write a essay on what you planned to do after high school. 3paragraphs for your essay.

the details on what i want to do after high school

details: I plan to go community college at east Mississippi community college for 2 years and then go to Alcorn State for 4 years to get my BSN degree and go off to medical school and get my registered nurse license and move to Houston Texas and start family

write a essay on what you planned to do after high school. 3paragraphs for your essay.

the details on what i want to do after high school

details: I plan to go community college at east Mississippi community college for 2 years and then go to Alcorn State for 4 years to get my BSN degree and go off to medical school and get my registered nurse license and move to Houston Texas and start family

Thoroughly answer the following questions:

1. Immunomedics was alerted that there was some negative buzz about the company in a chat room. The poster used a pseudonym, and therefore the company was unable to identify the poster for lawsuit purposes. The only information the company could ascertain was the poster’s ISP. So the company decided to subpoena the ISP for identity information of the poster in order to file suite against the poster. How should the courts handle these cases, where the company’s complaints may, or may not rise to the level of an actionable legal claim?

2. Should Craigslist be subject to liability for FHA violations? Why or why not? Cite appropriate legal principles when explaining your answer.

3. HHS and the FTC recently launched an investigation into a major pharmacy chain for its information disposal practices. The regulators claimed that the pharmacy chain failed to protect customers’ sensitive financial and medical information by disposing prescriptions and labeled pill bottles in dumpsters that were accessible by the public. Based on the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996), what consequences should a company face for failing to properly dispose of customer information? For HIPAA act, you may check the website.

4. Trust is an important part of the continued growth and development of the Internet. This is particularly the case with respect to social networking. Media reports of disturbing stories and case law alike have shown some of the consequences that can arise when individuals create false social networking profiles. In a case in California, and individual established a fake MySpace profile of his former church pastor. On the profile, he posted content that suggested that the pastor used drugs and was homosexual. Can criminal charges be brought against the party that created the fake profile?

5. Read the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) at ED, discuss who has access to your educational record at APUS. Furthermore, what is the roles and responsibilities for APUS instructors and students to comply with FERPA

Answer all questions in a Microsoft Word document.
APA Format
Font: Arial 10 point size
Line Spacing: Double

This is an exam, you have to answer these 5 questions with 500 words or less.

Compare and contrast the approaches to Senate reform taken by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

What are the arguments for and against party discipline?

Why were sections 1 and 33 included in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Under what conditions might it be acceptable for the Queen or the Governor General to refuse to take direction from the Prime Minister?

How does the Charter of Rights and Freedoms enhance the power of the judiciary? 

In the Apology and the Crito, is Socrates saying one should always obey the state no matter what? What argument is he making in the Crito by having the law speak rather than saying those words himself?  How does what the law says connect with with what Socrates says about obedience to the state and conscience in the Apology? How does it connect with his own life and actions?  When should one obey the state?  How would Henry David Thoreau, who refused to pay his taxes because they would be used in part to support slavery and who briefly went to jail for his choice, answer Socrates? Would he urge Socrates to escape or to stay in jail?  Do you agree with either or both of these thinkers on when a person should obey the state? Why or why not? Illustrate your answer with arguments from the Apology, the Crito, and Civil Disobedience.

Directions: Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs, and a conclusion. Use evidence from at least three documents in your essay. Support your response with relevant facts, examples, and details. Include additional outside information.

Historical Context: Colonial political developments were influenced by traditions from their mother country – England, as well as ideas from the Age of Enlightenment, and colonial experiences.  Self-governing structures were common and yet varied in procedure and nature across the 13 colonies. 

Task: Using the information from the documents in part A and your knowledge of US history, write an essay in which you: 

Discuss the development of self-governing structures in the colonies. 

Specifically, discuss some examples of self-governing structures that evolved in the colonies. 

Describe the impact of political precedent on the evolution of self governing structures in the colonies. 

Specifically, describe the impact of documents such as the Magna Carta and Enlightenment thinkers on the evolution of self-governing structures in the colonies. 


