scenario and on an outside review of the relevant literature, and assuming that the CCRC is a private, non-profit business, formulate a strategy that the organization can use in determining its optimal capital structure. There are a number of methodological approaches to developing a firms capital structure, so these should be examined in preparation for completing this assignment. Like the financial plan, keep in mind, that the capital structure is dynamic and highly influenced by economic, political, fiscal policy, and other market forces.

So, what may represent an optimal capital structure today could be less beneficial for the company tomorrow. The key is to find the right mix of debt and equity financing, so as to ensure the financial well-being of the organization.  All recommendations should be logically presented and well supported with three references.

In light of COVID-19 and the observance of social distancing, I have modified this assignment to make it more relevant to what is happening today. If needed, contact me with any questions on this Leadership Communication in a Pandemic paper.

The Leadership Communication in a Pandemic paper will consist double-spaced pages, times roman 12, 1 inch margins detailing the events of the experience, and linking the group experience to the class readings. The essay explore your experiences and impressions regarding COVID-19 as it relates to leadership communications and concepts of the textbook. Proper citations for the textbook concepts are required to be used.  (NOTE:  If you are using an eBook, while it does not have page numbers, you still need to cite the text.  You can do so by using the following format:  “Johnson/Hackman, eBook, Section…”.)  Please do not use actual names of individuals in your essay.

The Leadership Communication in a Pandemic paper, includes the following three sections. Please highlight and label the following headings in your paper (Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3):

1) Section 1: A brief description of how COVID-19 has impacted you, personally(one of my relatives got sick), professionally( I lost job for a few months) and academically( I couldnt see my advisor). This includes information about your personal experiences as it relates to Leadership Communications. Section 1 should be no longer than 1-2 pages with proper citations, when appropriate.  (NOTE:  If you are using an eBook, while it does not have page numbers, you still need to cite the text.  You can do so by using the following format:  “Johnson/Hackman, eBook, Section…”.).

2) Section 2: The next section should provide a description of how COVID-19 has affected society at large and how it relates to Leadership Communications. This is the meat of your paper.  Think big picture. How has it changed the world as we know it? What will be the long term impact? How has the way we interact, socialize, do business, etc. changed? Project how communications will be affected and/or different moving forward. What were some of the key communication messages being utilized? People and organizations communicate with others for a variety of reasons – to inform, persuade, prevent misunderstandings, present a point of view or reduce barriers.

This section can includes notable comments made about the pandemic, actions that have been implemented, and the impact long and short term. Think big picture. Reflect back to how the pandemic was handled and how it will affect/change our lives moving forward. In this section, you need to link your observations and analysis with the class readings. Reference at least five main concepts (decision making, ethics, power, leadership styles, followership, decision making, diversity, , etc.) from the textbook. You are required to use proper citations.  (NOTE:  If you are using an eBook, while it does not have page numbers, you still need to cite the text.  You can do so by using the following format:  “Johnson/Hackman, eBook, Section…”.)  Do not just talk about the virus, but rather interpret and analyze what has happened and how it relates to the various concepts we’ve covered in this Leadership Communication course and the text.  Section 2 should be approximately 3-4 pages.

3) Section 3: This section is based on your own personal perspectives, reflections, and viewpoints.  Back up your personal reflections about COVID-19 and Leadership Communications with information you learned in own life experiences and/or the course this semester.  Provide new insights and speak from your own unique voice as it relates to Leadership Communications. Textbook citations are NOT needed  in this section is about your thoughts and insights supported by your reasoning and logical explanations. Section 3 should be approximately 1-2 pages.

The textbook suggests that there is some disagreement over the value of standpipe and hose systems as they may give false security to building occupants. Some believe having a standpipe hose may create the impression that occupants should fight fire even though a safer course would be to escape. What are your thoughts? Have you ever lived in an apartment, worked in a building, or attended a school that had a standpipe hose system? Do you believe occupants should fight fire? Do you believe they should escape? Why, or why not?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

A lot of new technologies are being introduced to reshape many parts of the world.  I want to hear from you – what technology will bring most changes to operations management (OM) and why?

You may choose one (or two) from Big Data, Cloud computing, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Nano Technology, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Self-driving car,  IoT, or any thing you heard of related to the 4th generation industrial revolutions (refer to Link (Links to an external site.)). And then, project them onto the OM topics we have covered (e.g., product design, quality control, forecasting, capacity planning, process design, supply chain management, inventory, layout strategy, location strategy, etc.) to describe anticipated changes. Put your claim with clear focus on What? & Why?

Write a summary of Application of Analytics in Marketing (minimum 1-page summary).

You can also search YouTube videos for Applications of Analytics in Marketing.

There are many other books on the same subject. If you do not have access to these 2 books, select any other book on Applications of Analytics in Marketing and select an application and write about it.

