Why are you interested in pursuing your education via LECOM’s Distance Education pathway for Pharmacy School? (400 words Maximum)

Please describe specific steps you will take to ensure your success in a distance education program. (400 words Maximum)

Please write in your own words. This will be put into software for plagiarism

Energy sources

Civil war


Poor health of entire populations

Lack of educational opportunities

Cultural taboos

Inappropriate uses of technology

Climate change

Step I. Narrow the List from Eight to the Four Most Critical Threats

To complete this step, complete the following tasks in order:

1. Review research on each of the eight threats listed in the table.
2. Determine what you believe to be the current and potential future impacts of each threat on the global environment.
3. Choose the four threats that you see as the most critical by considering which pose the greatest or most immediate risk to us.

Step II. Create the PowerPoint Presentation

The completed version of this presentation will include a minimum of 19 slides. Your audience consists of the United Nations General Assembly.

PPT Content and Structure

1.    A Title Slide: Include your name, course title, current date, and the name of your instructor.

2.    An Introduction Slide: List the four threats you chose, and in the Notes section offer a brief narrative justifying these choices

3.    Body Slides: The slide content is listed in the outline below. For each body slide you develop, please include a paragraph in the Notes section explaining how the details you have provided in the slide are pertinent to the United Nations discussion on selecting and prioritizing goals.

I.              For your first threat (this is the threat you consider to be the greatest risk/highest priority)

a.    One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat

b.    One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples)

c.    One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole

d.    One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides ac

II.              For your second threat (this is the threat you consider to be the second greatest risk/second highest priority)

One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat
One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples)
One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole
One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides ac

III.            For your third threat (this is the threat you consider to be the third greatest threat/highest priority)

a.    One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat

b.    One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples)

c.    One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole

d.    One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides ac

IV.            For your fourth threat (this is the threat you consider to be the fourth greatest threat/highest priority)

a.    One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat

b.    One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples)

c.    One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole

d.    One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides ac

4.    A Conclusion Slide: Summarize your findings for the Assembly.

5.    Optional Reference Slide: You can include full-text citations in the Notes section of each slide or provide a reference slide at the end of the presentation with the full citations of your sources.

Note: Please discuss the threats in order of priority as described above, so the threat you consider the greatest should be discussed first in the presentation and so on.

Note: Please use at least five credible sources to back up your discussion

Note: The body slides should summarize your key takeaways, whereas the Notes section of each body slide should discuss the evidence and the details that support your takeaways. The content in both the Notes and body sections requires citations and sources.

Energy sources

Civil war


Poor health of entire populations

Lack of educational opportunities

Cultural taboos

Inappropriate uses of technology

Climate change

Step I. Narrow the List from Eight to the Four Most Critical Threats

To complete this step, complete the following tasks in order:

1. Review research on each of the eight threats listed in the table.
2. Determine what you believe to be the current and potential future impacts of each threat on the global environment.
3. Choose the four threats that you see as the most critical by considering which pose the greatest or most immediate risk to us.

Step II. Create the PowerPoint Presentation

The completed version of this presentation will include a minimum of 19 slides. Your audience consists of the United Nations General Assembly.

PPT Content and Structure

1.    A Title Slide: Include your name, course title, current date, and the name of your instructor.

2.    An Introduction Slide: List the four threats you chose, and in the Notes section offer a brief narrative justifying these choices

3.    Body Slides: The slide content is listed in the outline below. For each body slide you develop, please include a paragraph in the Notes section explaining how the details you have provided in the slide are pertinent to the United Nations discussion on selecting and prioritizing goals.

I.              For your first threat (this is the threat you consider to be the greatest risk/highest priority)

a.    One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat

b.    One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples)

c.    One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole

d.    One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides ac

II.              For your second threat (this is the threat you consider to be the second greatest risk/second highest priority)

One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat
One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples)
One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole
One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides ac

III.            For your third threat (this is the threat you consider to be the third greatest threat/highest priority)

a.    One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat

b.    One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples)

c.    One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole

d.    One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides ac

IV.            For your fourth threat (this is the threat you consider to be the fourth greatest threat/highest priority)

a.    One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat

b.    One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples)

c.    One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole

d.    One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides ac

4.    A Conclusion Slide: Summarize your findings for the Assembly.

5.    Optional Reference Slide: You can include full-text citations in the Notes section of each slide or provide a reference slide at the end of the presentation with the full citations of your sources.

Note: Please discuss the threats in order of priority as described above, so the threat you consider the greatest should be discussed first in the presentation and so on.

Note: Please use at least five credible sources to back up your discussion

Note: The body slides should summarize your key takeaways, whereas the Notes section of each body slide should discuss the evidence and the details that support your takeaways. The content in both the Notes and body sections requires citations and sources.

Please read and answer all the questions in each essay topic carefully. Each essay response should be about 2 pages long.  Each essay is worth 50 points each.

I prefer that you speak in plain language as if you were explaining the subject matter to someone with no experience with the topic. It is permitted to only use our textbook as a source. You may use outside sources if you like, but your own reflections in your own words are preferred.

