Imagine that you are a bioarchaeologist excavating the site of Hansanlu Tepe in Iran. It is your job to inventory, analyze, and interpret these skeletons. Do not copy the inventory of the actual skeletons. Use your imagination.

Do an individual profile. What is the sex and age of the individuals? What elements of the skeleton did you use to determine sex and age?

Do an individual analysis of trauma, arthritis, and infectious disease. Again, describe what you would see on the skeleton. Use the correct bone names, what changes are seen in the skeletons, paleopathology terminology, and description of the lesions.

Discuss the identity of these individuals? What would be their socioeconomic background? What can you say about their occupations? What are their possible relationship to each other? How did they die? Was their death a part of a larger occurrence in history? How do you prove these conclusions? Use the techniques and methodologies you have learned in class to discuss how you would test your hypotheses?

Be sure that in your answer you:
List at least 3 things that can cause stress.
Describe at least 2 physical and 2 emotional reactions a person might have in a stressful
Describe at least 3 things that can happen if people dont find ways to deal with their stress.

You will choose 1 activist or activist group and create a
profile that explains who they are, where they can be found
online, what they do, how they present or discuss your social
issue, and how they impact the wider community.
After you explain the background on your subject, you
will begin to discuss how they effective and ineffective at
representing the issue. You will have to examine this from
multiple perspectives and really tell your audience why they are
effective or ineffective.
For assessing the effectiveness of the group or individual, you will have to establish what
makes something effective or ineffective according to the community and your rhetorical
situation. There are a variety of points to consider and you will have to think critically about
what is important to you and your audience as well as what is important for the authors
You will then come to a conclusion about the activist/ groups overall effectiveness on the
social issue and their impact on the wider discussions and community. You are justifying this
assertion based on your previous evaluations of different aspects of the group/ individual. Your
conclusion does not have to state it is effective. You can say that the organization is overall
ineffective, but you must provide evidence from your own perspectives either way

Brief Introduction: State the purpose of your investigation. A Maximum of Three (3) sentences for the introduction should be good.

Materials: State materials you used in investigating your unknown organism. A couple of sentences.

Method: Describe the steps you used in identifying your Unknown I. You can paraphrase the me steps in the lab manual. Maximum of one paragraph.

Results: Describe the morphological characteristics of your organism, and state the gram status of your organism (This should be what you reported on your grams report sheet). Include pictures of results in submission. At most three (3) sentences.


State the purpose of each step of the test (for instance, you added the crystal violet for bacteria which thicker peptidoglycan to pick the stain).

Compare your results to the expected results (based on my feedback on your grams report)

Explain what may have accounted for any differences between your results and the expected results, if applicable.

Draw a conclusion on your unknown 1.

One (1 or 2) paragraphs for this section.


Cite any references you used. Your lab manual should be included. Use the APA referencing style.

The goal of this final exam is to create a report centered on the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on immigrant communities.

The report will include the following sections:

    An introductory section presenting the most recent data on the pandemic for New York City, such as for instance, an update on the number of confirmed and probable cases/deaths, hospitalizations, and how the pandemic has affected different demographic groups. ***

    A section discussing the economic impact of the pandemic on immigrant communities.

    A section discussing the contribution of immigrants as essential workers, including immigrant health-care workers. The section will also identify the main reasons why immigrant workers are disproportionately vulnerable to the COVID19 pandemic.

    A section explaining why the infection rate for Hispanic communities is particularly alarming, and what is the impact of anti-immigrant policies/sentiment on the public health of immigrant communities (including the probability of premature death due to discrimination based on legal status in this connection, see Gilmores definition of racism, reproduced below).

    A concluding section explaining the need and potential contribution of an intersectional analysis which considers issues of ethnicity/race, class, nationality, and legal status to better understand the workings of the COVID19 pandemic. To complete this section, review the notion of intersectionality, which explanation was included in the guidelines for TOPIC IV (see: Weekly Announcement | Intersecting Oppressions, published on October 15; the guidelines for the assignment are included in the announcement).

