Read the following riddle then write down your answer on a piece of paper: A father and his son were driving to a ball game when their car stalled on the railroad tracks. In the distance, a train whistle blew a warning. Frantically, the father tried to start the engine, but in his panic, he couldn’t turn the key, and the car was hit by the onrushing train. An ambulance sped to the scene and picked them up. On the way to the hospital, the father died. The son was still alive but his condition was very serious, and he needed immediate surgery. The moment they arrived at the hospital, he was wheeled into an emergency operating room, and the surgeon came in, expecting a routine case. However, on seeing the boy, the surgeon blanched and muttered, I cant operate on this boyhes my son (Curtis, 2005).
Discuss how your answer was influenced by the stereotypes.
Curtis, G. N. (2005, March 1). Weblog. Fallacy Files: Retrieved December 3, 2008.

Modern Medicine

The development of modern medicine relies partially on economic growth. Throughout history, medicine has played a vital role in population growth, life span, and health care.

After reviewing the history of modern medicine from the various eras (Stone Age, Agricultural Age, Industrial Age, and Information Age), discuss the future life expectancy for the next 100 years.

Discuss the following:

Will modern medicine contribute to a person’s life span?

Will reimbursement concerns reduce the number of opportunities for optimal health care services?

Thread: Using the Case Scenario from the Week 2 discussion forum, lets assume the client has entered a 30-day inpatient treatment facility for rehab. Respond to the following prompt and questions.

The client is in the detox group in treatment, the initial group a client will enter once deemed medically stable. While receiving MATs, the client continues to experience withdrawals and is not convinced he has a problem with alcohol.

Review the section titled Management of the Group in the Group Leadership, Concepts, and Techniques chapter of the SAMSHA (2005b) online book.

Due to the client’s emotional and mental instability during use, along with the experiences he may have from withdrawals, what are at least three issues from the online SAMSHA book chapter that might arise in a group of 5-10 patients detoxing from their drug of choice who are new to inpatient treatment?

How can you, as the counselor, manage the three identified issues an alcoholic might experience in detox during withdrawals in a group setting?

Using Figure 2-1. Groups Used in Substance Abuse Treatment and Their Relation to Six Group Models in the SAMSHA (2005a) online book chapter titled, Types of Groups Commonly Used in Substance Abuse Treatment, what types of groups would address the needs of the client in the Case Scenario part one.


Macroeconomics deals with the broader context of the economy. Rather than focusing on the internal financial condition of a health care organization, macroeconomics is concerned with the larger picture, or the whole.

Discuss the following:

Evaluate the gross domestic product (GDP) of a country other than the United States?

Discuss how the United States can reduce its GDP to align with other countries while maintaining the highest level of quality care.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

ATTENTION (The below file C304 Task 1 Heading_Question_Rubric) instructions below

Template contains relevant headings (bold black), each task question (bold blue), and the corresponding rubric standard (bold red). As you complete each section (they do not need to be completed in order), simply delete everything in blue and red for that question.

(The below file C304 Task 1 Cheat Sheet) a different break down of the same file as above file.

Nosferatu (1922) and M (1931) are both German Expressionist films. Using key scenes from both films to support your argument, compare and discuss the ways in which the tropes and mise-en-scene of German Expressionist cinema operate in these two different genres–the horror film (Nosferatu) and the proto-noir murder mystery (M). What can viewing these two films teach us about the formal similarities between these genres?

Government in Health Care

No one should be without access to health care; however, costs and the inability to obtain health insurance make it difficult to seek health care services. Although individuals can seek emergency care without the ability to pay, these same individuals often go without routine health care services, which arguably increase health care costs.

Discuss the  following:

Synthesize whether it be more cost-effective to arrange for routine care for everyone, which will increase the expected life span, or if it would be better to just provide free urgent care?

Which option provides more life-years per dollar spent?

For each journal, you must select one of the assigned readings. From each reading, select either a few passages and/or concepts to highlight through your discussion.

Reading Journal: You will present the selected passages and concepts by explaining their relevance/ significance in the context of media, society/culture, and globalization. Then present your own research on the topic bring in examples/ evidence from contemporary issues/ incidents through mediated materials. What do we learn about these issues? How do these topics continue to be relevant? You can even discuss the shift in focus/ relevance. You can also critique the treatment of the issue in the article by presenting an alternative way of thinking about the topic.

Leading the class discussion: In about 10 minutes, present highlights from your research/ reading journal. Your grade for the course is you are able to draw the class in a discussion

End with a discussion question. Anyone choosing to respond to the discussion question, gets one bonus point. You have an easy way (and the only opportunity in this class) to accumulate some bonus points here which will be added to your final course grade!


The student will post one thread of at least 300 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Tuesday of the assigned Module.

For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 3 scholarly citations in the current APA format for graduate students.

Each reply must incorporate at least 2 scholarly citation(s) in the current APA format for graduate student format.

Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include discussion sources, the textbook, peer-reviewed scholarly sources, and the Bible.