Identify a healthcare organization where you have worked in the past or currently work. Examine the mission, vision, and values of that organization.  Use a minimum of 4 current scholarly sources to support your work and create a 3-5 page paper to address the following elements:
1.    Provide an introduction to the paper.
2.    Explain the importance of high reliability within healthcare systems.  Discuss the organizational characteristics that support a culture of excellence and high reliability.  Explain the climate and culture within organizations which cultivate a culture of excellence and high reliability.
3.    Present the mission, vision, and values of a selected organization, and explain the interrelationships between these elements.  Discuss how the mission, vision, and values support high reliability and a culture of excellence within the organization.
4.    Discuss the culture, climate, and leadership within the organization.  Consider the degree to which they do or do not support a culture of high reliability.  Propose one recommendation to either improve or sustain the culture, climate, and leadership within the organization.

You are to conduct research and write a three to five page paper on the following subject, Why Do Some Managers Hate the Performance Evaluation? and answer the following two questions:

Some managers would rather get a root canal than go through the performance evaluation process with their direct reports.  Why?
What does research tell you?
As you respond to the two questions listed above, please address the following:

What traits does an effective manager display in the workplace?
Is there a profile for a manager who may struggle with the evaluation process?
What are the key elements of a successful employee evaluation process?  How should a manager prepare for the event?
Develop an evaluation form for your direct reports and show how the evaluation criterion correlates to the organizations objectives.
You are to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least two (2) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources), and format your work in accordance with 7th edition APA formatting which includes:

A Title Page (No running head)
Abstract with Keywords
A minimum of 3 FULL pages of written content, Times New Roman, 12 font, 1″ margins, left justified, and
A Reference page
While this is a management course, it is expected you will adhere to academic standards of writing which include spelling, grammar, and writing mechanics.

Choose Question A or B and write a 800 1100 word essay defending or challenging the statement chosen:

A.  Consumer bankruptcy is the ultimate social safety net.

B.  Chapter 11 is broken as it doesnt provide meaningful opportunities to rescue a business. 

You can rely on any of the attached materials (PDF files).  The only outside research you need to do is to find an article/story/case dealing with either consumer bankruptcy or business bankruptcy to serve as an example of the position you have taken.  The article/story/case will be part of your evidence to support your analysis.  Use that example, the attached materials and the attributes of good policy to defend your position.  An excellent answer may identify some areas where reform is needed or highlight why reforms are not needed.

Important:  None of the attached materials can be used as the example. These materials can and should be part of the analysis.

Note:  This is not a research paper.  It is an essay question, however, you should cite to any sources you use in sufficient detail.

Essays should be in conventional academic form: double-spaced, minimum one-inch margins, a title page with topic clearly visible, numbered pages, a bibliography of works consulted, and references showing the source of quotations or ideas (foot or endnotes, Chicago Style).

Write a research paper, based on published academic literature, on one of the following topic-questions. Basic bibliographies are provided for each. If fully and carefully considered these short bibliographies should be sufficient for a top-notch essay, but free to go beyond them to other published material. Unless otherwise stated, all titles in these bibliographies are available on-line through the UTL catalogue.

According to Stephen V. Ward, Planning the Twentieth Century: The Advanced Capitalist World, touches briefly on all the following topics (excluding Topic #1).
What exactly is New Urbanism? When and why did the movement emerge, and what role does history play in it?
Charter of New Urbanism accessible online at (and in many other places on the internet)
Jill Grant, Planning the Good Community: new Urbanism in Theory and Practice
Christopher Silver, New Urbanism and Planning History: Back to the Future, Chapter 10 in Culture, Urbanism and Planning, Moncls and Gurdia, eds,
Bruce Stephenson, The Roots of the New Urbanism: John Nolens Garden City Ethic, Journal of Planning History, 1, 2 (May 2002): 99-123


Please review the steps for preparing your written group assignment.

1. This will be done with the same group used for your Recorded Presentation.

2. You need to selected another reading from the class list for the presentation. (Please do not use the article from your recording or The Lives of Homeless Women).

3. This will be a written word document. The parts will be distributed amongst the group members just as it was for the recorded group Presentation.

