six macro forces that marketing leaders ought to take into account when developing a marketing strategy. Choose one of the macro forces and write a brief post on how that macro force can impact a marketing strategy. Provide at least one example from a company that has had to confront that macro force and describe if you believe they’ve managed well or poorly.

Topic #1 (Unit 1)- Part 1: Regarding the ancient Greek culture, lifestyle, and Olympic Games: Do you feel the ancient Greeks were correct in their choices and decisions? Clearly state your argument(s) (pros and cons) regarding the above topics and provide examples of each stated standpoint. Part 2: Define the ancient Greek term honor.  Give an example of honor from the Ancient Olympic Games.  Relate the ancient Greek term of honor with todays (our) description of honor.

Expectations of this assignment:
1.    You need to research the topic and be able to discuss in-depth.
a.    We are looking for effort.
2.    You will prepare one to two pages. Be concise with you answers.
a.    Paragraphs, bullet points, or sentences are all fine
b.    I need to make some sense out of it, so it better be organized
3.    What does prepared and researched mean?
a.    If you had to teach your mother about this topic, then she was going to go on to Jeopardy to win you a college scholarshipthat much depth.
b.    The library, researched articles, websites, newspapers, etc.
i.    Wikipedia is not an option.
ii.    The textbook is not an option.
c.    You must have citations.  Citations allow for the reader to know where your information came from. This means if you use a quote or someone elses work in your assignment, you must include an in-text citation after that quote or summary.
i.    You will need to have a reference page.
ii.    Depth is good and effort is good.  Ill grade you accordingly.
4.    Formatting expectations:
a.    Times New Roman, 12pt font is expected. Spacing does not matter on this assignment. APA citations are preferred but MLA is acceptable.

The basic format of the essay should be a theory, concept or approach which is critically analysed. Then a case study or practical example should be presented that not only illustrates how the theory can be applied but also reveals further critical insights into the theory itself. The
Has the student identified and analysed the unique competitive advantage of the business?
Has the student identified and analysed what the customers value and are willing to pay for?
Has the student identified and analysed the attempts by the company to minimise its costs?
conclusion should demonstrate how the case study can lead to an improvement in the theory.
Students should make all efforts to avoid plagiarism by reading and reflecting on the information sources before committing their own thoughts to paper. There is never a reason to copy, although quotations may be occasionally appropriate. It is recommended that students should take note of the Turnitin similarity score when they submit. Harvard style referencing must always be used.

Please follow the instructions below carefully as this is exactly how i would like my paper to be written.

Choose ONE primary source related to Middle East history between 1700 and 1914. Primary sources are those created during the period under investigation and could include documents, state papers, laws and legal treatises, speeches, travel accounts, census data, diaries, memoirs, autobiographies, literary works, photographs, paintings, and other cultural artifacts. Please provide a photocopy of the source, unless it is an entire novel or another lengthy source in which case you may provide only the citation. It should NOT be a source we are reading in this class.

Present this source in your paper by answering the questions: What is the genre? Who is the author? When was it composed? Who is the intended reader? Why was it composed? The last question is the most important and should entail a discussion of the context in which this source was generated.

The paper is a presentation of the source, and therefore need not state a thesis and argue a particular position. Rather, the source itself is the subject of the paper and you want to provide the reader with the information necessary to understand the source and suggest how this information influences how we should interpret the source and what it adds to our historical understanding.

The essay should be 4 double-spaced pages (not including the source itself), with endnotes fully citing any reading that you quote or to which you refer. A full citation includes for a book: author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, and page number(s); for a journal article: author, title, name of journal, volume and number, date, and page number(s).

You may pick a primary source from the website below:

Question: Immigration is a hotly debated topic in America. Some believe the United States
(US) should open their borders to those who seek a better life. Others, however, believe that we
need to place stronger criteria on who can enter the US. Who is correct? Specifically, should the
US have an open access policy for those seeking a better life, or should criteria to enter America
be stringent?

Adelman, R., Reid, L. W., Markle, G., Weiss, S., & Jaret, C. (2017). Urban crime rates and the
changing face of immigration: Evidence across four decades. Journal of Ethnicity in
Criminal Justice, 15(1), 52-77.
Choi, S. W. (2018). Does restrictive immigration policy reduce terrorism in Western
democracies?. Perspectives on Terrorism, 12(4), 14-25.

