For this individual assignment, you are asked to produce a fully referenced Industry Briefing Paper for the Marketing Director of a company of your choice. Note, the size/scale of your chosen organisation [SME, multinational, domestic vs. international], industry/market sector) will be important when writing up your implications for this paper!

The paper needs to be written in 3rd person and provide the Marketing Director of this company with the following:

an up-to-date picture of the practitioner literature and practitioner insights in your chosen topic area (see below for full details) and supported by the Source and Practitioner Insights Worksheets.

provide recommendations regarding future use and/or implications of this topic for your chosen company

Your review of the practitioner literature should draw upon at least eight industry/trade/market reports, newspaper, and magazine articles.  It should be fully referenced in Harvard style and should aim to provide a critical overview of research which has been carried out in the area. Your briefing paper can also refer to online blogs, discussion boards and/or academic textbooks.

Your paper should be a maximum of 2000 words (excluding references and appendices).

Topics for the Industry Briefing Paper (choose one only)

          Topic 1: COVID-19 and attendance at music festivals

          Topic 2: Post-series depression and consumer behaviour

          Topic 3: Artificial intelligence in the film industry

          Topic 4: Cultural misappropriation and the fashion industry

          Topic 5: Service Robots in elderly care networks

Your briefing paper should be addressed to the Marketing Director of your chosen company, suggesting how your insights and recommendations could be incorporated into future marketing plans and activities.

Key elements of an Industry Briefing Paper

Introduction to the briefing paper (clarification of its purpose)

Critical analysis and discussion of your chosen topic are (use the Source Worksheet to help develop the questions and search terms and record sources to be used)

Use of case studies and practitioner comments to clarify how your chosen topic is already being considered/used by other companies in their marketing activities (recording findings on the Practitioner Insights and The Case CT worksheets)

Discussion of key issues and challenges specifically from a marketing perspective (using the findings from above)

Conclusions and recommendations: based on your research, what recommendations would you make to the Marketing Director of your chosen company?

References: List ALL sources used, in Harvard style (refer back to the CT tools for the references)

Appendices: include any case studies and supporting information (include the completed critical thinking worksheets)

Assessment 3: Allocation of Marks for the Industry Briefing Paper

Marking guidelines

Allocated Marks

Introduction to the briefing paper (clarification of its purpose)


Critical analysis and discussion of your chosen topic


Use of case studies and practitioner comments to clarify how your chosen topic is already being considered/used by other companies in their marketing activities


Discussion of key issues and challenges specifically from a marketing perspective (using the findings from above)


Conclusions and recommendations: based on your research, what recommendations would you make to the Marketing Director of your chosen company?


References: List ALL sources used, in Harvard style


Appendices: include any case studies and supporting information (include the completed critical thinking worksheets)


Students should also refer to the University Grade Criteria for Level 4 which is available in the Module Handbook.

Industry Briefing Paper and Critical Thinking Tasks
Industry Briefing Paper and Critical Thinking Tasks
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Introduction to the Briefing Paper
5 Pts
Full marks
0 Pts
No marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Critical analysis and discussion of the topic
20 Pts
Full marks
0 Pts
No marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Case Study and Practitioner Comments/examples
20 Pts
Full marks
0 Pts
No marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Key issues and challenges from a marketing perspective
20 Pts
Full marks
0 Pts
No marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Conclusions and recommendations
20 Pts
Full marks
0 Pts
No marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome References
5 Pts
Full marks
0 Pts
No marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Appendices
include any case studies and supporting information (including IMPORTANTLY the completed critical thinking worksheets)
10 Pts
Full marks
0 Pts
No marks
10 pts
Total points: 100

six macro forces that marketing leaders ought to take into account when developing a marketing strategy. Choose one of the macro forces and write a brief post on how that macro force can impact a marketing strategy. Provide at least one example from a company that has had to confront that macro force and describe if you believe they’ve managed well or poorly.

The two main foci of this class are (a) the study of sound and aurality as a social,
technological and aesthetic practice, and (b) the relationship between these aural practices
and related or associated visual media. With this in mind, this paper should engage some
aspect of either of these questions. Ideally, your paper will draw on some problem, issue or
insight from class that has sparked your attention. To help you along this path I offer some
general questions and ideas. These are only suggested topics, so feel free to develop one
on your own or in conjunction with me. If you’d like my help developing a topic, please
see me in person during office hours.
Instructions for Research Proposal and Annotated Bibliography
Your proposal should provide a brief outline of the topic your paper will be exploring. It
should clearly identify and explain the primary research question animating your
investigation, as well as provide a justification for why this question is relevant within the
context of this course. The annotated bibliography should have 2 scholarly sources, none
of which are assigned as course readings (you can use course readings and/or nonscholarly as sources for your final paper, but NOT for the proposal). Each bibliographic
entry should provide (1) a properly formatted bibliographic entry, (2) a brief summary of
the source, and (2) a brief description of how it is appropriate to your chosen research
Suggested Research Topics
1) Explore the history of a particular form of creative aural practice and explore its
connection to related visual practices. For e.g.
– phonography or DJ-ing as a cultural form
– acoustic architecture
– sound poetry
– the development of multi-channel audio installations
– sound design for film, video, gaming, theater, television, etc.
2) Explore the work and ideas of a particular sound artist, discussing and
contextualizing their work historically and theoretically.
3) What are some intersections between sound (or visual) art as a “high” cultural
practice and related or similar applications in the realm of popular culture? For
example, how might you relate the radiophonic work of John Cage to that of
Scanner? Are there grounds to compare the Dadaist collage art of John Heartfield
and the music of Negativland? Can we compare the music videos of Director X to
experimental film or videomakers?
4) Compare the sound practice of a given communication medium in two or more
cultural, social or historical contexts. For e.g.,
– How does the approach/treatment/practice of sound in Indian cinema differ from
American (or Chinese, Italian, or French, etc.) cinema?
– How does sound of contemporary theater differ from the theater of Shakespeare’s

