Prepare an 8-10 page double-spaced (not including title or reference pages) research paper based on Access Control Policy.

The paper organization will include:

Clearly define the problem, issue, or desired topic that was researched.
Starts out broad and becomes more and more specific.
Present the relevant literature and ideas.
Identify relations, contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the literature.
Possible solutions to any problem(s) identified.
References (at least ten)

In the hope of high returns, venture capitalists provide funds to finance new (start up) companies. However, potential competitors and structures of the market into which the new firm enters are extremely important in realization of profits. Among different market structures, which one do you believe provides the highest possible return for a new company and why?

your office has send authorization requests to an insurance carrier called  Health First for your patients with Worker’s Comp cases in the last month. All ten request that were sent  a month ago have not received a response. you are writing a letter to your claims adjuster about the missing authorization that will also be getting sent to your supervisor  and the Worker’s comp board. you need to explain the general situation and the urgency of the authorizations ( one is for a patient that requires a lung transplant) you are asking them to send the necessary authorizations and how best to contact you if they need further information (i.e. patient files or insurance information).

I am supposed to use these following resources:
Awaru, A. O. T. (2020). The Social Construction of Parents’ Sexual Education in
Bugis-Makassar Families. Society, 8(1), 175-190.

International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education, 2009, UNESCO

Pop, M. V., & Rusu, A. S. (2015). The Role of Parents in shaping and improving the sexual
health of childrenlines of developing parental sexuality education programs. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 209, 395-401.

Regmi, P., Simkhada, P., & Van Teijlingen, E. (2008). Sexual and reproductive health status among young peoples in Nepal: opportunities and barriers for sexual health education and services utilization. Kathmandu University Medical Journal, 6(2 (Iss), 1-5.

Robinson, K. H., Smith, E., & Davies, C. (2017). Responsibilities, tensions, and ways forward:Parents’ perspectives on children’s sexuality education. Sex Education, 17(3), 333-347.

For each reference I am supposed to write the following information:

What is the goal of the study?
Who were the participants?
What did they measure in the study and how did they measure it? What did they find?
How could this information be helpful to your target audience?

Understanding the literature review is the foundation of academic inquiry (Xiao and Watson, 2017). The literature review grounds your topic of interest with academic historical research from previous authors. This is where the saying of Stand on the shoulders of giants comes into your research. Standing on the shoulders of giants could be as far back as Socrates and his philosophies or Newton and his determination of the universe. Every area of study has giants or thinkers that have come to be accepted as reliable sources to follow. In this assignment, you will delve into the sea of knowledge to uncover the complexity and understanding of reviewing the literature and developing your knowledge in writing.

The assignment is to conduct your own research first with the resources provided, and then any additional research you add and determine the following:

What is a literature review?
Why is a certain type of literature used?
What must you include in a literature review?
How do you find the information for a literature review?
Use the items above as headings in an APA formatted paper with a title page and reference page

How did this week’s learning content (assigned readings, etc.) challenge or affirm your thinking? What did you agree or disagree with and explain why? Did you learn anything new? Is there anything you are curious about? Provide evidence to support your points. We all read the assigned readings, so do not repeat them for us. Give us a fresh take by including your critical analysis and perspective. Your response must be detailed and show deep, reflective, and critical thinking. Surface comments and descriptions will not suffice. I encourage you to use current events, lived experiences, and artifacts (videos, images, etc.) to support your response. Use APA in-text citations to show where your information is coming from. It must be clear that you read/watched and understood the material and can use it to support your perspectives. Do not just pick one thing to read or watch. Read the textbook and the articles, and your post must demonstrate that you have read and understand all the material.
2. Required: Using the relational leadership model element purposeful, why would a leader need to pay attention to the ideas brought up in this week’s assigned readings? In other words, how would this week’s learning material influence a leader who seeks to be purposeful? You will need to reference/use the appropriate part of the relational leadership model (found in the Week 2 module or here) and use it to frame your response.

3. Required: Write at least one (no more than two) discussion question that will engage classmates. The question (s) you ask should not yield “yes or no” responses, or pedestrian/simple answers. Design questions to provoke deep and diverse responses.

Talks about the role of these these three paragraphs in their essays and what they want to convey.

1.In the last century and a half, the American citizen has been defined over against the Asian immigrant, legally, economically, and culturally. (The Power of Culture; second paragraph at page 3)

2.His history included his childhood, education, summer jobs, sweet relationships. My history was blackouts one through five. My character was just as much on trial as his character, my behavior, my composure, my likability, were also being evaluated. But there was nothing to suggest that I was a person extracted from a full life surrounded by people who cared about me.(Know My Name: A Memoir ;third paragraph at page 193)

Link for this paragraph is:,+education,+summer+jobs,+sweet+relationships.+My+history+was+blackouts+one+through+five.+My+character+was+just+as+much+on+trial+as+his+character,+my+behavior,+my+composure,+my+likability,+were+also+being+evaluated.+But+there+was+nothing+to+suggest+that+I+was+a+person+extracted+from+a+full+life+surrounded+by+people+who+cared+about+me.&source=bl&ots=fP_19o1AqL&sig=ACfU3U1w7IRCs8fiOzg27QB1j6r8-yJO_Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8ze6K47XvAhUfKzQIHcm0ANYQ6AEwAXoECAQQAw#v=onepage&q=His%20history%20included%20his%20childhood%2C%20education%2C%20summer%20jobs%2C%20sweet%20relationships.%20My%20history%20was%20blackouts%20one%20through%20five.%20My%20character%20was%20just%20as%20much%20on%20trial%20as%20his%20character%2C%20my%20behavior%2C%20my%20composure%2C%20my%20likability%2C%20were%20also%20being%20evaluated.%20But%20there%20was%20nothing%20to%20suggest%20that%20I%20was%20a%20person%20extracted%20from%20a%20full%20life%20surrounded%20by%20people%20who%20cared%20about%20me.&f=false

