1- I need to edit these 7 pages and add more information about hidden cost on this decomment attached,
2- Write
– chapter 2: a literature review which is contin (Theoretical literature review – Concept of the problem- A side effect of this problem – Causes of the problem- How to avoid it)

– research gap ( as we search before it is the first research studying the hidden cost in Saudi Arabia.
– Linking with the objective
– Conclusion and recommendation
– references

(I will make the methodology and related because it as an audio recording but if you need any information about it I will write it and translate it to English)

Watch the video and then describe how one aspect of your own social background has affected your ability to do well in life (life chances)


For example: You might realize that you were able to secure a job with a higher salary and great healthcare because you could meet the bilingual prerequisite. As a result of this your finances and health have improved because you’re able to access preventative and illness care on a regular basis with little cost. In this situation being raised bilingual is an aspect of your social background that has positively affected your life chances.

Demonstrate understanding of key concepts through application in your posts (bold key concepts).
List citations – anything that is copied from the internet will result in a zero.
In-text citations must use quotation marks and should be kept to a minimum.

* Times New Roman, max interline 1,5
* Obligatory elements:
* Cover page  with title and information about author
* 3 sections:
* Statement of facts  max 2 pages
* Legal analysis  including analysis of the legal notions, juxtaposing (comparing) different views on the topic presented in doctrine and jurisprudence (objective analysis) min. 8 pages
* Personal proposal / opinion on the topic (subjective opinion)
* Inclusion of jurisprudence and doctrine!!!  (anytime you cite someone else statement putting footnotes is obligatory)
* Bibliography I need only legal analysis on min 8 pages. Please, follow writing in document named “1” and check other assignments, that are examples.

3.) What are the major differences between the Informative and Persuasive Speech? Elaborate on making Claims for the Persuasive Speech and submitting main points for Informative Speech? Include the definitions and types of Claims discussed.

What key factors differentiate the Informative from the Persuasive presentations structure and intent?

4.) What are the components of argument structure as discussed by Aristotle, Toulmin, Monroe, and Simon Sinek?

Discuss the connection between Monroe’s Motivated Sequence and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Why is it important when persuading?

1. Communicating Across Borders

Doing business across the globe is commonplace. Since not every organization can afford to hire native or fluent speakers of multiple languages, communicating with businesses in other countries may be an obstacle. Luckily, the same technological advances that have brought us closer also offer solutions for speaking with others who do not share the same language

2. Conduct an internet search for tools and options for translating the written and spoken word into another language. Provide information on three choices (free, moderate cost, expensive). Do not copy descriptions of the products. Discuss what the products or services can do (and cannot do). Explain why the various tools would be helpful in doing business in another language. (2 pages)

3. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference your sources in APA format. Your paper should be written in the third person; this means words like I, we, and you are not appropriate.

4. A 4-page paper with APA citations (2- or 3-sentence introduction, 4-page body, 2- or 3-sentence conclusion)
The reference list page in APA format

The research paper is a formal paper and the text should be formatted using APA style – double-spaced. The paper is expected to be properly prepared and professionally presented paper. That means a title page with a correct header and a running head, the core text of your research, and a reference list fully and properly set up and laid out with a minimum of six external sources of cited material. There should be 2000 to 2500 words of text/content excluding the material covered above, anything over 3000 words is too long and anything under 1250 words will be treated as non-responsive and will not grade.

Create a draft of your educational philosophy. Your philosophy may be grounded in a theory or theories that you have studied in this course or be informed by your study of historical and sociological influences on education.

In this draft, include statements regarding your beliefs and values in each of the following areas:
The purpose of education.

Your personal vision of meeting the learning needs of diverse students using standards-based instruction.

Where you stand regarding the perceived role of the teacher as a leader and advocate according to some of the ethical frameworks that you have examined.

How you perceive the process of self-reflecting on teaching practices and education policy in order to utilize research, ethical practice, and other resources to advance the profession.

Please use the 3 resources provided (You can use more but include the 3 given first)