Research Question:

Why do revolutions fail? 


Using your text and scholarly outside resources, research the following revolutions:
– French Revolution
– American Revolution
– Revolutions of 1848
– Russian Revolution
For each revolution provide a 2-3 paragraph overview of the revolution, and in an additional 2-3 paragraphs explain why the revolution was successful or why it failed. 
Cite 2 works of art for each revolution.  Include images in an appendix, NOT in the body of the paper.
Format your paper according to MLA or APA guidelines, including appropriate headings that differentiate between the three sections of your paper.
Include at least two sources in addition to the textbook.
For help with MLA formatting: (Links to an external site.)

For help with APA formatting: (Links to an external site.)

For help with citing, paraphrasing, and not plagiarism: (Links to an external site.)

How to get an A:

Thoroughly address the prompt.
Make sure your paper meets the minimum page length.
Proofread for errors.
Make sure your paper provides an in-depth analysis of why each revolution succeeded or failed.
Make sure you provide a satisfactory background of each revolution.
Make sure your paper makes sense!
Write in an academic tone.
Correctly cite all paraphrased and quoted material.
Include your own analysis supported by the text and outside resources.
Visit the writing center for help and tips on revising your work. 

Research Question:

Why do revolutions fail? 


Using your text and scholarly outside resources, research the following revolutions:
-French Revolution
-American Revolution
-Revolutions of 1848
-Russian Revolution
For each revolution provide a 2-3 paragraph overview of the revolution, and in an additional 2-3 paragraphs explain why the revolution was successful or why it failed. 
Cite 2 works of art for each revolution.  Include images in an appendix, NOT in the body of the paper.
Format your paper according to MLA or APA guidelines, including appropriate headings that differentiate between the three sections of your paper.
Include at least two sources in addition to the textbook.

For help with MLA formatting: (Links to an external site.)

For help with APA formatting: (Links to an external site.)

For help with citing, paraphrasing, and not plagiarism: (Links to an external site.)

For some good essay writing tips: (Note: the presenter speaks quickly, so turn on the closed captioning if you have a hard time understanding what she is saying)
5 Tips For Writing College Essays (Links to an external site.)
5 Tips For Writing College Essays

How to get an A:

Thoroughly address the prompt.
-Make sure your paper meets the minimum page length.
-Proofread for errors.
-Make sure your paper provides an in-depth analysis of why each revolution succeeded or failed.
-Make sure you provide a satisfactory background of each revolution.
-Make sure your paper makes sense!
-Write in an academic tone.
-Correctly cite all paraphrased and quoted material.
-Include your own analysis supported by the text and outside resources.
-Visit the writing center for help and tips on revising your work. 

Students are required to submit a two-page critical appraisal of a written article from a media outlet that covers material relevant to the course. The article you choose must be freely accessible online and an active link to the article must be included as part of the submission. Example articles and outlets from which you may draw from will be discussed in an online video module several weeks before the submission is due. Each critical appraisal paper should begin by providing a brief summary of the main point(s) conveyed in your chosen article and describe how these points relate to material covered in the course. Next, the majority of the paper should be dedicated to address any of the following questions: Does the media article advance existing knowledge or offer a new perspective on the material covered in class? Which assumptions are made by the article, and to what extent are they valid assumptions? If your chosen article provides practical recommendations for organizations and/or employees, do you consider these to be grounded in evidence based on what we have covered in class? Why do you think the article is either valuable or harmful based on its message? When reflecting on the chosen article, please use specific examples from the course to support each of your points.

For your written assignment,  watch the video, review the website, and answer the following questions and relate them to Chapter 8: Adressing Concerns and Earning Commitment.

What is your impression of Raymond Loewy? Was he innovative or did he give people what they wanted?

Relating Chapter 8 to this Ted Talk, how can this familiarity help earn commitment and lead to favorable buying signals with customers? Reflect on 8-6a Guidelines for Earning Commitment and 8-6a Techniques to Earn Commitment.

I need a number of questions being asked, answered in regards to the book “Rain of Gold.” I need 3 questions answered possibly with quotes from the book. If quotes cannot be used, then I can add them myself. I just haven’t had much time with current events in life. The paper also does not need to be 3 pages long. There is no minimum or maximum amount of pages required. I just put 3 just in case. These are the 3 questions I need answered:

Question 1: Racism, discrimination and social injustices against those of Mexican descent are seen in
various parts of this story, especially when the families cross the border from Mexico to the United
a) Discuss 4 specific examples where racism, discrimination, and prejudice against Mexicans, Juans
family, and Lupes family are illustrated by the dominant culture. (20 points)
b) On the other side, discuss 2 examples of individuals who seem to ignore the racial differences
between themselves and those of Mexican heritage. (10 points)

Question 5: Compare and contrast the idea of courting versus today’s idea of dating. What is found in
this story? Courting or dating? Explain two scenarios in which courting or dating is found in this story,
which characters are involved, and how their courtship ends.

