Prompt: book Review: Due Sunday, December 20th midnight

What is a book review?

A review is a critical evaluation of a text. Reviews can consider books, articles, entire genres or fields of literature, architecture, art, fashion, restaurants, policies, exhibitions, performances, and many other forms. This handout will focus on Wendy Adamsons Motherload, the book you must review for your 4th assignment.

Above all, a review makes an argument. The most important element of a review is that it is a commentary, not only a summary, though summary is important. It allows you to enter into dialogue and discussion with the works creator and with other audiences. You can offer agreement or disagreement and identify where you find the work exemplary or deficient in its knowledge, judgments, or organization. You should clearly state your opinion of the work in question, and that statement will probably resemble other types of academic writing, with a thesis statement, supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Typically, reviews are brief. In newspapers and academic journals, they rarely exceed 1000 words, although you may encounter lengthier assignments and extended commentaries. In either case, reviews need to be succinct. While they vary in tone, subject, and style, they share some common features:


    First, a review gives the reader a concise summary/argument of the content.This includes a relevant description of the topic as well as its overall perspective, argument, or purpose. Combine a SUMMARY with argumentthe book is effective because it s arranged this way….
    Second, and more importantly, a review offers a critical assessment of the content.This involves your reactions to the work under review: what strikes you as noteworthy, whether or not it was effective or persuasive, and how it enhanced your understanding of the issues at hand. This is your ANALYSIS.
    Finally, in addition to analyzing the work, a review often suggests whether or not the audience would appreciate it. This is the EVALUATION of the work.

The paper [in three essential parts] is 3-4 pages and follows this structure: Summary, Analysis, Evaluation.

Use these ideas for the in-class writing exercise.

Speech for the President of your country

The President of your country heard about your company for its revolutionary contribution in the 21st Century. He is going to visit your company on the 20th of Dec 2020 and would like to know more about your success.

You have been assigned by the Managing Director to prepare a speech of approx. 1000 words

      to welcome the President of your country to your company

      a brief description of your company

      the secret behind the success of the company

      further plans of the company

Do not use any existing companies. You may use a logo, stats etc Your speech should be convincing.

Your term project is to take a look at the non-profit agency where you work(ed) (use a Bronx location)and describe in writing the concepts of good social practice used and the areas where there are differences as to what constitutes good practice. In these areas, you should make suggestions for improvement and indicate how these improvements will strengthen the agency and its outcomes. The minimum page expectation is 5 pages, plus references. Use APA Style for any citations and references. Only non-confidential information may be used.

Part 1-Letter:

On December 31 of the current year, Russell Powell got married to Denise Powell.  Denise had a daughter from a previous relationship that is currently 13 years old.  Using your understanding of the concepts in the first 3 chapters, please draft a letter to Russell and Denise and help them understand their options for which filing status to use, and whether or not they may claim Denise’s daughter as a dependent on their current year tax return. Your letter to Mr. Powell should summarize the facts, issues, and conclusions in non-technical language.  Dont forget your authorities, cites, etc.

Part 2- Tax Form:

Fill out the appropriate tax form for Russell and Denise Powell.  Tax forms can be obtained from the IRS website.  **Be sure you save the form to your computer BEFORE you fill in any information or your data will be lost when you save the file with the data entered. Once saved, access the saved form from your computer, not the web browser.**

Russell and Denise Powell are married filing jointly.  Their address is 525 Spencer Street Miami, FL  33054.

Additional Information about Mr. and Mrs. Powell is as follows:

      Russell Powell                                                        Denise Powell
Social Security Number:  412-34-5670              Social Security Number:  412-34-5671
Date of Birth:  4/11/1971                                    Date of Birth:  7/24/1974
W-2 For Russell shows these amounts:                W-2 for Denise shows these amounts:
Wages (Box 1):  $75,000                                Wages (Box 1):  $35,000
Federal W/H (Box 2): $6,950                                Federal W/H (Box 2): $3,820
Social Security Wages (Box 3): $75,000                Social Security Wages (Box 3): $35,000
Social Security W/H (Box 4): $4,650                Social Security W/H (Box 4): $2,025
Medicare Wages (Box 5): $75,000                    Medicare Wages (Box 5): $35,000
Medicare W/H (Box 6): $1,088                        Medicare W/H (Box 6): $475

