I need a very clear and easy summary of the book ” Hello! – seventh edition marketing research” from chapter 1 to chapter 9. (I uploaded the image of the book)
the chapters summaries need to be very simple and clear explained (not English mother language)
pls. when you need to cite something or is very important indicate also the page of the book where you find the info.

a brief overview of lazada data breach
How they maintain or did not maintain goodwill
efforts to maintain goodwill
Strategic plans on what lazada should do(please follow study guide attached)
look at the press releases
how lazada make up for the mistakes in data breach articles in the press
Plans the list of things lazada must ar should do

1. After reading this assignment, prepare a 3 page paper discussing the extent to which you agree that being prepared to interact empathically and congenially and to apply the concept of mutuality with those at the negotiating table is key to preparing for success in any negotiations.

Explain your reasoning, give some examples, and offer theoretical support from your readings. Draw on the background readings

2. Assignment Requirements: Does the paper directly address all aspects of the assignment? Have the assignment instructions been followed closely?

3. Critical Thinking: Does the paper demonstrate a college
level of analysis, in which information derived from multiple sources has been critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions? Does the submission demonstrate that the student has read and understood the background materials for the module and can apply them to the assignment?

4. Writing and Assignment Organization: Is the essay logical, well organized, and well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for college-level work? Are section headings included? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding, or is justification/support instead conveyed through excessive use of direct quotations?

5. Use of Sources and Mechanics: Does the submission demonstrate that the student has read and understood the background materials for the module and can apply them to the assignment? If required, has the student demonstrated effective research, as evidenced by students use of relevant and quality sources? Does the student demonstrate understanding of a consistent (e.g., APA) style of referencing, by inclusion of proper citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Are appropriate sources from the background material included? Have all sources cited in the paper been included on the reference list page?

Assignment Directions

Complete the Chapter 1 reading and answer the following questions. You must answer the questions using information from the assigned reading. Try your best to summarize the information and write what you have learned in your own words. Any text that you directly copy needs to be in quotation marks. Copying from the textbook will not be enough to get a high grade (see the grading rubric below). For full credit, you should either explain the information in your own words or if you copy text from the book, you should also provide your own interpretation.

Please re-copy each question above your answer, making sure to include the question number. Answer in full sentences and DESCRIBE when asked to do so. Submit your answers directly into the submission box. To avoid losing any of your work due to technical problems, I strongly suggest that you record your answers in a word or text file and then paste them into the submission box when you are finished.

You will be graded using the following rubric:

    Outstanding work with thorough, detailed, and clearly written answers

Here is the book

Which gains did the movements for racial and gender equality make in the 19th and early 20th centuries? What were the major setbacks they faced?                                                            Please summarize your arguments in response in a thesis in an underlined, single sentence or two at the top of the paper . Please offer at least three examples from readings or videos that support your answer . Each time you refer to something from the reading you should use a footnote. The footnote format you should use is: Author(s), Title (Place of publication: publisher, year), page numbers.

For example: Jane Doe, History of Baltimore (New York: Penguin Press, 2018), 24-25.

part 1:Explain the difference between “only daughter” and “only a daughter” in this essay.  Is there anything here that resonates with your experience either as a daughter, or as the brother of an only daughter in the family?  If you’re a man, and have no sisters, how would this essay speak to you?  Does it still carry some sort of echo for you?  What kind of feeling does that evoke?
How does being “an only daughter in a family of six sons” end up creating a sense of loneliness and aloneness in Sandra Cisneros?  What positive things came as a result of that loneliness?
What expectations did her father have for her, and how did she thwart those expectations?
When writers use specific sensory and descriptive words and phrases (conveying sensations of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell through their words), it’s known as imagery.  What vivid sensory images does she use to allow us to picture the fathers room in our minds. Why does she use these specific details to describe her father’s condition to the reader?
Comment on Sandra Cisneros’ last sentence in her essay.
part 2:
A short personal narrative account in which you describe a childhood experience – positive, or negative. Try to use vivid verbs and adjectives to create a sense of setting for the readers.  Use dialogue in a couple of places, and emotion wherever necessary. Specific details about the experience, including people, songs, tastes, smells, etc. will help us imagine the scene.