1. Case papers should address the key issues that pertain to the financial strategy and then make clear recommendations with as much support as possible.

2.    Papers should be no more than three double spaced pages (not including exhibits)

3.    Papers should be organized into specific sections.  For example, Background, Key Issues, Risk, Recommendations, and Detailed Support for Any Recommendations.

4.    Your grade will depend on how well you identify the issues and argue your recommendation.

This time you will analyze HP this case.
I have an example of CVS which has done by other student and you can have a look at it.
Thank you and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about it.
Please don’t forget to give the recommendation for which company is best fit and give the reason.

Question 1. (10 marks)
What is a system? Based on this understanding, explain why a systems approach is useful
for managing information technology in organizations?
Question 2. (10 marks)
We have learned via Zoom this semester. How do you evaluate online learning and
teaching via Zoom, YSCEC, Electronic Attendance Systems and others? Some predict
that online education will replace classroom education. Based on your evaluation and
experiences, do you agree? Discuss why or why not. In answering the question, it is
expected that you use concepts, theories and frameworks that we have learned.
Choose and answer ONE from the following two questions.
Question 3. Electronic Attendance System at xxx(20 marks)
Nowadays we rely on the electronic attendance system for attendance checking in the
unprecedented circumstances of online learning due to Corona 19. If we look back on
previous semesters, the electronic attendance system was rarely used. In fact, the system
has existed in XXX classroom computers for more than a decade, and only begins to be heavily used from this semester.
What are reasons for the low usage in the past? How would you explain the increased use
of the system? In answering the question, you may discuss pros and cons of using the
system. And you are advised to apply a framework or a theory for IS success/failure.

Based on the work in Week 6, students will write a no more than two concise, well-written pages
(Times New Roman, 12-point font, Double-spaced) Self-Assessment Reflective Writing
Assignment that describes the experience of considering ones own emotional intelligence and
opportunities for improvement within various domains. This final reflective writing assignment
for this course should address the way in which emotional intelligence, professionalism and ethics
will inform your intention to manage and lead in your chosen area of the health sector.
Cite minimum 3 articles.

In Week 5, two Emotional Intelligence Assessments.
Students will write a no more than two concise, well-written pages
(Times New Roman, 12-point font, Double-spaced) Peer Assessment Reflective Writing
Assignment. This reflection should describe and analyze the experience of working through the
discussion of strengths and weaknesses of a peers emotional intelligence and the way in which
that experience may be translated into their work as health leaders and managers of others who
will inevitably be required to discuss similarly important and sensitive matters with their direct
reports and peers in the workplace.

Create a special calculator that reads a number from the user, checks that it is an integer and performs a series of mathematical calculations

In a web page create scripts for the following scenarios. The page can have an input form or use prompt boxes to get the information from the user that is needed for the scripts.

Create a special calculator that read a number from the user, checks that it is an integer and performs a series of mathematical calculations as listed:

calculates the number’s factorial. A factorial is the product of an integer and all the integers below it; e.g., the factorial of 4 is equal to 24 (4 * 3 * 2 * 1).
Calculate the square and cube of the number. A number squared is a number that is multiplied by itself; e.g., 22 is equal to 4 (2 * 2). A number cubed is a number that is multiplied by itself twice e.g., 23 is equal to 8 (2 * 2 * 2).
Output the result into the appropriate field on the page.
Test your script in at least two browsers and document any debugging plus version control of your script

We’ve learned about the history of advertising from an insider’s perspective. We all have our own history with advertising, whether we realize it or not. Advertising has been part of our lives since we were able to see and hear.

In this assignment, you will tell us about your earliest memory of advertising. Is it an ad or series of ads? A TV spot? A jingle? Google it and share it with us. When watching it or seeing it now, what thoughts does it evoke? Does it affect how you relate to advertising today? It can be a commercial, a print ad, a radio spot, etc. You must include visual references of your ads.


Summarize the article briefly (one paragraph)

Explain what you think the article got right (what did they do right, report correctly, or what do you agree with based on your own experience give examples)

Explain what you think the article got wrong (criticize its method, findings, assumptions, etc.)

Provide a general statement saying what you think it means in relation to our society (what does it say about our society or how should our society use this information to improve).

Your quest to purchase a new car begins with an identification of the factors important to you. As you conduct a search of cars that rate high on those factors, you collect evidence and try to understand the extent of that evidence. A report that suggests a certain make and model of automobile has high mileage is encouraging. But who produced that report? How valid is it? How was the data collected, and what was the sample size?
In this Assignment, you will delve deeper into clinical inquiry by closely examining your PICO(T) question. You also begin to analyze the evidence you have collected.
To Prepare:
    Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry.
    Develop a PICO(T) question to address the clinical issue of interest you identified in Module 2 for the Assignment. This PICOT question will remain the same for the entire course.
    Use the key words from the PICO(T) question you developed and search at least four different databases in the Walden Library. Identify at least four relevant systematic reviews or other filtered high-level evidence, which includes meta-analyses, critically-appraised topics (evidence syntheses), critically-appraised individual articles (article synopses). The evidence will not necessarily address all the elements of your PICO(T) question, so select the most important concepts to search and find the best evidence available.
    Reflect on the process of creating a PICO(T) question and searching for peer-reviewed research.
The Assignment (Evidence-Based Project)
Part 3: Advanced Levels of Clinical Inquiry and Systematic Reviews
Create a 6- to 7-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following:
    Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest.
    Describe how you developed a PICO(T) question focused on your chosen clinical issue of interest.
    Identify the four research databases that you used to conduct your search for the peer-reviewed articles you selected.
    Provide APA citations of the four relevant peer-reviewed articles at the systematic-reviews level related to your research question. If there are no systematic review level articles or meta-analysis on your topic, then use the highest level of evidence peer reviewed article.
    Describe the levels of evidence in each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, including an explanation of the strengths of using systematic reviews for clinical research. Be specific and provide examples.