Dear Writers,

I would like to write my thesis (MSc in Finance) about “Bank card or mobile technology: which is the future of payment?”. (Revolut, Bank wallets, AliPay, WeChat Pay, fintech solutions, wallet payment; global/European trends, overview etc.)

It is obligatory for the thesis to contain some kind of “serious” mathematical analysis, also.

Before the university accepts my thesis topic, I have to present a short summary, containing what I plan to research in my thesis.

So what I am looking for now is: to Design Research Proposal, find out the Model I need to do empirical study by data or Questionnaire; design Structure Equation Model and some key variables, data. Financial institutions, actors of the market, national banks and statistical offices, World Bank… so there are enermous amount of information, data, statistics available about this topic. On the other hand, it would be nice to have some Chinese connection, because WeChat Pay, AliPay are so popular in China, but in Europe we still do not have these widespread solutions (but this Chinese linkage is not compulsory).

My professor recommended me to read academic papers, such as the paper attached, if I want to choose fintech topic.

If you have more questions, or these short guide was not enough, please contact me to avoid misunderstanding.

I also have second and third thesis topic opportunities, but this fintech topic would be my favourite.

This week will focus on the development of your Grant Proposal implementation strategy, program plan or methods.  The Implementation plan describes the activities which will be undertaken to accomplish desired change and explains why this is the best approach.  This should include a time line and a brief description of key personnel who will be responsible for oversight and implementation of the project. This will be you in most cases for this assignment, but if you are going to use help, this should be detailed here.  The work you did on your research of the impact on individuals, families and communities will be used to support this work.

Objectives: At the end of the week, students will know and be able to:
Formulate an implementation strategy for your program stated in your Grant Proposal
Develop a program plan or methods of how you are going to carry out the implementation
Week 4 Implementation Strategy and Program Plan or Methods
Independent work:
Continue work on your research paper, following all of the guidelines and outline, this week specifically focusing on the impact to professional practice and the healthcare system.

**********Use this submission link to submit your Implementation Strategy, Program Plan or Methods for instructor feedback.

Community Toolbox: Chapter 18, Section 1. Designing Community Interventions ( – The what, why, when and how of community interventions.

Community Toolbox: Chapter 18 Section 1. Designing Community Interventions ( –  A Power Point presentation summarizing the major points in the section.

Health Promotion Programs ( – This is a multiple page slide presentation resource, but very easy to read describing the foundations of health promotion programs including  planning, implementing, evaluating and sustaining those programs.  For this week’s work you will want to focus on slides 5-10 and then slide 27 & 28 and slide 44.  You will use parts of this resource again in Week 5.*********

-This is a paper that must be rooted in Economic Principles and analysis.

-Word Documents ONLY

-Properly formatted Essay ( the Writing Lab can help), more than 20% similarity will result in lower grades.

-Similarity to other works over 20% is subject to significant reduction of points

-This is intended to be in YOUR words and to show what you have been infected with in this course.

Really simple. Should only take about 30 mins for an expert.
I need to submit a program caesar cipher encryption and decryption – using python.
I have attached the assignment sheet, please have a read and let me know. This is my first assignment and i want to present a good impression. Thank you for your time. Do email me if you have any questions.

The due date for this is 6 of April 11:59pm.

You are acting as a nutrition consultant to the restaurant. Address your presentation to Mr. Adrian Hammersmith, owner, and his staff at Adrian’s Steak House, 974 South Cobb Drive, Marietta, GA 30060. You will explain information about the Healthy Dining program which can be found at the Healthy Diet Finder (2015) home page (The home page is primarily for diners. A link at the bottom of the page, labeled Nutrition Services, takes dietitians and restaurateurs to information about nutrition and other services. Your presentation should provide the audience with an overview of the program, including information about the services provided by and benefits of Healthy Dining. Additionally, you should have at least one slide that describes the impact on the staff that adopting the Healthy Dining practices will have.

This assignment involves selecting one country outside the U.S. that is of particular interest and relevance to you. The assignment is to write an 8-10 page paper that summarizes the culture of the country and how the culture influences the elements of organization design (organization structure, job design, scanning practices, human resource systems, etc.) and management practices. One option for this assignment is to select a multi-national company that has operations in a particular country as the focus of your analysis. You are also encouraged to review Chapter 6 in the Daft text (Designing Organizations for the International Environment) to generate potential countries and topics for your paper. As with the other selected individual assignments, you will want to integrate your findings with the concepts and principles discussed in the course. Your final paper should be 8-10 pages and include at least six (6) academic references from the course material.

Help Improve this Course with Educational Videos-ATTITUDE THEORY CLASS

Post in the subject line of a thread in this discussion board a topic specific to this course no 2 students can do the exact same topic for this assignment so post early and before you begin working.

Find 4 short videos on TED Talks or YouTube (or another open-source) that are educational about your topic.  These videos cannot contain a ton of advertising for a company.

