Write a short concise petition to support allowing outdoor NCAA and MAAC college athletic competitions and allow spectators, specifically parents which are threatened by COVID-19. Specifically mens lacrosse.

– mental well-being of college athletes and their need for competition due to lifelong training to perform at collegiate level.

– investment of parents and students who have invested more than $100k for a college athlete experience.

– Tri-state (NY, NJ, PA) rules are less restrictive for even high school athletic competitions.

– Freedom of choice for participant who may have already survived COVID-19 or been immunized.



Paper instructions: Please read through the attachment & complete the assignment. Answer Discussion utilizing in-text citations and References per the assignment instructions. Please also show clearly the questions being answered directly & precisely according to the directions provided. Background information reading attached in hyperlinks of attachment.

Paper Instructions:  For this Module 3 SLP Assignment, you are required to apply application to Product/Service- “Travel Agency” as it relates to a Distribution & Marketing Plan for the company. Research is required. The written assignment requires an Intro (2-3 sentences), Body, Conclusion (2-3sentences), in-text citations and References, written in third person. Please show clearly in the written report the topics from the Mod3SLP being answered directly & entirely. A Template  is provided to formulate the paper flow. Use the overview attachment for references (hyperlinks) and very important, please use schools library as directions Research Instructions state as a MUST requirement. Also, be careful of paragraph construction and using very long paragraphs. Develop a single idea (based off subtitles) in a paragraph rather than multiple ideas, which can impede readability and understanding.

Paper instructions: For this Module 3 Case, it involves learning about marketing and creating a distribution & marketing plan. The Case Assignment Expectations: The written assignment requires an Intro, Body, Conclusion, in-text APA citations and References, written in third person. Please show clearly in the written report the topics from the Mod3 Case Assignment being answered directly & entirely. Use the background/overview attachment for references (attached) along with 3 other sources that you find. The assignment includes a template to follow to help the flow of the assignment. Very important, please Be careful of paragraph construction and using very long paragraphs. Develop a single idea in a paragraph rather than multiple ideas, which can impede readability and understanding.

Paper instructions: Please read through the attachment & complete the assignment. Answer Discussion utilizing in-text citations and References per the assignment instructions. Please also show clearly the questions being answered directly & precisely according to the directions provided. Background information reading attached in hyperlinks of attachment.

When pharmaceutical companies market to customers they must take the time to consider who influences the customers decision making.  There are many social influences as well as psychological variables that dictate a patients course of action for an illness.  Some patients may choose not to get treatment, other patients may ask their doctor for a particular brand name drug because someone they know had success when taking it.

Assuming the perspective of the patient, write about the social and psychological variables that will influence a patient when deciding on a treatment/medication.  You need to identify a minimum of 5 social and psychological variables that would influence a patient.  After you have identified the different variables / influencers, discuss who you think pharmaceutical companies should market too.

On your cover page, include your name, and date.  The final product will be a paper that is 2 pages double-spaced, with 2-3 references, APA formatted.

Imagine you had Interview someone that has a position to which you aspire, or works in a field in which you are interested. Your dream job is to be an athlete director working with kids in a school. Mostly grades from Pr4-12 grades. Like what do you have to do to get there. What internships or volunteer work. You have a masters in sports Administration. What can that degree help with. Do you need to be certified to become an athlete director?



Research and discuss the development of the iPhone. How was it created? How was it a disruptive innovation? How did it move through the Adoption curve and why?
Upload your analysis as a 35-page paper, exclusive of title page and appendices, in MS Word format, 12-point Times New Roman Font, double-space following APA Style Format.

Assignment #2: Test Market Designs

Please recommend a test market design and address the associated questions for 2 of the following 5 scenarios. In your answer, be sure to label the Independent Variables (IV), the Dependent Variables (DV), and any control variables. Include the timeline and associated costs. Also, in answering the questions, you might consider using X and O to help describe your plan. See experimental designs starting on page 158. Be as specific as possible.  Your test market design for each scenario should be approximately 2-3 pages in length.

Please organize your response to each scenario using the following headings:
1.  Objective of Test-Market:
2.  Variables: Identify the main IV(s) and DV(s)
3.  Control Variables: Identify these and explain why you need to control for them.
4.  Test procedure details and justification: (briefly describe the plans to carry out the test. What will consumers do? What will the company do? How many test markets? How long should it last for? What are the associated costs? What information do you need to obtain to help answer the question of interest?) Be sure to justify your decisions.
5.  Overall Recommendation: Given the associated direct and indirect costs of conducting your proposed test market, and keeping in mind the four main factors listed in the text  to consider in determining whether or not to conduct the test market, (p. 167-168) do you recommend conducting the test market you outlined above? Please explain your answer.

a. Design a test of a new pricing strategy for orange juice concentrate. The brand is an established brand, and we are only interested in testing the effect of a 5 percent price increase and a 5 percent price decrease. All other elements of the marketing mix will remain the same.

b. A soft drink company has determined in taste tests that consumers prefer the taste of their diet product when sweetened with Splenda in comparison to Equal. Now they are interested in determining how the new sweetener will play in the marketplace. Design a test market that will achieve this goal.

c. A national pizza wants to test the effect on sales of four different discount coupons. Design a test that will do this in a way that gives a clear read. Your focus should be on the effect on sales volume. Financial analysis after the test results are in will address the revenue and profit impact.

d. A national value-priced hotel chain needs to understand the business impact of including a free buffet style breakfast to guests. Design and justify a test that will do this.

e. A credit card company needs to test its strategy for attracting college students to its card. It is going to continue using booths in student unions and other high-traffic campus locations. It has been offering free CDs from a list to those who sign up for its card, but since other card companies are using this approach, the company wants to try some alternatives. It is considering free MP3 downloads from iTunes and t-shirts featuring popular music groups. Design a test that will tell the company which option to choose if its goal is to increase signups by the largest amount.