1.    Some marketing researchers maintain that the only way to really learn about consumers or brands is through in-depth, qualitative research.  Others contend that the only legitimate and defensible form of marketing research uses quantitative measures.  Take a position: is the best marketing research quantitative or qualitative?  Support your perspective with evidence from a specific organization of your choosing.  (NOTE:  REMEMBER THAT THE WORD COUNT LIMIT FOR ALL POSTINGS IS 150.)
2.    Is there a particular brand (product/store/website) to which you are loyal?  If so, explain why.  If not, explain what it would take for you to become loyal to a specific brand. (NOTE:  REMEMBER THAT THE WORD COUNT LIMIT FOR ALL POSTINGS IS 150.)

Learning Objectives:
To introduce an abbreviated case study
To develop your critical thinking skills
To help prepare you for the case portion of our class

In this abbreviated case study we meet Shawn, a senior brand manager at Cork Beverages located in Nashville, Tennessee.  In this case, Shawn is working with Carla, Chief Marketing Officer, and Eric, Head of Finance on a specific problem that is time-sensitive and has big stakes for both his career and the company’s future profits.

In this assignment, you will identify the problem that Shawn is facing, detail the three options discussed in the case, and make ONE recommendation based on the facts from the case.  Please note in future cases you will make more than one recommendation and this is an introduction to our future casework.


Read the HBR Case Study “When your Brand is Racist”.  This case study is part of the case pack which are in the required materials for this class.
Identify the main problem of this case as well as the three options that are discussed in the case.
Write a case homework memo and pick only one recommendation from the three options discussed in the case.  (Need help? CLICK HERE for an example of a completed homework memo)
Upload your assignment (in .doc or .pdf) by clicking the “submit assignment” button at the top of this page.

Scoring: This is a graded, credit/no credit assignment which counts towards your participation grade in this class.


-Don’t forget to include the pros and cons of your recommendation

– Use facts verses opinions in any case study assignment

– There are no “right” or “wrong” answers in case study as long as you back up your position with solid critical thinking!

*Give an example of a specific product whose value is perceived differently by the customer and the business supplier.
(Let’s try to expand beyond the ones mentioned in the textbook, although they should give you some ideas.)

*Identify these differences in value and provide an explanation of why final consumers and business suppliers might perceive them differently.

*What is meant when we say that business-to-business demand is inelastic in the short term and discontinuous in the long term? [you might find some clues in your textbook p. 11]

*Give an example of a real business/industry that illustrates this phenomenon.

Text Book: Vitale, R., Giglierano, J., & Pfoertsch, W. (2011). Business-To-Business Marketing: Analysis and Practice. Upper Saddle, NJ: Prentice Hall.

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
MLA format –”

Supply Chain and Logistics Management
Watch the following video (just over 11 minutes) by clicking on the link below:
MacNeil/Lehrer Productions (Producer). (1999). Your computer, your way: Dell and the direct sales model [Video file]. Retrieved from
Click here to view a transcript of the video.
After viewing the video, answer questions 1 and 2, and select one question from questions 3 and 4 to answer.
1. Compare Dell’s supply chain and logistics innovations with the competitive responses from competitors such as the Apple Store and others.
2. Discuss the emerging supply chain and logistics management factors shown in the video that were already negatively affecting large computer chain stores.
Answer question 3 or 4 below:
3. Explain how these technology-driven factors were not enough to enable some businesses to survive the online competitive entrance into the market.
4. In what ways may market research have helped prevent these large technology businesses from failing?
Each of your three responses should be at least one page in length; therefore, with an introduction and conclusion included, your essay should be at least four pages in length. In addition to the video, your essay must reference at least one article of your choice from a business-related or news website; therefore, your essay should reference at least two sources. Your essay must be in APA format. All paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying in-text citations and references. Title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum length requirement.

For this activity, prepare a reflection paper, and consider the concepts that you have learned during your readings. Think about what you understand completely and what did not quite make sense. The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to reflect on the material you have read and to expand on it. This is not a summary.
In the Unit I introduction to this course, Theodore Levitts remarks about the contrasting needs of the seller and the marketer were shared. Levitt described how satisfying the needs of the customer is now the pathway to marketing success. This concept and others related to the four Ps of product, price, promotion, and place were further explored throughout the units. For this reflection paper, respond to these three prompts:
Reflect on how this introductory marketing course has changed your view of how the field of marketing works.
What was the most surprising thing you learned? What do you need to learn more about?
Do you see the rise of consumer power through evolving changes in technology? If so, how? If not, why not?
Your reflection paper must be at least four pages in length and formatted according to APA guidelines. If you use any paraphrased or quoted material, you must have accompanying in-text citations and references. Title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum length requirement.

Develop a Pecha Kucha presentation in which you critically discuss the concept of glocalization in global marketing. To do so,

Outline glocalization theory and discuss the role of glocalization in global marketing.
Choose one global company/brand and analyse the extent to which it uses a glocal approach (i.e. standardize and adapt their marketing mix) in their global marketing activities.

Can you please write 20 slides (powerpoint support) and in addition write everything that I have to say orally on a word document (slide by slide).

Please use academic sources.