To demonstrate your ability to read and understand scientific research articles
To demonstrate your ability to conduct a literature search related to a topic your have chosen as your research work
To demonstrate that you can develop a new objective, methodology and conduct a small research into the area chosen in relation to articles reviewed or you can write a new paper related to the topic of your choice conceptual paper.
discussion of three article research findings in relation to your topic- what is research gap there
To develop your research ability to do research or do an intervention related to the topic of interest  .
To demonstrate your ability to write a written paper on the research proposal and  discussion, with  limitations and future research


In a previous assignment, you designed an assessment to measure the Marks of a Disciple in someones life. In this assignment, you are giving the previously designed assessment to other people and reporting the results. (Look at the uploaded paper section it is under graded paper )


For this assignment, you will give that assessment to at least 5 Christians. (It is imperative that these 5 people claim to be believers in Jesus.) You can exceed this number. It is preferred that you survey people within the church you attend; however, if that is not possible, anyone will work. You can find family or friends. You can post on social media. You can go door to door. The goal is simply to get at least 5 Christians to take the assessment.

Take the results, summarize them, and submit them in the class. Include these elements:

    Your name and course number.
    How many people took your assessment?
    Describe the group of people who took the assessment. In other words, provide a brief demographic summary. This summary can be in bullet form or paragraph form. Keep it short and simple. DO NOT provide any names or identify characteristics such as places of employment or places of worship unless you change them and use pseudonyms.
    Present the total results of the assessments. Provide an average point total for each section based on the assessments that were taken. Add up the point total for a section of all the assessments and divide that by the number of assessments taken.

Thus, your submission will look something this:

Adam McClendon, DSMN 815

    12 people took the assessment.
    Of those that took the assessment: (Be clear whether you obtained this information from them or you are guessing. If you do not have this information, thats fine. Just be clear and honest.)
o    6 Caucasian, 1 Hispanic, 3 African American, 2 Unknown
o    The participants ranged in age from 32 to 55 and the average age was 43.
o    The education level of the participants is:
    2 High School only
    2 some college
    6 college graduate
    2 graduate degree
o    All participants live in Bedford County VA.
o    All participants attend the same church.

Summary of Marks    Average Total from Assessments
Mark 1:    4.5
Mark 2:    3.8


1. Look at the graded paper thoroughly for direction and to do the same survey or asking  5 people different questions that you will report. The people should be from your church for the paper please. Know guessing. The graded paper has like 6 things that you will ask them, including the new that you will add from the Mclendon example abobe.

2. Follow the example above under the instruction in Reporting it.

3. I will not extend the time for the paper, so don’t ask me for an extension pls.

4. I need a Title page and Table of content page for clarity sake, it should be done following the current Turabain Style and note that the one in the graded paper is off, but the same information is needed in it.

5. For my name in the reporting, leave it blank or put unknown, and for the course code it is DSMN 815 okay.

6. Readings which should be put at the bottom of the assignment as a Reference(s). is:


1.  Gorman, Michael J. Cruciformity: Pauls Narrative Spirituality of the Cross. Eerdmans, 2001. ISBN: 978-0802847959. (Read Chapters  9 AND 10 )

2. Whitney, Donald S. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. NavPress, 2014. ISBN: 978-1615216178. ( READ CHAPTERS 1, READ CHAPTERS 6 AND 7 )

Find an IT organisation, case study, of your choice. For the organisation write 2-3 paragraphs for each of the following:
    What is GDPR and how it is implemented in EU?
    How does the organisation implement the GDPR?
    What security measures does the organisation employ to safeguard personal data?
    How does the organisation address the issue of equality in terms of its IT/computers?
    How does the organisation address the issue of intellectual property rights (copyrights, patents and trademarks)?
IT organisation can be any for example Cisco, amazon, etc.

for this essay, you need to really do the research and using some academic or marketing report resources to support your writing. The paper should be in detail and convincing.

This is actually a group project, however, you are only required to research and report the advantages (benefits) or disadvantages that this alliance brings to each partner firm. I have attached our group proposal for this project, which provides you the background and related resources of this project. You should read the proposal first. The following two screenshots are the project guideline.

Thank you so much!

I don’t only need a finished article. I would need you to write more: my professor also gave me an assignment of composing a thesis statement and an assignment of constructing an outline of argument. I will provide you with the materials after I accept your offer. I don’t want to provide the materials now because that might cause trouble: they contain information related to my school.

About the assignment: it is a basic level research paper assignment. No too much advanced discipline knowledge required to write it. I will also provide you the detailed assignment instructions after I accept your offer. But don’t worry, because it is a basic and easy essay.

The 1st document is the outline of the assignment, so you can write arguments in there.
I am also including samples of affirmative and negative outlines for a review.

