Conduct a marketing research project. You need to choose one research problem (from a given list, see below), develop the hypotheses, summarize preliminary insights, design a questionnaire, collect data, and conduct analysis, and make recommendations, etc.. There are two important points. Firstly I need a brief summary of the project in 250 words. Secondly, there is a methodology part and I need to use Qualtrics. When you writing this part you need to create questions for the survey. after you write it please send it to me first so I can paste the questions to the website and conduct a survey and send it to the results for the upcoming parts. Also I’m putting the samples and examples of surveys questions to additional materials

Specific instructions will be in the attached file below! Please read and follow them carefully! Below I will attach one part of the work. It should be expanded to 2800-3000 thousand words. if it is convenient for you, you can change the subject of the essay, change the question, but the information that is in the file must be inserted. You can distribute it throughout the work. PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS and do not delay the deadline.

The final reaction paper includes two parts:

Part A

Part A includes units 8, 9, and 10. Select one topic per unit. NOTE: Your professor could select the topics instead.
Your chosen topics must relate directly to the course materials.
After you have chosen your topics for units 8, 9, and 10, develop your reflection by asking yourself the following questions for each unit/topic:
a. Why is the topic relevant to you?
b. What was new to you about the topic?
c. Do you disagree with the author? Why?
d. Do you agree with the author? Why?
e. Describe an experience that you or a friend of yours has had that directly relates to the topic. How does it relate?
Part B

Part B of your final reaction paper offers you the opportunity to develop your critical thinking by exploring the possible relationships among apparently unrelated topics.

1. From the 10 main themes of the course, select three to analyze more closely using the following framework:


2. Based on the framework above, answer the following questions:

a. What relationship can you identify between theme A and theme B?

b. What relationship can you identify between theme B and theme C?

c. What relationship can you identify between theme C and theme A?

d. What relationship can you establish among the three themes (A, B, and C)?

e. Is this relationship that you have established in agreement or in disagreement with what was discussed throughout the course? Why?

f. Describe the idea/evidence in the course theme that you are questioning. Indicate why you agree or disagree with it. What kinds of evidence, experiences, or thoughts lead you to agree or disagree?

g. Based on the relationship that you have established among the three themes selected,

Ask yourself: How could this idea/evidence be used in your own personal or professional life? Make sure to be as specific as possible when discussing how you could apply this idea/evidence to your life.

Submission Requirements: Follow the APA style, and format your document according to submission guidelines.

Format: Title Page/Body/Reference List

Font: Times New Roman, 12-point, double-spaced

Headings: Appropriate use of levels of headings and page numbers

Length: 2500 words (plus or minus 100 words)

Resources: In addition to the text, you must also use a minimum of six (6) peer-reviewed articles from scholarly journals. Additionally, you can use credible newspapers, websites, and magazines as sources. You must properly cite all the sources you use in APA style (author-date) and include a reference page at the end, properly formatted in APA style. Your reference page should include only sources that you cite within your paper.
Your reflection papers must be properly edited and proofread.

Using the framework discussed in the background readings, critically analyze General Mills strategic choices at the Corporate level (remember that corporate level is the very highest level of the organization, with lower levels being the functional and the business levels).


What are General Mills corporate-level strategies? What generic Porter strategy does the company follow? Are General Mills strategic choices aligned with the Porter generic strategy you believe the company follows?


Using the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix, or GSSM (the GSSM can easily be found via a Google search), decide which one of the four quadrants General Mills fits best within? Defend your decision!

Look through popular magazines, TV shows, newspapers, etc. on the internet, and see if you can find advertisements that objectify women in order to sell a product. You can also watch Youtube ads, type in commercials in your search engine and see what comes up. Study these images, then write a paper about objectification that deals with 3 of the following: At the top of your paper write which questions you are answering by writing the number of the questions.

