1-After reading John Locke’s 1st Treatise on Government, critically discuss Locke’s rationale for the denial of the hereditary right of an Absolute Monarch.  Be sure to cite Lockes rebuttal of Sir Robert Filmers defense of the divine right of kings. How does Lockes rebuttal of Filmer affect the future of democracy and representative government in England and America?

#2-After reading John Locke’s 2nd Treatise on Government, critically discuss Locke’s rationale for the accumulation of capital.  State the pros and cons of the argument and explain why your conclusion (pro, con or combination) is the best argument.

Compose a brief and focused paper which explains and describes your healthcare issue/topic from a cultural and/or ethical perspective of inquiry.
Your instructor will guide you through the choices you have for this inquiry, including options and strategies for combining the perspectives.

Your paper must be 4 pages in length and reference 4-6 scholarly, peer-reviewed resources. Be sure to follow APA formatting standards (spacing, font, headers, titles, abstracts, page numbering, etc.) as you demonstrate informative, explanatory, descriptive writing. Use the provided template.

Address your general topic by forming and answering two levels of research questions, developed to provide specific and detailed inquiry, discovery and understanding:
Choose a Level 1 Research Question/ Writing Prompt from either or both of the lists below to answer in the paper.
Compose a Level 2 Research Question/ Writing Prompt that provides detail, specificity, and focus to your inquiry, research and writing**.
State your research questions in the introduction of your paper.
Form the body of your paper by answering each research question, using references to the resources found in your research.
Review the process and the resulting understandings in the conclusion of the paper (briefly review the issues, research questions, answers, and insights.)
Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
ETHICAL Perspective of Inquiry

What laws govern or pertain to the issue?
What ethical obstacles affect how the issue is addressed by the medical community?
How do ethical theories apply to the issue?
How are money, power, and control matters related to the issue and its treatment?

Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
CULTURAL Perspective of Inquiry

Which cultural values and/or norms influence the issue?
How is the issue addressed differently in varying cultural contexts and situations?
Which cultures or societies are most affected by the issue? Why?
Which cultural traditions affect the treatment(s)?


Whistleblowers are people who decide to report unethical or illegal activities, usually under the control of their employers whether working for a private company, nonprofit organization or government agency. Research a situation in which an employee either considered or did report such unethical or illegal activities. Compare the advantages for the whistleblower to first report internally within the company or agency as compared to first making their report publicly. Cite the sources you considered when researching this example of whistleblowing.

Which of the five special senses do you think is the most important? (SIGHT) What is the rationale for your choice? When explaining your reasoning, describe the importance of the special sense.

)SIGHT is the sense chosen)

When responding to your classmates, choose classmates who have chosen different special senses as the most important and try to convince them why another sense could be seen as more important.

Please respond to these two post ( it can be a short response)

1.I feel that smell is the most important special sense. Smell is linked to taste, memories, emotion and overall health. An article from the fifthsense.org notes that losing your sense of smell can have a serious negative affect on people. They may experience depression and an inability to feel connected to the world around them and in some instances lose their ability to form memories connections in the brain (fifthsenseorg, n.d.) There is also a link suggesting that people diagnosed with Alzheimers and Parkinsons have a diminished sense of smell indicating that there may be a stronger connection with smell and memory that previously thought (Wick, 2019)

Our sense of smell can also alert us of danger by identifying gas leaks or smoke from a fire. It can also be useful in avoiding spoiled food or choosing a suitable partner. In general, I feel that smell has so many functions that link us to the world we live in and it would be a shame to lose it.

2.Humans possess the five special senses of vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch. Of these five, I consider the sense of hearing to be the most important. This is so because it is very important that information that information is conveyed accurately and precisely without miscommunication. In my current career, accurate precise information is a matter of life and death. A perfect example is as a nurse taking a verbal or telephone order for a medication or procedure for a patient. In my line of work, this is a common practice. In order to get it accurate and precise, the order is repeated once and sometimes even twice for verification and confirmation; especially during emergency settings. Imagine what could happen if hearing the wrong order. I have also had experience of working with hearing impaired patients. This was also a challenge. One way of communication with with these individuals is lip reading or pen and paper, and even these methods leave room from miscommunication and misunderstanding. Hearing is a complex sense and requires a series of actions and reactions; from sound waves entering the ear canal  to the eardrums and then picked up by the auditory nerves and sent to the brain to be interpreted as sounds. The ability to hear enables us to communicate in a way that none of the other senses does. The famous words of a famous activist and educator Helen Keller “Blindness cuts us off from things, but deafness cuts us off from people”. True words.

As the end of the course approaches, you and your group will spend most of your time in this module putting the final touches on your research project. For this discussion, you will summarize your group’s findings from your data analysis and also put forward any lingering questions or issues that you would like your instructor to know about. Write an original post in which you address the following questions.

Summarize the findings of your data analysis in your research project. Was there anything from your findings that surprised you?
As you reflect on your experience with this research project, what is one thing you think you did well? What is one thing you would do differently next time?
What questions do you have for your instructor as you finish up your research project?

Initial posts should be about 300 words in length. Make sure you answer all of the questions in the prompt in your initial post.
Reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts by the end of the module. Each of your replies should be about 150 words in length.
Initial posts are due by the date posted on this page. Replies are due by the end of the module.


For the In Your World discussions, you will find and present examples of mathematics in everyday life. The goal is to draw personal connections between your own life experiences and the course content for the week. To guide your thinking, you will choose examples from the “In Your World” prompts given in the textbook. Some questions may ask for your personal opinion; others will require some research in order to answer the question. Follow the directions for whatever problems you choose and credit your sources as needed. Credit or citations may be informal: a web link, a picture of a billboard you saw, a mention of a TV commercial and on what channel it aired, a picture from Instagram, etc. You may write informally and include videos or pictures if you like. After you present your chosen application, you will interact with your discussion group by reading and responding to their work.


