TOPIC: Lack of training and development(Low employee perfomance=> Lack of motivation and engagement => No career growth)
3 peer reviewed references(APA style) for Theoritical Justification part are compulsory. For other parts peer reviewed are not compulsory but recommended. Conclusion part is not mentioned in Project Outline it should be appx. 100 words. TOTAL word count not 1100 it is 1000 +/- 10%.

Select either Topic A or Topic B for your special occasion speech.
o Topic A: Who Inspires You? | Deliver a speech of introduction in which you
introduce a person who inspires you.
o Topic B: Employee of the Month | You have been given an award for
Employee of the Month and must give an acceptance speech at an awards
banquet. Deliver your speech of acceptance.
2) Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word.
o Download the Microsoft Word template in the Assignment 4.1 section
located in Week 8 of your course.
o Structure and organize your speech so youll stay within the 2-minute time
3) Submit the completed Microsoft Word template in Blackboard (this is separate from
your speech/self-review).
4) For this assignment, you will not compose an essay or speech. You are only
required to submit an outline.

Select either Topic A or Topic B for your special occasion speech.
o Topic A: Who Inspires You? | Deliver a speech of introduction in which you
introduce a person who inspires you.
o Topic B: Employee of the Month | You have been given an award for
Employee of the Month and must give an acceptance speech at an awards
banquet. Deliver your speech of acceptance.
2) Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word.
o Download the Microsoft Word template in the Assignment 4.1 section
located in Week 8 of your course.
o Structure and organize your speech so youll stay within the 2-minute time
3) Submit the completed Microsoft Word template in Blackboard (this is separate from
your speech/self-review).
4) For this assignment, you will not compose an essay or speech. You are only
required to submit an outline.

Read the VSBDC document provided to you and familiarize yourself with the basic tools of financial statement analysis. Choose a company (small, medium or large sized) whose financials you would like to analyze.

Company selected: AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC.

  Go the SEC website

Click on Company Filings , then click on Company or fund name, ticker symbol, CIK . 
Type in the CIK (or company name). (Sometimes there may be multiple options available; use your judgment, and click on the right link).
Once you get the list of forms filed for the company, type 10-K in the Form Type box. Now, only Form 10-Ks filed will appear.

Answer the following questions about the company chosen above:
(There are guidelines in the VSBDC article regarding the analysis tools you should use to answer the questions stated below)

How well is the company doing as an investment?

How well has management employed the company’s assets?

Are profits high enough, given the level of sales?

How well are the company’s assets being employed to generate sales revenue?

Are receivables coming in too slowly?

Is too much cash tied up in inventories?

Does this customer have sufficient cash or other liquid assets to cover its short-term obligations?

How quickly does the prospective credit customer pay its bills?

As a potential or present long-term borrower, is the company’s debt load excessive?

Are earnings and cash flow sufficient to cover interest payments and provide for some principal repayment?

Identify three situations in your company that demonstrate strengths or weaknesses in the management of the affairs of the company. Elaborate what kinds of analyses you used in order to identify these strengths or weaknesses and the manner in which they can be addressed or improved (in case of weaknesses) or maintained (in case of strengths) Refer the three case studies provided in the VSBDC article as an example.

Review the cash flow statements of the company and correlate it to the financial statements to identify if the company is in a sound financial position and whether their cash management strategy is adequate.

Perform a trend analysis of the comparative financial statements and identify any significant trends in the companys growth or any other factor that you may observe as significant.Please cite any sources that you may use to substantiate your analysis.

Read the VSBDC document provided to you and familiarize yourself with the basic tools of financial statement analysis. Choose a company (small, medium or large sized) whose financials you would like to analyze.

Company selected: AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC.

  Go the SEC website

Click on Company Filings , then click on Company or fund name, ticker symbol, CIK . 
Type in the CIK (or company name). (Sometimes there may be multiple options available; use your judgment, and click on the right link).
Once you get the list of forms filed for the company, type 10-K in the Form Type box. Now, only Form 10-Ks filed will appear.

Answer the following questions about the company chosen above:
(There are guidelines in the VSBDC article regarding the analysis tools you should use to answer the questions stated below)

How well is the company doing as an investment?

How well has management employed the company’s assets?

Are profits high enough, given the level of sales?

How well are the company’s assets being employed to generate sales revenue?

Are receivables coming in too slowly?

Is too much cash tied up in inventories?

Does this customer have sufficient cash or other liquid assets to cover its short-term obligations?

How quickly does the prospective credit customer pay its bills?

As a potential or present long-term borrower, is the company’s debt load excessive?

Are earnings and cash flow sufficient to cover interest payments and provide for some principal repayment?

Identify three situations in your company that demonstrate strengths or weaknesses in the management of the affairs of the company. Elaborate what kinds of analyses you used in order to identify these strengths or weaknesses and the manner in which they can be addressed or improved (in case of weaknesses) or maintained (in case of strengths) Refer the three case studies provided in the VSBDC article as an example.

Review the cash flow statements of the company and correlate it to the financial statements to identify if the company is in a sound financial position and whether their cash management strategy is adequate.

Perform a trend analysis of the comparative financial statements and identify any significant trends in the companys growth or any other factor that you may observe as significant.Please cite any sources that you may use to substantiate your analysis.

Fix these following issues:

You ask what can be cut down, and then I would say that the section on liberalism is too long. Eg. What matters about choices is not essential when we talk about geopolitics in the Arctic, as does individual freedom. As we talked about in the previous guide, it is important to bring out the essence of theories when it comes to what they are about to explain, namely conflict and / or cooperation in the Arctic. You can also, as stated earlier, cut down on the account of the players. We come all the way to page 25 before the discussion begins.