Question 7. The lack of women’s rights can be seen through the strike in chapter 19, section 5. Explain
why this is a good example of the lack of women’s rights, what was done in response to that lack of
rights, and what the outcome of the situation was? What are some contemporary examples of similar
lack of womens rights that are still plaguing our country today?

Again, I will make up what hasn’t been able to be done in regards to possibly needed quotes.

For your written assignment,  watch the video, review the website and answer the following questions and relate them to Chapter 8: Adressing Concerns and Earning Commitment.

What is your impression of Raymond Loewy? Was he innovative or did he give people what they wanted?
Relating Chapter 8 to this Ted Talk, how can this familiarity help earn commitment and lead to favorable buying signals with customers? Reflect on 8-6a Guidelines for Earning Commitment and 8-6a Techniques to Earn Commitment.
How would you interpret MAYA? For example, the iPhone has minimal changes in each iteration, but Apple continues to produce a new one every year. Why?
What new innovations have you noticed are at the intersection of neophilia (love of new things) and neophobia (fear of new things)? Share one of each in this assignment.

I need a persuasive essay on the chemistry of love. What happens to the brain at the beginning, middle end of love and all the different processes the brain goes thru. Communication, intimacy, forgives are three of the main points.I will send as much info that I can. THe articles that Ihave referenced to go with it. “On the Power of Touch” cites Proff. Matt Hertenstein, “The three Stages of Love” Helen Fisher: “Love what matters” Amie M Gordon PHD, “The Power of Touch” Rich Chaillot, David McFadden: Psychological intimacy in long relationships Richard A Macket

After reading Box 13.5 Case Study: Food with Integrity Meets E-Coli on pages 456-457, respond to the following questions.

1.  What has been your experience with Chipotle, or similar restaurants?
2.  How can leaders and followers prepare in advance for emergencies like this?
3.  As a current or prospective diner, are you less likely to visit a Chipotle because of this case? What would it take to get you to dine at Chipotle?
4.  In this case, what did Chipotle do right? Where did they falter?
5.  What can we learn about crisis leadership and followership from the “Food with Integrity”?

Be sure to cite references to the text including page numbers. Your paper must be double-spaced, 1 inch margins, and Times New Roman/Arial in 12-point font. Of course, papers should be organized, thorough, with proper sentence structure and grammar.  Number your responses to the questions in your paper. Please do not include the questions themselves.

COVID-19 has limited our opportunities to work with organizations in our industry.  Weve had two projects where we were able to collaborate with partners on real time issues to date.  Your final project will be a little different.  Id like you to write a report on mental health issues in the hospitality industry.  To give you a target audience, provide some guidance, and to create value for industry, Id like you to write this paper for the University of Guelph Sustainable Restaurant Project (UGSRP).  I see it as an opportunity for you to learn about an increasingly important issue in our society, and our industry.  Researching this issue in depth will help you understand the causes, barriers, and better understand how to manage issues of employee mental health.  Id also like to use some of the best reports to create discussion in our industry by posting them on the UGSRP website.
The last project was very vague as far as instructions and guidance.  I know many of you hate being given assignments like that but the research on learning shows that such experiences can help you grow and develop skills in synthesis and creation.  Thinking was the key word for the last assignment!  For this project Im going to give you lots of structure to follow and the key words will be understanding and presentation.

This is what Im looking for as the deliverable:
Your report will be 3000-5000 words in length, single spaced, 12 font. Figures, Tables and References do not count towards your word total.  All referencing to be done according to APA standards, sixth or seventh edition.
You will need a title page (a photo would be a good addition), no Executive Summary, no Table of Contents.  References at the back of the report.  Charts, figures and tables in text where possible. (When they are not to big) Also, incorporate the UGSRP logo into the title page.
Your target audience for UGSRP is hospitality professionals, students, and researchers.  The website is popular having over 5000 visitors a year.  Writing style should be similar to a professional style report.  This paper is not based on your experiences, or opinion based.
You can approach the report in three ways: You can report on 1) Mental Health in the Hospitality Industry, or be more specific as follows 2) Mental Health in the Restaurant Industry  3) Mental Health in the Hotel Industry. (Choose one of the three for your topic)  You will find there is a lot more information in the hospitality and restaurant focus but pick which you like.
You will use secondary research, not primary research.  You can use media outlets as sources but you will need to depend mostly on evidence-based, scholarly research.  You will need to organization the flow of your report yourself.  It is not a bad idea to look to other similar works to help with this.  I would recommend the following headings: 1. Introduction 2. Discussion (which highlights research) 3. Implications for Industry 4. Recommendations 5. Conclusion.  Make sure you use sub-headings to help organize your efforts.