Please read this detailed description thoroughly before making me an offer. I have
provided additional files to help you write this report to my high standards. These
files include the report brief, the rubric template, some business tools that I ask you to
include in the specific format that is needed as well as some other documents that
will make this writing easier for you. Please check all those files BEFORE starting
the writing. All those files will have a short explanation as to where they are
intended to be used to avoid any confusion as to why I have attached them. In these files you will also find more details about the rules regarding what counts in the word countand other details.

This assignment evaluates the current and potential future Business Model of an
organisation. You run your own consultancy company and have been contacted by an
agency called Fishlock Associates. Fishlock Associates represent:
– Mothercare Limited;
-Thomas Cook Limited.

The fortunes of both these companies (Mothercare and Thomas Cook) have declined significantly in recent years and now they require your help

This assignment needs to be on either Mothercare or Thomas Cook please do a quick
research to see which company you prefer depending on the available information
evethough you should be able to find all the necessary information for both of
them. Mothercare has failed in the UK so if you choose this company make sure that
you clearly state that this report talks about Mothercare’s operations in the UK.

Start the assignment with an executive summary. Then include a table of contents.

The first part of the main body is TASK 2. Start with a brief introduction of
the company. Then you need to explain the state of the company at the time it had
recognised it was in financial trouble. For any of the two companies that happened
around September 2019 so use data up to that date and not anything afterwards. In
this part you need to explain what problems the company faced internally as well
as external factors that might have impacted and led them towards this troubling
situation (CRITERION A).

In TASK 2 you also need to inlcude a Value Proposition Canvas and a Business Model
Canvas (I have attached the my preferred template for both of these you can find similar ones to download but please try to find some that are the same template as the ones i attached). These need to feature the characteristics of the company at the time it was
failing and struggling so you can make connections with the part explained above.For
the VPC I want you to model it in a way that shows that the company was not modelled
ideally and this is partially why it failed. Thus, emphasize on the problems(pains)
category in the VPC. In this part it is also required to identify what Business
Model Patterns are found in the Business Model Canvas. These patterns are found
in a website found here: Research a couple of
those patterns that seem to fit the company and briefly explain them in parallel
to the BMC previously used. All of these are stated in CRITERION B in the Rubric
I have provided.

The last part of TASK 2 is CRITERION C. Here you need to use the findings from the
two previous parts and create some observations. These need to explain why the
company faced all those difficulties in detail by summarizing the points made within
the previous parts. This concludes the TASK 2 which is about the company at the time
it was failing.

TASK 3 is called Pivot and it refers to the period between the one when the company
was struggling and the ideal future model we suggest later in the assignment. It is
required to explain what the term pivot suggests and then necessary to choose what
innovation approaches the company should implement to reach this projected future
ideal position. When talking about innovation that can be technological, marketing
social, product, process, service or business model innovation. Choose which ones
fit the chosen company and find specific changes that would help transition the
company from the current state with the financial issues to the desired future state
they are intended to push the company towards. Also explain whether these innovations
are disruptive, meaning a complete reinvention, or sustaining innovation meaning
an improvement of existing features. All the options chosen need to be justified
and correctly applied to the existing framework of the assignment(CRITERION D).

For TASK 4 you need to model the ideal future state of the company. Up to this point
you have explained the current bad state of the firm, then the necessary innovations
and changes required to reach this final ideal state. It is necessary to include a
completely new Value Proposition Canvas and Business Model Canvas without comparing
them to the ones included in TASK 2. In these new canvases you should include the
changes and innovations you suggested in TASK 3. Finally, for this task you should
also try to recognise if these changes and innovations suggested are included in any
of the business model patterns found on . This
part is covered in CRITERION E.

For TASK 4 you also need to do an evaluation of the business model you reccomend for
the future. Make sure you mention the strenghts of the business plan as well as
identify the risks and how those risks would be controlled. For example, would the
company try to distance itself from those identified, specific risks or try to engage
with them in order to create opportunitites You should include three to five main
risks that the company could face in the proposed ideal future model and how the firm
would react to those. For this part you should also conduct a SWOT analysis for
the new state of the company. For the new business model you will have to make
some hypotheses about the company (since this new model is imaginary) that are
unique to the proposed future business model suggested. These untested hypotheses
need to be evaluated by developing testing strategies.You should include maximum 5
hypotheses for this suggested new business model and use test cards as a testing
technique that see the outcomes of the used hypotheses (i have attached what a test
card is exactly in a seperate file). All of this is CRITERION F in the rubric.

The TASK 5 is the final part of the assignment and it includes the recommendations
we make to the agency that hired our consultancy. These recommendations need to be
the result of the previous criterion (F) and need to be absolutely precise and action
orientated. It is also vital that these are firmly connected to the future business
model we have created. This task is CRITERION G.

Throughout the entire assignment the language should be professional, it should be
written in third person and it needs to follow a logical structure and flow with every
part resulting from the previous part(s). Business modelling terminology should be used.

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
MLA format –”

View one or more of the following documentaries on YouTube about prison and the death penalty.

Death Penalty Most Excruciating Documentary (Prison Documentary 2017 – 59:19) (Links to an external site.)

Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald 1 of 2 (47:25) (Links to an external site.)

Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald 2 of 2 (45:08) (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

Children in Prison for Life Sentence Full Documentary Kids Behind Bars (1:26:55) (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)Proceed to the “Questions to Address” section before continuing to the next page.