Form 1099-INT for Russell and Denise show this amount: Box 1 = $3,740 Peninsula Bank
They also received tax-exempt interest of $1,500, as well as $90 for jury duty pay when Denise went to court to serve for two days.
Denise received two weeks of workers compensation pay for a total of $1,750.
Dependent:  Daughter Sarah Powell.  Her date of birth is 6/15/2008.  Her Social Security number is 412-34-5672

Part 3-Letter and Excel Calculation:

Create a 1-2 page letter to the Powell’s explaining their deductibility of their medial expenses  by providing them a spreadsheet in Excel to calculate Denises medical expense deduction.  Use the formula for calculating a taxpayers medical expense deduction presented in your textbook in learning object 5.6 as a guide.  Use the AGI you calculated for the couple in week 2 in your calculation.  Make sure to properly label each medical expense and provide an explanation for any medical expenses that are nondeductible in the letter.  Embed your spreadsheet into the letter.

During the current year Denise has paid the following medical expenses:

Drugs (prescribed by a physician                        $1,850
Marijuana (prescribed by physician)                $2,125
Health Insurance Premiums After Taxes        $775
Doctors Fees                                                        $1,450
Contact Lenses                                                $280
Over-the-Counter-Drugs                                        $325

Denise received $750 for a portion of her doctors fees from her insurance.


The week 1 and 3 letters to the Powell’s should be 1-2 pages with references.
Use an Excel spreadsheet for the medical expense deduction calculation in week 3.
All sources used are to be submitted in APA format. Please use the writing center if needed.

For your second short philosophical papers (about 4-6 pages double-spaced) you will address one of the questions we have discussed in the past few weeks. While it is important to show familiarity with the issues covered in class, you do not need to address everything that we discussed. The primary purpose of these papers is to practice philosophical reasoning to work through an issue.

Your short paper should include:
  1) An introduction with an argumentative THESIS statement that is as specific as possible.  In this paper, you are arguing for a specific answer to the questions.
2) You will present two points of view and the reasons why a person might support both views. You will be graded on your ability to present arguments from two different points of view.
  Suppose you decide to answer the following question:” what is virtue theory?” DO NOT just describe what virtues are and who came up with the idea. Instead, you need to explore at least two arguments related to virtue theory. If you are not sure what two perspectives to pick, you can also present arguments for and against the question: one side that says virtues are true because and one side that says virtues are false because

  3) After presenting at least two points of view, you will DEFEND the point of view that you think is strongest/ most correct and then show how/why it is stronger than the other point of view.
  4) Finally, you will add a conclusion, reworking your thesis statement, and showing why this question is essential.
Your final paper will be graded as follows:

__/ 10  Articulates and Answers Question  [Is it clear what philosophical question your paper is answering?]
__/10  Introduction and Conclusion [Can any reader tell what is your thesis? Do your introduction and conclusion fit in well with the rest of your paper?]
__/20 Quality of Argument [How well do you present the argument for your point? Do you take your reader through your argument so that they do not get lost?]
__/20  Rebuttal [How well do you respond to (at least one) of the cons mentioned for the position you are arguing for?]
__/20  Quality of ideas [How creative is your position? Is it obvious that you spent more than 5 mins thinking about this issue?]
__/10  Organization and Clarity [How easy is your paper to follow? Do you answer all of the readers questions?]
__/10  Editing and formatting [Does it look like you read over your paper? How many grammatical/ spelling or editing errors are obvious?]

Details: about 4-6 pages double-spaced, 12-point font. Please use a professional font, such as Times, Arial, or Cambria. 1-inch margins. Please cite any source that you reference, both primary as well as the textbook. Upload your paper as a .doc or .pdf to Blackboard. (Each day it is late I will subtract five points from your overall score.)

Not enough or too much; it’s a delicate balance. In this activity, you will select a country and explore the concepts of price ceiling and price floors and market shortages and surpluses.

Locate a recent article (published within the last year) that discusses either the price ceiling or price floor, and market shortages and surpluses of a good or service from your selected country at a macro level. You can use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to locate an article. Analyze your selected country’s good or service and determine whether it has a market shortage or surplus. Include the following in your discussion.

