College Comp I and II MLA Formatting Instructions
Students will need to create Word documents for this course which they can attach to their emails to send to my college-assigned email address. I will also need a contact number for the narrative and descriptive essay initial drafts so that I can attempt to contact you during my scheduled office hours. Once you submit a narrative, be prepared to discuss it with your essay close by and pen and paper. Here are the formatting instructions. Type nothing else on the document until you have followed these steps:
If the Word icon does not appear on your home screen, use the window option in the lower left-hand corner of your computer screen to access by scrolling down using a side bar to find a Word document, which will be alphabetically listed. Click on blank document. Set the font to 11 or 12 only (12 is standard), and I would recommend using either Times New Roman or Ariel as your style.
Next, go to View at top, click on ruler; then click on Layout and Paragraph (to the lower right). In the Paragraph window, make sure the alignment is left and the line spacing double; then make sure to check the box beneath that reads Dont add space between paragraphs of the same style. Click on OK.
Next, go to Layout and Page Setup and make sure the top, left, bottom, and right margins are all one inch. Click on OK.
Click on Insert and Page Number (to the far right), Top of Page, and Plain Number 3. With the header box open, immediately type only your last name to the left of the Arabic numeral 1; you dont have to move anything. Then hit the space bar once. Close the red Header and Footer box unless it is not open; then go to the Header and Footer Tools to open it.
Next, set your ruler at the top of the document to one-half inch and click on it. A capital L will appear. Then create your heading and type the properly capitalized title and hit the Center icon at the top of the document to center it. Then press Enter and Back Space. Now you are ready to begin your first paragraph (the introduction).
Begin the first paragraph by pressing Tab on the computer to indent the first paragraph and then write. I hope this helps; otherwise, you may need to consult an online tutorial or the English Writing Lab for assistance. Youll see I sign my name on my documents, but you should not in academic writing.
Day: November 4, 2020
Drawing on what you have learned from your reading and assignments over the course of the semester, propose a full-fledged research project. You may utilize content from your previous assignments completed throughout the semester.
The proposal should be around 2500 words and include:
-An introduction, stating your research question (it’s ok if this has evolved over the semester), and explaining why it is interesting and important
-A review of the existing literature on this question, and how your research would add to that literature
-A “preliminary results” or “methodological preparation” section, reflecting what you learned from your pilot/practice projects
-A “proposed research” section laying out a specific, achievable research plan, including an explanation of why this research is the best possible way to answer your specific research question, realistic details on how you will gain access to your research site/interviewees/survey data, what you will do with them (ethnography for how long in what way ? What will you ask in interviews ? How will you analyze the survey data ? etc.)
-A limitations & challenges section where you anticipate possible challenges and limitations and explain how you hope to overcome them, or why they are not fatal flaws in your research design
-A conclusion explaining how the results of your research will add to the discipline of leadership studies and maybe even benefit society in some way
Book: Pajo, Introduction to Research Methods, SAGE Publishing, 2018. (I have attached the PDF version if you need it)
– Read the article. Write a “summary of the article”. You may quote from the article using quotations. Read and study the “Literacy Narrative” (LN) from the same book (NFG). Discuss or interpret in your own words how you see this Barrientos’ article as an example of a literacy narrative.
Begin your paper by:
* a creative title
* summarizing the article in two paragraphs of 5 sentences each
* stating 3-4 reasons why article is an example of LN (a paragraph
of 5 sentences)
* a concluding paragraph of 3 sentences tying up the summary and the reasons why it is a literacy narrative.
Observe proper grammar; correct spelling; work is all based on the main article and on NFG’s topic about LN.
This is the link to the paper:
After you read the paper you will summarize the paper in 1000 words.
While summarizing the paper you should be answering few questions throughout your summary.
1. What is the problem?
2. Why is it interesting and important?
3. Why is it hard? (E.g., why do naive approaches fail?)
4. Why hasn’t it been solved before? (Or, what’s wrong with previous proposed solutions? How does this differ?)
5. What are the key components of the approach and results? Also include any specific limitations.
6. Can you think of counterexamples for examples given?
7. Is the approach clearly described? Can you outline the steps or summarize the approach?
8. Does the work address the problem stated earlier in the paper? How?
9. Does the approach seem objective? Clearly state how?
10. Wrap up your paper by answering What is the conclusion of the research?
Politics, of the body and in government service
Must post first.
Refer to at least three of the learning resources for the week in your response to one or more of the questions below. Include specific examples from your life, history, the news, or the media.
