1) Ensure that all of your assertions and statements are grounded in the literature and that you cite relevant academic or policy papers throughout. For Masters Level writing (level 11) you need to ensure that there is a strong grounding in the literature throughout.

2) Try and write your essay in three distinct parts, according to the criteria. It will make your writing easier to mark and you will also be able to check that you have covered everything.

3) Critically define your terms – wellbeing is a broad concept and you need to show  that you understanding the implications that has for your essay.

In this assignment you shall take an existing implementation of a shell program and add some small improvements to it.

Preparation – Downloading, Compiling and Testing a simple Shell Implementation
Download and un-compress the following file:

The contents of the file are C sources that implement a simple shell. The contents

smsh.c – an implementation of a very simple shell program
smsh.h – a header file with function prototypes
execute.c – a set of helper functions for running processes within the program
splitline.c – some text processing utilities
To compile these sources run:

gcc -o smsh1 smsh1.c splitline.c execute.c
To run the shell type:

A prompt of the form “>” will appear and then you can type commands like:

> ls
execute.c shell.tgz smsh.h smsh1 smsh1.c splitline.c
> wc execute.c
37 113 725 execute.c
The shell is terminated by typing the Control-D key (which signals end of input).
In this assignment you shall add functionality to this shell command. Each part builds
upon the last.

Part 1 – Adding the ability to pipe commands to your shell
(30 marks)
At the moment smsh1 doesn’t support piping of commands. So, for example, if you

ls | wc
at the prompt you get:

ls: wc: No such file or directory
ls: |: No such file or directory
Write a new program called smsh2.c that is based on smsh1.c which performs all of
the shell operations of smsh1.c but also allows commands to be piped as above so
that if you type:

ls | wc

You get output like:

6 6 53

instead. You are free to add and modify files as required to accomplish this task. You
must add a Makefile to your submission so that you can compile all the files for part1
by typing:

make part1
and the solution for part 1 can be run by typing:

Note, your program must still cater for all the behaviours that were correct in the
original version of smsh1. You may find the lectures on piping useful in completing
this part.

Part 2 – Redirecton of stdin and stdout (30 Marks)
Your version of smsh2 currently doesn’t support redirection of output and input of
commands such as:

ls > tmp.txt
cat < tmp.txt | wc > out.txt
Copy your smsh2.c program from part 1 to smsh3.c so that it can handle redirection
of standard input and standard output (don’t worry about stderr) using the “>” and “<“
symbols. Again, you are free to add and modify files as required to accomplish this
task (without affecting the ability of your code to correctly execute the behaviour
required for part 1). You must add a Makefile to your submission so that you can
compile all the files for part 2 by typing:

make part2
and the solution for part 2 can be run by typing:

Note, your program must still cater for all the behaviours that were correct in the
original version of smsh2.

Part 3 – Adding Globbing – (20 marks)
Your version of smsh3 currently doesn’t support wildcards in command lines such

ls *.c
cat *.h

Copy your smsh3.c program from part 2 to smsh4.c so that it can handle wilcard symbols in the command line. This expansion of wildcards is called globbing.

Note, you can use the glob system call (type “man -s3 glob” to find out more) that helps you to expand the wildcards to a list of actual filenames.

Again, you are free to add and modify files as required to accomplish this task (without affecting the ability of your code to correctly execute the behaviour required for previous parts). You must add a Makefile to your submission so that you can compile all the files for part3 by typing:

make part3
and the solution for part 3 can be run by typing:

Note, your program must still cater for all the behaviours that were correct in the original version of smsh3.

S2 Executive Summary – Imagine your audience is educated but uninformed C-level execs who only have 5 minutes to listen to your presentation; what do you want them to know? Ok to give away the punchline and, also, avoid simply listing the slide topics – that will earn a zero. Work on this slide last after you’ve written the rest.
S3 Leader Background – Where /when did they come from? What was the environment? Set the scene.
S4 Key Players – Who molded / shaped/ influenced them and how? Not who is in their life today when they are a success (unless that person was there from the get go) but who either pushed them or rejected them? This could be family, teachers, coaches, bosses, etc.) For LeBron, his mom and his wife have been there with him from the start, and then you’d add high school coach, etc.
S5 Tipping Point – What was the critical point that took them from where they were to their first big step. W LeBron it was signing with the Cavs in 2003.
S6 Where is Leader Today? Part 1 – Business Deals/Leadership – How do they make their $?; here use logos when possible and whatever $ figures you can add; for LeBron it’d be the Lakers, Nike, Beats, Blaze Pizza, etc.) Differentiate between contracts vs. ownership.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/kurtbadenhausen/2018/11/20/how-lebron-james-built-a-net-worth-of-450-million/#375f1bdb6cfa (this article is great at showing the investments, so find something similar for your leader)
S7 Where is Leader Today? Part 2 – Philanthropy – Where do they give their money to/orgs they have founded or support? W LeBron his big one is the Promise School in Akron, but he gives to SO many different orgs; here use logos and any kind of $ figures you can find
S8 Obstacles and Controversies – What has this person done when they had to rebuild and/or lost support? For LeBron, it was The Decision. But he’s been smart to have not lost funds and lots of very successful people have lost their marriages, money, reputation, etc. and then have had to rebuild from scratch. Think Tiger Woods.
S9 – Areas of Opportunity – Pull your list of 2 leadership skills in the first assignment and see if your leader holds up to the 2 you wrote about that today’s post 2020 leaders require to be effective. How can this person rise further for our new world?
S10 – Final Thoughts – Your final assessment of this person as a 2020 leader. Also if in your research you found something surprising that you did not know about this person previously (favorable or unfavorable) you know now what is it?
Last Slides(s) Sources/Appendix – It doesn’t matter if it’s MLA or Chicago style or just a list of links.

Colleague 1
Understanding children is to understand the parent. How parent communicate is often a reflection of the child. I think that parents should explain to children on a basic level by explaining each and every body part to a child even the genital area. This give a children a level of understand what body parts they have and as they get older many parents then explain what is and what is not appropriate. Some behaviors may seem to others as sexual but children may grab a part of their body for soothing or calmness.  It is not an easy discussion for parents to have with their children because it may be uncomfortable. Sexual behavior is what we are meant to do as humans everything is evolved around procreation(Survival, work, food). I would explain to parents touching another persons body part without consent is in appropriate but when a child does something that may be uncomfortable it is best to have a conversation and explain why certain gestures may be inappropriate so that the child may correct the behavior.  The therapists role is to question, probe, and challenge the psyche of the patient in an effort to interpret, clarify, and affirm the patients needs and wishes. Inherent in the role is the belief that such objective and helpful intervention is possible only if the therapists private needs and wishes are not gratified(Levine, 2016). Lastly, i would explain that that during the ages from 3-4 a child identifies body parts and  During this time, a child will also begin to sense whether they should accept their bodies or will start to feel shame depending on how the caregiver responds or reacts towards their wondering hands (Sciaraffa & Randolph, 2011).


Levine, S. B., Risen, C. B., & Althof, S. E. (Eds.). (2016). Handbook of clinical sexuality for mental health professionals (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Sciaraffa, M., & Randolph, T. (2011). You want me to talk to children about what? Responding to the subject of sexuality development in young children. Young Children, 66(4), 3238.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


Colleague 2 al

    Growing up we all have stories of our parents telling us in their way about sex and the consequences that come along with it. From what I can remember my mother did her best to talk to me about sex but all I got from it was not to get pregnant. Now that I have my child I can see how a conversation like this can be hard and even uncomfortable with that being said all that I can do is communicate with him when the time is right. When giving advice or counseling a parent I can let them know that making it into a normal conversation and not making uncomfortable can be one step. According to Secor- Tuner, Sieving, Eisenberg, & Skay “Parents can convey their expectations related to teen sex, contraception, and pregnancy through direct parent child communication”. They can try to use scenarios and examples that their children can understand. 

        When can never put an age to when a child may be developmentally ready to display sexual behaviors, it all depends on who they are around and what they see, if anything was to happen or the parents are not sure how to handle it they can have conversations with a professional and have “open dialogue between parents and child as soon as the child is at a developmentally appropriate age for comprehension”( Weidler & Peterson, 2019). A lot of times a child’s sexual behavior can be a cry out for help or as stated previously a reaction from what they have seen, not saying the could have seen this from their parents but it could be based on behaviors from people on TV as well.

    When I taught my preschoolers I was able to immediately tell when they learned something that wasn’t taught from school by their actions and the things they said. For example, I had a student who touched herself a lot and would say her private hurt whenever she would wipe in the restroom. I immediately shared this with a family advocate and the situation was handled with the family. Being able to know your child or students enough to know that they are not their normal selves.

Secor-Turner, M., Sieving, R., Eisenberg, M.,&Skay, C. (2011). Associations between sexually experienced adolescents’ sources of information about sex and sexual risk outcomes. Sex Education, 11(4), 489-500. http://doi-org.ezp.waldenlibrary.org/10/1080/146811.2011.601137

Weidler, E,M.,& Peterson, K. E. (2019). The impact of culture on disclosure in difference of sex development. Seminars in Pediatric Surgery, 26(5), 150840. http://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.101016/j.sempedsurg.2019.150840


Inquisitive Essay
The topic of your essay is a question, of your creation, whose response will be the substance of your essay.
Your essay will consist of four elements:
Statement of your question, its significance, how it will be treated (secondary author), and
suggestion of direction in which you are headed;
Machiavellis response;
Secondary authors response in contrast to Machiavellis;
Your evaluation of these two responses; and finally
Your response.
In your first paragraph you must: 1) explicitly state your question and its significance (what is at stake), 2) make clear your secondary author, and 3) indicate the trajectory of your inquiry. Style and grace of expression are goals, but all these points must be satisfied.
In Part 2, you show how Machiavelli answered your question. In Part 3, you examine how one of our secondary authors offered an alternative response that explicitly or implicitly critiques Machiavellis answer to your question. Finally, in Part 4, you evaluate the relative merits and shortcomings of each of these two responses and then in the final paragraph(s) conclude with your own answer to the question which can always be in the form of yet another question.
In Part 2, interpret or reconstruct how Machiavelli answers your question. This includes articulating the arguments Machiavelli advances in support of his conclusion. Guided by the intellectual virtue of charitable interpretation, support your reconstruction of Machiavellis argument with textual evidence (citing the text for every claim you ascribe to Machiavelli, whether it be a direct quote or paraphrase). Part 3 should have the same form as Part 2, but instead of reconstructing Machiavellis argument, it should be a reconstruction of a position advanced by one of the secondary authors we have read (Wolin, Berlin, Cassier).
Part 4 should be slightly larger in size than the parts 2 and 3. In it, evaluate the cogency of the respective authors answer to your question and the arguments advanced to support it. Remember: assessing the arguments strength is more important than evaluating the arguments conclusion. Your critique and evaluation must always advance explicit critical strategies of your own, most often in the form of:
1) Calling into question implicit premises,
2) Counterexamples to Universal Generalizations,
3) Breaking the connection between if-then premises,
4) Drawing attention to further implications of a premise that are doubtful
For more on these strategies see the material on Logic and Critiquing Arguments posted on the Course Resources webpage.
Imagine that this essay is the first salvo in a conversation between three intellectuals on an important question. The three participants are you, Machiavelli, and the author of the secondary work. In Parts 2 and 3, you faithfully reconstruct the answers advanced by the other two thinkers to your question. Your response to both fills out the final section of your essay.

Colleague 1
The agency that I am identifying is an agency within the Army community. This agency is called the Family Advocacy Program (FAP). FAP falls under an Army community program, which provides training, counseling, support groups, and family advocacy to all active duty, retirees, Reserve, and National Guard components, including their family members. Specifically, the Family Advocacy Program provides resources on domestic and child abuse, treatment, and intervention. The policy for this program, according to the Department of the Army is, To prevent Spouse and Child abuse, to protect those who are victims of abuse, to treat those affected by abuse, and to ensure personnel is professionally trained to intervene in abuse cases. (Family Advocacy Programs (FAP). (n.d.). This program was designated to break the progression of violent acts by trying to detect them as early as possible.


Family Advocacy Programs (FAP). (n.d.). Retrieved June 8, 2020, from https://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil/Benefit-Library/Federal-Benefits/Family-Advocacy-Programs-(FAP)?serv=122)



It is important for social workers to understand policies because we are helping our clients to strive to live better lives. It is important for us to know the policies that are in place so that we can fight for our clients. The agency that I chose is Catholic Charities. Catholic Charities is a religious organization that focuses on the prevention of poverty. Some of the resources that Catholic Charities offer are food and nutrition, housing, disaster services, utility assistance, health services and much more (CCUSA, 2020).   

The major social problem that Catholic Charities addresses is poverty. Being that Catholic Charities focus is to prevent poverty, the social policy is that team members of Catholic Charities help to keep government leaders informed on the impacts of poverty in their local communities (CCUSA, 2020). Also, how the policies affect those within the communities. This in turn helps to inform policies (CCUSA, 2020). According to the text, one of the eight tasks of policy advocates, is the problem analyzing task, where workers, investigates the causes of problems and gathers it in that specific location (Jansson, 2018, p. 78).


CCUSA. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/our-ministry/advocacy-social-policy-initiatives/

Jansson, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice. (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series.

In this task, you will identify a healthcare problem and develop a PICO question that can be answered using evidence. You will identify a single intervention and then search for five research articles and two non-research articles that support that change practice.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A.  Write a summary of the significance and background of a healthcare problem by doing the following:

1.  Describe a healthcare problem that can be used to develop a PICO question.

Note: You may use the same topic and the same research articles that were used in Task 1 provided they support the proposed intervention. Or you may choose a different topic and select articles focusing on one of the following topics: falls and fall prevention, pain management in children, opioid abuse, hepatitis C, catheter-associated urinary tract infections, and hand hygiene and infections in hospitals.

2.  Explain the significance of the problem from part A1.

3.  Describe the current healthcare practices related to the problem from part A1.

4.  Discuss how the problem affects the organization and patients cultural background (i.e., values, health behavior, and preferences).

B.  Complete a literature review by searching for a total of seven articles consisting of five research articles and two non-research articles related to the healthcare problem from part A1, and describe the search strategy you used to conduct the literature review by doing the following:

1.  Discuss two research evidence sources and two nonresearch evidence sources that you considered.

Note: Please do not use the same primary author for more than two articles. Articles must not be more than five years old.

C.  Use your research articles to develop a PICO (patient/population, intervention/indicator, comparison/control, and outcome) question based on the topic.

D.  Complete the attached Evidence Matrix, using the five research evidence sources from scholarly journal sources you located during the literature review in part B. For each article, address the following points:

Note: You may submit your completed matrix as a separate attachment to the task, or you may include the matrix within your paper, aligned to APA formatting standards.

Note: Upload a copy of the full text of the articles with your submission.

  author, journal name, and year of publication

  research design (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, mixed design, systematic review)

  sample size (e.g., numbers of study participants, number of articles, number of control group participants)

  outcome variables measured (e.g., identify what the research is measuring)

  quality (using the following scale: A, B, C)

  results/authors conclusions (e.g., briefly summarize the outcome)

E.  Recommend a practice change that addresses the PICO question, using the evidence collected in the attached Evidence Matrix. You must use all five research articles from the Evidence Matrix attachment to support this recommendation via in-text citations.

F.  Describe a process for implementing the practice change from part E in which you do the following:

1.  Explain how you would involve three key stakeholders in the decision to implement the recommendation from part E.

2.  Describe two specific barriers you may encounter when implementing the practice change from part E in the nursing practice setting.

3.  Identify two strategies that could be used to overcome the barriers described in part F2.

4.  Identify one indicator to measure the outcome (the O in PICO question) of the recommended change practice from part E.

G.  Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

H.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Also for this task, just for clarification, he
has to write 2 separate paragraphs for 2 symbols from lord of the flies.
The first symbol is the island, and the second is piggys glasses. The
requirement is that the wording has to be clear and concise writing; free
of grammatical/spelling errors; articulate and sophisticated vocabulary.
Also the main question he has to answer is this ” explain how each symbol
represents a significant moment/event in the novel. If possible he says to
include any quotes and explain it, but if it’s not that it’s alright. Also
the teacher asks for proper transition words

lienating Machines:  Consider the feeding machine scene in Chaplins Modern Times.  What does it seem to say about machines in general and machines in the service of eating in particular? Think about the relevant Wallace and Gromit shorts from Cracking Contraptions and, if you like, the scene from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  What are the apparent motives behind trying to invent cooking or feeding machines?  Why might there be a pattern of showing mechanization at odds with cooking and eating?  What does this pattern say about the theme of man versus machine when it comes to food?Alienating Cuisines:  Consider the scenes selected from eitherThe I Love Lucy episode Paris at Last and Pretty Woman, OR Giant and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.  How is the act of eating (or not eating) from foreign foodways presented in the pair of examples you choose?  How does it reflect on the characters for whom the food is foreign?  What does it suggest about the characters if they can comfortably eat strange new food?  Or cant?  Or dont?  Or faint at the sight of it?  In what ways do the two scenes you choose parallel what do those parallels suggest?