Here are full instructions of the assignment:

This assignment is designed to assess your skill at developing a complete logical outline of appropriate claims to constitute a four-part stock issue strategy on either side of this semesters policy topic:

Resolved:  That the U.S. Constitution should be amended to abolish the Electoral College in favor of the national popular vote.

You will develop a 1-1.5 page, single-spaced logical outline of simple, single sentence claims on the Affirmative for an internally consistent, complete Affirmative case that develops these four stock issues:  significance/ill/harm, inherency/blame, solvency/cure (both that the plan is practical/feasible/workable and that it solves EACH ill identified), and either an extra advantage or a developed preemptive defense to your Negative disadvantage/cost.  The Affirmative outline will be followed (in the same document) by a 1-1.5 page, single-spaced logical outline of simple, single sentence claims constituting a Negative position that develops an attack on each of the foregoing Affirmative stock issue positons:  a significance/ill/harm attack, an inherency/blame attack, a solvency/cure attack or PMN (either that the plan is somehow not feasible/practical/ workable or that it does not substantially solve an Affirmative ill or ills), and a disadvantage/cost attack.  Be mindful of including all the necessary parts in your PMN (link, claim, reasoning, impact) and your DA (external link, internal links, uniqueness, impact) AND LABEL EACH PMN AND DA PART IN YOUR OUTLINE.  (Be aware that this is something that the main sample does not illustrate because of tighter space limits on the assignment for which the sample was prepared; look at the Negative Outline on the HIV test resolution to see a better example of PMN and DA development and labeling.)  You will NOT be inserting the evidence that supports each terminal point in the outline, BUT you should be able to produce it from a combination of your research.

All the instructions are well demonstrated in the files which I uploaded. Please BE ADVISED to carefully and closely look over all the materials (Instruction, Grading Rubric, The Sample Journal, and etc.) before starting the task to have a general idea for what to expect of this assignment, as the grader for this assignment can be quite precise.

Required Reading Materials:

Week 8: Transformations, Part 2

Mon 11/23

Takaki, Ch. 14, World War II: American Dilemmas

Takaki, pp. 339-340, The Problem of the Color Lines

Wed 11/25

Ira Katznelson, White Veterans Only (2005)

  Pick ONE of these topics. A or B; not both:

A.  What current product or service sold in California needs more regulation? Why?

B.  Research the Cap & Trade carbon emission programs. Do you support them or not? Why? Take ONE position. I want your position and opinion NOT an analysis of pro vs. con. If unsure, ask!

to no more than 1 full-page, single-spaced essay
Name, PID# and Title of the essay
No title page or citations required

Part 6: Scenario-Based Case Study
For this assignment, you will submit Part 6 of the scenario-based case study course project, which is due in Unit VIII. You should evaluate and revise the recommendations as needed during the process for each previous unit as you learn more during the progression of this course. Please continue to draw upon your imagination to think creatively on potential concerns with fire and explosive hazards, fire controls, and fire and emergency management. Look at fire protection technology in a holistic way that is significantly different from what was previously designed by thinking in isolation. You will evaluate and develop recommendations to resolve potential fires in the future.

Section I

As you make suggestions to improve the standpipe and hose systems, refer back to the background information, if needed, to provide you with the necessary material to identify the basic components common to fire protection for the City of Washington Distribution Warehouse. In addition, review the Points to Ponder Scenario in the Unit VI Lesson for additional information.

This assignment is not looking for compliance with building codes nor expecting you to be a fire protection system designer. However, the purpose of this assignment is for you to apply the concepts and knowledge you learned in this unit as you begin writing your final project covering protection systems, which will detect, contain, control, and extinguish a fire. This assignment provides you with the opportunity to use your skills, expertise, and experience to enrich your response.

Prepare a well-organized narrative addressing the standpipe and hose systems and your recommendations after reviewing the background information and information above. Your discussion will consist of your evaluation of the previous standpipe and hose system, including classification and components, using information from the textbook and any additional research needed for your recommendations for the rebuild of the warehouse, including any impairments to standpipe and hose systems.

Section II

Read the Points to Ponder Scenario in the unit lesson before responding to this section. What are the various factors surrounding the ignition of cooking oil fires involving intermediate bulk container totes? What is the most effective extinguishing method for cooking oil fires? Consider the fire dynamics of cooking oil on the design of fire protection.

For this assignment, you will write a two-page narrative (one page per section) supporting your position. Use APA level one headings for each section. The heading should be indicative of the major section to follow. You must have a title page and references page. You may use information from reputable, reliable journal articles, case studies, scholarly papers, and other sources that you feel are pertinent. You should use at least three sources, one of which must be your textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations following proper APA style.