Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to receive some help in writing a 1 page paper (single spaced) on a story (When i was in Xia Village by Ding Ling). Below is the prompt of the essay:

The stories we have covered so far have URBAN and RURAL settings. Please discuss the importance of rural vs urban settings in the story __WHEN I WAS IN XIA VILLAGE__ in relation to MODERNITY, FEMALE SEXUALITY, and MARRIAGE.

For this story please do focus more on the importance of rural in both female sexuality and marriage as there is not much relevance in modernity. However, please do still talk about all three aspects if possible.

Please do use the information from the book as well as outside information as well. I have attached pictures of the Sinking story from the book as well. I will require the essay to be done by Wednesday, 10PM PST. Please do let me know if you have any questions or require more information.

Exercise I had to do:
Change something about yourself! Choose some positive activity in your life that you would like to attempt for the next week (exercise, nutrition, getting more sleep, journaling, ask your TA if you are unsure). The activity will ideally be daily but should not be less than 5 times in a week (if you are choosing exercise, perhaps you will go to the gym 4 days a week but make sure you have an extensive walk the other three days, or do pushups in your room). Designate a peer in your recitation who you will call at a designated time daily (ideally it will be the morning but we realize that many of you keep different hours) and have up to a five minute phone call (max) no texting or emails. You will discuss what you accomplished the day before relative to that commitment and what you will do that day.  Both of you will place the activity in your calendars during the phone call. 

let’s say the activity i did was boxing

WRITING: Write about how this exercise affected you as the week progressed and how you now reflect on change. How did speaking with a person effect your motivation? What other areas of your life could you apply this method of change?

one scholar gives an argument to support the answer Yes and another argues No. read the arguments, and decide who you think makes a better case. In your paper, your thesis statement should be that you think X presents a better argument, for certain reasons. In four or five pages you should explain why you agree with X and not Y–in other words, summarize what you think are the most important arguments in favor of X’s position and against Y’s. You should also say something about Y’s arguments and why you think they’re inadequate. Last, there should be a concluding paragraph summarizing the main points of your paper.  Second (on page 300), Were German militarism and diplomacy responsible for World War I?

Write about how American scholars didnt support DuBois work and how they often tried to demolish it. Speak about criticism he faced and such. Also incorporate information about The Scholar Denied by Aldon morris about this topic.
Philadelphia Negro Book Link:

The Scholar Denied Book Link:

write 200 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

There are numerous types of healthcare providers and provider organizations in the healthcare system.  Each of these plays a role in caring for patients.  While they all share the common goal of providing quality care to patients they are unique in many other aspects.  Some of these differences may include organizational structures, staffing, programs offered, and policies and procedures.  Discuss the following questions about the differences in provider organizations:

What are the differences between physician offices and retail clinics?How do specialty groups differ from government hospitals?What are the differences between non-profit and for-profit hospitals?