My title is The effects of food deserts within the MS Delta and how it affects children and their families. Is that a wordy title?

1. Only complete 1-7 of the rubric (do not complete #8 appendices).
2. You must have at least 10 references
3. Make sure you cover each section in detail. 
4. Remember, you are proposing your research and not executing it; therefore, you should not attempt to recruit and survey participants.
5. Your proposals should reflect scholarly work.  You should not google or Wikipedia signs and symptoms of your social problem and present it as a research proposal.  However, you should cover each portion of the proposal guide in your syllabus relative to the social issue and research questions you developed. 

The USMCA was preceded for many years by NAFTA. Using academic research on international trade, free trade agreements, international business, explain the principles and/or objectives of NAFTA, and the actual impact NAFTA had on US employment, economy, trade, and other national factors. Finally, provide your conclusions and some recommendations resulting from this research


-Please structure your submission as follows:
-Review of the literature
-Conclusion and Recommendations
Submission should be 5 – 6 pages long of content (not including cover page, references). APA style. Use at least 4 academic sources from 2005 to present. Incorporate findings from other sources like well as in the online library within academic literature. You can find excellent scholarly articles to support your opinion in the online library’s LIRN ProQuest database. In graduate work these sources are extremely important to use!

Be still. Be quiet. Listen. Observe.

Many of the relaxation techniques you will be learning about in the text incorporate some components of awareness. This activity is designed to start you off in this module by asking you to get a baseline on your awareness of self and the world around you.

This is a multi-day and multi-part discussion board activity. Be sure you give yourself enough time to complete each part well. Be sure to read the instructions closely.

For your initial post -due by Tuesday, Nov. 10th:

Before you make your first post, I’d like you to take 20 minutes on Sunday, Nov. 8th,  and then 20 minutes on Monday to sit, be quiet, be still, and completely unplugged. Go outside if the weather is nice or sit somewhere cozy if it isn’t. Sit alone, for 20 minutes, completely unplug, and be quiet, and watch the world around you. After each 20 minute period, briefly write down your experiences. Address each of these questions to guide your writing:

What happens when you are just quiet and still?
What did you feel and/or think?
What did you see, smell, hear, feel, experience through your senses?
What did you learn by sitting for 20 minutes on two different days?
Your initial post will cover your experiences from each of the 2-days.

Students will be assigned to and participate in one robust online discussion board related to their assigned IHI topic over the course of the semester during the designated one week timeframe. Be sure to check the group section on Blackboard for your groups and assigned discussion forum. All group members must participate in the discussion boards. It is expected that students will review all information on their topic including IHI content, relevant white papers, videos, tools, etc. Discussion should include key concepts relevant to topic, strategies and tools, implications for practice and examples of application in practice settings, tools if applicable, recommendations for future, and references. Students should actively engage in the discussion ongoing during the assigned timeline providing analysis, critiques, constructive feedback and recommendations to each other The grading rubric for discussion boards will be posted on Blackboard within the Course Document Grading Matrices section. Students are encouraged to begin discussion early in the week to allow time for development of responses.
Trigger Tools for Measuring Health

How do people determine what is right and wrong, and who determines right and wrong for the masses?

Answering the question above while analyzing the history and values between the Old Republic/Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire/First Order in the Star Wars films

Below are the instructions given from my professor.  The artifact referred to below will be the Star Wars Republics

For this project, you will critically  analyze an artifact (see choosing your artifact below for more on what I mean by artifact). The artifact you choose should help you better understand a question or problem you want to examine. In your essay, you should give a detailed description of the artifact and help your readers see why this artifact requires analysis, or why they should care. Present to readers your understanding of the artifact, using evidence and examples so that readers understand your claims. Be sure to acknowledge and consider alternative perspectives would everyone have the same relationship to this artifact that you do? Consider carefully the intended readers and help them see why the artifact is relevant or affects their lives. 

Analyzing your artifact: This is the first assignment in this class that requires analysis, so lets state what that means. When you analyze something, you break down the various details of an artifact and show how you understand those details. The details you analyze can include text, but also might be visual, audio, tactile or other kinds of details.  As you connect details to meaning in this way, look for patterns. Do the meanings of various details consistently point to one main idea, or are there multiple ideas that clash in your artifact? And how do the patterns of meaning you find give you insight into the question you started with?

There should be at least 3 well-developed paragraphs (5-7 sentences) in which you address the prompt and demonstrate your understanding of the biology principles of this topic. For each prompt

You are free to use any resources to support your response, including textbook, articles, internet, but it is imperative that you cite your sources using MLA format

#1, you will describe three characteristics that plants share with their closest algal ancestor, be sure to state which phylum you are comparing. Also, describe three major changes that have occurred in the Plant Kingdom since the evolutionary break from its algal ancestors. For each change, be sure to describe the adaptive significance in the context of thriving in a terrestrial environment.

#2, you will describe the biology and ecology of Fungi. In your essay, you should describe the basic morphology of the fungal body. Explain how fungi feed and in what ways their morphology is adapted to their mode of nutrition. Describe the reproductive biology of Fungi, how do they reproduce? Lastly, what is the ecological role of mycorrhizal fungi?

This research paper, or audit, will serve as a strategic roadmap for the Capsim simulation. (Capsim is a simulation that challenges students to run a company by making cross-functional and strategic decisions). Your team will utilize the same strategy implemented by your selected organization. The roadmap will inform your decisions around over round within each functional area with a focus on integration.

Format: APA format, 12 font, double spaced

Identify an organization focused on Operations or Supply Chain Management. Your selection will be based on the listed 6 basic strategies captured on the slide (attached called Strat) The organization selected must utilize one or more of the strategies listed (at least 2 or more). Your team will audit the organization utilizing the following framework is Focused on
Research and Development (R&D)
Explanation of innovative activities explored by the organization to develop new services/products or means of improving existing services or products.

I have provided some frameworks to work with that might be helpful.

Follow the link below to the primary source material. Upon reading the speech excerpt, answerin essay formthe following questions.
What is the point of the speech?
What are the four freedoms? Explain what each one means.
Why are these four freedoms important?
What is the historical context of the speech and the four freedoms? (what is going on that makes this speech and the mention of these freedoms necessary?)


Although trait theorists agree that five traits lie at the core of a person’s personality, they point out that individuals vary greatly in the degree and quantity to which a particular trait applies. Consider your own personality. Where do you think you fall (high versus low) on each of the Big Five traits? Was it easier to place yourself on some dimensions than on others? Do you think your personality is fully explained using only these five dimensions?

Writing assignment should be 250 words.