Watch the documentary and write a very short essay (circa 250 words, 1/2 page single spaced or 1 page double spaced) answering the following questions:
– Why do some people invest their money in new ideas, even though there is no guarantee of success?
– Why did Nolan Bushnell turn down the opportunity to acquire one third of Apple Computer for $50,000?
– Why did Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak need Mike Markkulas help?
– What was happening in 1976 that represented the opportunity of a lifetime for venture capitalists?


Mouw, The Smell of Sawdust, chapters 8-15

Then, submit a 1-page, single-spaced response to this reading that addresses the following:

Definitions: List 2 words/concepts you did not understand when you came across them in the reading and their definitions.
Summary: Summarize the reading’s argument (what the author is explaining in these chapters) in 150-200 words.
Analysis: Explain what you found new, compelling, or unconvincing (and why) in 150-200 words.
Late reading responses will not be accepted under any circumstances. These responses must be completed before you can thoughtfully participate in the related discussion activity.

MLA citations and a Works Cited page expected for quoting and summarizing the textbook and any other sources.

I do not have the book, if you can just do your best and use some alternative sources so I can have something to turn in. Thank you so much for your hard work it is greatly appreciated.

The graduate applies principles of leadership to promote high-quality healthcare in a variety of settings through the application of sound leadership principles.

734.3.2 : Interdisciplinary Collaboration

The graduate applies theoretical principles necessary for effective participation in an interdisciplinary team.

734.3.3 : Quality and Patient Safety

The graduate applies quality improvement processes intended to achieve optimal healthcare outcomes, contributing to and supporting a culture of safety.

Healthcare organizations accredited by the Joint Commission are required to conduct a root cause analysis (RCA) in response to any sentinel event, such as the one described in the scenario attached below. Once the cause is identified and a plan of action established, it is useful to conduct a failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to reduce the likelihood that a process would fail. As a member of the healthcare team in the hospital described in this scenario, you have been selected as a member of the team investigating the incident.

It is 3:30 p.m. on a Thursday and Mr. B, a 67-year-old patient, arrives at the six-room emergency department (ED) of a sixty-bed rural hospital. He has been brought to the hospital by his son and neighbor. At this time, Mr. B is moaning and complaining of severe pain to his (L) leg and hip area. He states he lost his balance and fell after tripping over his dog.

Mr. B was admitted to the triage room where his vital signs were B/P 120/80, HR-88 (regular), T-98.6, and R-32, and his weight was recorded at 175 pounds. Mr. B. states that he has no known allergies and no previous falls. He states, My hip area and leg hurt really bad. I have never had anything like this before. Patient rates pain at 10 out of 10 on the numerical verbal pain scale. He appears to be in moderate distress. His (L) leg appears shortened with swelling (edema in the calf), ecchymosis, and limited range of motion (ROM). Mr. Bs leg is stabilized and then is further evaluated and discharged from triage to the emergency department (ED) patient room. He is admitted by Nurse J. Nurse J finds that Mr. B has a history of impaired glucose tolerance and prostate cancer. At Mr. Bs last visit with his primary care physician, laboratory data revealed elevated cholesterol and lipids. Mr. Bs current medications are atorvastatin and oxycodone for chronic back pain. After Mr. Bs assessment is completed, Nurse J informs Dr. T, the ED physician, of admission findings, and Dr. T proceeds to examine Mr. B.

Staffing on this day consists of two nurses (one RN and one LPN), one secretary, and one emergency department physician. Respiratory therapy is in-house and available as needed. At the time of Mr. Bs arrival, the ED staff is caring for two other patients. One patient is a 43-year-old female complaining of a throbbing headache. The patient rates current pain at 4 out of 10 on numerical verbal pain scale. The patient states that she has a history of migraines. She received treatment, remains stable, and discharge is pending. The second patient is an eight-year-old boy being evaluated for possible appendicitis. Laboratory results are pending for this patient. Both of these patients were examined, evaluated, and cared for by Dr. T and are awaiting further treatment or orders.

After evaluation of Mr. B, Dr. T writes the order for Nurse J to administer diazepam 5 mg IVP to Mr. B. The medication diazepam is administered IVP at 4:05 p.m. After five minutes, the diazepam appears to have had no effect on Mr. B, and Dr. T instructs Nurse J to administer hydromorphone 2 mg IVP. The medication hydromorphone is administered IVP at 4:15 p.m. After five minutes, Dr. T is still not satisfied with the level of sedation Mr. B has achieved and instructs Nurse J to administer another 2 mg of hydromorphone IVP and an additional 5 mg of diazepam IVP. The physicians goal is for the patient to achieve skeletal muscle relaxation from the diazepam, which will aid in the manual manipulation, relocation, and alignment of Mr. Bs hip. The hydromorphone IVP was administered to achieve pain control and sedation. After reviewing the patients medical history, Dr. T notes that the patients weight and current regular use of oxycodone appear to be making it more difficult to sedate Mr. B.

