The question that needs to be answered is,” How can the use of triggers, emotion, and public observability help any business or organization become more profitable? “

Must include: the definition of Triggers, emotion and public observability, ONLY using the BOOK (Contagious why things catch on by Jonah Berger) NO outsource info.
Must include:  Trigger, emotion and public observability must have their own paragraph. in each include the definition, 1 research/or experiment and 1 anecdote and further explain them and explain how is makes a organization more profitable.

For example on triggers paragraph : 1. define, explain trigger, 2. Give a research or experiment example and 1 anecdote, explain them and how does it make a business more profitable.

ONLY use the book do not use outside sources, Define the terms using the BOOK, the book gives example on what they mean.