What does it mean to you to say that “the personal is the political?”
What are some of the ways women can gain political power? Why is it important for women to have a voice in government and policy? Why is it important that women exercise their right to vote?
What reasons does Susan B. Anthony give in Constitutional Argument for why women need to be acknowledged as citizens with equal rights (including the right to vote) under the constitution?
Should women be considered as a voting group? What are the arguments for and against thinking about women as a single constituency?
What do you think would be the most effective way to move more women into political office, particularly on the national level?
Did this reading help you gain a different understanding of the term “body politics?” How are women’s bodies politicized?
How are gender roles and expectations connected to violence against women? What role do governments and political organizations have in finding solutions?
Why is reproductive choice such a controversial political issue? Do you think the fact that most issues of reproductive choice center on women and womens bodies have contributed to the belief that government has a role to play in managing reproductive choice? Are there any aspects of male health or sexuality that are equally politicized? Should it be a political issue at all?
Margaret Sangers campaign to legalize birth control was met with sometimes violent protest by those who objected that she was essentially promoting lewd behavior. Why do you think people were so strongly against her campaign? What were people worried would happen if women gained access to birth control?
Like Margaret Sanger, feminism (and Women’s Studies) has traditionally supported a pro-choice position on abortion. Do you agree with this position? What would a pro-life feminist position look like?
Use APA parenthetical citations in your text and include a reference list at the end of your post. When you refer to and/or discuss any resources, you need to include a citation for that source, such as: (Braincraft, 2015). For more information on APA style, go to:
Original question response posts are due by Saturday, 11:59PM ET; at least two replies to fellow classmates’ posts are due by Tuesday, 11:59PM ET. Note for replies: Replies to others should build on an idea mentioned in the original post with an additional example and/or cite the learning resources in addition to any part where you agree with or praise the original post (which is always appreciated!).
Original question response posts should be a minimum of 250-300 words, and replies to others should each be a minimum of 75-100 words.
You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads
This week, you learned basic definitions of diversity and concepts related to diversity. You explored the psychology of diversity as well as the benefits and challenges with which it is associated in forensic psychology. Discrimination, prejudice, and stereotypes were not only defined but also explained in terms of their contribution to social bias as a whole and specifically in forensic settings.
For your Week 1 assignment, you will be asked to identify and explore stereotypes present in forensic settings through an analysis paper. Your paper should:
Identify a minimum of three stereotypes present in forensic settings and the groups they are associated with.
Explain how you believe these stereotypes developed.
Address how these stereotypes can be changed and/or what might bring about this change?
Discuss your personal experience with stereotypes.
Support your analysis with 2 scholarly references.
Length: 2-3 pages
Directions: Study the Chicagofo rmatting resources in the unit.Take your essay#1, add your annotated bibliography to it (essay #2),then convert the entire essay to Chicago format. In order to do this, you are to change all of your in-text citations to Chicago format, and you are to also change your resources in your annotated bibliography to Chicago. To do this, do the following Return to each of your resources within the library databases from which you got them; Use the cite tool and this time, instead of selecting the APA format, choose the Chicago format and copy the entire resource. Replace the APA formatted resource with the Chicago formatted resource on your annotated bibliography.One of the resources I gave you is MLA vs. APA vs. Chicago formatting. Your citations within your document should reflect Chicago now,and not MLA or APA. You can see the CLEAR differences in that resource I gave you within the unit. Be sure to follow all of the other formatting rules for Chicago. The resources I provided you will help with that.I DO expect you to practice inputting notes within this essay, so follow those guidelines to do that. I would like to see at least one note on each page of the essay (you do NOT need to include notes in the annotated bibliography section).
Page 2of 2What else you need to know:All directions from the previous two essays are expected to have been followed no personal pronouns, no contractions, number of sources should be the same, etc. If you did not follow the directions for those two essays the first time, you will lose points, yet again, with this essay. If you forgot those directions, you are expected to return to those units and review them.Your annotated bibliography is your resources. Do NOT give me that AND a resources page. This essay should have four resources based on essay #2 since that was the last essay you did. Each of those four resources should be in-text cited within your essay at least ONCE, which means you WILL have to add some information somewhere within your essay #1 section I am mostly grading Chicago formatting in this essay. That being said, I am ALWAYS grading grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc.AGAIN, your S.I. rates will be higher this go around for obvious reasons. Do NOT email me or panic about that. I am ALEADY AWARE.
Chapter 1
1. Explain the purpose/ role of each of the following organizations:
Credentialing and Education (CCE)
National Organization of Human Services (NOHS)?
