In support of this conclusion, I discovered that the pole was lower than the pilot house, so that the steersman could easily see it. Moreover, the tip was enough higher than the base, so that, from the pilot’s position, it must appear to project far out in front of the boat. Morevoer, the pilot being near the front of the boat, he would need some such guide as to its direction. Tugboats would also need poles for such a purpose. This hypothesis was so much more probable than the others that I accepted it. I formed the conclusion that the pole was set up for the purpose of showing the pilot the direction in which the boat pointed, to enable him to steer correctly.

Welcoming different methodological and theoretical approaches, this wide-ranging programme offers exciting, timely and prize-winning books that are invaluable for researchers and students alike. Series such as New Security Challenges, Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies, and Critical Security Studies in the Global South demonstrate the programmes variety, prestige and innovation, and further bolster our reputation as the go-to publisher for the most exciting and significant security and peace research.

Please write a response to each section, at least 2 paragraphs &  at least 1 cite per section 1 & 2. Please write a short response to sections A-C for each section. Responses do not need citations.

1) Topic: The Role of Reflection in Professional Development

Educators and educational leaders benefit from opportunities to reflect on their professional experience and professional practice. Review the Module 1 reading, Developing Future Leaders: The Role of Reflection in the Classroom by Roberts (2008) and discuss why reflection is important in the professional development of educators and educational leaders. What role, if any, will reflection play in your professional development? How might it benefit you? Respond to at least 3 classmates posts.

Please write a response to these posts:

A) In the 21st Century the pride of most School districts is the mix of cultures and st variety of back grounds, this is extremely important in the sense that is what creates critical ideas and brings the best out of people. Reflection is a important role in leadership today due to the fact that it allows Educators to create a bond with the learners and provides a positive environment that sprouts progress. Self reflection is about asking yourself questions that are designed to give insights into how you work, what  you excell in, and what needs improving. Its also about being aware of making changes or rationalizations.

All in all reflection is a powerful tool that is often skipped in professional development but is a valuable key in becoming a all around better instructor and listener. Reflection is something that can be taught but also something that comes with time and self talk.

Reflection is important in the development of educators because it helps carve a good leader. As you go on through your career you start asking yourself questions that may help you analysis your self and tense help you get through those students that seem to be in their own personal bubble, it allows you to open up your views and helps put you in other peoples shoes so to say and it can be a very critical skill in creating assignments that unveil to a certain style of learner. Critical reflection creates introspective learning from values, beliefs, and experiences that contribute to views of ones self, other people, and the diversity in students.  Reflective practice in teaching is arguably one of the most important sources of personal professional development and improvement. skilled instructors are first to admit that no matter how good a lesson is, their practice can always be improved and revised. Not only is Reflection important in the understanding of the different styles of learners but also important in creating powerful lesson that is flexible and easily molded to keep all types of learners glued and attached.

As far as reflection to my self as a professional in education ,it is truly a critical skill as it helps me connect to more students and creates that bond the influences trust and respect in a classroom. Coming from all corners of the world from being a Army brat I have been lucky to experience and be exposed many different cultures and beliefs in each one. as time went on i used this time wisely to reflect on myself and ask what made a impact on me, who impacted me and of course how. Utilizing these skills I have learned has molded me as a educator now and understanding how i can become a more efficient instructor and have impacts on my students by crawling in their shoes. Becoming a valuable instructor brings great self satisfaction and one should try everything to help improve themselves and never stop trying. Aside from being flexible reflection plays a big role in understanding yourself and giving yourself the proper training that is needed to be the best version of yourself.

References: Roberts, C. (2008). Developing future leaders: The role of reflection in the classroom. Journal of Leadership Education, 7(1), 116 130

B) Reflection is very important in the role of being an educator or educational leader because nothing is ever perfect. Everything method and plan of action can always be improved and with reflection, it opens the doors to new methods and ideas. Everyone can learn from the next person as far as developing new techniques and enhancing or improving the way they may do things.

As a new coach, I have already had impacts of reflection in my new career. I never stop learning and being able to work with experienced coaches and further developing my skills is exciting to me. Knowing the I am in a profession that is best learned through the reflection of experience educators makes reflection a tremendous factor for educators, educational leaders, as well as myself.

