Marketing/Business Paper:

In one-to-two sentences each, describe the five Service Quality categories (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) and provide an example of each.

Identify three distinct service providers with whom you are personally familiar. (Examples: Amazon, Costco, and Netflix). Rate each of your three service providers in each of the five categories, and, then, in Overall Service Quality. Use a scale of 15, with 1 being ‘poor’ and 5 being ‘excellent.’ Base your ratings in each category and Overall Quality on your own judgment, but try to be objective.

Paper Style:
2 Pages (Tables are OK to compare service providers)
Times New Roman
12 Point Font
APA Format with Works Cited

Please review the attached Word document for full assignment instructions.

The goal of this assignment is for you to evaluate a retailer using the six P’s of the retailing mix. Price, Promotion, Place, Product, Presentation, Personnel.

3 pages
12-pt Times New Roman font
1-inch margins on all sides
APA Format

Food marketing through your day

During two consecutive days (Wednesday/Thursday or Saturday/Sunday etc.)  be aware of all the food marketing you see by the food industry ( food retailers, food and beverage producers, and food service companies).

Create a list and record all your interactions. Divide the interactions between conscious and unconscious influences.


I would need some help with my work in marketing.
I need to answer these 4 questions:
1. What crisis (not Covid) affected your destination? What was the impact of the crisis on the destination/place/country you researched in a) direct and b) indirect terms?

2. Public perception about a destination of their choice is often a reflection of what information is distributed by the media. Do you agree with this statement in the context of your chosen example? To what extent do you think the media is responsible for peoples perceptions of travel related risk to your chosen example?

3. When can you say that a destination has fully recovered from the impact of a negative event? What can be done to speed the recovery? Explain your response in the context of chosen example with examples.

4. What suggestions can you make in terms of how marketing can be used in terms of place (re)branding and reassuring visitors/tourists that it is a safe place to travel i.e. alleviate international concerns to visit the country/destination?

I have started to work on the 2 first questions. However, if you could please improve the quality of the work it would be great.
Please you source for the questions. thank you

(It should not be more than 1 and a half A4 paper.

For as much positive change as social media has created, it has arguably been a negative disrupter in society. One of the solutions that is discussed is the idea of breaking up the dominance of players like Facebook.

tell us your point of view.

Read Kara Swisher’s viewpoint and listen to Prof Galloway’s podcast in which he interviews Sinan Aral, the author of The Hype Machine: How Social Media Disrupts Our Elections, Our Economy and Our Health – And How We Must Adapt.”

In this deliverable, your team will provide STPD analysis for your class project company.
Design the components listed below for your marketing plan.
1. Design the Target Market
Design a one page description of the target customers you want bring in to your business. Explain different charateristics of these customers and describe why these customers will fullfil the mission of the company.
2. Design your Differentiation
Write a one page description of your differentiation in terms of products and location as compared with your competitors.
3. Design your Positioning
Present one positioning diagram explaining the personality of your brand. Explain your positioning diagram.
4. Design Segmentation
Design a minimum of three segments in your target market. Provide a one page description of your segments

Some things to mention/discuss for the video can be what you learned, whether you think its a good/bad idea/strategy, things that may have surprised you.  Write your own thoughts/opinions.  Not a word for word description of what was discussed in the video.

Video link:–AuxdQUdlo&list=PLDt0J62yU45sN1rBmNiSRr12acZBnPAZy&index=24

As we noted in class, services are different from products. Service are performed, products are things. The creation of value through a service is therefore very different from that with a product. And services constitute well more than half the value in the GDP of a developed country. Finally, service businesses (JPM, Citi, Deloitte, PWC, E&Y, Facebook, Goldman, MorganStanley, KPMG, etc) are some of the biggest employers of NYU grads. The odds are you will be working for a service business in a few years. So this is very relevant.

The Mayo Clinic is an exemplar of excellence in service branding, and we will analyze it to get some sense of how value in services are created. Attached is an article which describes its history, structure, expansion, and branding. Also, please watch this Ken Burns documentary: Faith, Hope, and Science

You should also consult these materials:

Also, on YouTube, you can find many videos made by patients who have spent time there. Hunt some of these down, and you can get a sense of what the patient experience is like.

Then submit to our NYU Classes, before class on 3/22, a 3-5 page analysis based upon the following questions:

What is the nature of the value created by the Mayo Clinic?
What market inefficiencies present challenges to the Mayo Clinic?
How does the Mayo Myth contribute to its brand value?
How does the non-profit structure contribute to its value?
How does physician compensation contribute to its value?
How does architecture contribute to its value?
What suggestions do you have for Mayo to increase its brand value?

Hello friend,

All the assessment is well explained in the file uploaded. (PDF)
The structure to use is also written down in the PDF document.
The analysis should not exceed 2500 words.

You will also find the following uploads on Materiality Matrix, Management and Sustainability Tools (PPT) useful in completing the assessment.

We can then discuss together about everything to make sure this is clear to you.

Here is a template of the assessment (the link below)  , explained point by point .
So this is not the format you will use because this is a video and you are doing an essay (analysis) , but It can help you understand :

Think of a marketing communication (ad, letter, email, billboard, display, etc.) that ultimately led to a change in your attitude toward a product, service, or experience.

-Describe the product, experience, or service
-Describe the marketing communication
-Analyze which attitude molding route the marketing communication used:
-Conative route: It changed your actions somehow (sample product, free trial, etc.) and that led to a change in your feelings and beliefs about it
-Affective route: It changed your feeling about it, and that led to a change in your beliefs and your behavior toward it
-Cognitive route: It changed your beliefs about it, and that led to a change in your feelings and behavior toward it
-Tell us how it successfully used this route to change your attitude