Council for Standards in Human Service Education (CSHSE)
Southern Regional Education Board (SREB)
2. What are the 12 skill standards and competencies for the Human Service Professional? (For exam you should be able to define/ identify each)
3. What are the 13roles and functions of the Human Service Professional? (For exam you should be able to define/ identify each)
4. What are the main purposes/ goals of professional associations?
5. Which professional association was founded by G. Stanley Hall in 1892?
6. Which professional association publishes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5)?
7. What are the eight (8) Characteristics of an Effective Helper? (For exam you should be able to define/ identify each)
8. Explain unconditional positive regard
9. What is the main idea behind the RESPECTFUL Counseling Model? Who developed the RESPECTUAL Counseling Model?
10. Robert Kegan and William Perry are credited with developing which approach?
Chapter 2
1. Who suggested it was important to have an understanding of history and coined the term Paradigm shift?
2. What three professions strongly influenced the Human Service field?
3. What two psychologists are credited with being the first experimental psychologists?
4. Which psychologist developed the first individual intelligence test?
5. Hypnosis was first introduced in the late 1800s by which psychologist?
6. Which laws gave the church the legal power to help oversee the poor, which included providing shelter and aiding the sick and jobless?
7. Who established the first Hull House in Chicago, and became the first American women to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for her social activism?
8. Who was instrumental in reshaping the practices of the social health profession by including a greater focus on systems and family counseling rather than individuals in isolations?
9. Who is credited with establishing the first social work program at Columbia University?
10. Who is considered the founder of vocational guidance/ vocational counseling
11. What is the name of the professional association counselors?
12. Why is the National Mental Health Act (1946) important to the Human Service Profession?
13. What did the Community Mental Health Center Act of 1963 provide to the Human Service Profession?
14. Explain the following professional standards: program accreditation and ethical standards?
15. Who created the Human Service Board Certified Practitioner in 2008?
Chapter 3
1. What are the three types of credentialing? Which one is the most rigorous to obtain?
2. What are some of the benefits of credentialing?
3. Explain the accreditation process for Human Service programs? What are some benefits of program accreditation?
4. What are some drawbacks of ethical standards/ guidelines?
5. Explain each of the following Ethical Decision Making Models:
Problem-Solving Model
Principle Ethics Model
Developmental Model (difference between dualism and relativism?)
Chapter 4
1. What are the main differences between counseling and psychotherapy?
2. Why is it important to have a theory?
3. Define the term heuristic
4. Explain the view of human nature. How does an individual develop their view of human nature?
5. What are the four conceptual orientations that theories are placed into mostly?
6. Explain each of the three popular psychodynamic approaches discussed in class
7. Explain each of the three popular existential-humanistic approaches discussed in class
8. What main concept did Abraham Maslow contribute to humanistic counseling?
9. Explain each of the four popular cognitive- behavioral approaches discussed in class
10. Explain each of the three popular postmodern approaches discussed in class
Psychological Tests Paper Assignment
Select one of the psychological tests listed below to investigate. Then, find at least 3 sources of information on the test. The sources must be academic sources. At least 2 of the sources must come from Ebscohost.
Write an APA style paper (approximately 4 pages) which addresses the following:
Part 1. Information about the test
1)Test name and Test Author(s)
2)Publisher: Test Publisher, Date of initial publication and most recent revision, Cost: (Booklets, Answer sheets, manual, etc.) make sure this is current. Use the internet for this
3) Description of Test: (Type of items, forms available, age groups, practical features, etc.)
4) Test/Scale Development: how scales developed
5) Use of Test: Purpose and Groups to which applicable/not applicable
6) Details of Administration (Time required, special materials needed, scoring instructions
7)Normative Data Available (Kind and adequacy of norms for particular purposes)
8)Types of Reliability that have been assessed for the tests (those appropriate)
(for example: Test-retest, Alternate form, Internal consistency
9) Types of Validity that have been assessed for the tests (not all may be relevant) and
the results. (for example: content, construct, predictive, concurrent, content etc)
Part II. Find one academic research study (Ebscohost or Google scholar) that used the test on a particular sample. Describe the study and results.
Part III. General Evaluation: Description of how widely the test is used, Criticisms of test, Benefits of using test
Please note: this is a formal paper – so you will need a title page and reference page.
Ebscohost articles :
Choose two biblical passages up to a chapter in length of the same genre or on the same topic and perform a close reading of the texts, discussing their shared features and textual strategies as well as interesting points of divergence between them.