Roberts, C. (2008). Developing future leaders: The role of reflection in the classroom. Journal of Leadership Education, 7(1), 116 130.

C) According to Roberts (2008), “Reflection, or the process of critically thinking about our behaviors, attitudes, beliefs and values, has been identified by numerous researchers as an important part of the learning process, be it formal or informal” (p. 117).  It is a key competency for educators and educational leaders because our “experience leads to observation, reflection about the experience, and ultimately the development of new insights or conclusions which shape different action in the future” (Roberts, 2008, p. 117).  Without reflection, educators and educational leaders would not be able to adapt to their diverse students or the constant changes that occur in our complex world.

Reflection is essential in my professional development.  I appreciate my past educators that forced me to reflect throughout my education because I know it is the reason I am constantly reflecting to improve my practice.  Roberts (2008) states “The ability to reflect is not necessarily an inherent attribute, but it must be cultivated over time, and unless one is actively engaged in the practice of reflection, it is doubtful that this capability will develop on its own” (p.  125-126).  Reflecting was cultivated in me over time and I greatly benefit from it.  I am able to improve my instruction and curriculum every day, week, and year because I am constantly reflecting.  After each day, lesson, chapter, and year, I reflect on what went well that I can sustain and what needs improvement. 

It is also my duty to ensure I cultivate reflection in my students, so that they can become effective leaders when they enter the working world, just like my teachers did for me. 


Roberts, C. (2008). Developing future leaders: The role of reflection in the classroom. Journal of Leadership Education, 7(1), 116 130

2) Topic: Transformative Learning

Read Chapter 6: Transformation Through Educational Experiences in the Stories of Transformative Learning text by Kroth and Cranton (2014). What role has transformative learning played in your ability to complete the Master of Education Program? What is the role of transformative learning for your students? Within your professional practice as an educator or educational leader, how will you foster transformative learning? Respond to at least 3 classmates posts.

A) Transformative learning has assisted me in completing my masters program because when I first began the courses, there was a lot that I didnt know or that I didnt share the same perspective on. It is important for everyone to experience transformative learning and absorb all you can in every perspective you can take from it. For my athletes transformative learning is always there and I see every time one of them gets that aha moment when running drills. This is very important and play a role in each of the young childrens lives because they are still developing and learning many new ways of doing things. As an educator, I foster transformative learning into everyday learning by working in groups or as a team. People learn from others experience and requiring students to work in group will enhance the ability to develop new insight and perspective on other ways of learning. My student learn what they can from me as do I from my student and that creates a revolving door for transformative learning.

B) Transformative Learning occurred throughout my Master of Education program.  According to Kroth and Cranton (2014), “Transformative learning occurs when a person encounters a perspective that is at odds with his or her current perspective. This discrepant perspective can be ignored, or it can lead to an examination of previously held beliefs, values, and assumptions.  When the latter is the case, the potential for transformative learning exists, though it does not occur until the individual changes in noticeable ways” (p. 3).  As I read through the course material in each course and module, I reflected on the material, as well as my experiences in education, as a student and a teacher, transformative learning took place.  Just as I reflected on the new material in this course and my experiences, my students can do the same, which will lead to transformative learning.  As teacher and educational leader, it’s important to allow time for my students to reflect and share their experiences in order to facilitate transformative learning.  Also, if I model for my students how I reflect and how I learn or change my perspectives then I will encourage students to do the same.  What I ask of my students, I must also be able to to do and model for them. 


Kroth, M., & Cranton, P. (2014). Stories of transformative learning. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense.

C) Transformative learning is a very critical skill that one acquires after truly finding out what your strongest and weakest strength are. There are many examples of stories talking about the transformation of someone through education and its all sounds false when in reality it is much to real and happens much more than we believe. Transformative learning by definition means is the expansion of consciousness through the transformation of basic worldview and specific capacities of the self, (Dirks, J. 2017) with this said many can say that its just a changing of ways and its true but much more complicated than that.