In your essay, be sure to:

Develop all aspects of the task 

Incorporate information from at least three documents

Incorporate relevant outside information

Support the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details

Use a logical and clear plan of organization, including an introduction and a conclusion that are beyond a restatement of the theme

  Cruise the APUS Library search tools shown in the list below.  Share in your forum post at least 3 databases, search engines, or portals that you explored. Indicate which one(s) might be the most helpful to your research.  Use this assignment to explore at least one search tool new to you.

To get started, check out the APUS Library video tutorials.  You can access them via the ONLINE RESEARCH tab in the main navigation bar on the library’s home page. All videos are closed captioned and are best viewed using Firefox.  These FAQs that might also be useful to help you access the tutorials:

I need help with learning to use the library. Are there any tutorials?
Are there tutorials that can help me learn to use specific library databases?
I’m new to e-books. Are there any tutorials that can help me get more comfortable with them?
What is the Academic Integrity Tutorial?
The web resources in the APUS Library linked below may be helpful in your research.
Social Science Research Network
IR and Security Network
Directory of Open Access Journals
Here’s a FAQ that may help you:  Where can I find open access journals or ebooks in our library?
Current Government Information
Google Scholar
Please note that is you use Google Scholar from inside the APUS Library the results will indicate which sources are available in the library. This FAQ explains how to do this: How can I see full-text links for the APUS Library in Google Scholar?
3.  Sometimes looking at poor examples of a piece of writing can help us build better examples.  In this part of the forum, we are going to look at some research questions that are not particularly well-designed.  Well see why these are problematic and look at improved versions.

To see them go to the Sample Research Questions in the APUS Librarys Writing@APUS section.  You will see a table showing questions that are identified as being problematic and then revised to be well-designed.  The problems identified in these questions are shown here:

Too narrow
Unfocused/too broad
Too objective
Too simple
After you have looked at the well-designed version of the questions and read the rationale for the changes, post your views on why the problematic research questions should be revised.  For example, explain why a research question that is too narrow is a problem and, at the other end of the spectrum, why a research question that is too broad is not a good idea.  Explain why being too objective could be an issue and why a question that is too simple is less than desirable.

As you address these undesirable traits, try drafting poorly designed questions from your field of study.  For instance, if your field is environmental management, a research question that is too broad might be something like this:  What are the effects of climate change?  A question that is too simple might be:  How are cities addressing issues of climate change?  Although you may not come up with examples of problematic research questions from your field for all 4 traits, do your best. Try to share at least 2 examples.

When you respond to the posts of others, see if you agree with their reasons for these traits being problematic.  Give them respectful, constructive feedback on the examples they set forth.

(Please note that the table used in the APUS Librarys Sample Research Questions page is based on the work done at the Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching of Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ.  The page has a link to this center where youll find more info about research questions, including a list of additional resources.)

The URL for APUS Library Sample Research Questions is:    https://www.apus.edu/apus-library/resources-services/Writing/writing-center/graduate-writing/writing-the-research-question.html

The APUS Library, in its Writing@APUS section, explores the traits of research questions (even though this is in the section for graduate students, it applies to the work you are doing in this course).  The site looks at what a research question is and what it is not. It looks at strong and weak research questions and compares research questions and thesis statements.  Take a few moments to review this information:  Writing the Research Question.

Then, following the model below (including bold headings), compose and submit a set of 5 research questions for a topic in your field of study or major that really intrigues you. These research questions will guide you as you begin your research process.  You will likely find that one research question stands out and that, ultimately, your thesis statement may provide answer(s) to that research question. 

Remember that your final 2,000 word paper must include a minimum of 7 sources with at least 4 sources coming from peer-reviewed journals from the APUS library.

Field of Study or Major: General Studies


Five (5) Draft Research Questions:






Research Question Checklist:

Look at each question to see if it meets most of the criteria shown here.  If it does not, please replace or revise it.  Then write your revised questions below.

Does the question deal with something that really interests me?
Is it a topic I can research at the APUS Library?
Is the span of information I want to cover reasonable?
Is the question too broad, too narrow, or just right?
Is the question an open-ended question that invites inquiry?
Five (5) Revised Research Questions:




