ARTICLE:Conflict Theory:  William Chambliss, The Saints and the Roughnecks
Students will read the article and:
A.  Explain three different ways we know that this article supports the theory.
B.  Show in detail how the theory is consistent with the writings of one major person who supports the theory.

*The one major person who supports this theory will be Emile durkheim*
We have to use the support of someone we discussed in class.

The professor mentioned:No formal introduction needed or summary of the article, just down to the point. (For example “one reason the article supports the theory…Second reason the article supports the theory”) Please do not forget to include how the theory is consistent with the writings of one major person who supports the theory. EMILE DURKHEIM.

I have attached the ideas of Durkheim and Conflict Theory.

Diversity of Race, National Origin, or Religion
Choose an article on a current event or a current trend that is related to the experience of people from one of the following
demographic groups: an underrepresented race, national origin, or religion. Because this is a current event assignment, you
may choose either a journal article, magazine article, or newspaper article to review, provided the article was published
within the last five years. You will want to choose an article that is somewhat lengthy in order to provide you with enough
detailed content to include in your review. Preferably, the article should focus on the context of a workplace, organization, or
industry. However, if your interest is leadership within the public sector, you may alternatively focus on the context of a
community, city, county, or state.
You may select the article from any database in the Waldorf Online Library, including but not limited to the following
databases: Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, Criminal Justice/ProQuest, General OneFile, LexisNexus Academic Universe, McClatchy-Tribune Collection, Newspaper Source Plus, Opposing Viewpoints, or Psych
Articles. ORG 6700, Diversity and Inclusion in the Organization Culture 3
Write a minimum 500-word review of the article. Include the following elements in your article review:
1. introduction to the overarching topic of the article,
2. author’s main points,
3. author’s supporting evidence for each main point,
4. an analysis of how the article relates to this course’s content and how it applies to real-world situations (If applicable,
apply the Socio-Cognitive Systems Learning Model to your analysis. Do you recognize any Model I or Model II patterns
in the current event or trend described in the article?),
5. a critical evaluation of the main points and supporting evidence presented in this article (evaluation should
demonstrate critical thinking to inform and substantiate your opinion) and,
6. conclusion.
List the title of the article in bold at the top of the paper. Beneath that title, list the entire citation for the article, using APA
format. Also indicate where (i.e., which database) you retrieved the article.

Please see the attached assessment research paper rubric for instructions. You are to discuss the topic and to include all of the information in the rubric. Be sure to have headings such as the introduction, significance of the information, questions, implications, and so on. Make sure to answer each topic proposal question in a paragraph with the headings as well. I need the headings that belong in the research paper from the research rubric to be included and bold in the paper.

Essay Responses: This is your chance to let us know a little more about you and the factors that influenced your decision to pursue a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. The essay prompts are:
Describe a meaningful experience in your life. Reflect on how that experience influenced your personal growth, such as your attitudes or perceptions.
Describe a specific experience with a patient during your duties as a volunteer or aide in a physical therapy practice setting that made a notable impression on you and affirmed your desire to pursue a career in this field.
Please describe why you feel the hybrid format of DPT education at USC would provide a successful environment for you to complete the rigorous DPT degree. Include any personal experiences, learning styles or individual preferences that will support your success in the hybrid program.

Provide a cost/benefit analysis for your idea.  Make sure to mention any sunk or opportunity costs involved in the implementation of this program as well as the long-term increase in projected profitability.  You are permitted to use fictional numbers as far as costs go, but you should provide research to support any opportunity costs or projected profitability. You can find industry averages for various program costs and projected benefits.

This does not need to be written as a formal research paper, but all research provided does need to be cited in APA format.  You may write in the first person because you are presenting your own ideas.  You do not need to provide an abstract, but you do need an APA formatted title page and reference page.  Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages (approx. 700 words) not including the title and reference.


A complete description of the research paper requirements can be seen by clicking on the “Research Paper” in the Assignments tab on the top blue navigation bar. You will download the attached requirements file. The second file (“Using the References tool…”) provides additional help on including citations and references in your paper. However, there is a great list of resources found under the Content/Course Resources/Writing Resources link in this classroom. Of particular note is the file titled “APA Requirements for IFSM Courses.” There are also citation examples, a sample paper. and help with grammar, etc.

1. Read the controversial article provided by your instructor. As you read, take note of the major themes and ideas in the article. Type up a short summary (3-5 sentences) of the articles most important points, whether or not you agree with the articles point of view, and why.

2. Next, play The Believing Game by re-reading the article, imagining that you believe everything that the author of the article has to say. (As Peter Elbow writes, Often we cannot see what’s good in someone else’s idea (or in our own!) till we work at believing it.) Try to remain open to the authors ideas without doubting the writers claims. Try to figure out how you would come to agree with the authors point of view. without doubting the writers claims, After re-reading the article, write a short summary (2-3 sentences) of the articles most important points, from the point of view of a reader who believes everything the author has to say. If you wish, identify further evidence or reasons why the authors ideas are correct.

3. Third, play The Doubting Game. Re-read the article again, but this time, look for flaws in logic, mistaken facts, ignored evidence, hidden or false assumptions, internal contradictions, etc. How would a person who completely doubts the authors position read this article? After re-reading as a doubter, write down all of the flaws, mistakes, errors, and false assumptions that you found. In other words, make a list of all the reasons why the authors ideas make no sense.

4. Finally, reflect back. Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) explaining what you learned from doing this activity. Answer some or all of these questions:
-What did you learn about the authors ideas by reading as a believer and a doubter?
-How did your perspective on the article change?
-Do you feel differently now than you did when you first read the article?
-What did you learn about reading from doing this activity?
-What elements of this activity will you use in the future, and why?

you will write a 5-paragraph informative essay (500 words) about the social and cultural impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in two countries. You will use three references that you have gathered from your groups in your other subjects to include quotes inside the essay.
-You will use the following cause/effect outline template to organize your information before you write your essay -Students will be provided with the Informative Essay Outline below. The three causes have already been given to you.


Book Report Guidelines:
after you read Man’s Search For Meaning, please define and analyze the theory presented (logo theory) according to the criteria provided below. the report is to be five pages, double spaced, with font size 12.
if you are like me, you will fall in love with viktor frankl: the father of the best and brightest of an offshoot of existentialistic therapy that he named logo therapy. the word logo refers to the word label; in this case a reason– a logo that summarizes the purpose for their existence and the reason they were put on earth.
His history is very interesting; he was a prisoner in the concentration camps during the horrors of II world wars, and developed his theory during his stay there. It is the best of existentialistic theory and it is my pleasure to teach/introduce you to it.
I want you to know that when times were tough for me personally, reading Viktor Frankls man search for meaning, in which he explains and applies his logo therapy, helped me overcome and move on to where I am today.
please follow the attached guidelines (from chapter 1) for your evaluation of his theory for this project.