Write a reflection journaling report on how your two week went in applying the consciousness discipline you chose at the start of module 10 (that is, from among the three options).  The more specific details you can include in your report, the better your grade for this writing assignment is likely to be.  You should also include reflections on any ways that you could see adapting this discipline into the way you might like to live your life in the future.  You should write about 400 words — but you are welcome to write more if needed to tell your story.

Module 10: October 25 – 31 — Professional Challenges to Well-Being: Compassion Fatigue

To do:

For this segment of the course that is, for modules 10 and 11 we are going to shift to a different kind of well-being practice.  Its what I call a consciousness discipline, and you will pick JUST ONE.  You will have a choice from among three possible consciousness disciplines and youll try to apply it for this week of module 10 and for the following week of module 11.  As you have before, take some notes daily about how it goes.  You will be completing a journal report at the end of module 11 concerning the work you have done with the one practice you select.  Here are the options:

Each morning when you get up, write down three positive expectations for the day; and at the end of the day write down three things for which you are grateful which happened in that day just ending.  We can think of this option as the brief journaling for optimism and for gratitude  (BJOG).  For the morning-time positive expectations, let them be things around which you have some control.  For example, don’t pick “I expect it will not rain today” or “I expect my boyfriend will be in a good mood.”  Instead, you can pick positive things you expect yourself to do (such as “I will work on my homework without distractions for two hours”) and things that are more internal about attitudes and emotions (such as, “I will remain patient even when unexpected, annoying things arise”).
Each day for the week, try your best to talk about other people only in the way that you would if that person were present to hear what you are saying about him or her.  We can think of this option as a way to cultivate greater self-awareness about social relationships and to be compassionate in how we think about and how we talk about others.  We could call it the compassionate social intelligence discipline (CSI)
Try throughout the day to make eye-contact with others as you listen to them and as you talk to them.  Allow this action to be an expression of your full attention to them.  Its a way to reinforce seeing and caring about others.  We could call it simply paying attention with eye contact (PAEC)

Module 11: November 1 – 7 — The Metrics of Well-Being

To do:

Continue with your chosen “consciousness discipline.”  That’s the practice you chose (from among the three options listed in the lesson plan for module 10). This coming weekend you will be writing your  journal post, and it will be a narrative about your experiences for the two weeks of applying it.   

You will explain what this person/people (illuminati) say, what is really true, and exactly how what this person/people say goes wrong. You will draw on the cognitive biases, logical fallacies, perception biases, and fact- checking.

5 ACADEMIC SOURCES must be used on this essay, only academic sources are permitted.

Points you must cover:
1) What is the theory? Be sure to explain in detail, with any variations that may exist between different factions of believers.
2) What arguments do the conspiracists draw on to argue for their theory?
3) What is wrong with those arguments? Be detailed and specific in your
4) Why might conspiracists find those arguments
convincing anyway?

Part 1

Download the Google Expeditions app on your phone or tablet
Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.vr.expeditions&hl=en_US&gl=US
Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/expeditions/id1131711060
Choose one (1) AR expediton and one (1) VR expedition
Which expeditions did you choose and why?
How did the two expeditions differ? Was one a better experience than the other?
Can you see this as being a replacement for in person class instruction? If not, what needs to be done to make it a replacement?

Part 2

Create your own AR or VR tour!
Full instructions are here: https://support.google.com/edu/expeditions/answer/9005385?hl=en
The content can be anything you’d like.
Tours should be at least 2.5 minutes long and have at least 3 scenes.
Share a link to your tour so the class can try it out.
Did you find this tool easy or hard to use?
Do you see any value in creating AR or VR experiences like this? Do you have the hardware needed to fully appreciate the final results?

-we will examine choices that we make about commas in our writing.
Post a paragraph from any writing you have done recently. Then identify one choice you made with regard to commas (either using a comma or not using a comma). Comment on the reasons for your choice. Are there other alternatives for punctuating the sentence that you might consider?

-In response to another student’s paragraph, identify one choice the student writer made in regard to commas (either using a comma or not using a comma), and comment on the effects of that choice. Are there other alternatives for punctuating the sentence that the writer might consider?

