DIRECTIONS: The point of this paper is to use what you learned up to this point in the course to identify possible violations of hazardous waste law (CERCLA and RCRA) in a real-world type situation. This exercise requires you to identify potentially responsible parties as well as likely claims and defenses. In other words, you are to act as an EPA official and review the record provided below to identify each party’s exposure to liability, as well as their potential defenses under CERCLA and RCRA.

You don’t need to write a formal essay and do not include a title page, abstract or table of contents (just use the 1st page header in the syllabus). You can organize your paper by listing each of the parties who could be held responsible under RCRA and CERCLA (some parties may fall under both), and for each potentially responsible party, describe the potential violations and possible penalties – as well as any possible defenses that could be claimed (and whether those may succeed on the facts here) – in one or more short paragraphs. Identify a defense that a party could theorectically raise, even if you then state you don’t think that defense would be upheld in these facts. You can also note if a potential violation would require more facts to make a final determination of liability that are missing from this fact pattern. This includes government action and private party enforcement options if applicable. There is no particular word minimum or maximum for this paper.

A bullet point list (or outline) of phrases or terms is NOT acceptable; complete sentences describing the potential factual or legal issues are required for each party.  But do NOT write an overall intro or conclusion that summarizes the fact pattern as a whole (I won’t read it and it won’t give you extra points). Refer to facts given in this hypothetical where relevant in your discussions of different party violations, defenses or liabilities. If you use an acronym, explain what it means.

REFERENCES & CITATIONS: You may ONLY use your textbook and the weekly slides/videos as references to support your explanations of certain violations or defenses. You should include internal citations and page references to certain parts of RCRA or CERCLA as described in the textbook, but block quoting from those sources will not add to your score. You do not need to find the statutes or case opinions separately from the book for internal citation and may use the RCRA and CERCLA chapter authors and page numbers as your internal references per Turabian Rule 19.1.9.

For example you could refer to “the requirement that generators must prepare a manifest under RCRA Section 3002” (Otum 2017, 170-171). 
Similarly, you can refer to the textbook discussion of a rule from a court decision in this same way with internal reference to the textbook chapter and page, not the underlying case itself.
Include a references page for the textbook chapters and video lecture slides used.
I am looking for your ability to spot potential liabilities and defenses in this fact pattern citing to the portions of the law (statute or caselaw) describing the requirements of that violation or defense in the textbook and your arguments why they apply to the fact(s) you chose.

In each body paragraph:
1. Discuss the causes of the events you chose
2. Describe Odysseys behavior/actions/decisions
3. Describe the outcome produced as a result
4. Analyze how you finding fir into the definition of an epic hero

4 paragraph essay intro 2 body paragraph and a conclusion
Double Spaced
Relevant Textual Evidence from the Odyssey

As students, you can gain a greater appreciation for scientific approaches to the study of abnormal psychology by perusing current issues of some of the more rigorous journals in the field. Please search for a research article in recent issues of Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Archives of General Psychiatry, and American Journal of Psychiatry to find at least one article of interest. With the article, please write a 2-3 page (not including title page and references page) paper doing the following:

– Offer a summary of the main findings and purpose of the article. This can include some general commentary on the type of research design used for the study (i.e. is the selected study correlational or experimental? Retrospective or prospective?)

– Consider the diagnosis is under consideration? Does the article address etiology, descriptive psychopathology, or treatment? Is there a control group?
Formatting Reminder: You are expected to format your paper according to APA formatting guidelines. Please see the APA resources folder in our classroom for additional resources and tools for help in preparing your paper. Be sure to cite your sources accordingly, to avoid plagiarism in your formal written assignments.

Note: You are expected to turn the paper in by the due date. Please label your document with your last name and the name of the assignment like this: FERNANDEZ_paper.doc.