There are 2 prompts you can choose from. The first prompt is that you can take a film we watched in class (list of films provided) and compare it to a film of your choice by the same director. An example of this prompt would be taking the movie Isle of Dogs by Wes Anderson (which we watched in class) and comparing it to any other Wes Anderson film. The second prompt is that you can choose a film we watched in class (see list of films) and choose any film of your choice by any director that takes place in the same city as the movie you choose from our class. An example of this prompt would be choosing Rocky (a film we watched in class) which takes place in Philadelphia and comparing it to any other movie of your choice that takes place in Philadelphia. The example I provided was comparing Rocky to Unbreakable which is another film that takes place in the city of Philadelphia. Regardless of which prompt you choose, you are going to be comparing the two films. You will need to make a thesis for this paper. An example thesis that was given by my professor was Through his films In the Mood for Love and 2046, Wong Kar-wai explores the placelessness of Hong Kong identity through tempestuous, unfulfilled romantic relationships. So if you make your own thesis it must be something specific like that. A thesis I came up with is Through the films Rocky and Unbreakable, John G. Avildsen and M. Night Shyamalan explores Philadelphian identity through the social structuring of heroism, the different types of heroes, and the problems that arise with being a hero. So if you would like to use my thesis you can. I will attach the annotated bibliography that I wrote to accompany that thesis. Also the paper needs to be in MLA 8 format and have citations. You need to cite your work, please use credible sources such as academic journals, scholarly articles, etc. If you use the thesis I came up with you can use the 4 journals that I found and cited in my annotated bibliography. Thank you so much for the help. I hope this makes sense. If you have any questions please ask me. I would love to collaborate and and communicate through this project.

You have been interviewing for an executive leadership position within your sector specialty (corporate, government, or nonprofit). The search committee has notified you that three finalists will go to the next round of the interview process.

Now that you have passed all the interview phases, you must submit a business letter outlining your leadership philosophy as it relates to this position.

Be cognizant of your own leadership philosophy criteria, with an option to include the following in your letter:

Leadership philosophy implementation proposal the first year.
Direction of sector for future initiatives.
Sustainability for strengths in organization culture.

5 scholarly resources

Write a 1 page (approximately 500 word) essay, due November 24, 2020 by the beginning of class 11:45 am.

Write the essay as a MS Word.docx then copy and paste into this Quiz.

Essay format; students name, title/subject, analysis, Times New Roman, black, font size 12, in English. The essay will be in your words, evidence of copying the works of others that is not referenced will result in no points being awarded for the assignment. Data and statements of fact not considered common knowledge must be referenced. References are not counted in the overall 500 word count. Sources of information used in the essay presented using APA format.

Interview Paper

Select a professional in the human service/ social work field and conduct an interview (in person, over phone or virtually). This is a unique opportunity for you to gain first-hand knowledge from a person working as a human service professional, and get a more practical idea of challenges faced the field. Provide a detailed summary of the interview (be sure to develop your interview questions before the interview, and to ask permission to record before interview). Then reflect on your entire experience, including but not limited to: lessons learned, advise/ encouragement given, why particular person/ organization selected, if any difficulties with assignment, etc. The paper should be 4-5 pages in length and conform to proper APA format (including New Times Roman and 12pt font).

For your Course Project, you will be exploring contemporary issues in Global Business.

The purpose of your Course Project is to demonstrate your understanding, comprehension, and mastery of the following concepts:

Identify trends and current issues in global business
Assess business issues related to global business
Use global business terminology
Throughout this semester you will be acquiring knowledge on global business topics, theories, as well as terminology. You will apply this new knowledge to your Course Project. First, you will identify a current global business topic. You can choose your topic from the options listed below, or you may choose a current topic that interests you.

Once you have chosen your topic, you will then choose ten (10) current readings/articles that are directly related to your topic from a credible source. Suggestions for sources are listed below as well. Every week, beginning with Week 2, you will review one of your ten articles, and write a 500 word synopsis summarizing the reading and describing how it applies in a practical, professional context to global business.

At the completion of the 10 weeks you will have accumulated ten article summaries. You will then assemble the readings/articles, your ten completed written summaries, a cover page, and a table of contents in a professional portfolio to submit for grading during Week 13.

Ideas of topics include:

Equal Employment            Managing Diversity            Sexual Harassment           

Affirmative Action              Compensation                  Benefits                                 

Recruitment                    Selection Tools                Performance Appraisal

Training & Development    Health and Safety            Workers Compensation                                                   

Ideas for sources include:

Magazines (Newsweek, Business Week, Time)
Internet (news sites, business sites)

Final Term Project – Will be submitted in a professional portfolio and turned in by the end of Week 13 in the following required format:

        1. Cover Page

        2. Table of Contents

        3. Ten Finalized Written 500 word Summaries

        4. Properly formatted APA References page including link to article