Identify the country and the good or service selected.
Analyze supply and demand curves.
Examine the concepts of price ceilings and price floors.
Explain the causes and predict the effect of changes in demand and supply on the equilibrium price and quantity.
Differentiate between consumer surplus and producer surplus.
Discuss whether your selected good or service results in a market surplus or market shortage and explain why.
Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference. Use current APA formatting to document your sources.

Your written response should state what you fond interesting in the article. This statement must then be supported and expanded upon by multiple topic sentences, quotes, and supporting details. Elaborate on the subject and your interest in it.

Use this current topic, vision, and explain it. In addition describe what learning techniques you used to master the material.

Vision or sight is the perception of objects located in the environment based on the light that they emit or reflect. Light is visible electromagnetic radiation. Human vision is adapted to take advantage of the most available source of electromagnetic radiation: solar radiation. UV and infrared are both outside the light range perceived by the human eye. Images are formed by refraction or the bending of light rays.

The eyeball sits in the orbit or eye socket. It is controlled by a number of different muscles, and cushioned by orbital fat. Eyelids and eyelashes help to protect the eye. In order to understand the sense of vision, you do need to understand the anatomy of the eye.

The test consists of you writing one essay response to the following themes.  As you will see, the themes are broad, so a big part of your response involves you creating a clear, specific thesis about the theme you have chosen.  I would like you to discuss the theme and pursue the thesis in relation to two of the works that we have discussed in class.  And so, I would like you to discuss two to three texts for the essay.  I would like one of these texts to be Chekhovs Uncle Vanya.  As we did more than one work by Tolstoy, your range is a bit more open in regards to what you can choose from him.

Here are the themes:

Power and Powerlessness
The Corruption of Society
Political vs. Artistic Commitment
The Real and the Unreal
The Supernatural
Love and Hatred
Love and the Abuse of Love
Life and Death
The Role of Class
The Family
Morality and Immorality
Mortality and Immortality
Belief and Nihilism
Justice and Injustice
Literature and History
City vs. Country

For example, you might look at the theme of nostalgia in Oblomovs Dream and in The Death of Ivan Ilyich or you might look at the nature of love in Turgenev and Chekhov, etc.  Some of these responses will inevitably be compare and contrast in structure; when it comes to such essays, structure your paper in terms of ideas instead of discussing one work for half the essay and another work for the other half. As with your previous essays, you must use proper essay structure:  a clear introductory paragraph that closes with a specific, strong thesis; paragraphs organized around topics that support your thesis and that are structured in a clear, logical way; a sense of transition from point to point; evidence from the text that supports your thesis and/or supporting points; and, finally, a strong conclusion.

For the essay, you should use your books, as I would like you to quote directly from the primary texts.  As with previous essays, points will be gained or lost on the basis of how you use the texts to support your argument. Be sure to include the bibliographic information for the texts (print or online) that you have used at the end of the essay.

In a 900-word essay (or more) describe in detail either the Romantic Period or Twentieth-century art music. You may choose to discuss how cultural events impacted the development of music at a given point in time, and perhaps what you hear and react to in music throughout the era. Feel free to discuss specific works or general musical values. You need to describe 4 works of music from our listening list. Using musical terminology,  give 2-3 sentences of personal description about how each works sounds, and then explain how each piece relates to your historical narrative. Please organize your thoughts using paragraphs with topic sentences and a clear organization for your narrative.

Music you may use for the paper:

Schubert, Erlknig

Berlioz, Symphonie Fantastique, Movement IV, “March to the Scaffold”

Chopin, Nocturne in Eb Major

Verdi, La Traviata, Act I “Un di felice”

Wagner: Die Walkure, Wotan’s Farewell

Dvorak, Symphony No. 9 “From the New World”, Movement II

Brahms, Violin Concerto, Movement III

Mahler, Symphony No. 1, Movement III

Debussy, Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun

Stravinsky, Rite of Spring, Movement I

Schoenberg, Pierrot Lunaire, “Madonna”

Ives, Variations on America

Varese, Poeme Electronique

Adams, Short Ride in a Fast Machine