Transformative learning is a theory I heard growing up not knowing what it was I later soon came to realization it was in fact true. This theory has changed my way of thought positively and has fuel my desire to achieving higher education and working towards a masters degree by looking back at my past and remembering all the Roads and Path I went down shaping me into the person I am today. Growing up having several step moms I learned many ways and different view points and have seen the direct impact that the lack off education posed. I knew I wanted to achieve greatness and self-satisfactory and I knew I had to get some discipline, I later went on to Join the army and Becoming an analyst where I learned the importance of schooling and transparency , I later served my term and I knew I wanted to become a educator to help those that were once in my shoes, I later applied to an only University and been working my way up to where I am now, those fears and times of uncertainty have motivated me to strive and acquired my Degree and become the most proficient I can be and help those like me.

Transformative learning and using as a tool is easier said than done, taking a student from point A to point B can be huge and varies from student to student due to different backgrounds, culture and other reasons. Thats why there needs to be a baseline to keep everyone on board and on the same page while chugging along with the discussion and lesson. Finding the right balance is key to foster and cultivate Transformation through education. A few exercises and ideas that I incorporate into my existing classroom that initiate transformative learning include Skills and task that expose limitation of learners current knowledge, drills that produce Self-reflection and giving new opportunities for progression that leads to Self-confidence. Incorporating these skills are vital in providing a excellent service and creates bonds that flourish ideas and critical thinking skills. Tying all these skills together and a few more I believe it can create ground for progression in later life through education.


Dirks, J. (2017). The Transformative Dimensions of Global Learning Experiences: An Overview. NAFSA Global Learning Colloquium on Assessment. Michigan State University. Retrieved from

Kroth, M., & Cranton, P. (2014). Stories of transformative learning. Retrieved from

Berwick, D., Snair, M., & Nishtar, S. (2018). Crossing the global health care quality chasm: A key component of universal health coverage. Journal of American Medical Association, 320(13), 1317-1318.

Read the Berwick article and reflect on the concepts and practices you have learned in this course on healthcare systems, politics, and health policy. Reflections should include:

1. How to make informed decisions on nursing practice and patient outcomes on a global basis. In addition, state how you will apply what you have learned in this course to your upcoming practicum experience.     
– Provide relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry sharing insights as how to make informed decisions on nursing practice and patient outcomes on a global basis. Use valid, relevant, and reliable outside sources to contribute to the threaded discussion.
– Provide relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry stating how one may apply content learned in this course to future clinical practice.  Use valid, relevant, and reliable outside sources to contribute to the threaded discussion.

2. Describe how one will apply content from this course to the upcoming clinical courses.


Diversity can be a positive force in the workplace. Katz and Miller suggest that diversity can be both a challenge and an opportunity to human resource managers and organizations as a whole (Guillaume, Dawson, Woods, Sacramento, & West, 2013). Benefits of a diverse workplace are increased productivity, reduced employee turnover, a wider range of skills and improvement on the work culture. Mr. OBrian discusses in his article in CNN Business about the lack of diversity in Facebooks workforce,  the growth in representation of people from more diverse groups, working in many different functions across the company is a key driver of our ability to succeed. (OBrien, 2018) It is important for organizations to have a diverse staff. By working towards a more diverse working community, the organization will only thrive. Workplaces that maintain such a focus will have the best opportunities to attract, retain, and develop the deepest pool of talent. (Katz and Miller)

People want to be part of an organization they can trust and have upstanding values. A company that is transparent and trusts their employees will have lower turnover rates and satisfied employees. Hempstead says that responsibility is key to trust. Giving employees responsibility and trusting that they will succeed leads to better products and happier employees. (Hempstead, 2015) When management is transparent with their employees, it creates a safe environment where ideas can flourish from both management and employees. By having a safe working environment and team meetings, collaboration takes place that builds trust between the employees and their managers.

A Forbes article title, The Best and Worse for Women and Minorities uses a point ranking system to rank the best and worst companies and their levels of diversity in the workplace. Ebay only scored 30 points (In comparison, Co-Cola scored 100 points) No women or minority top executives, two women on board of 12. eBay has very little diversity in theri top positions in the company. Creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace starts with recognizing that the best people for a given organization are not limited to certain elite schools, socio-economic backgrounds, or countries of origin. (Katz & Miller, 2018) If eBay were to use a strategy to widen their recruitment pool, it will lead to better employee morale and a more successful business.


