There are 3 sections to this paper, they are as follows:

SECTION I: Definition of Community-Identification and History
SECTION II: Assessment
SECTION III: Diagnosis and Plan

The main topic of the paper is the geographic community, which is specifically Bergenfield, NJ in Bergen County.
The first and second section is general information on the area of Bergenfield, NJ.
The third section is my chosen community, which is the outbreak of the disease called “coxsackie” in Bergenfield Highschool students and how to educate high school students on prevention of this disease.
The fourth section is an evaluation of the education project, barriers, and conclusion.
Follow specifically the outline attached and rubric

I have 2 topics here. I just need a short answer for each.
Thank you very Much. I will post the instructions.
This assignment asks you to reflect on your experience with a stereotypes, or what Adichie calls “Single Stories.”

Directions: After watching Adichie’s TED Talk, please write a bit about your experience(s) with a single story.  Complete all of the following:

Have you ever been stereotyped? Describe/explain.  (2 points)
Have you ever stereotyped someone else? Describe/explain. (2) points

Now for the second one, I will upload a doc, what is needed. This board gives you the chance to demonstrate your ability to think sociologically about the world by using your knowledge of the CW Mills article.

Do this by writing about how a problem could be caused either by an individual or by social forces.

Demonstrate your knowledge by posting the following three things:

(1) A problem that you may have encountered in your everyday life (anything except “getting a job,” which is the example in the lecture slides).

(2) An explanation of how the same problem you type above could be a trouble: An individual-level cause of the problem from (1) that would result in only one or a few people being affected by the problem.  Make sure to explain how your example results from an individual-level cause and therefore would only affect one or a few people.

(3) An explanation of how the same problem you type above could be an issue: A social/structural cause of the problem from (1) that would result in many people being affected by the problem. Make sure to explain how your example results from an structural cause and therefore would result in many people being affected.

-Describe your ideal work environment in terms of type of work, the role you play, and the way in which you interact with others. 1/2 page

-Share an example of a time you had to make a decision with incomplete data or information. What did you do? 1 page

What remaining questions or concerns do you have about Kittelson and what other information can we provide that will help you with this next phase in your career? What topics would you like to further explore? – 1/2 page
this is how my ia should look like, and it should be 750 words exactly.
The articles you should analyze:
The ia should include; an intro,analysis, evalution, conclusion, and a graph, also 3 quotes from the article.

For Step 1, choose a topic of sociological interest. Be sure to include why you chose the topic and why it would be interesting to sociologists. So, don’t just choose something obvious like “Cigarettes and health.”  Everybody already knows about that. Choose something that merits actually doing research. Remember, sociologists are interested in the relationship between individuals and society.  So, a topic like, Green leaf vegetables and cancer, while both important and interesting, is not really a sociological study, but more like health sciences or nutrition.  For more help, refer to YMAY pages 35-40

For Step 2, think about and compose a specific research question that emerges from your general topic of interest.  Then, create a falsifiable hypothesis about how the relationship in your research question might function.  Make sure your hypothesis is a testable statement (not a question) that could be determined to be false at the conclusion of your research (if it were to actually be conducted). Based on your hypothesis, you should come up with and clearly identify at least one dependent and one independent variable. These variables must appear in your hypothesis.  You should also identify at least one control variable that might affect your results, and explain how this control variable may affect the relationship between your independent and dependent variables.

For Step 3, describe your target population and type of study. That is, tell me who or what exactly is going to be in your study and how you would go about getting access to this group.  At this point, it is also important to think about what type of sample you will collect and whether you will be able to generalize findings from your sample to your population.

There is no required length for responses. You are assessed on your thoughtful
engagement with the material.    Please do not post a summary.
Your response should bring up substantive comments and questions with regard to the
reading at hand and the broader themes in the class.
You may choose to relate what you read to some part of your daily life, current events, or
some other situation, policy debate, etc..
Responses can be speculative, propose applications, or pose critiques.

a.Faith Integration Forums: A Faith Integration Forum is provided each week, to which you must post a response. This is a graded activity. Your posting will be assessed based on your understanding, thinking, writing, communication, application, references, and response postings, using the rubric provided in the course resources. You will not be assessed on the expression of your beliefs. In other words, it is the quality of your posting that is being assessed, not the viewpoint. Your posting to the Faith Integration Forum must be posted by 11:59 pm on Tuesday of each week. A response posting to at least one of your colleagues postings is due by midnight Saturday. Late postings are penalized at 50 percent per day, and no postings are accepted after 11:59 pm on Saturday.

b.Discussion Forums: Each week you will be provided with videos, cases, exercises, or discussion questions to which you must post a response. Your posting will be assessed based on your understanding, thinking, writing, communication, application, and documentation, using the rubric provided in the course resources. Both the quality and content of your posting will be assessed. Your posting to discussion forums must be posted by 11:59 pm on Thursday. For each discussion forum, you are also required to respond to at least two of your colleagues postings. Responses must be posted by 11:59 pm on Saturday. Late postings are penalized at 50 percent per day, and no postings are accepted after 11:59 pm on Saturday.

c.Experiential Exercises and Case Analyses: Throughout the course you will find assignments for experiential exercises and case analyses. Follow the instructions as given in the assignment. Both the quality and the content of your analyses will be assessed using rubrics identified in the assignment and provided in the course resources. These assignments must be posted by 11:59 pm on Saturday. Late assignments are penalized at 20 percent per day or portion of a day.