1.    What effect(s), if any, do you think the objectification of womens bodies has on the culture?
3.    Some people would argue that depicting a womans body as an object is a form of art. What is your opinion of this point of view? Explain your reasoning. .
4.    Why do you think that women are objectified more often than men are?

I have provided 2 images on as the additional materials.
Please focus on them while answering the three questions.

Your teaching style is directly related to your philosophy of what it means to know and learn. The rationale for making particular teaching choices becomes more apparent when you reflect on what you believe about teaching and learning. Much of what you believe comes from your own experiences as a student, the images of teaching you hold, and your experiences as a teacher.

Consider your experiences as a student and any experience of teaching that you may have had. Construct a 500-750 word philosophy of teaching that incorporates the learning paradigms and learning theories you identify with the most. Remember that this is a philosophy of teaching that is applicable in higher education, one that a search committee would likely be reading when you apply to be a faculty member at their institution.

Support your findings with 3-4 scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

                            ****350 WORDS****

Please read the following chapter in your text:

Chapter 13: Community and Social Justice Perspectives
Library Readings

Crethar, H. C., & Winterowd, C. L. (2012). Values and social justice in counseling. Counseling & Values, 57(1), 39.

Gamble, D. N. (2012). Well-being in a globalized world: Does social work know how to make it happen? Journal of Social Work Education, 48(4), 669689.

Gasker, J. A., & Fischer, A. C. (2014). Toward a context-specific definition of social justice for social work: In search of overlapping consensus. Journal of Social Work Values & Ethics, 11(1), 4253.

Leong, F. T. L., Pickren, W. E., & Vasquez, M. J. T. (2017). APA efforts in promoting human rights and social justice. American Psychologist, 72(8), 778790.

Ramrez Stege, A. M., Brockberg, D., & Hoyt, W. T. (2017). Advocating for advocacy: An exploratory survey on student advocacy skills and training in counseling psychology. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 11(3), 190197.

Takeuchi, D. T., Dearing, T. C., Bartholomew, M. W., & McRoy, R. G. (2018). Equality and equity: Expanding opportunities to remedy disadvantage. Generations, 42(2), 1319.


National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services professionals.

For this unit, please review Standards 1018.

Human service professionals are required by the NOHS Standard 16 to advocate for social justice and seek to eliminate oppression. Base your response on the readings, your review of relevant sections of the standards, and your own research.

Please respond to the following:

Define what social justice means to you. Be specific in your definition.

Discuss what you think is meant by Standard 16.

What do you think is required of human service professionals to comply with that standard? Use specific examples in your discussion.

Formulate a plan for how you intend to advocate for social justice in your own practice.

What do you plan to do that meets this requirement? In addition to some of the traditional advocacy practices used in the profession, incorporate new and creative ideas for how to effect this change.

Do you believe your efforts will be effective? Why or why not?

**** 350 WORDS***

Please read the following chapters in the text:

Chapter 4: Organizational Processes: Relational and Structural Supports
Chapter 5: Communication Processes: Facilitating Meaning Making, Mutual Support, and Problem Solving
Chapter 4 identifies the organizational elements in effective family functioning, highlighting key processes for relational resilience. One key process is social and economic resources.

Chapter 5 examines a key intervention for successfully overcoming adversity: communication skills.

You have learned about the importance of taking into consideration the clients belief system when making referrals to resources and interventions. To prepare for this Discussion, please read Hoas Case Study. Please use the assigned readings and use at least two (2) research peer-reviewed studies to support your answers.

Please respond to the following:

What are two resources you would refer this family to in Duval and or Clay County, Florida?

Identify the name of the resource, what type of help the resource could offer to the family, and why you believe the family would benefit from this resource.

Explain how each resource is appropriate based on what you know about the familys belief system. Be sure to research information on Vietnamese culture and use that research to support your rationale for the resources identified.

Identify at least two interventions you would recommend for this family.

Explain why you recommended each intervention and how each intervention will help the family.