Diversity is not just about ensuring a mix of people from different cultural backgrounds or equality between men and women.  Diversity is deeper than that and speaks to the intersectionality of everyones differences whether that is their ethnic heritage, religion, educational background, and all the nuances of what makes us each unique in our own way.  There are so many levels to the idea of diversity.  Important to a business is diversity of thought.  Encouraging people to voice their ideas and to collaborate, from all perspectives, makes for a stronger, more resilient, organization.
The transition from Affirmative Action to the valuation of diverse viewpoints in organizations was a turning point in social justice and innovation in organizations.  By focusing on organizational development (OD) methodologies and tools, organizations were able to focus on diverse individuals to fully contribute to their organizations success as opposed to just fulfilling a quota.  Back in the early 1970s, a series of workshops focusing on culture-changing, small-group dynamics, achieved an environment where co-workers could trust each other and work together honestly to promote inclusion and diverse viewpoints.
Instead of focusing on minimizing the disruptions caused by the greater diversity produced Affirmative Action programs, these pioneering scholars and consultants focused on the use of the OD methodologies, tools, and techniques to not only increase diversity in organizations but also ensure that their environments, policies, and practices supported the ability of individuals from under-represented (and one down) social identity groups to fully participate in and contribute to the success of their organizations. (Katz, J.H., & Miller, F.A., 2018, p. 18).
Empirical studies show that a range of employee characteristics (e.g. age, education, gender, negative affectivity) influence employee perceptions of voice (Benson & Brown, 2010). (Hatipoglu, B. & Inelmen, 2017, p. 8).  Since the early studies of the inclusion of diverse viewpoints, OD practitioners have made tremendous strides in the ability to attract, retain, and develop the deepest pool of talent (Katz, J.H., & Miller, F.A., 2018, p. 18).  By simply asking the questions, are these the right people, whose voice is missing, what is the impact on different populations, and how are we creating greater inclusion, organizations are in a better position to create an atmosphere of trust which in turn will ensure that diverse viewpoints are heard in order to enhance the probability of making sound decisions for a positive impact. (Katz, J.H., & Miller, F.A., 2018, p. 20).
Trust and transparency go a long way in productivity and employee engagement.  Its really the basis of success because, without it, you really dont have much.  However, there also needs to be a balance between transparency, revealing everything, and confidentiality.  In David Horsagers Ted Talk (2015) he makes a good point about how trust is a choice.  He said that some of the research shows that mistrust more than doubles the cost of doing business (4:29)  It makes sense when you think about it because the more you trust someone or something, the more loyal, more engaged, and open to new ideas you are.  If you dont have trust, you lose motivation and there is more stress and uncertainty. Trust plays an important role in shaping cooperative behavior and reducing the possibility of conflict, and it is a strong predictor of organizationally important outcome variables, such as commitment and citizenship behavior (Wong, Ngo, & Wong, 2006) (Hatipoglu, B. & Inelmen, 2017, p. 6).
Be sure to include examples from the readings and your personal experiences to illustrate or support your thoughts. Include at least three credible sources to support your discussion.
An article in Business Insider (June 2020), highlighted the fact that many tech companies while touting Black Lives Matter and condemning racism, may actually end up going back to business as usual without making any real, systemic changes to avoid the very bias and racist ideas that have given them a bad name in the face of diversity in the first place. Googles CEO, Sundar Pichai, gave a statement saying, were committed to building a workforce that is more representative of our users and a workplace that creates a sense of belonging for everyone (Chan, Pimentel, et. al., 2020).  While this may be well-intended, their diversity statistics are 52% White, 42% Asian, 4% Black, 6% Latinx, and 0.8% Native American.  Their leadership statistics are, 66% White, 30% Asian, 3% Black, 4% Latinx, and 0.5% Native American.  Men in leadership positions are 73%, while women in leadership positions are 27%.
In their Diversity Report just released in 2020, Melonie Parker, Chief Diversity Officer, states in her introduction that, Google has made progress in several areas of hiring and retaining talented professionals from underrepresented groups.  We also continued our work to understand the identities, intersectionalities, and experiences of Googlers worldwide (Parker, 2020). While they claim to align their efforts with the EEOC guidelines and claim to have made progress in areas of diversity since they started collecting data in 2014, based on the statistics noted above, it doesnt appear to me that they have made much progress.  Their white and Asian populations remain dominant while their Black, Latinx, and Native American populations are extremely low.  They do have several global initiatives, summits, and other inclusion efforts underway, so it remains to be seen if their statistics change in the future.
I think many organizations struggle with finding the best, most effective ways to recruit and retain diverse talent.  In my current organization, our leadership has taken a strong stance on diversity and inclusion and has been very active in normalizing the conversation around race and systemic racism.  Our talent acquisition team has engaged the Development & Diversity Council (D&D) to review its talent acquisition policy and ensure the language is non-biased and equitable in their ability to recruit and hire new talent.  The D&D Council has provided several recommendations for improving the policy and to limit, and ideally eliminate, hiring and interviewing biases.  Additionally, we have a new department that was formed in 2019 called the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.  We are the first Port authority in the country to have a dedicated office of Equity.  Since they are so new to the organization, there is a huge push to implement their strategic plan and to permeate the organization with the goal of eradicating systemic racism from our policies, procedures, nomenclature, and general organizational culture.  I think we are making tremendous strides in the right direction.

