Which of the proteins listed above are plant-based? Beans are the winner here, and they are an amazing addition to any meal. Have you ever had beans at breakfast?

Today, you’ll be researching other plant-based proteins (especially those that you may not be familiar with) that you can add to breakfast.  Plant-based proteins are lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, and they’re often rich in fiber and other vitamins and minerals too.

Today, take about 45 minutes to research plant-based proteins. Then, write a paragraph in which you tell me about at least five different food items that contain plant-based proteins that you think would be suitable for breakfast and that you might like to try. Briefly describe each of these and how they may be used at breakfast.  Finally, search online for a delicious-looking breakfast recipe that contains one of these plant-based protein ingredients, and include the link with your paragraph.

Here’s how you will be graded:
– Structure (5 pts) – Contains introductory sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence.
– Content (10 pts) – Contains at least five different plant-based proteins and describes each, explaining how they may be used at breakfast.
– Link (5 pts) – Breakfast recipe contains plant-based protein

Students will take one or two  interesting aspect of one of the three texts (Dreamland, Unbroken Brain, Hey Kiddo ), and present to class.  Students can discuss something they found unique, enlightening, profound and or a section of the books  that may have a drew upon some personal emotion while reading the texts.

Five minutes in length, PowerPoint or slides are optional.

For as much positive change as social media has created, it has arguably been a negative disrupter in society. One of the solutions that is discussed is the idea of breaking up the dominance of players like Facebook.

tell us your point of view.

Read Kara Swisher’s viewpoint and listen to Prof Galloway’s podcast in which he interviews Sinan Aral, the author of The Hype Machine: How Social Media Disrupts Our Elections, Our Economy and Our Health – And How We Must Adapt.”


First, read the questions in the assessment below so you will have a general idea of what you will be looking for in the article. Next, open and read the attached PDF article. Answers to the questions should be written in accurate, detailed, and complete sentences (2-4 per question).

1. Describe the issue (the underlying problem) the article discusses and describe the proposed solution.
2. Describe the information that is presented as evidence in the article that demonstrates the need to address the issue.
3. Describe any projected/expected outcomes that are used to justify the solution proposed in the article.
4. Based upon your understanding of the policy proposal in this article, state whether you support/oppose the policy proposed (or even offer a different policy choice) and then explain why you take that position. (HINT: you might want to wait to answer this question last so you have completely thought about all the nuances of this assignment from the other questions!)
5. Describe problems the issue creates for individuals (How might you or someone else be personally affected by the issue?).
6. Evaluate the positive and negative effects the proposed solution may have on individuals.
7. Explain if and how the proposed solution supports values of democracy, such as liberty, equality, justice, independence, opportunity, and freedom.
8. Describe ways individuals (you and/or others) might change their community involvement or political participation if this proposed solution was adopted.

Some things to mention/discuss for the video can be what you learned, whether you think its a good/bad idea/strategy, things that may have surprised you.  Write your own thoughts/opinions.  Not a word for word description of what was discussed in the video.

Video link:



Gatorade was the first mover in the sports drink market. Growth and macro environmental factors such as increasing interest in health and fitness combined with effective marketing led to rapid adoption. As the beverage market evolved and expanded, competitors took share with differentiated benefits such as added caffeine or less sugar. Gatorade innovated with new flavors. The Product lifecycle for sports drinks is now in market maturity. How could Gatorade innovate to maintain its position as an “hydrating, athletic performance beverage” vs. the competition.?


During class we will do this exercise brainstorming as a group, with each person posting their idea. Those who are doing this asynchronously can add their ideas later. Please state what your new product idea is for Gatorade.  It can be a line extension or a completely new category. A one line description is sufficient and you do not need to comment on your classmates’ posts  – but you can if you want to.

I choose Poverty

In this discussion, submit a thread (300 or more words) sharing the policy topic you would like to write about for the paper that is due in Unit 7. This topic should be of importance to you; this will help in writing your paper.  Be sure to include two reasons why there is a problem with this social welfare policy. 

CRITERIA Deficient (0
23 Points)
(24 – 27 Points)
Proficient (28 –
30 Points)
(31 – 34 Points) Total
sentences, title
page, body of
work meets
followed the
structure and
paragraphing have
serious and persistent
errors. Directions were
ignored and
information provided
was insufficient to meet
assignment guidelines.
Written work
inadequate for
college-level work;
Paragraphing and
transitions are
guidelines outlined
for paper were not
met with several
problems (see
Written work is clear and
adequate collegelevel
Paragraphing and
transitions are
adequate; appropriate
guidelines outlined for
paper were met with a
few noted problems (see
Written work is
clear and excellent
college-level work;
Paragraphing and
transitions are clear
and appropriate;
guidelines outlined
for paper were met
(see directions).
Deficient (0
23 Points)
(24 – 27 Points)
Proficient (28 –
30 Points)
(31 – 33 Points)
knowledge of
topics, through
discussion of
integrate of topics
on directions;
scholarly journal
Written work does not
cover the assigned
topic; assertions are
not supported by
evidence; paper is
seriously lacking in
content and detail;
scholarly journals were
not used or used
Written work does
not do an adequate
job of covering the
assigned topic;
assertions are
weakly supported by
evidence; paper is
inadequate in
meeting the page
and content area
requirements; less
than 3 scholarly
journals were used.
The length of the written
work is sufficient to
cover the topic;
assertions are
supported by evidence;
does not meet full
required number of
pages and content
areas. 3 scholarly
journals were used.
The length of the
written work
provides in-depth
coverage of the
topics, assertions
are clearly
supported by
Paper meets
required length of
pages and content
areas; 3 or more
scholarly journals
were used.
Spelling; grammar;
use of
APA style
Written work had
serious and persistent
errors in word
selection and use;
sentence structure,
spelling, grammar,
punctuation was
inappropriate and with
serious errors; APA
style was completely
Written work had
several major errors
in word selection
and use; sentence
structure, spelling,
punctuation was
inappropriate; APA
style was
unacceptable with a
few to multiple errors.
Written work was
generally free of errors
in word selection and
use; sentence structure,
spelling, grammar,
punctuation was
adequate; APA style
was acceptable with a
few errors.
Written work has no
major errors in word
selection and use;
sentence structure,
spelling, grammar,
punctuation was
appropriate; APA
style was
acceptable with no
to few errors.

Total Points:

Submit one page reflection on the lecture of DiGiovanni. Point out what you found interesting and if there were points of connection (or not) with what we are learning in this course. (‘Special Assignment’ is from the same course as well and you could just use the same reading materials used before)

Watch the video from this link: https://www.learner.org/series/american-passages-a-literary-survey/slavery-and-freedom/?jwsource=cl
Compare the three narratives that were discussed in the film.  Based on the descriptions in the film, which narrative would be most effective in convincing you to turn abolitionist?  Why?

Directions: Answer each question accordingly.  For the final question, you will be graded upon your thesis construction, use of evidence, organization of ideas, and structure [3 paragraphs].

According to Pinker, religion seems to be tightly interwoven into the cultural aspect of a person’s morality. Argue for whether you agree with this implicit assumption