In a word document, titled Videos about Topic Name, post each link (the hyperlinks must work or I wont receive extra credit), a title for the video and a 4 or 5 sentence description of the video and why it is a good resource for this course (what you will learn by watching it).

Discussion Board Assignments
Minimum of 500 words in length
Must incorporate and cite the required reading
Must incorporate and cite at least 2 other sources (journal articles not books)and the required reading

Required Reading: Kraut, A. I. (1996).  Organizational surveys.  San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Chapter 10 is attached (power point)

Virtual museum visit

Write up an account of your visit. In your account include the answers to the following questions:

What stories did you learn during your exploration of the website? What was the hierarchy of the importance of the stories?

What primary sources do visitors encounter at the site? How do visitors interact with them?

What methods of interpretation does the site employ? Which are most effective?

How does the site use technology? Is their use effective?

How does the site deal with controversial subjects?

For one of the pages, I am allocating it to the previous order. For the other page, use the space to incorporate one of the research that I did called “return of eugenia cooney.” I have attached it down below. Use it as necessary and accordingly.

This entire paper (including the previous order), so the 4 page paper, will essentially be a continuation of my previous paper. Both these papers will be one cohesive paper about social media’s relationship/effect on eating disorder. I will attach that paper on here too so that you can read it and have a feel of how the essay should turn out so that it can have a better flow. On the previous paper, it focuses more on the negative effects of social media on eating disorder and how it sort of leads to or encourages eating disorder. So for this particular essay, try to keep it balanced and maybe talk about the positive side of it. You can decide whether the “return of eugenia cooney” one will fall under the negative one or the positive one. Make sure to spend at least one page discussing the eugenia cooney one. You can cut and paste or edit accordingly. I do not mind you using that research paper. However of course, please do additional research for the other 3 pages of the paper.

    1) An abstract Media class that contains the following properties: a string title, a string media type, a unique int serial number, an int for number of times lent, a boolean that indicates whether it is currently borrowed or available, and a string that represents the name of the library member currently borrowing the piece of media
    2) A Book class that inherits from Media and has a page count property
    3) A Magazine class that inherits from Book and has an issue number property
    4) A Movie class that inherits from Media and has a run time property
    5) A LibraryMember class that contains a string name property
    6) A static Library class that contains a collection of all of its media and a list of all its members
    7) Initialize your collection of media in Library to contain 5 books, 5 magazines, and 5 movies (you may pass whatever values you want into their constructors for title, page count, etc.)
    8) Initialize your collection of members in Library to contain 5 library members with names of your choosing.
    9) A DataGrid of all media in the library that shows their title, type, whether they are available or lent out, and who is currently borrowing them.
    10) A DataGrid of all library members in the library that shows their names.
    11) The ability to lend out available media. When media is lent out, a LibraryMember must be selected, and then the media display should reflect who is currently borrowing the media.
    12) The ability to have lent media brought back
    13) A popup that appears whenever media is lent or brought back, which says what has occurred. If the user tries to lend out an unavailable piece of media or tries to have media brought back that isnt lent out, the popup should tell the user what went wrong.
    14) A Modify Media button which, if a Media is currently selected when it is clicked, opens a new page. The new page should allow the user to modify the title and media type of the Media. This page should contain a submit button. When the submit button is clicked, the changes made to the title and media type should be applied to the actual Media object in the model, and we should be returned to the main window, where the changes that were made to the Media object should be reflected in the Media data grid.
    15) A Modify Member button which, if a LibraryMember is currently selected when it is clicked, opens a new page. The new page should allow the user to modify the name of the LibraryMember. This page should contain a submit button. When the submit button is clicked, the change made to the name should be applied to the actual LibraryMember object in the model, and we should be returned to the main window, where the changes that were made to the Librarymember object should be reflected in the LibraryMember data grid.
    16) Create a virtual function in Media called MediaInfo that returns a string that details the medias Title, MediaType, SerialNumber, IsAvailable, TimesLent and CurrentBorrower . Override this function in the Book, Magazine, and Movie classes. In each of these classes, the overridden function should first call the base function, and then add the string the base function returns to an additional string about PageCount, IssueNumber, or RunTime (for Book, Magazine, or Movie, respectively).
    17) Add a button to the WPF window that allows the user to display the info (the string returned by the function in the previous feature) of the currently-selected media in a popup.
    18) Add a list of Media called borrowHistory to the LibraryMember class. Make it so that whenever some media is lent out, the library member who is borrowing it has a reference to that media added to their borrowHistory list.
    19) Add a list of Media called currentlyBorrowed to the LibraryMember class. Make it so that whenever the library member borrows some media, a reference to that media is added to the currentlyBorrowed list, and when the library member returns some media, the reference to that media is removed from the currentlyBorrowed list.
    20) Add a function to the LibraryMember class called MemberInfo that returns a string that includes the members name, as well as a list of all the titles of media this member has ever borrowed, and finally a list of all the media titles the member is currently borrowing.
    21) Add a button to the WPF window that allows the user to display the info (the string returned by the function in the previous feature) of the currently-selected member in a popup.