    The reports will use the following definition of racism, taken from Ruth Gilmore:

Racism is the state-sanctioned and/or extralegal production and exploitation of group-differentiated vulnerability to premature death. (Gilmore 2005:247)

    Bear in mind that, as shown in the study materials, immigrant communities in NYC are very diverse. Also, be mindful the category Hispanic/Caribbean immigrant includes a significant number of Black people. 

*** Notice that the chart Case, Hospitalizations and Death Rates from the source COVID19 Data (NYC Health), which shows data on cumulative confirmed case, hospitalization and death rates by demographic group, has tabs corresponding to: Age, Sex, Race/Ethnicity, Poverty and Borough.

Also, observe that the tab Race/Ethnicity includes three different graphs: cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. For instance, a comparison between the tabs Cases vis a vis Deaths shows that people who self-identify as Black/African American are dying at a higher rate (the number goes up), as opposed to people who self-identify as White (the number goes down).


    800-words (the required length does not include the quotes from the readings).
    In-text citations in the proper ASA format.
    An introduction, a main body (with the sections described above), and a conclusion.
    5 textual quotes, from 5 different sources.
    External sources are not allowed (including online dictionaries): answers will be based exclusively on materials listed in the Syllabus


    Essays that do not include in-text citations in the proper ASA format, will not be graded.
    In brief: when we use information that belongs to someone else, to acknowledge authorship is an ethical duty.
    Students who plagiarize or do not state the used sources will not get a passing grade.
    For an in-text citation to be considered a proper in-text citation, it must include the author’s last name, year of publication and page number.
    In-text citations that do not include a page number will be considered incomplete and invalid.
    For of online sources, the paragraph number may be used to replace the page number as in (Heyaca 2020: paragraph 7).
    Quick Tips for ASA Style:


    Students will demonstrate that time has been dedicated to reading, thinking, and analyzing the social reality that surrounds them.
    To get a passing grade, students will have to demonstrate that they have taken the sources seriously and have devoted enough time to analyzing the materials.
    The reports will demonstrate a deep level of engagement with the study materials and the ability to create ideas/arguments based on the study materials.
    In other words, students will not summarize from the study materials. Students will create their own ideas, based on the study materials.


Ideas must be backed up in the materials listed in the Syllabus not on personal opinion or personal experience.


The use of the expression illegal to refer to someone’s legal status is not allowed, for reasons all students should by now be aware of.


    Amandolare, Sarah (et al.): Under Threat & Left Out: NYCs Immigrants and the Coronavirus Crisis:
    Batalova, Jeanne: Immigrant Health-Care Workers in the United States:
    Gelatt, Julia: Immigrant Workers: Vital to the US COVID-19 Response, Disproportionately Vulnerable:
    Jordan, Miriam & Richard A. Oppel Jr.: For Latinos and Covid-19, Doctors Are Seeing an Alarming Disparity:
    Page, Kathleen (et al.): Undocumented US Immigrants and Covid-19:
    NYC Health: Covid-19: Data:


    Due date: Thursday, DEC 17, 11:59 pm.
    Exam will be posted in the Folder FINAL EXAMS (link: Forums | Discussion Board).
    Copy-paste your answers (do not attach the exam as a file copy pate the text in the message box as with the previous discussion forums).



Please read the following chapters in the text:

Chapter 7: Practice Principles and Guidelines to Strengthen Family Resilience
Chapter 8: Applying a Family Resilience Framework in Community-Based Services

In these chapters, you will explore interventions that promote and strengthen resilience as well as explore the impact helping others can have on the human service professional.
In the helping profession, an intervention can be described as an action taken, a service provided, or a treatment technique used in an attempt to alleviate a problem. Clients/families come to human service professionals seeking help for all different types of reasons. The human service professional gathers information and uses that information to identify interventions that can help to alleviate the problem. The passion and desire that human service professionals have for helping others can be stressful and many times human service professional vicariously experience their clients problems and this can take a toll on the human service professional; therefore, it is essential that human service professionals be resilient themselves. Please use the assigned readings and use the Library to research peer-reviewed studies to support your post.

