Alexander, H., Illowsky, B., & Dean, S. (2017). Introductory Business Statistics. Openstax. Retrieved from

For Module 3, you should read through the following material in this textbook.

Chapter 13: Linear Regression and Correlation
Sections 13.4, 13.5, and 13.6 only
These sections introduce multivariate or multiple linear regression analysis. These sections also explain some of the problems that can occur in regression analysis as well as how to change the functional form of the model to generate elasticity coefficients.

Assume once again that you are a consultant who works for the Diligent Consulting Group. You are continuing to work on the analysis of the customer database from Modules 1 through 3.

SLP Assignment Expectations
Complete the following tasks in the Module 4 SLP assignment template:

Compare the coefficients of determination (r-squared values) from the three linear regressions: simple linear regression from Module 3 Case, multivariate regression from Module 4 Case, and the second multivariate regression with the logged values from Module 4 Case. Which model had the best fit?
Calculate the residual for the first observation from the simple linear regression model. Recall, the Residual = Observed value – Predicted value or e = y .
What happens to the overall distance between the best fit line and the coordinates in the scatterplot when the residuals shrink?
What happens to the coefficient of determination when the residuals shrink?
Consider the r-squared from the linear regression model and the r-squared from the first multivariate regression model. Why did the coefficient of determination change when more variables were added to the model?

Pick a decision support system and/or data warehouse technology, that you find especially intriguing.  Explain why you chose the topic and if it has a specific use or general use. (e.g. current events/development, future trends, your experience, and understanding.)  Reference and article or Blog that helped you form your perspective.

(2-3 Paragraph and cite it please ).

o Introduction

o Organizations Background

o Strategic Management and Business Policy – Description of strategic management and business policy and how they relate to the organization under study.

o Organizational Strategies – Strategic management and business policy strategies that the organization took and may take to better position their business in their market segment or segments.

o Alternative Decisions – Discusses students alternate business decisions/rationale and provides references/support for positions.

o Conclusion

Reflection Assignment Submission – Key Elements
Your reflection submission should be no more than 3 – 5 pages, double-spaced, 1 margins, 11 point
font, and should include the following sections:
Background. State your interviewees name and current title and organization. What is the role
and responsibilities of your interviewee and for how long have they served? How did they arrive
in this position? You should be able to answer these questions by researching them before your
interview. You should include the logistics on when/where you completed your interview and
list any classmates you conducted this interview with.
Your questions and rationale/priorities for the interview. State your interview questions and
intentions for the interview as well as detail on why you are asking the questions youve chosen.
If youre doing this interview as a group, you should agree on a single set of questions.
Interview summary. Summarize key information you learned during your interview and any
wisdom or commentary that you found particularly interesting or insightful.
Reflection. Answer the following questions in your personal reflection on the experience:
1. What did you learn about effective management or the challenges management faces in
the organization from your interview?
2. What did you learn about this executives leadership style? How does that compare to
your leadership style?
3. What was your favorite thing you learned through this experience (about yourself, the
executive, the company, etc.)? What went better during this experience than you

Based upon a Community Needs Assessment, determine what gaps in service exist in your community. Please contact your instructor if you need assistance in identifying sources of a needs assessment or community plan that outlines such recent research. It is suggested to locate a United Way in your community to begin your research. If no local community needs assessment has been formally conducted, choose a service that you have good reason to believe is needed in your community. Once you have determined a gap in services for your project, you will spend the next 8 weeks developing a step by step approach to creating a new human services agency to serve this population.

In this first step, you will decide what type of agency and service you want to develop. Think about vulnerable populations that may be underserved such as aging adults, homeless mothers and their children, runaway youth, chronically unemployed and impoverished adults, drug and alcohol addicted teens, disabled children and adults, mentally ill people, and families who lack sufficient financial resources to meet their needs.

You may also find that supportive services such as community recreational programs, daycare centers in low income areas, neighborhood playgrounds, parent education resources, counseling, and job training are programs that will prevent residents from needing crisis intervention services in the future. These types of programs may also be considered. In this step, you will determine what type of new service you will develop.

Following APA formatting, complete a 2 page proposal (double space) describing the type of service you will develop, agency auspices, (private for-profit, nonprofit, social entrepreneurship) size of agency, location, ages served, and justification for the need based upon a community needs assessment or other information you have researched. Will you develop your agency yourself or partner with another individual or community agency? Will you need to submit your proposal to anyone in your community for approval?

APA referencing required (3 sources minimum). APA formatting is required. It is suggested to organize your content with the use of headings. Use of the Scott textbook with reference to concepts in Chapters 1-4, the Keohane textbook with reference to concepts in Chapters 1-4, and the Start Your Own Business textbook with reference to concepts in Chapters 1-3 is required. Address in your discussion –  How does your idea relate to the Saint Leo core Value of Excellence?

So from what I see, you are discussing the issue of diffusion of responsibility/the bystander effect. Both of these sound similar to me, because you can start with “would you try to help at all” and move to “under what circumstances would you try to help”. Are you trying to “inform” your audience about it? Are you raising awareness about the issue? I highly recommend that you make your PSA not only be informative, but also lead to behavior change. The topic is good, but you need to make it specific, make it appeal to a wide audience, and include “novel” solutions based on the concepts we have discussed together in class. I am more than happy to help along the way as you formulate your ideas further.

it should contain visual aids( graphs, charts,  tables)


here  is the sample  ppt

The human service professional serves the needs of patients and families in a healthcare setting by providing crisis counseling. Reflect on a news story that involved crisis. Briefly explain the crisis. Using Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, analyze your chosen crisis issue for the individual (and the family, if applicable) in one of these specific settings. Determine an appropriate intervention and defend your selection.

In your paper,

Describe a specific crisis involved a person or family.
Apply Maslows Hierarchy of Needs to the lives impacted by the crisis.
Analyze a crisis-related issue that the in individual is facing/will or may face.
Defend an appropriate crisis intervention strategy.

Minimum 2 scholarly sources

Websites for Reference:
National Council of Nonprofits
Grant space – a service of Foundation Center

From our readings, activities and resources, address the following questions:

What are some of the initial steps in starting your own organization (nonprofit, for-profit or social entrepreneurship?
What role does a community assessment play in creating your own organization
In your posting, discuss additional resources (at minimum 2) (articles, books, videos, websites, blogs, etc.) that you found to be helpful in answering our discussion question.

Submit a 5 page paper (APA style) detailing the how Blockchain technology can be implemented to reduce ad fraud and cost while meeting consumers increasing expectation for excellent customer service?

The purpose of this paper is to test your knowledge of Blockchain technology increases transparency and accountability in marketing while reducing ad fraud and cost along with meeting increased expectation for customer service.

Assigned “reading” if you need them…

What Blockchain Could Mean for Marketing

A Clearer Picture

Competitive Info: Digital Ad Fraud To Hit $22B By 2020

Are You Ready to Meet Customer Expectations in 2018?