You are the Director of Regulatory Affairs for a company that is developing a recombinant monoclonal antibody for the treatment of cancer. Describe the regulatory lifecycle of your drug (feel free to give it a name) including pre-clinical development, clinical testing, application for licensure, and post-marketing activities. Provide a general overview of each stage of the process, and be sure to address the following:

What pre-clinical characterization of the drug should be done?

What interactions with the FDA are necessary at each stage of development (e.g. formal meetings, applications, annual reports etc.)

What are the phases of clinical testing, and what is the purpose of each phase? How many patients are involved at each stage (generally)?

At what point(s) in the process do fees need to be paid to the FDA (as per the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA))?

How is this process different if your drug is granted Orphan Drug status? Breakthrough Drug status?

What sections in the Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR) apply to each stage of development for this particular type of product?

I attached the instruction of essay and this class is about Global Trafficking.
Please read all the instruction carefully  and follow the requirements.
There are 4 topics and you can choose one of them to write.
I am also attaching few class ppt which are require to use, please Include a Works Cited/Bibliography section at the end of your essay.

Aristotle believes that his concept of the mean can explain all human value. Explain how the mean leads to and supports his idea of virtue and explain how the mean is the foundation for all social relationships.  Finally, do you think a good and functioning community requires care, as Aristotle describes it? Provide a pro-Aristotle and con-Aristotle argument to the question, and then, defend your position as to which side pro- or con- is most convincing logically.

[Hint: One major part to your answer should be Aristotle’s understanding of different kinds of friendship. Also, you can relate the idea of care to whether we as a society need it to combat the Coronavirus Pandemic or systemic racism (use of W.E.B. Dubois reading may be beneficial).]

Hello ,

I am seeking a confidential service, to complete the comprehensive essay writing for a total of 6 essays , each between 3000-5000 words long ( depending upon the subject, the word count does not include the refernce or bibliography sector )

The subjects will be in Corrosion and Coatings , this will include basic chemistry

Initially I will start off with 1 essay , and see how you do .

The first essay I am looking at completing within 3 weeks ,

If you do a good job the the remaining essays can take longer no problem

If you do well I am willing to pay a bonus, for my gratitude.

The level of depth for subject is required to be very througher , the essays are to achieve a HND standard ..

Each essay has it own individual template which needs to be strictly adhered to .

I have a example written essay , so you understand the level of depth required.

Each essay also has its own supportive documents that are required to be captured in your own interpretation.

Its Important that refernces and bibliography is used within the essay .

No pilgrilisim is allowed !

What I need from you is your commitment to the above,

If you take the job, then its important that you understand exactly what I require.

My real-life experience learning about Healthcare Reformed in the United States

1.    Please write 2 pages of your real-life experiences journal related to the class and analyze the topic Health Reformed in the United States. In addition, evaluate the lessons and ideas learned through the experience. Example: I had a great class during Fall Semester 2020. I got to engage with different topics related to Healthcare Law, Policy, and Regulations; and one of the topics I would like to share in this journal is regarding the Health Reformed in the United States.

2.    Apply your integration of faith and learning. For the Christian scholar, draw such beliefs from biblical and theological understanding and express each in your reflection paper. Cite any references you use.
3.    You can apply some of these questions to develop the journal.
a.    Describe previous national health reform attempts
b.    Understand why national health reform has been difficult to achieve in the United States
c.    Analyze why national health reform succeeded in 2010 when so many previous attempts had failed
d.    Understand the key components of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
e.    Understand the core rulings of multiple U.S. Supreme Court decisions related to the Affordable     Care Act
f.    Evaluate the political climate regarding repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, and     understand the main features of legislation drafted toward that end
g.    Describe key issues going forward related to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act”

    Use introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion headings
    Your paper should be 5 to 7 pages in length
    At least 5 references of an academic or scholarly source are required for this paper.  You are expected to use academic sources in peer-reviewed database or Internet sources, such as: .org, .edu, .mil, .gov, “.zm”  Sources not allowed are Wikipedia, Dictionaries, wikis, or blogs.
    Use APA, 6th edition, writing style for in-text citations and each reference source that you use.  Remember, all wording that is not your own must be cited.
        For APA writing assistance, select APA Format Resources on the Begin Here section of the Modules Tab
    Limit the use of direct quotes. Direct quotes should not exceed page in total.  Deductions will result if this rule is violated.
    Use 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and double-spacing.
    The cover sheet should include group members names and course information
    Include a reference page in APA 6th edition style.