Please respond to the following:

Discuss what it means for a human service professional to experience burnout and compassion fatigue.
What are some interventions a human service professional can utilize to reduce the risk of burnout and compassion fatigue as well as promote personal resilience?

Brief Introduction: State the purpose of your investigation. A Maximum of Three (3) sentences for the introduction should be good.

Materials: State materials you used in investigating your unknown organism. A couple of sentences.

Method: Describe the steps you used in identifying your Unknown I. You can paraphrase the me steps in the lab manual. Maximum of one paragraph.

Results: Describe the morphological characteristics of your organism, and state the gram status of your organism (This should be what you reported on your grams report sheet). Include pictures of results in submission. At most three (3) sentences.


State the purpose of each step of the test (for instance, you added the crystal violet for bacteria which thicker peptidoglycan to pick the stain).

Compare your results to the expected results (based on my feedback on your grams report)

Explain what may have accounted for any differences between your results and the expected results, if applicable.

Draw a conclusion on your unknown 1.

One (1 or 2) paragraphs for this section.


Cite any references you used. Your lab manual should be included. Use the APA referencing style.

1. Drawing on your reading and from what you have learned from your Contact Assignment, comment on the class discussion to this point (should be 1 to 2 paragraphs).

2. Then respond to the following (please attempt to add ideas or content that have not yet been shared in the discussion board): drawing on this week’s readings please discuss one way which we may strengthen our profession to better contribute to improve population health (advanced practice nurses in all roles). How do you conceptualize this strength – what does it mean to you? Please discuss “tools” which may be used to advance decisions (1 to 2 paragraphs).

Please read and/or skim through the assigned readings and try to cite the textbook, along with other resources listed below.

Assigned readings (referred to in instructions):

1. (on research and the Family Nurse Partnerships (NFP)


3. (please explore website on advance practice with an eye for ANA policy priorities and agenda setting with respect to advanced practice nursing)

4. (Resource list of nursing organizations to explore)

5. (nursing organization not included in prior resource list above)

6. (to explore)

7.  (to explore on NP scope of practice, education, prescriptive privileges, cost effectiveness, etc.)

8. (should be familiar with the main points in this document – important issue in NP policy)

Textbook chapters for assigned readings:

1.    Mason et al. – Chap 9: Political Analysis and Strategies
2.    Mason et al. – Chap 72: Interest Groups in Health Care Policy and Politics
3.    Mason et al. – Chap 75: Coalitions: A Powerful Political Strategy
4.    Mason et al. – Chap 11: Research as a Political and Policy Tool
5.    Mason et al. – Chap 73: Policy Issue in Nursing Associations
6.    Mason et al. – Chap 79: Taking Action: Campaign for Action
7.    Mason et al. – Chap 54: Nursing Licensure and Regulation
8.    Mason et al. – Chap 66: Political Context of Advanced Practice Nursing

Additional resources uploaded for reference:

Contact assignment (refer to document to answer questions appropriately)

Hospital-Based Interdisciplinary Model (innovative model – approach great potential to be used more widely, i.e. perhaps Magnet hospital)


Use the internet or library to research for a case involving a human service professional accused of ethical violations due to behaviors and risks inherent in the digital age. Focus your search on the United States. Please choose a different case example than your classmates have chosen.
Please respond to the following:
    Describe the case in detail and report the outcome
    Apply the risk management strategies learned from the readings to the case.
    Analyze how the strategies could be applied and speculate how the outcome may have been different had these techniques been utilized.

This    quarter has focused    on the qualities that    make cities unique environments. While these environments    are riven by inequalities and problems, they also facilitate the formation    of contentious    political groups seeking equality.

1. What are the specific economic factors (i.e. jobs, inequalities, housing, etc.) that
have worsened the lives of low-income immigrants in US cities?

2. How have politics worsened conditions for immigrants in the United States?

3. Describe the    process through which immigrants in Los Angeles formed an and    important    social movement.