Choose one of these websites and explain, in detail, why it is real, fake, or a spoof. (Be sure you use “fact-checking,” which is an external review of the site, as well as the CRAAP test, which is an internal review). This week, you won’t be able to look at previous posts until you post your own review.

In your final project proposal (as well as in the final project), imagine yourself a local, state or federal politician who needs to find a way to reconcile the immediate needs for cheap energy for the long term need to preserve the climate. The goal is to increase energy production from renewable sources either without raising taxes and/or fees, and not derailing the local/state/country economy by higher energy prices; or clearly explaining and obtaining the public support for increased taxation and/or energy costs for the course. Please, think of your own plan how you would do it. Be bold; think outside the box, dont be afraid to propose revolutionary ideas: everything will work for the scope of the final project. Please evaluate your proposal based upon: 1) its cost to implement, 2) political and economic factors supporting or prohibiting its success, 3) calculations of anticipated carbon emission reductions, 4) public acceptance, and 5) whether it is replicable at other levels of government.

    In what way did the gradual collapse of the British Empire affected Britain’s interaction with the Trucial States? (short answer) (from Week 12)

    Using concrete examples, explain two of the traditional sources of legitimacy that according to Christopher Davidson have allowed the UAEs traditional polity to survive and flourish. (Write 2 paragraphs) (from Week 13)

    Using at least one factual example, briefly explain in what way did the discovery of oil change the approach of the British to the Trucial States? (short) (from Week 12)

    How did the World War I shape British interest in the Gulf region? (short) (from Week 12)

    Using factual details to illustrate your answer, explain three factors that led to the raise of Al Qawasim towards the end of the 18th ad beginning of the 19th century. (Write three paragraphs) (from Week 9)

    What were the effects of the British imposed treaties from 1820 onwards on the internal tribal politics characteristic of Gulf societies? Illustrate with factual historical evidence in 2 -3 paragraphs. (from Week 11)

    Briefly explain what Rentier structures (or rentier economy) is and why is it important to understand the history of the UAE in the 20th century. (from Week 11)

    Briefly explain why the economy of the Trucial States is described as peripheral (peripheralization) and why this is significant to understanding the history of the UAE. (short) (from Week 11)

    Briefly explain who Shaykh Sultan b. Saqr al-Qasimi was and his significance to understanding the history of the UAE. (short) (from Week 9)

    In what ways did the pearling industry transform the pattern of settlement in the Gulf from the 18th century onwards? explain with reference to specific Gulf cities as examples (Write 2-3 paragraphs). (from Week 10)




 1) Discuss the role of government and/or institutions of power and their control over citizens in two of this semesters plays. Use direct quotes and/or examples from the literature to support your argument

2) Discuss how economic and educational inequity impacts the underprivileged and working-class in two of this semesters plays. Use direct quotes and/or examples from the literature to support your argument

3) Discuss how being different than the rest of the community impacts characters in two of this semesters plays. Use direct quotes and/or examples from the literature to support your argument

Please read the file I provided carefully and please answer all the question with the materials that I provide. Please do not cite anything or use any online source to answer the questions. And each question should be answered about 1or 2page length. Double spaced. Please do not use any out-material source!
1. What is town extension planning? What did it contribute to the genesis of urban planning?
2. In what ways are the Garden City and the City Beautiful movements alike, and in what ways do they differ? Why do you think commentators so often see them as one?
3. Urban planning in the 1930s, although institutionally and intellectually mature, had had and was still having minimal impact on most cities. Explain this distinction, providing evidence from Toronto (its 1928 plan and related activities).
4. What were the main planning principles of the 1959 plan for the Metropolitan Toronto planning area? Hans Blumenfeld, one of that plans creators, had argued in 1948 that cities grow more by accretion than by procreation. What did he mean by this, and is this idea of his apparent in the plan?
5. Identify and explain the main critiques of and challenges to urban planning which were voiced in the 1960s. Do you agree with those critics?
6. Considering all three scales of planning urban, metropolitan, and regional in Toronto and region, what have you learned in this course about the limits of planning as a force shaping urban development? How much of what we see in and around Toronto is the result of plans and planning?

Need a summary thesis paper written about 3 articles. The one thesis statement should pertain to all three articles. Not meant to summarize, but to create a distinct opinion. It’s okay for you to leave spots for me to clearly add in my own thoughts and ideas. I just don’t know what ties these all together.

Read the case study on page 8. Analyze the case in light of Cleland’s project stakeholder management cycle ( Write an analysis of the case that would:

Identify stakeholder groups,
Profile information on the stakeholder groups,
Identify stakeholders’ mission,
Determine stakeholder strengths and weaknesses,
Identify stakeholder strategy, and
Predict stakeholder behavior.
Identify potential conflicts and suggest a plan to manage the conflicts that are identified.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 3 pages (minimum) in length,
Be formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.), and
Include two scholarly sources from the CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.).

How does/will politics affect your future career/position/job when you graduate from college?

Many of you have decided on majors or have some idea of what you want to do. It is okay if you
do not, but I want you to reflect on the ways that you can see politics affecting your future career.
Many students are often surprised when they sit down and think about how it how politics at not
just the local level but also the state and federal level can have a big impact on their day-to-day
ability to make money, save for retirement, and engage in and remain in careers that they love
given the challenges that politics presents for their positions.

Please first read the following items before engaging in our second discussion:
Read: Kathryne Dunn Tenpas (2020), “Tracking turnover in the Trump administration,” Brookings Institution:
Read: James Pfiffner’s chapter in the Oxford Handbook of the American Presidency on presidential transitions, pp. 85-104. (Please make sure you read this as it will be necessary for the presidential transition memo)
After you complete the reading, please answer the following question and post your answer in your assigned group on Slack:
What are some of the challenges that president-elects face in creating their administrations? As President-Elect Biden puts his team together, what types of personal and professional qualities, in your opinion, are necessary for the individuals that Biden and Harris hire for their administration? Lastly, name one thing that the Biden Administration should avoid doing as they put together their team and new administration?