2) The issue:
As you remember, we talked about taking climate change out of your problem (and then from the abstract, etc.) as there is not much focus on this in the report. You should describe to a greater extent what is happening to the climate and why this is having an impact on the region. At the very least, go over the whole assignment and make sure you have a “red thread” that goes from your problem and through the entire assignment. It is particularly important that you refer to climate change in the discussion. How does climate change affect the various factors/areas that you highlight?

3) Structure:
Change the order in which you present the Arctic players. Is it perhaps not logical that China is presented before the Arctic states?

4) Discussion:
I also still think there is a disproportionate emphasis on “lack of infrastructure” and “harsh business environment”, while militarization is only described with one small section. You must also think about the connection between accountability and discussion. Eg. The actors you mention in the report should be addressed in the discussion. What role does e.g. NATO and China when it comes to increased conflict potential? Or what is the role of the EU in working for increased cooperation? Such things are important to include. And, as I mentioned last time, remember that some of these factors/areas you mention can potentially create both conflict and collaboration?

Use time well now to “streamline” the task, clear away things that don’t need to be included, and make the “red thread” clearer.

Overview: For the first part of your final project, the critical analysis portfolio, you will select an issue or event in wellness and critically analyze it through the
four general education lenses: history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social sciences. By viewing the issue/event through these lenses, you will
gain insight into how the interconnected nature of wellness affects society, as well as both your own individual framework of perception and the choices,
attitudes, and behaviors of others in the world around you.
For this second milestone, due in Module Four, you will analyze your issue/event from Milestone One through the history and humanities lenses.

I have attached the first milestone for your review that includes the overall projects theme.

select a popular culture example. (It can be a television show, a commercial, a game, a movie, etc.) Analyze the representation and social message that is associated with the example. If you like, you can select a particular episode of a show.

In your initial post, briefly describe the popular culture example you selected and address the following:

Share a link and/or summarize your topic so that we all have enough information to understand your discussion even if we are unfamiliar with the example.
Discuss how your example relates to the concept of wellness as defined in this course and how it relates to specific challenges or supports of wellness.
What are the social implications of this message? Briefly discuss any potential social impact or response to the example.

Critically Thinking about Your Products

One of the educational goals at PCC is to help students become more conscientious citizens who understand the importance of sustainable lifestyle choices. As you have hopefully discovered by now, the concepts of this class should not be limited to the classroom. Critical Thinking is a course designed to help you become better equipped to make reasonable, well-informed decisions in every aspect of your life.

Now is your opportunity to apply the skills learned in this course to something you do almost every day: morning grooming with various grooming, hygiene, or cosmetic products. For many Americans, morning is the time at which they are exposed to the most toxins, and morning is the time at which they consume the most products that may be harmful to other people, animals, and the environment. This assignment is an opportunity for you to learn about one grooming/hygiene/cosmetic product you use while you get ready for your day.

Choose a grooming or hygiene product that you use daily, or almost daily, as you get ready for work or school. It should be a product about which you have little knowledge; it can be anything from your toothpaste to your shampoo to your lipstick. Now do extensive research on that product. Your research should include the following findings:

The specific name/brand of the specific product you are researching
The ingredients of the product,
Any potential harm those ingredients may cause to you, or to the environment (use the skills you acquired in chapters 10 and 11 on generalizations from samples to causal studies to help interpret the findings…actually discuss the studies that “prove” that the ingredient is harmful in some way),
Where the ingredients are acquired and any potential environmental or human damage the acquisition of those ingredients may cause (so feel free to discuss human rights issues that you think are relevant)
Any potential harm the actual manufacturing of the product may cause, from the people who make the product, to the waste products from the factory,
Any other information you find useful for the purposes of this assignment.
The goal of this assignment is for you to become better informed about the impact a small action can have on the world, and be more aware of how you affect the world around you. Your essay should prove why the product is bad or harmful in some way, so you are essentially presenting an argument based on the findings of your research. The skills from chapter 1 about the components of an argument should be employed in your essay; the concepts from chapter 4 about credibility of sources will be relevant here, as you must use sources that are reliable in your essay (and do not forget to cite your sources in MLA format both in text and at the end of your essay); the concepts from chapters 10 and 11 will help you to interpret any studies you may find; and you must avoid the use of rhetorical devices and fallacies in your essay, thus the concepts of chapters 5, 6, and 7 are important in your essay.

Your essay should be a minimum of 1500 words, not including your “Works Cited” section at the end of your essay. Your essay should not exceed 3000 words.
Submit your responses in the text box provided when you click on “submit assignment.”
Do not attach any files to your submission. Any charts or other graphics should be inserted into your essay or included at the end of your essay by using the “insert image” tool.
Your essay will be automatically checked through the “Turn It In” system, so make sure that you are responsibly citing your sources, including quotation marks around quoted material, and using your own words for any summarizing or paraphrasing.

Choose 1 Letter ONLY for assignment to work on .

(……..A……B …….. C)

….Review the assignment instructions and rubric to ensure you understand the requirements and

Draft your submissions in the format of a legal opinion letter. Adopt the structure of the questions and deal with each part separately……

Submissions should be double spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins and a maximum of 4 pages…….

Ensure that your documents are presentable to the reader. For example, proper formatting for the type of letter you are drafting……..

Double-check your submission for completeness and accuracy……..

*** Please check Grammar and Spell check everything ***