Please address the following questions:

What are the basic issues and main themes addressed in the videos?
Were the issues addressed from a biased or unbiased perspective? Were the presenters operating with an underlying agenda?
Was there agreement or disagreement among presenters regarding the main issues addressed?
What were the major moral/ethical issues related to these topics?
How does the concept of ethical relativism relate to this topic?

The Trolley Problem is a famous hypothetical ethical dilemma often referred to as a thought experiment. This moral paradox was first posed by Phillipa Foot in 1967. Far from solving the dilemma, the trolley problem launched a wave of further investigation into the philosophical quandary it raises.  And it’s still being debated today.

View the following YouTube videos regarding trolley dilemmas:

Trolley Car Dilemma – Harvard’s Michael Sandel (14:59) – In this video, Havard professor Micahel Sandel discusses the classic Trolley Dilemma and its various versions to an ethics class. As you view the video, reflect on the scenario presented to you in the module overview.

The Trolley Problem and Ethics of Driver-less Cars (5:07) – While the various Trolley Dilemmas represent hypothetical (and thus somewhat unrealistic) situations, this video depicts a modern, real-world example of the application of the same kinds of dilemmas and decisions.

Proceed to the “Questions to Address” section before continuing to the next page.

After watching the video(s), address the following questions:

How would you respond to each of the five variants of the Trolley Problem described? Be thorough and justify your reasoning. For each scenario, think about whether or not the answers to the following two questions differ: What is the right thing to do, and what would you do? In each of these cases 1-4, the result will be the death of one person and saving the lives of five people.

Variants of the Trolly Problem
Original problem – you are the trolley driver; the decision is to pull switch or not.
Fat man variant – you are an observer on a bridge; the decision is to push fat man or not.
Fat man/villain variant – you are an observer on a bridge; the decision is to push fat man or not; fat man is the villain who put the five people in danger on the tracks.
Loved one variant – you are the trolley driver; the decision is to pull the switch or not; the one person that would die if you pull the switch is a dear loved one of yours (parent, child, spouse, etc.)
Man sleeping in his yard variant – you can divert trolley’s path by colliding another trolley into it, but if you do, both will be derailed and go down a hill, and into a yard where a man is sleeping in a hammock. He would be killed.
Important Note
You cannot add any elements to change the situation – i.e., you cannot rush in and untie the people from the track, etc. You must make a choice between only the options given.

What if instead of killing one person to save five, your action would result in killing four people to save five? Would you change your behavior in any of the situations? Why or why not?
Transplant variant – This version addresses some of the same core issues as the Trolley Problem but with the following scenario: A brilliant transplant surgeon has five patients, each in need of a different organ, each of whom will die without that organ. Unfortunately, there are no organs available to perform any of these five transplant operations. A healthy young traveler, just passing through the city the doctor works in, comes in for a routine checkup. In the course of doing the checkup, the doctor discovers that his organs are compatible with all five of his dying patients. Suppose that if the young man were to disappear, no one would suspect the doctor. Should the doctor to kill that tourist and provide his healthy organs to those five dying persons to save their lives? How is this the scenario the same, and how does it differ from the Trolley Problem?

1.Briefly define Tao and define Logos within the context of Asian philosophy and Stoic philosophy, respectively. What are the aspects of each? How are they similar? How are they different?
.Explain the importance of power to Sophist philosophy, as well as how various Sophists think humans should use power in philosophies such as pragmatism and moral realism.
This assignment must be typed, double spaced Times New Roman Font Size 12. Also please include 2 citations from texts thank you

In Part 1, you will explore the experiences of a researcher and two nurse leaders regarding these qualities.
a. Review the resources listed below.

In a 2-page reflection paper, summarize the role these qualities play in nursing leadership. Select at least 3 of the above resources to discuss.

Use APA format with a separate reference page.

Part 2 is part of the 4-page paper but starts after the first part. Do not mix them up.

In our final week, you are assigned to review the learning objectives for the course and specific learning objectives for your practicum. Reflect on how you have been able to work towards meeting the objectives so far. Then, write a 2-page paper discussing your progress towards the objectives.
Here are the course learning objectives from the syllabus:
1. Define student- and preceptor-nurse leader learning objectives, adhere to a learning contract,
and meet all required practicum hours.
2. Utilize knowledge from previous work experience and courses to apply nurse leader concepts
and utilize tools/technology in a practicum setting.
3. Apply current research during the application of nurse leader activities/projects.
4. Engage in self-reflection and continued learning to improve nurse leader knowledge and
5. Comply with all legal, ethical, and site-specific standards while completing nurse leader
activities/projects during the practicum experience.
6. Develop collaborative and interdependent relationships with your preceptor and all
stakeholders on your nurse leader projects.

Being able to articulate your personal worldview can help you formulate a personal philosophy of practice and enhance your influence on patients and the industry. In this assignment, you will have an opportunity to reflect on your current and future practice, and the ways worldview and nursing theory influence that practice. 

Draft a 1,000-1,250 word paper in which you:

Describe your personal worldview, including the religious, spiritual, and cultural elements that you think most influence your personal philosophy of practice and attitude towards patient care.
Choose a specific nursing theory that is most in line with your personal philosophy of practice and approach to patient care and discuss the similarities. Explain how the nursing theory reinforces your approach to care.
Include in your explanation a specific example of a past or current practice and how your worldview and the nursing theory could assist you in resolving this issue.
Finally, explain how your worldview and the nursing theory will assist you in further developing your future practice.
You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.