Lauren is nearing the end of a long shift at an urgent care clinic. She receives a stat order for a pediatric patient for 500,000 units of penicillin for a dog bite. She draws up 0.5ml of a 10,000,000 units/1ml penicillin injectable and proceeds to administer the medication. Describe how an error occurred and what types of processes should be in place to prevent this type of error. Is the medical assistant responsible for the outcomes associated with a medication calculation error in your state?

For your citation, you might use articles that show examples of accurate and inaccurate medical dosages for adults and pediatrics. You can also find articles from experts that suggest best practices for accurately calculating adult and pediatric dosages.

Details on historical events that shaped the development of Hong Kong.
At least 3 economic indicators of your choice from the World Bank data ( and/or other organizations such as the UN Development Program ( to describe the current trends in the country/regions development.
Describe and analyze the factors behind the trends by looking at the different development policies and programs adopted by Hong Kong  through the years
Show how the policies relates to the economic development theories

Please make sure to have in-text citations.  you should not forget to use correct citation after citing resources.

In my lectures, I have emphasized the power of applying concepts, theories, frameworks, and so forth to real (mostly work) life situations. Your assignment is to choose one concept we have learned in our abbreviated term so far and apply it to a situation from your work or life. The ideal paper is something along the lines of “I had this experience at work and always thought about it this way, but after learning this theory, I now realize something else was going on.”

Social media has given people the power to unite around a cause in ways never imagined. Over the last several months we have seen an explosion of activist movements (e.g. Occupy Wall St, Black Lives Matter, ALS Ice Bucket Challenge). We have also seen recent calls to break up large technology companies and political attacks on the potential partisanship of social media services.  Would breaking up such large technology companies diminish activist voices? Does social media fuel activism, or does activism fuel social media? For this option write a 500-word letter to your congressperson advocating your position on these issues.

Must have at least 2 references to support your arguments.

Concept Analysis Paper (25%): Maximum of 5 pages excluding title page and references. Do not include an abstract with this paper. The minimum number of references for this paper is 5.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze a concept that is relevant to your nursing practice. You may choose a concept from the list provided by the professor or another concept that is of interest to you. Recommended concepts:

    Mothering        Parenting        Patient teaching
    Culture        Wellness        Stress
    Fear        Spirituality        Hope
    Caring        Anxiety        Illness
    Functional status        Burnout        Competence
    Quality of life        Social support        Adaptation
    Perception        Self-care        Self-management
    Belief        Grief        Transformational
    Empowerment        Self-efficacy        Self-concept
    Self-governance         Moral distress        Healing

(Please try to use perspective of emergency room nurse)

    If you choose a concept that is not on the list, you must receive permission from the professor. Develop a paper that includes the following:

    Introduction (20 points) – Briefly introduce the concept paper by defining the concept, providing background information on the concept, your rational for analyzing the concept, and identify the aim of the analysis. End the introduction with a purpose statement (The purpose of this paper is to)

    Literature Review (50 points) Review the literature on the use of the chosen concept in nursing and at least two disciplines other than nursing. Compare and contrast the following among the three disciplines:
o    Definitions for the concept in each discipline and how each discipline uses the concept.
o    Identify the key characteristics or attributes of the concept.  For example, a key characteristic of the concept of pregnancy is a fetal heartbeat.
o    Identify the antecedents and the consequences for the concept. Antecedents are incidents leading to the concept. For example, the antecedents of pregnancy are ovulation and sexual intercourse. Consequences follow the concept. For example, the consequence of pregnancy is either miscarriage or birth.
o    Identify empirical referents of the concept

    Cases (20 points) Develop two cases using the attributes that you identified during the review of the literature.  Include one model case and either a contrary, related or a borderline case.

    Conclusion (10 points) Completely summarize your thoughts without introducing new content.

APA This paper must be presented in an organized and scholarly fashion following APA 7th edition guidelines. Up to seven (7) points can be deducted for the following: 
1.    Clarity 3 points
2.    References 2 points
3.    APA Format 2 points

This is a compressed and precise writing assignment to gauge your ability to transpose theory into cultural analysis. The goal is a one-page single-spaced essay to begin with a thesis and end with a conclusion.