In your response:
Ensure the articles are properly applied in your analysis. That is, ensure the use of key
elements of each article are utilized. Simply using quotes and adding a sentence or two
thereafter will NOT suffice. Utilize, for example, major themes, findings, conclusions,
policies, etc. is important when integrating scholarly works. Presumably, you will
NOT agree with both publications, which is great. You will need to be objective in your
presentation of both publications, however.
Each article MUST have its own substantive paragraph. In short, there MUST be a deep
and cogent reflection for each publication.
Ensure that you have a strong introduction and conclusion for the paper. Being able to
set-up and wrap-up your position in a written format is important with academic writing.
Use quotations sparingly. The over-use of quotations is likely to detract from ones
analysis, which would result in a grade reduction.
REVIEW the rubric prior to submission. The rubric for this assessment is located via
the Paper Submission link. Look for the View Rubric tab.

Grade Rubric. Use a minimum of six sources for your paper, and at least one must be a primary source

INTRODUCTION & THESIS: Includes a clear thesis statement, an assertion, or position. The topic is original and manageable in a short research paper. /points 20

FOCUS AND DEVELOPMENT: The body of the essay focuses on this thesis and develops it fully, recognizing the complexity of issues and refuting arguments in opposition to the thesis. /points 30

SUPPORT AND SYNTHESIS: Uses sufficient and relevant evidence to support the thesis (and primary points), including facts, inferences, and judgments. This is accomplished through direct quotes and/or paraphrases used accurately and effectively –appropriately including introducing and explaining each citation.  Meets the minimum required number of sources of 6-8. /points 50

LENGTH REQUIREMENT: The length requirement for this documented research paper is 1500-2000 words in length or 6-8 pages double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font. Note: The 6-8 pages do not include the Cover page or the Works Cited pages.  Note: Before beginning, this assignment, read through the information under the topic Scholastic Honesty. In particular, pay attention to the prescriptions concerning plagiarism. /points – 50

RESOURCES: Shows a clear understanding of the sources; has evaluated each source and used it appropriately.  /points10

CONVENTIONS: Uses MLA format correctly; includes internal citations and a Works Cited list; is free of errors. /points 10

CORRECTNESS AND STYLE: Introduces the topic in an interesting way; shows critical thinking and depth of understanding; uses appropriate tone; shows sophistication in language usage and sentence structure. /points 30

TOTAL: /200

This case study need to be based on the Corporate governance failures that lead to Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust maternity scandal. The critic assignment must be based on Corporate Governance concepts, theories, models, leadership, strategy, processes, techniques and latest developments

There has to be clear case timeframes and NHS governance critical academic articles. Application of UK Code of Governance, FRC reports

* Word count: 250-minimum to 300-words maximum total, excluding the Works Cited, which should follow MLA format (Links to an external site.). In other words, the Works Cited should not be included in your 250- to 300-word count. This is equivalent to one page double-spaced.

* Structure: The recommended structure for the paper is 1) descriptive title, 2) brief introduction (2-3 sentences mentioning the authors and texts analyzed, and outlining your main claims), 3) body paragraphs (either one body paragraph for each text you analyze -or- one paragraph for each of your chosen themes with both texts analyzed in each paragraph), 4) short conclusion (1-2 sentences), 5) “4 Substantive questions” heading followed by a list of your questions, and 6) “Works Cited” section with the citations for all texts analyzed in the response provided in MLA format.

* 4 Substantive questions: Formulate four questions based on themes and analysis you’ve presented in your response and/or expand on an idea that you introduce within your response, or write a question for a topic not directly addressed in your response. Thus, the four questions might be related to your response paper, but not answered within it. The questions should require a thoughtful response and provoke discussion (i.e. not yes/no questions). We may be able to use some of these questions during small or whole group discussion in class. Also, when students respond to peers’ posts by the last day of class, they can choose to respond to one of more of their colleagues’ questions or address an idea mentioned in the response itself.

* “Close Reading”: This is the literary analysis that you will perform for the poems (if you choose to write about them). After you read the poems carefully, make annotations of your observations, and then offer your poetic interpretation in your response. Your analysis of the poems is key. Please do not write a summary. Focus on language, imagery, repetition, word choice, literary devices, and try to connect your observations to the larger themes in the work: How does the form of the poem relate to its content? What does it reveal about the author’s perspective of Black women? A few resources on close reading: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
* Theoretical analysis: For the theoretical essays by hooks, Hill Collins and Harris-Perry, focus on understanding the authors argument. What evidence do they present? Do you find it convincing?

* Can we relate the readings to our personal lives? As you will read in Patricia Hill-Collins, there is a space in your writing for the “experiential” or what you have experienced. But, you want to ensure that your response is not solely a personal reflection. It is important to engage with and analyze the texts to demonstrate your critical understanding and move beyond personal impressions.

* Grading: The response papers will be graded Credit/No Credit. Responses that are incomplete may receive half credit.

Remember that you are only required to write about two of the readings listed in the response paper instructions.