For this discussion, you will present an application from any of the sections in Chapter 5, Chapter 6, or Chapter 7. Choose one of the “In Your World” exercises at the end of each unit in the textbook. You can find these after the textbook exercises you have completed.

Please do your best and give me something to turn in thank you for all your hard work!

In this discussion, you will share your thoughts and reactions to the weeks readings by engaging in conversation around a set of prompts. You should discuss at least 2 of the prompts in a meaningful way and contribute at least 3 total posts. You may also discuss any general thoughts or questions about this weeks reading and assignments. As this discussion is intended to be a conversation, try to write posts that respond to others as well as contribute new ideas.

Some general guidelines for online discussion forum netiquette (Links to an external site.) from Peter Connor can be found here. The prompts for this week are as follows:

Discuss some of the misconceptions people have about the law of large numbers.
How does the law of large numbers factor into calculating expected value?
Why are rates more useful than total numbers of deaths or accidents in measuring risk?
What are key differences between arrangements with repetition, permutations, and combinations? How would you decide which formula to use when approaching a counting problem?
From the principles of probability theory, man has created highly effective tools to manage risk, explain coincidence, and handle uncertainty. At the same time, the Bible is clear (see these Bible verses about knowing the future (Links to an external site.)) that God alone is omniscient and sovereign over all past, present, and future events. How might a Christian apply both the tools of probability and the truths of Scripture in managing risk and making life decisions? Reflect on the reading from The Unfinished Game (Devlin) as you discuss.

Please just do your best and give me something to turn in thank you.

EN 2020 F Final Exam Professor Harding 12.00 p.m. Paris time Friday 188h December 12 p.m. Paris time Sunday 20th December 2020

Answer both questions, in the form of an essay. You may use your books.

Send the essay back to my email in the form of a Word document attachment before 12 noon, Paris time, Sunday 19th.

1. How does Joyce use past and future, memory and desire, to explore the construction of emotional experience in his writing? Refer to The Dead and any two other stories.
– https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2814/2814-h/2814-h.htm (“The Dead” Last story)

2. Analyse the ways in which Chekhov represents and uses empathy. Refer to A Boring Story and any two other stories.

Please, pay a close attention to respond to the questions (quotes, examples…)

1) briefly identify the artwork (exhibition catalog or film)

2) describe what it represents (includes in catalog or portrays in film)

3) provide background on artist or film (about 1-page total); the rest of your essay will provide a critical analysis of the artwork, catalog, or film in the context of the theme we addressed in class.

Topic: Do we have special obligations to veterans, the elderly, children, women, any minorities, any types of disability or “differently-abled” people? According to the CARE OF ETHICS this theory will further support my opinion on why society has an obligation to care for all individuals specifically those previously mentioned

Writing a philosophy paper:
(1) The whole paper is one big argument. It is not a report.
The aim in philosophy is to find the truth, and the tool we use to find it is an
argument. Notice I didnt say the aim is trying to win the argument but to find the truth. The process begins with suspending judgment until all the facts are in. Only then you form an opinion, i.e. make a judgment. Then, you argue by presenting reasons to support your
judgment. You may, in the course of your research, completely flip your point of view… and
that’s how we learn. Even if we decide our original opinion was wrong it’s still a win-win
situation because we always know more in the end.

(2) The thesis is your point of view. Your thesis statement is a concise assertion of your point of view (your judgment or opinion) on an issue. In other words, you are taking a stand, pro or con, and arguing from that perspective. You argue by presenting good reasons for believing your thesis is the right way to think and backing those reasons up with supporting evidence. Even if you are defending a particular philosophers thesis, because you agree with him/her, it is your thesis, too. Note that the introduction should introduce the paper to the reader. Think about introducing a new friend to your current friends. Tell the reader exactly what the paper is about. For an argument, lay out your argument in brief. Example:an unprecedented times, unprecedented actions are often necessary. Now officially labeled a pandemic, health organizations must do all possible to protect global and local citizens. After discussing the explosive growth of COVID-19, the right of the WHO and CDC to employ quarantines is explored through the lens of rule utilitarianism.

(3) There is always an objection section. As open-minded philosophers, we seriously consider the opposing point of view. You cant find the truth if you confine yourself to your own little echo chamber where everyone you talk to has exactly your point of view. This means that every paper you write will have an objection section, so, you will be presenting two opposing arguments. Your reply to the opposition shows that your thesis is still better. There is a very helpful article by Peter Horban, Writing A Philosophical Paper. Here is an excerpt : One of the first points to be clear about is that a philosophical essay is quite different from an essay in most other subjects. That is because it is neither a research paper nor an exercise in literary self-expression. It is not a report of what various scholars have had to say on a particular topic. It does not present the latest findings of tests or experiments. And it does not present your personal feelings or impressions. Instead, it is a reasoned defense of a thesis. What does that mean? Above all, it means that there must be a specific point that you are trying to establish – something that you are trying to convince the reader to accept – together with grounds or justification for its acceptance. Before you start to write your paper, you should be able to state exactly what it is that you are trying to show. This is harder than it sounds. It simply will not do to have a rough idea of what you want to establish. A rough idea is usually one that is not well worked out, not clearly expressed, and as a result, not likely to be understood. Whether you do it in your paper or not, you should be able to state in a single short sentence precisely what you want to prove. If you cannot formulate your thesis this way, odds are you are not clear enough about it.