As students, you can gain a greater appreciation for scientific approaches to the study of abnormal psychology by perusing current issues of some of the more rigorous journals in the field. Please search for a research article in recent issues of Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Archives of General Psychiatry, and American Journal of Psychiatry to find at least one article of interest. With the article, please write a 2-3 page (not including title page and references page) paper doing the following:

-Offer a summary of the main findings and purpose of the article. This can include some general commentary on the type of research design used for the study (i.e. is the selected study correlational or experimental? Retrospective or prospective?)
-Consider the diagnosis is under consideration? Does the article address etiology, descriptive psychopathology, or treatment? Is there a control group?
Formatting Reminder: You are expected to format your paper according to APA formatting guidelines. Please see the APA resources folder in our classroom for additional resources and tools for help in preparing your paper. Be sure to cite your sources accordingly, to avoid plagiarism in your formal written assignments.

Note: You are expected to turn the paper in by the due date. Please label your document with your last name and the name of the assignment like this: FERNANDEZ_paper.doc.

(150 words each)

-Why does Locke argue that the magistrate should not support any particular church but, instead, tolerate all traditions? (Note: Locke provides a number of reasons, you should be able to find at least 1-2 although they are all related)

-What is the religious question that Gamwell claims confronted Jefferson and the other Founders, and how did they resolve it?

You will write code that, given a document (a sequence of words) and set of search terms, will find the minimal length subsequence in the document that contains all of the search terms. If there are multiple subsequences that have the same minimal length, you may return any one of them.

This is the class you will write. We have provided you with a skeleton of the class for you to fill in. As you will see, the constructor for the class does most of the work, including locating the minimum snippet containing a list of terms in a given document.

For a complete description of what you must implement in this class, please see the Javadoc for the MinimumSnippet class. Read this document very thoroughly and carefully!

This is the last piece of your class project. Imagine the presentation has been approved by the president and will be publicly published to sell the president’s ideas.

Take your research from the essays and present it in a multimedia presentation using PowerPoint. Here’s a link to instructions on using PowerPoint if you’re new to it. APUS provide access to Office 365. Even if you don’t want to use Microsoft Office, Open Office can also be used to create PowerPoint presentations. Alternative formats are acceptable too if available to you, such as Prezio or Knovio with free versions or free trials.

There is no need to purchase additional software to complete the assignment.


A title slide and reference slide.
Each topic will have a four-slide minimum to explain the problem, illustrate the competing solutions, and explain why one is better.
At least one use of animation and one sound should be used within the final product.
Be sure graphics are readable.
For detailed grading criteria, read through the presentation rubric.


Book : Belasen (2008). The Theory & Practice of Corporate Communication
and article attached

Complete the assigned readings especially chapters 2-8 and 11-12 in Belasen’s Corporate communication book and discuss the following questions:

1. What is the usefulness of the CVFCC  in addressing inter-connectivity across internal and external communication systems and functions?
2. The different functions of corporate communication reflect the need to respond to multiple organizational constituencies. Give examples of such constituencies and discuss the challenge of creating consistent messages across these constituencies.

Create 3 Consecutive Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan 1 – Rounding to the nearest 10
Materials –

White Board
Dry Erase Marker
Two number lines
Video13 minutes ( teacher teaching rounding to student)

Lesson Plan 2 – Rounding and Estimating
Worksheet/Exit Ticket

Lesson Plan 3 0 Rounding, Estimating and Also Using the Standard Algorithm

Work sheet /Exit Ticket

These lesson plans must be done by one building off of the previous one.

I am including an exemplar to show you how  thorough it needs to be, you can include or make up stuff.

I have worksheets for all three so you just have to look at it and use reference

****** must use general lesson plans doc for each plan  for all three lesson plans

The paper must be well written with proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and references. This Research Paper will be a minimum of 6 to 7 typed pages plus a cover page and a References page, bringing the total to 8 or 9 pages. An abstract is optional unless your instructor states otherwise. The paper will be double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font and standard oneinch margins. About 1300 words can not exceed 15% for Safeassign. I picked walmart