1.  Define Freud’s notion of the double and describe how it relates to the concept of the double outlined in Jen Boyle’s essay: Chapter 1, Freud’s Uncanny Double: A Theoretical Study of the Portrayal of Doubles.
2.  Film is a double of the real world and reflects reality but as a simulation. Use my essay to explore how Freud’s concept of the Uncanny has been used to create Science Fiction characters like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and/or Doctor Bruce Banner and the Hulk.
3.  Describe how the film uses Fembots in the film Ex Machina also conform to Uncanny images of human beings like Ava that are able to seduce Caleb and lure him to his destruction.
4.  Bonus Challenge: all the Fembots in the film are played by actresses, does that mean the film is cheating in terms of the Turing Test? If it’s not about the Turing Test, what is the real subject of the film?
5.  What is a Turing Test?

Please review Chapter 8 (Motivation Applications, Managing your Productivity) Power Point attached and write a reflection paper for chapter 8.

Course book: Essentials of Organizational Behavior (2018) 14th Ed. Robbins & Judge; Pearson, New York.

Further details:
Write a paper that integrates the chapter(s) reading with your experience in a work setting (current or prior).  The goal, purpose, and grading will be to relate concepts and content from your class readings to what you have seen/felt at your work site.  Do NOT just write about 1) what you did at work, or 2) give a summary of the text/readings.

The draft paper. I will attach a proposal paper about this research paper
– The paper draft is to be submitted in prose format.
– You are to draw upon two types of evidence: written sources and your experience of architecture in
the built world. The written sources are to include published materials available through RULA and
ephemera. It is recommended that projects cited be drawn from the Canadian Architect Magazine.
– The paper should clearly present the key questions that you are examining and the points you are
making in response to these questions.
– You are to present a reasoned discussion on the rationale for your responses and those scholarly
sources that support your argument.
– The choice of writing style is yours; however, the paper can be written in the first person.
– The draft can also present observations you have made to date
– Remember, you are making a case for how your evidence (researched and observed) supports the
questions you are addressing, and in turn why this topic is important in architecture.
– Submit the draft on line and ensure you have a digital copy available for the in-class peer-to-peer
discussion on the assigned date and time.

For your final exam, you will pick TWO of the FOUR questions below and address them in an essay submission of approximately 1,250 words in length (approximately 5 pages of double-spaced and 12 point font of text, not including the cover and reference pages):

1.A critical 21st century challenge will be maintaining and reinforcing the critical relationship between government, military and people specified by Clausewitzs holy trinity a function that has sustained increased pressures from Americas wars and extensive ongoing military commitments. In your analysis, what are the most critical problems (and the sources of these problems) regarding the relationship between the United States government, its armed forces and the people? What remedies do you prescribe to improve the nature of this critical relationship?

2. How would you describe the key features of the emerging global security environment of the 21st century? Which of these do you consider to be the most critical to American national security-and in what ways do they complicate policymaking? What, in your view, are the most important advantages and deficits the United States holds in this security environment?

3. Politics in the United States has been described as an invitation to struggle between the president and Congress, yet the evolution of power has placed the president in a clearly dominant position in national security affairs. What, in your analysis, have been the principle factors leading to executive dominance in national security? What are the most important Congressional roles in policymaking? Are there any instances or areas of policymaking where you would argue that Congressional activity has been detrimental to the provision of national security? Do you agree with those that claim Congress needs to reassert its Constitutional authority in the realm of national security? Why or why not?

4. In the United States, military leaders are not asked by political leaders when and where to go to war, and civilian control of the armed forces has always been a central feature of American democracy; some contemporary observers however argue that there is a developing crisis of civil-military relations. To the extent that this is true, what would you specify as the most obvious manifestations of this crisis? The causes and severity of these problems? How can American society best ensure that the armed forces remain subordinate to civilian authority while retaining the ability to respond to a wide range of security challenges?

Create an annotated bibliography of 10 references/sources, cited in APA format for the topic (digital currency) Please review this link for assistance with annotated bibliographies:

To get you started, please select a variety of types of sources. You should include at least:

-3 Academic Journal articles

-1 Video

-1 Web article

-Additional sources of your choosing.