Morgan Rushing
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4048.2.1 : Introduction to Programming

The graduate applies fundamental programming concepts in a specific programming environment.

4048.2.2 : Variables and Data Types

The graduate prepares code which declares, initializes, and assigns values to variables of appropriate types as part of the application development process.

4048.2.3 : Control Structures

The graduate writes code that implements decision and loop constructs to control the flow of a program.

4048.2.4 : Arrays

The graduate creates arrays in order to solve complex problems.

4048.2.5 : Pointers and Memory

The graduate applies pointers to solve complex problems.

4048.2.6 : Functions

The graduate writes code that creates and manipulates functions and files.

4048.2.7 : Object-Oriented Paradigm

The graduate applies object-oriented programming concepts in order to create a basic application.

Throughout your career in software development, you will develop and maintain new and existing applications. You will be expected to fix issues as well as add new enhancements or migrate existing applications to new platforms or different programming languages. As a software developer, your role will be to create a design of an application based on given business requirements. After the design is completed, you must implement the application based on the design document and provided requirements.

In this assessment, you will create a C++ application based on the scenario below. The skills you demonstrate in your completed application will be useful in responding to technical interview questions for future employment. This application may also be added to your portfolio to show to future employers.

This project will require an integrated development environment (IDE). You must use either Visual Studio or Eclipse for this assessment. Directions for accessing these IDEs can be found in the attached IDE Instructions.

Your submission should include a zip file with all the necessary code files to compile, support, and run your application. The zip file submission must also keep the project file and folder structure intact for the Visual Studio IDE or Eclipse IDE.

You are hired as a contractor to help a university migrate an existing student system to a new platform using C++ language. Since the application already exists, its requirements exist as well, and they are outlined in the next section. You are responsible for implementing the part of the system based on these requirements. A list of data is provided as part of these requirements. This part of the system is responsible for reading and manipulating the provided data.

You must write a program containing two classes (i.e., Student and Roster). The program will maintain a current roster of students within a given course. Student data for the program include student ID, first name, last name, email address, age, an array of the number of days to complete each course, and degree program. This information can be found in the studentData Table below. The program will read a list of five students and use function calls to manipulate data (see part F4 in the requirements below). While parsing the list of data, the program should create student objects. The entire student list will be stored in one array of students called classRosterArray. Specific data-related output will be directed to the console.

studentData Table

Student ID

First Name

Last Name



Days in Course

Degree Program






30, 35, 40







50, 30, 40






20, 40, 33





[email protected]


50, 58, 40



Your first name

Your last name

Your valid email address

Your age

Number of days to complete 3 courses


The data should be input as follows:

const string studentData[] =

{“A1,John,Smith,John1989@gm,20,30,35,40,SECURITY”, “A2,Suzan,Erickson,Erickson_1990@gmailcom,19,50,30,40,NETWORK”, “A3,Jack,Napoli,,19,20,40,33,SOFTWARE”, “A4,Erin,Black,[email protected],22,50,58,40,SECURITY”, “A5,Morgan,Rushing,[email protected],26,51,58,42,SOFTWARE”

You may not include third-party libraries. Your submission should include one zip file with all the necessary code files to compile, support, and run your application. You must also provide evidence of the programs required functionality by taking a screen capture of the console run, saved as an image file.

