Find a modern film (anything from 2000 to present) that mimics the hallmarks of those made from roughly 1967 – 1975, during what is known as the New Hollywood Era.

Demonstrate your knowledge of the influence of the quintessential New Hollywood filmmakers (approximately 1967 1975) by comparing the hallmark styles and techniques of those pictures (use “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” or “The Graduate”) with a relatively modern (anything from 2000 to present) film.

Some of the things to look for would be:

Theme of rebellion
A hero fighting the system and losing
Story lines emphasizing the loss of innocence
Anti-Heroes that the audience is rooting for
The Establishment as the enemy
Downer endings
Popular music soundtracks
Often stylish, fast-cutting, consciously showy filmmaking
REMEMBER, you must compare your modern film of choice with EITHER “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” or “The Graduate.”

Your analysis should be at least 2 pages, double-spaced.

Watch the following short video about the history of Minstrelsy in America. Then select two particular elements you heard discussed and find additional information regarding those elements and the impact they had. There should be at least two paragraphs of information for each plus an introduction and summary paragraph.

Watch the following crash course video about the industrial revolution.  Select two specific items from the video that helped develop the industrial revolution that you found interesting. Then expand on those two with a short description roughly 5 paragraphs long.  Try to include more information on the items that was presented in the video.

Select four sources, including at least one literary source from our textbook, that not only address your  social issue but have also been published in the same century (i.e., 1600-1699, 1700-1799, 1800-1899, 1900-1999, or 2000-2019). Some exceptions to this time-period rule may exist; check with the instructor if you have a question about your sources. Your annotated bibliography may include a combination of primary and secondary sources, including:

literary criticism
historical documents
newspaper articles
philosophical treatises
and more.
Entries from dictionaries and/or encyclopedias may not be used. Additionally, At least two sources must be accessed through the library catalogue. The information you provide for these two sources must demonstrate that the sources have been accessed through the library catalogue; this is typically accomplished by including the librarys URL or DOI for the source. Please include this relevant information in the bibliographic entries for these sources; if it is not included, I will assume the sources were not accessed through the library, and the project will lose points.


Each entry in the annotated bibliography should contain information about the publication, formatted according to MLA conventions, as well as a summary of the source. The summary should include the points below.

The title of the source
The author of the source. If information about the author is included, it may not exceed one sentence.
The purpose of the source
The main idea (or thesis) of the source
The key supporting details of the source
In the final draft, a brief introductory paragraph that precedes the four annotated bibliography entries should be included to offer an argument regarding what comment(s) all four sources offer on a social issue of that century.

The 3 stories you will write on are:
1. Reality Built on Myth by John Lovchik
2. Ulrey, Lindsey. Column: Institutionalized Racism Must Be Combatted with Education
3. Racism is a public health crisis by Tamara Holmes

Write an article review (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
MLA format –”

In this discussion, please choose and respond to two of the prompts that follow. Topic prompts are generally comprised of several sub-questions, of which all must be addressed. Responses should be in original wording and contain a few images or videos to enhance the posting. The inclusion of researched information from supplemental resources is highly encouraged (cited in MLA format below your answers). Remember that you are expected to read postings created by classmates and the instructor and thoughtfully comment on a few of them as well. Your participation will enable us to learn from and through each other.

Please include your selected topic questions above your responses.

Topic 1: What were the reasons or motivations (both ostensible and genuine) behind the Spanish-American War? What were some positive and negative outcomes of this conflict?

Topic 2: How and why did John Muir become involved with environmental conservation? Who were some of his influences and whom did he inspire? What were some accomplishments of the Sierra Club and at least one setback for it?

Topic 3: In your view, what were three significant progressive reforms that emerged during the first decades of the 20th century that profoundly altered American society for the better? Explain your answer.

Topic 4: Some Americans were largely excluded from the societal improvements of the progressive era. Supplementing your response with information obtained through basic research, provide details for two marginalized groups during the years 1890 through 1917.

Topic 5: What were three actions and behaviors that you believe made Teddy Roosevelt such a consequential president? What were one or two that you disagree with and why? How do you think Teddy Roosevelt would be regarded today?

Description: Based on the Report of the Committee on Economic Security reading.
Instructions: Answer the following question in a 300 word paper, using
the Report of the Committee on Economic Security as the basis for your answer. Use the
quotes or paraphrased points from the Report of the Committee on Economic Security:

Did the New Deal craft policies that reflected the 1934 Committee on
Economic Securitys vision of what government should provide its
citizens? Provide 3 examples to prove whether New Deal actually
fulfilled the Committee on Economic Securitys vision or not.

Note: any quote or paraphrased point should have a citation at the end with
author’s name and page number (CES, 5). No need for a works cited since you
are only use one reading.

Paper instructions One sentence per slide. A lot of pictures. 20-30 slides. Using each touch point one slide. If you see the touch point doesnt exist dont use it. Look at metrics and financial information! It needs to be on Pepsi. It needs to be really great. Thanks so much for helping. Please reach out with questions. Please follow the framework below and analyze your assigned brand current strategy by media channel. Grading criteria will be as follow: – Originality of thought and approach 40% – Relevance to media planning strategy 20% – Clarity of exposition 20% – Use of course framework 20%

You are required to write an essay on the topic CHEMISTRY in HEALTH-CARE, CLIMATE CHANGE, and ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION. The format of the essay is the following: at least six pages written in Times New Romans or Arial fonts with character size 12 and single-spaced. You are encouraged to add relevant Figures in your Essay Write-up and add the References used.

Character analysis: in chapter 4 of the novel, Gatsby says to Nick, Look here, old sport Whats your opinion of me, anyhow? Based on our exposure to Gatsby so far, what are 3 adjectives we would use to describe him (no synonyms!). Match each of your chosen adjectives with at least two quotes from the text to support your choices.,into%20effect%20the%20following%20January.