Finally, at 4:25 p.m., the patient appears to be sedated, and the successful reduction of his (L) hip takes place. The patient appears to have tolerated the procedure and remains sedated. He is not currently on any supplemental oxygen. The procedure concludes at 4:30 p.m.,and Mr. B is resting without indications of discomfort and distress. At this time, the ED receives an emergency dispatch call alerting the emergency department that the emergency rescue unit paramedics are enroute with a 75-year-old patient in acute respiratory distress. Nurse J places Mr. B on an automatic blood pressure machine programmed to monitor his B/P every five minutes and a pulse oximeter. At this time, Nurse J leaves Mr. Bs room. The nurse allows Mr. Bs son to sit with him as he is being monitored via the blood pressure monitor. At 4:35 p.m., Mr. Bs B/P is 110/62 and his O2 saturation is 92%. He remains without supplemental oxygen and his ECG and respirations are not monitored.

Nurse J and the LPN on duty have received the emergency transport patient. They are also in the process of discharging the other two patients. Meanwhile, the ED lobby has become congested with new incoming patients. At this time, Mr. Bs O2 saturation alarm is heard and shows low O2 saturation (currently showing a saturation of 85%). The LPN enters Mr. Bs room briefly, resets the alarm, and repeats the B/P reading.

Nurse J is now fully engaged with the emergency care of the respiratory distress patient, which includes assessments, evaluation, and the ordering of respiratory treatments, CXR, labs, etc.

At 4:43 p.m., Mr. Bs son comes out of the room and informs the nurse that the monitor is alarming. When Nurse J enters the room, the blood pressure machine shows Mr. Bs B/P reading is 58/30 and the O2 saturation is 79%. The patient is not breathing and no palpable pulse can be detected.

A STAT CODE is called and the son is escorted to the waiting room. The code team arrives and begins resuscitative efforts. When connected to the cardiac monitor, Mr. B is found to be in ventricular fibrillation. CPR begins immediately by the RN, and Mr. B is intubated. He is defibrillated and reversal agents, IV fluids, and vasopressors are administered. After 30 minutes of interventions, the ECG returns to a normal sinus rhythm with a pulse and a B/P of 110/70. The patient is not breathing on his own and is fully dependent on the ventilator. The patients pupils are fixed and dilated. He has no spontaneous movements and does not respond to noxious stimuli. Air transport is called, and upon the familys wishes, the patient is transferred to a tertiary facility for advanced care.

Seven days later, the receiving hospital informed the rural hospital that EEGs had determined brain death in Mr. B. The family had requested life-support be removed, and Mr. B subsequently died.

Additional information: The hospital where Mr. B. was originally seen and treated had a moderate sedation/analgesia (conscious sedation) policy that requires that the patient remains on continuous B/P, ECG, and pulse oximeter throughout the procedure and until the patient meets specific discharge criteria (i.e., fully awake, VSS, no N/V, and able to void). All practitioners who perform moderate sedation must first successfully complete the hospitals moderate sedation training module. The training module includes drug selection as well as acceptable dose ranges. Additional (backup) staff was available on the day of the incident. Nurse J had completed the moderate sedation module. Nurse J had current ACLS certification and was an experienced critical care nurse. Nurse Js prior annual clinical evaluations by the manager demonstrated that the nurse was meeting requirements. Nurse J did not have a history of negligent patient care. Sufficient equipment was available and in working order in the ED on this day.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A. Explain the general purpose of conducting a root cause analysis (RCA).

1. Explain each of the six steps used to conduct an RCA, as defined by IHI.

2. Apply the RCA process to the scenario to describe the causative and contributing factors that led to the sentinel event outcome.

B. Propose a process improvement plan that would decrease the likelihood of a reoccurrence of the scenario outcome.

1. Discuss how each phase of Lewins change theory on the human side of change could be applied to the proposed improvement plan.

C. Explain the general purpose of the failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) process.

1. Describe the steps of the FMEA process as defined by IHI.

2. Complete the attached FMEA table by appropriately applying the scales of severity, occurrence, and detection to the process improvement plan proposed in part B.

Note: You are not expected to carry out the full FMEA.

D. Explain how you would test the interventions from the process improvement plan from part B to improve care.

E. Explain how a professional nurse can competently demonstrate leadership in each of the following areas:

promoting quality care

improving patient outcomes

influencing quality improvement activities

1. Discuss how the involvement of the professional nurse in the RCA and FMEA processes demonstrates leadership qualities.

F. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

G. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

File Restrictions
File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( )
File size limit: 200 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z

An explanation of the general purpose of conducting an RCA is not provided.


The explanation does not accurately describe the general purpose for conducting an RCA.


The explanation accurately describes the general purpose for conducting an RCA.


An explanation of 6 RCA steps is not provided.


The explanation does not accurately identify or does not logically describe one or more of the 6 steps used to conduct an RCA, as defined by IHI.

Topic: Hypertension Management in the Older Adult

Hypertension is a common condition in older adults. Older adults benefit from the treatment of their hypertension, but special considerations need to be given before initiating pharmacological therapy due to the risk of increased complications.

Discuss two strategies that you will use when initiating antihypertensive therapy in the older adult (you may consider things such as goal BP, class of medications, laboratory monitoring of therapy, monitoring for side effects, etc.).

3 references

Topic to research and write about: Having seen how many people are now working from home what do you see are the advantages and disadvantages of converting to a work from home format for those who are going to be graduating from college and entering the workforce.

Sample Format for Recommendation Report
* Letter of Transmittal
* Title Page
* Table of Contents
* Informative Abstract
* Introduction
    * Context/Background Information
    * Purpose statement and top-down strategy
* Problem/Need
    * Explanation of problem or need
    * Causes of problem or need
* Solution
    * Details of the solution
    * Benefits of the solution
    * Ways in which the solution satisfies decision criteria
* Implementation
    * Schedule for implementing the solution (Consider including a Gantt chart)
    * Budget
    * Personnel and assigned duties of each member of the team
* Call to Action
    * Underscore benefits of recommendation and ask reader to act
* References

* Understand and apply the conventions of a report
* Address a specific problem and develop realistic potential solutions to that problem 
* Integrate evidence gathered from research to support an argument
* Use data visualizations to integrate data in support of an argument
* Apply the stylistic conventions of professional writing to craft an effective argument
* Apply principles of document design to create a visually appealing document designed for readability

Write an epilogue to ” The Cask of Amontillado” in which a case against Montresor comes to trial.  In your epilogue, provide the prosecuting attorneys closing argument, reminding the jury of any evidence that proves Montresors guilt.  Then provide the defense attorneys closing argument and describe the jurys final verdict.
include a minimum of 400 words, written in paragraph form.
MUST be written in the third-person point of view (academic voice). You may write in the first-person point of view if you want to pretend you are Montresor.

You will choose an area of interest within an area of psychology that we do *not* cover in class (compare the  reading schedule with book chapters for more info). Find three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last ten (10) years (2010 to 2020) covering original scientific research in your area of interest. Original research means the authors conducted the research themselves, recruited a sample (of any size), collected data, and analyzed results. You cannot use a meta-analysis, a systematic review of the literature, a theoretical paper, or a scientific opinion piece; original research only. This research can include experiments, correlational research, observational research, or case studies. Do not use archival or historical research.

Use the following link to search for research articles within the EBSCOhost database (formerly PsycINFO):

Promotion is any activity that communicates our competitive advantage to our chosen target market. Advertising, personal selling and publicity are our focus.

Even in these times of social media and digital content some of the old ways of promotion can still be effective. Identify two strengths and two weaknesses of each major advertising medium: newspapers, television, direct mail, radio, magazines, and outdoor display.

Social media and data mining have created a revolution in marketing and promotion.
Review the following link: (Links to an external site.).
Curious how to get started marketing on social media. Here is a step by step tutorial:

What are your thoughts in general about Marketing through social media? Do you find it intrusive and what are your privacy concerns?
Give an example of a promotional campaign that you feel is particularly effective.

When we think about overall well-being, it is important to consider our children and families. In this discussion, you will summarize a way to help families learn more about social and emotional development in young children.

In your initial post,

Describe one idea, activity, or game about a topic related to the behavioral, social, and emotional development of young children. This activity would eventually be placed into a thematic backpack to be sent home with students and families for learning about the topic. Explore how families can learn together, and be sure to discuss what supplies you would include (if any would be needed) for families to engage in the activity.
Construct a family-friendly and visually appealing introduction letter (no longer than one page) that explains the backpacks purpose. You may wish to use colored fonts, graphics, or pictures for a fun and engaging tone. add a news letter to coincide with this as well.

Prompt: Write about the ideology of patriotism vs the ideology of love for all humanity, and how this clash shaped and directed the main characters in the story.
5 paragraphs and no Paragraph Longer Than 2/3 of a Page.
Introduction:  introduce the text and preview your organization at the start;
Conclusion:  wrap it up! with one sentence per paragraph and a final finishing-off sentence; Body paragraphs:  have topic sentences, write most of the paragraph as explanation of your paragraph’s point, only use one piece of evidence either summarized or quoted, and explain that evidences thoroughly