Note: This assessment requires you to submit pictures, graphics, and/or diagrams. Each file must be an attachment no larger than 30 MB in size. Diagrams must be original and may be hand-drawn or drawn using a graphics program. Do not use CAD programs because attachments will be too large.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).

A.  Modify the studentData Table to include your personal information as the last item.

B.  Create a C++ project in your integrated development environment (IDE) with the following files:


  student.h and student.cpp

  roster.h and roster.cpp


Note: There must be a total of six source code files.

C.  Define an enumerated data type DegreeProgram for the degree programs containing the data type values SECURITY, NETWORK, and SOFTWARE.

Note: This information should be included in the degree.h file.

D.  For the Student class, do the following:

1.  Create the class Student  in the files student.h and student.cpp, which includes each of the following variables:

  student ID

  first name

  last name

  email address


  array of number of days to complete each course

  degree program

2.  Create each of the following functions in the Student class:

a.  an accessor (i.e., getter) for each instance variable from part D1

b.  a mutator (i.e., setter) for each instance variable from part D1

c.  All external access and changes to any instance variables of the Student class must be done using accessor and mutator functions.

d.  constructor using all of the input parameters provided in the table

e.  print() to print specific student data

E.  Create a Roster class (roster.cpp) by doing the following:

1.  Create an array of pointers, classRosterArray, to hold the data provided in the studentData Table.

2.  Create a student object for each student in the data table and populate classRosterArray.

a.  Parse each set of data identified in the studentData Table.

b.  Add each student object to classRosterArray.

3.  Define the following functions:

a.  public void add(string studentID, string firstName, string lastName, string emailAddress, int age, int daysInCourse1, int daysInCourse2, int daysInCourse3, DegreeProgram degreeprogram)  that sets the instance variables from part D1 and updates the roster.

b.  public void remove(string studentID)  that removes students from the roster by student ID. If the student ID does not exist, the function prints an error message indicating that the student was not found.

c. public void printAll() that prints a complete tab-separated list of student data in the provided format: A1 [tab] First Name: John [tab] Last Name: Smith [tab] Age: 20 [tab]daysInCourse: {35, 40, 55} Degree Program: Security. The printAll() function should loop through all the students in classRosterArray and call the print() function for each student.

d.  public void printAverageDaysInCourse(string studentID)  that correctly prints a students average number of days in the three courses. The student is identified by the studentID parameter.

e.  public void printInvalidEmails() that verifies student email addresses and displays all invalid email addresses to the user.

Note: A valid email should include an at sign (‘@’) and period (‘.’) and should not include a space (‘ ‘).

f.  public void printByDegreeProgram(DegreeProgram degreeProgram) that prints out student information for a degree program specified by an enumerated type.

F.  Demonstrate the programs required functionality by adding a main() function in main.cpp, which will contain the required function calls to achieve the following results:

1.  Print out to the screen, via your application, the course title, the programming language used, your WGU student ID, and your name.

2.  Create an instance of the Roster class called classRoster.

3.  Add each student to classRoster.

4.  Convert the following pseudo code to complete the rest of the  main() function:



//loop through classRosterArray and for each element:

classRoster.printAverageDaysInCourse(/*current_object’s student id*/);





//expected: the above line should print a message saying such a student with this ID was not found.

5.  Implement the destructor to release the memory that was allocated dynamically in Roster.

G.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

File Restrictions
File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( )
File size limit: 200 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z

Please help me revise a little bit to fulfill the following questions

1.    Is this a crisis?  Please list the Five Crisis Stages with specific examples and evidence for each stage.

2.    What is the major issue the research is attempting to address?

3.    Does your paper propose a solution or merely define the problem?

4.    How should the global community respond to this phenomenon?  How should your home country respond?

5.    Please cite any reference to course material and other references.

Please help me revise a little bit fo fulfill the following questions

1.    Is this a crisis?  Please list the Five Crisis Stages with specific examples and evidence for each stage.

2.    What is the major issue the research is attempting to address?

3.    Does your paper propose a solution or merely define the problem?

4.    How should the global community respond to this phenomenon?  How should your home country respond?

5.    Please cite any reference to course material and other references.