3.I was scared of her like no dark corners could ever scare me. You have to know that all the while she was teaching us history she was telling, with her language for the deaf, blind and dumb; she was telling all boys in our class that I was Pearl and my last name was Harbor. They understood her like she was speaking French and their names were all Claude and Pierre. I felt it in the lower half of my stomach, and it throbbed and throbbed until I thought even you sitting three rows away could hear it. (Racial Melancholia, Racial Dissociation;first paragraph at page 56)

making sure to include the question number.
1.What are primitive traits, and what is an example of a primitive trait that primates share? What are derived traits, and what is an example of a derived trait in humans? (use examples that are not in the textbook) What does it mean that primitive and derived traits are relative terms?
2.As the textbook states, “Primates are one of at least twenty Orders belonging to the Class Mammalia.” What are the characteristics that all mammals have in common? When thinking about these mammalian traits in primates, would they be considered primitive or derived traits? Explain your answer.
3.What are generalized traits, and what is a specific example seen in primates? What are specialized traits, and what is a specific example seen in primates? (use examples that are not in the textbook)
4.Describe the following characteristics of primates (from the textbook section “Primate Suite of Traits” and the slidecast):
Vision/forward-facing eyes/postorbital bar/trichromatic and dichromatic
Brain size/visual center/neocortex
Smell and evolutionary trade-offs
Arboreal/3D environment/pentadactyly
Opposable thumbs/toes and tactile pads
Life history
Behavioral and ecological traits
5.What is homodont v. heterodont dentition and what type of dentition do primates have? List and describe the tooth types found in the heterodont dentition. What is meant by the “dental” formula, and what is the dental formula of humans?
6.If a scientist found a primate jawbone, would they be able to determine if the jawbone had belonged to a male or a female primate? Explain your answer.
7.What do frugivores eat? Describe the characteristics of frugivorous primates. What do insectivores eat? Describe the characteristics of insectivorous primates. What do folivores eat? Describe the characteristics of folivorous primates.
8.List and describe the different activity patterns that are explained in your textbook. Which one would you say applies to humans and why?
9.Describe the different locomotor adaptations seen in primates (vertical clinging and leaping, quadrupedalism, brachiation, bipedalism). Briefly describe the skeletal adaptations associated with each of these locomotor patterns (except for bipedalism).
10.Explain why humans have evolved a biological craving for sugar and why this craving can be harmful in modern environments (from the article on sugar).

Millions and millions of years ago, apes survived on sugar-rich fruit. These animals evolved to like riper fruit because it had a higher sugar content than unripe fruit and therefore supplied more energy.

“Sugar is a deep, deep ancient craving,” said Daniel Lieberman, an evolutionary biologist at Harvard University and author of “The Story the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease

And sugar offers more than just energy it helps us store fat, too.

When we eat table sugar, our bodies break this down into glucose and fructose. Importantly, fructose appears to activate processes in your body that make you want to hold on to fat, explains Richard Johnson, a professor in the department of medicine at the University of Colorado and author of “The Sugar Fix .” At a time when food was scarce and meals inconsistent hunting is significantly less reliable than a drive-through hanging on to fatwas an advantage, not a health risk.

In a forthcoming paper, Johnson postulates that our earliest ancestors went through a period of significant starvation 15 million years ago in a time of global cooling. “During that time,” he said, “a mutation occurred” that increased the apelike creatures’ sensitivity to fructose so that even small amounts were stored as fat. This adaptation was a survival mechanism: Eat fructose and decrease the likelihood you will starve to death.

The sweet taste was adaptive in other ways as well. In the brain, sugar stimulates the “feel-good” chemical dopamine. This euphoric response makes sense from an evolutionary perspective since our hunter-gatherer ancestors predisposed to “get hooked” on sugar probably had a better chance of survival (some scientists argue that sugar is an addictive drug

“Imagine if someone hated sugar in the Paleolithic era,” said Lieberman. “Then they wouldn’t eat enough sugar or have enough energy and wouldn’t have children.”

In other words, anything that made people more likely to eat sugar would also make them more likely to survive and pass along their genes.

All the food challenges our prehistoric ancestors faced mean that biologically, we have trained ourselves to crave sweets. The problem today is that humans have too much of the sweet stuff available to them.

“For millions of years, our cravings and digestive systems were exquisitely balanced because sugar was rare,” Lieberman wrote in an op-ed for The New York Times. “Apart from honey, most of the foods our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate were no sweeter than a carrot. The invention of farming made starchy foods more abundant, but it wasnt until very recently that technology made pure sugar bountiful.”

Weight gain was not a real risk when our instincts meant we might scarf down the nutritional equivalent of a carrot whenever we happened to stumble across one. Drinking soda all day the contemporary equivalent is a different story.

Today, the average sugar intake in the U.S. is 22 teaspoons per person per day, which is four times the amount that the World Health Organization suggests is healthy. Eating too much sugar is linked to a laundry list of negative health effects, including diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.

“We need to realize that our bodies are not adapted to the amount of sugar that we are pouring into them and it’s making us sick,” said Lieberman

Original Link:

You will be graded using the following rubric:

A  90-100%    Outstanding work with thorough, detailed, and clearly written answers