Preview of Question #2

Choose one of the religions we covered this semester. Answer each of the following questions in your essay.


– What are the teachings of this religion regarding God or the divine or unconditioned reality?
– What does this religion say about the afterlife?
– What does this religion teach about ethics (good, bad, right, wrong, how to live)?
– What does this religion teach about people of other religions?
– Do females and males have similar or different roles in religious life?

Be descriptive and specific.

Please read and answer all the questions in each essay topic carefully. Each essay response should be about 2 pages long.  Each essay is worth 50 points each.

I prefer that you speak in plain language as if you were explaining the subject matter to someone with no experience with the topic. It is permitted to only use our textbook as a source. You may use outside sources if you like, but your own reflections in your own words are preferred.

Preview of Question #2

Choose one of the religions we covered this semester. Answer each of the following questions in your essay.


– What are the teachings of this religion regarding God or the divine or unconditioned reality?
– What does this religion say about the afterlife?
– What does this religion teach about ethics (good, bad, right, wrong, how to live)?
– What does this religion teach about people of other religions?
– Do females and males have similar or different roles in religious life?

Be descriptive and specific.


how much would be a CA like this ( deadline 03/06)

You are required to build a SOAP based webservice and a very simple blog application. Your
SOAP based webservice must take posts from your BLOG and anonymize them before the
blog post is displayed. This must continue until the client types EXIT.
An Example is shown below:
BLOG POST > Hello John, are you and Paul playing football on Friday?
ANONOMIZED BLOG POST > Hello ****, Are you and **** playing football on
Use the Attached dictionary names.csv file as your starting point.
Please note that your Webservice MUST be built using JAVA, however your Client/Blog
Application may be any language

Required Files
You are required to upload 2 Zip files, one with your Client Application and one with your
JAVA webservice Project.

The instructions are in the attached document, find excercise_may20. Its writing a one page detailed research proposal for GoPro.

You are working in a research agency, and are getting often candidates for ethnography. This week you have received the task to prepare a proposal for a potential new client, and you have some days  to pass in a 1 pager your recommendation with  a market research proposal (up to design stage) .
The client: GoPro Global team 
Objective: Generate insights related to the usage among different subcultures / target groups and opportunities to link them to the key values, insights of the company.

Task: You need to propose an ethnographic research, 1 pager. You need to select 2 subcultural groups that you consider relevant for the client. It could be an age group, geography, racial group, a company, and propose the specific design.
Proposal needs to include : Research Question, Secondary data (proposal but even better sharing info already available and relevant), What you plan to investigate and how (design); including tools and details on recruitment criteria (key informants, places, ) . The more detail the better. 
You need to stick to a 1 pager memo, focusing on which research you would propose to GoPro. Pls work individually.
    DEADLINE: Loaded into Campus Online  ( ind. assignment) before May 31st  10am (Madrid time)
You can use any material you find appropriate, while you need to prepare your own proposal applying what we discussed in class. Feel free to add additional secondary data as attachment. 
Your paper will be judged based on the quality of the research or analysis proposed, how it applies the concepts discussed on class and the potential actionability of the research. Specific feedback will be shared.

Why are you interested in pursuing your education via LECOM’s Distance Education pathway for Pharmacy School? ( 500 words maximum)

Please describe specific steps you will take to ensure your success in a distance education program. (500 words Maximum)

This will be checked with software so please write in your own words. thank you

Why are you interested in pursuing your education via LECOM’s Distance Education pathway for Pharmacy School? ( 500 words maximum)

Please describe specific steps you will take to ensure your success in a distance education program. (500 words Maximum)

This will be checked with software so please write in your own words. thank you

The instructions are in the attached document, find excercise_may20. Its writing a one page detailed research proposal for GoPro.

You are working in a research agency, and are getting often candidates for ethnography. This week you have received the task to prepare a proposal for a potential new client, and you have some days  to pass in a 1 pager your recommendation with  a market research proposal (up to design stage) .
The client: GoPro Global team 
Objective: Generate insights related to the usage among different subcultures / target groups and opportunities to link them to the key values, insights of the company.

Task: You need to propose an ethnographic research, 1 pager. You need to select 2 subcultural groups that you consider relevant for the client. It could be an age group, geography, racial group, a company, and propose the specific design.
Proposal needs to include : Research Question, Secondary data (proposal but even better sharing info already available and relevant), What you plan to investigate and how (design); including tools and details on recruitment criteria (key informants, places, ) . The more detail the better. 
You need to stick to a 1 pager memo, focusing on which research you would propose to GoPro. Pls work individually.
    DEADLINE: Loaded into Campus Online  ( ind. assignment) before May 31st  10am (Madrid time)
You can use any material you find appropriate, while you need to prepare your own proposal applying what we discussed in class. Feel free to add additional secondary data as attachment. 
Your paper will be judged based on the quality of the research or analysis proposed, how it applies the concepts discussed on class and the potential actionability of the research. Specific feedback will be shared.