I need a four paragraph essay that will get me and 80-85, nothing higher
Teacher Words-
the three essay choices attached below and choose one to write a four to five paragraph essay response about its topic. You can use information from the poem, notes, or anything else to help you. If you use information that is not from the book/notes, you must cite your sources

Over the past three weeks you have been exposed to many concepts, theories and terms related to psychology. Now is the time to make personal application of some of the terms you have studied. This personal application of concepts learned is one of the things that makes psychology such an interesting area of study. Not all courses of study have such a direct application to our own lives. You will select four (4) of the following terms or concepts. You will read and research at least three scholarly sources and then identify, discuss and place each concept in proper context. After you have identified each concept you will then explain ways each concept can be applied to your own life with examples.  I hope you enjoy your research and the personal application.

Please select four of the following concepts or theories.

Social changes in life-span development
Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment
Issues related to gender and sexuality
Motivation and emotion
Health psychology, stress and coping strategies
Psychological Disorders and other Mental Health Issues
Concepts of interpersonal relationships

Correct font
Double-space paper
Minimum of 750 words.  No more than 1,000 words
Minimum of three (3) cited sources
Use APA format and parenthetical citations right after cited material

you need not summarize :

1- Choose 2 quotes from the readings (can be from any reading) and explain how you are understanding the quotes, and why you chose them. Why were they important or interesting to you?

These reflections need not be overly formal in format. I am primarily interested in your thought-process; questions, what is unclear, what was interesting, what you are struggling with to understand.

Suppose you are interested in how children with severe autism experienced the receipt of special education assistance in public schools. This population is characterized by underdevelopment of social cognition, social skills, and language skills. How many children should be included in the study? Why? What are the factors considered in making this determination?

Suppose you are interested in how children with severe autism experienced the receipt of special education assistance in public schools. This population is characterized by underdevelopment of social cognition, social skills, and language skills. What is the best method for collecting data to answer your research question? Why is this method best? How would you describe the research design?

Research papers should be at least approximately 10 pages at least and written according to MLA standards. Students are to take a controversial topic as in the previous essay assignments and EXPLORE both sides. Students MUST begin the research paper with their thesis (position statement) in the FIRST paragraph. Remember: a position statement MUST be decisive. Example: My position is pro-life and all life is precious (or something similar but be assertive but not aggressive nor lackadasical).

Watch the movie Babies, a 2010 documentary by Thomas Balmes that explores the first year of life (concurrently) for 4 infants from four different locations in the world. The film is available on Netflix, and you may be able to watch it for free on HULU. I have also found a few (what appears to be) full-length versions on YouTube.


This unit we have discussed the Physical Development, Cognitive Development, and Social and Emotional Development of Infancy. After watching the film, please identify examples of Physical Development, Cognitive Development, and Social/Emotional Development from the film. You should provide a TWO examples of each development (please also try to use two different children).  After you identify and describe the example, locate information in your text or other peer-reviewed sources that support your example as an example of either Physical, Cognitive, or Social/Emotional Development. When you reference the text (or any other outside information) make sure you use appropriate APA formatting. You should also include a reference page at the end of the assignment for all references.

Here is an example:

Hattie displayed what appeared to be separation anxiety on her first day of daycare. She was very upset when her mother handed her to the teacher and began to scream and hit the teacher as though she was trying to go back to her mother; however, the film then showed Hattie happily playing with her friends later that day. (a) This is an example of attachment theory. Based on Mary Ainsowrth patterns of attachment, there are 4 main types of attachment: secure attachment, avoidant attachment, ambivalent/resistant attachment and disorganized-disoriented attachment (Rathus, 2016). (b) Based on my observation, I would describe Hattie as having a secure attached to her mother, as a securely attached infant is one that initially expresses distress upon leaving her parent, but is able to be soothed by the new caregiver (Rathus, 2016). (c)

This assignment should be completed as one word document, with headings separating each development section.

Evaluation Essay Instructions

Choose an evaluation prompt from the Assignments page at the end of Ch.  11 (copied below) Topic should relate to something in the nursing or medical field.
Create specific criteria you will use to evaluate your subject.
Write a 2-3 page rough draft of your evaluation and upload it by due date.

Do not use other reviews as sources (no Yelp, Imdb, Rotten Tomatoes, or any source that already gives an evaluation or explanation of book or movie if you choose this) to support your review.
Evaluation Prompts:

Critical Assessment: Step into a controversy as boldly as Megan McArdle does in Serena Williams Is Not the Best Tennis Player (p. 123)and write a critique of some disputable claim within the public arena. You can address sports, as McArdle does, or look for a topic in other areas where evaluative claims are common and controversialpolitics, business, technology, arts, fashion, and so on. (If necessary, look to your Twitter feed for topic ideas.) Write an assessment strong enough to change someones mind.

Product Review: Choose an item that you own, buy, or use regularly, anything from a Coleman Lantern and Dunkin Donuts coffee to a Web site, phone app, or social network you couldnt live without. Then write a fully developed review, making sure to discuss your criteria of evaluation as thoroughly as Megan Giller does in Chocolate Experts Hate Mast Brothers (p. 137). Choose a specific audience if you want and be generous with the supporting details. Use graphics if appropriate.

Arts Review: Drawing on your experience with the arts, review a (medically based) movie, book, television series, work of art, or artist for a publication that you specifyprint or online. It can be as brief as Soup Martinezs review of Catcher in the Rye (p. 141). Perhaps write your review for a local or student publication. Or consider writing a substantive piece for an online site that takes reviewssuch as Amazon or IMDb.

Social Satire/Visual Argument: Take a critical look at some aspect of contemporary society the way Andy Singer does in his No Exit (p. 142). Use either prose or an image to critique a public policy, social movement, or cultural trend you believe deserves censure. But dont create an item that simply marks your subject as dangerous, pathetic, or unsuccessful. Instead, make people laugh at your target while perhaps offering a plausible alternative.

Your Choice: Evaluate a program or facility in some institution you know well (hospital, clinic, nursing home etc) that you believe works either especially efficiently or remarkably poorly. Prepare a presentation in the medium of your choice and imagine that your audience is an administrator with the power to reward or shut down the operation. (Ruszkiewicz, 20181022, p. 143)

For this assignment, you will be writing AND filming a commercial. Your written assignment must be a MINIMUM of 400 words. You may have to read ahead in your textbook to complete this assignment. Your assignment needs to be in PARAGRAPH form, but I also want you to submit a NUMBERED response to the following 6 commercial requirements AND underline and/or bold when you mention the following within your commercial:

Name of business/organization
Length of commercial