4. Only one assignment should be submitted per group.

4. The Due Date for the Written Group Paper is November 8, 2020.

include a brief introduction, background, significance to medicine, ethical principals

Summarize the information from the body of the paper.  Indicate what perspective or insight you have discovered while researching this paper. Make certain to apply a summary of this information to your role and practice.                                 
    Your paper must contain at least 3 references from professional medical/legal journals /literature published within the past 5 years. 

    Using current information from professional journals, textbooks, and literature, discuss the essential perspectives surrounding your topic. Make certain to include–legal, ethical, political and medical aspects. Support the perspectives with references from professional literature.   

Journal Article Analysis
1. Read one article on a topic you intend to write about for the research paper later this term. The article MUST come from one of the Academic Databases from the PBSC library unless otherwise noted (contact me if unsure about your article). The article MUST be at least 1000 words long or 3 pages in length.
2. Scroll down for the assignment questions. Answer the following questions with in-depth, well thought out answers. Write at least one or two well developed paragraphs for each answer.
3. Minimum word requirement: your final analysis must be at least 1000 words, not counting the questions.
4. Begin your response by writing a citation for the source as it would appear in MLA or APA format on a Works Cited page. Your citation will appear as the first thing on your assignment after your heading (for MLA formatted paper) or title page (APA format).
5. In addition to all of the necessary citation information, you must use correct capitalization and punctuation for titles of sources and use the correct line spacing and indentation for the citation. See MLA/APA rules for that.
6. Since you are responding to a text, use first-person point of view when necessary for you thesis or analysis. Do not use second-person POV or contractions.
7. Be sure that your paper has the correct MLA/APA format (header, title, page number etc) and uses correct grammar and punctuation.
8. Use quotations from the article to support your answers. Be sure that you are using in-text citations for sources you cite.
9. Scroll down for the questions, copy these and save the questions as a Word document (.doc or .docx), and write your responses below each question. Be sure to write the citation for the source at the top of your paper. Write the citation as it would appear on a Works Cited page using correct MLA/APA format. Create a header with your name, and other necessary information for MLA/APA.. Answer these questions with in-depth responses of at least one to two paragraphs for each answer. Use quotations from the article to support your answers. Be sure that you are using in-text citations for sources you cite.
1. What is the rhetorical context of the article? To answer this, you will need to do some outside research on the author of the article, the journal, and/or the organization that published the article.
Address these points:
The authors background (sometimes an author will be an organization) and how that background affects your respect for, or trust in, the accuracy of the article. If there is more than one author, researching the first author, who is the lead author, is surricient.
How recently the article was published (how does this affect your understanding of the topic?)
Purpose of the journal or publishing organization
Other types of writing you would find in the journal, publication, or Website
Who the intended audience might be (research the publication and speculate on this) Whether the article is a scholarly article, one written for a specialized audience, or one
published in the popular press?
What kinds of appeals does the author make? (see the Three Appeals of Argument pdf) Is there a bias in the article? Indicate how you know that there is or is not any bias.
2. Respond to the authors points first by exploring how the ideas, arguments, or findings seem sensible to you.
3. Next, take a more critical stance and look for gaps in the argument. Raise questions or discuss any doubts you have about what the source says.
4. What evidence from the article seemed most convincing to you and why? Bring in examples from the text to support your points.
5. What evidence is least convincing and why? Bring in examples from the text to support your points. 6. How does the source change your thinking on the topic?
7. What do you understand better now that you have read this source?
8. How does the source compare with other things you have read on this topic?
9. After reading this article, what other possibilities for research do you think exist regarding this topic?

A marketing plan: Provide a detailed description of the product Miami Hurricanes Football Team and the entities it is a part of.
Define the marketplace and the various segments that you wish to reach in that market in regard to customers and corporate partnerships. Be specific in stating how wants and needs are being met.
Gather data from multiple sources. These may include but are not limited to:
Personal interviews with informed sources;
Academic, professional, or relevant popular literature;
Organizational records; and
Organizational promotional communications (e.g., news releases, websites, tweets).
All sources are to be cited in the text of the paper, and a complete list of references must be included at the conclusion of the paper.