Faith Integration Discussion

Post a substantive response to the questions below by 11:59 pm Tuesday night.  Include information from the weekly readings to support your response.
Post a substantive response to at least one of your peers by 11:59 pm Thursday night.
Please see the Online Discussion Forums section of the course syllabus for complete instructions. The Faith Integration Rubric will be used to assess your postings.
Please respond to the questions at the end of the following case from Chapter 4 of Hill’s Just Business. Dora manages the pharmacy department of a large retail store. Over the past few months, small quantities of a very expensive prescription heart medication have been disappearing on a regular basis. After setting up a hidden camera, Dora catches her technical assistant pilfering. As she is about to call the police, Dora asks him why he has turned to crime. He explains that his niece will die without the drug and that her parents cannot afford medical insurance. His request for understanding leaves Dora pondering what her next step should be.
Analyze the case through all three moral lensesholiness, justice, and love. When combined, what guidance do they give Dora?
What similar experiences have you had?
As you reflect on your past similar experience(s), what conclusions can you draw?
After reading the Hill text this week and exploring the holiness-justice-love framework, what have you learned?
Describe at least one specific way in which you can apply what you have learned about dual morality.

Doing the Right Thing – How did we get into this mess?


Post a substantive response to Forum prompts by  11:59 PM  Thursday night.  Include information from the weekly readings to support your response.

Post a substantive response to two peers by  11:59 PM  Saturday night

Please see the Online Discussion Forums section of the course Syllabus for complete instructions. This assignment is worth up to 50 points, and will be assessed using the Discussion Forum Rubric.

What is your personal reaction to the idea that there is an absolute standard of right and wrong that, as Donovan Campbell says, is true “outside of any context and which is translatable across cultures, times; it’s applicable everywhere”?

Criteria of Leadership Effectiveness

Post a substantive response to Forum prompts by  11:59 PM  Thursday night.  Include information from the weekly readings to support your response.

Post a substantive response to two peers by  11:59 PM  Saturday night

Please see the Online Discussion Forums section of the course Syllabus for complete instructions. This assignment is worth up to 50 points, and will be assessed using the Discussion Forum Rubric.

Identify the different sets of criteria you would use to evaluate the effectiveness of a sports coach, a teacher, and a senior pastor. Prioritize the items in each set of criteria and justify your criteria. Discuss the extent to which each set of criteria differ from the other, and the extent to which your criteria are measurable.

Case: Richard Branson Shoots for the Moon  Jan 11 at 11:59pm
Assignment Instructions
Read the “Richard Branson Shoots for the Moon” case on pages 37-39 of Hughes, et al., and answer the end-of-case questions. Your analysis should be submitted as a Word file. This assignment is worth 50 points and must be submitted by midnight Saturday.


Hughes, R.L., Ginnett, R.C., & Curphy, G.J. (2019). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience, 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN 13: 9781259963261

Hill, A. (2018). Just business: Christian ethics for the marketplace, 3rd Edition. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Press.  ISBN-10: 0830851984 ISBN-13: 978-0830851980

Rath, T., & Conchie, B. (2008). Strengths-based leadership: Great leaders, teams, and why people follow. New York: Gallup.  ISBN 978-1-59562-025-5.

Blanchard, K., Hodges, P., & Hendry, P. (2016). Lead like Jesus revisited: Lessons from the greatest leadership role model of all time. Nashville: W Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7180- 7725-9.

Double Loop learning:

Ken Blanchard: Lead like Jesus:

1. TOPIC : “Why do cases of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault continue to take place in the ARMY, despite all the training and education that take place?”

    1. Title page 

    2. Introduction (1~2 paragraphs)
        A. Opening statement
        B. Background information
        C. Thesis statement
    4. Body (2~4 paragraphs)
        A. (Point A) Why does sexual assault occur? Include supporting evidence.
        B. (Point B) Does our current approach to training reduce (or not reduce) the risk of
              sexual assault and harassment? (Could be tied to point A).
        C. (Point C) Supporting topic & evidence to support your thesis.
        D. (Point D) How do we end sexual violence in the military (recommendations /

      5. Conclusion (1~2 paragraphs)
          A. Summarize the main points.
          B. Make a strong, memorable final statement.

    1. Essay must contain at least two references.
    2. No first person point of view
    3. NO PLAGIARISM!!!!!!!!