This will require some synthesis of politics, policies and power that undergird the role of AI, robotics and machine learning in our current moment. We will use this reflection to situate our own work in a broader understanding of cyborgs, science and the public.

First – identify your representatives in Congress by determining:
        Who are your Senators?
        Who is your Representative in the House

Then, for each, ascertain:
        ++ What party are they from?
        ++ On what committees do they serve?
        ++ About what policy issues are they most passionate?
        ++ Is there any evidence about how they feel about funding for AI? for higher education? If so, what is the evidence?

Lastly, write a letter in one paragraph or more that could be read by your Representative and/or Senators, describing your research for the final paper and its importance. Submit this session quiz to the Discussion Board by the deadline for the final paper.

NOTE #1: This assignment asks you to identify members of your state government. If you are not based in the US right now (many of you!), please select a representative from your local government (for example, county or country). If you are currently living in an area that does not have any division of leadership between your local city government and your national government, then you may indicate this in your submission and select either city government or national government at your discretion.

NOTE #2: If a student has already posted your answer (I imagine this may be true for the many of you who are still in Michigan), then in your post please refer to the student whose answer you are building from by adding their full name (e.g. “Lin Li found that the Senators for Michigan are: __________”) and add additional information to their post, particularly to the answer to the final question “Is there any evidence about how they feel about funding for AI? for higher education? If so, what is the evidence?”. Then, add your letter.

The concept of light is very important to Gothic Cathedrals as stained glass windows became important teaching tools for the clergy to communicate with the largely illiterate masses. Which stained glass program best reflects this era and offered the most complete teaching tools?  Which, in your opinion, offered the most dramatic or theatrical visual experience?  Provide images to help illustrate your choice.

Please use one of Gothic Cathedrals mentioned below:

Basilica St. Denis, Paris, France
Notre Dame, Paris, France
La Sainte Chapelle, Paris, France
Laon Cathedral, Laon, France
Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France

This explanation is directly from the professor:

The final product should be formatted using APA guidelines for writing a research paper, that is you must have all the following parts: cover page, abstract page, body of paper (introduction, literature review, discussion/limitations and conclusion sections; 5 page minimum for body of paper; and a reference sheet).  You will introduce the topic and explain the reason for the inquiry in the introduction. A clear thesis/research question should be posted in the introduction paragraph.  The body (literature review section) of your paper will be where you compile the information on the topic while providing any criticism (limitations section) in how the questions have been answered, whilst identifying any gaps in the research.  Finally, conclude (conclusion section) your paper by including a quick summary and suggesting future inquiries for the topic.  A separate reference sheet citing all sources used in your paper must be included.  All sources must be peer reviewed.  You must cite/use a minimum of three references. The paper must be typed, 8 pages minimum, double-spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins.  All must be your original work.  Papers will be turned in digitally on-line and they will be put through a plagiarism checker.

Please do not use Wikipedia. Use credible sites/books.

how do you prepare a Strategic Measurement Plan
How do you analyze a case? Do you have questions about any aspect of case analysis?
Is the information in the case enough or do you need more information? Where will you find it?
How will you decide what is most important to measure in each case? Is the answer apparent from the case information or would you need to use deeper analysis and personal judgment?
How will you go about the quantitative aspects of the task? Do you have any questions about quantifying and measuring variables?
Do the three cases have something in common? Do the same or similar measurement strategies and tactics work for all? Why might each case demand a different strategy and tactics?
What research, in addition to all the course readings so far, would you do for the measurement plan? Would you explore ideas or would you look for answers to specific questions you have?

Using the Scenario below Write a 3 paragraph essay explaining which Amendment from the Bill of Rights is relevant and how you would rule in each case. Explain your decision.

If using outside sources you must include the links to any outside source in essay.

Darren was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping
and rape. He was taken to the police station,
where the victim picked Darren out of a lineup.
An officer pointed to a woman in the police
station and asked if she was the victim. Darren
told them, Yeah, thats her. The police then
took him to an interrogation room where he was
questioned for two hours. He verbally confessed
to the crime, and signed a written statement,
prepared by the police, admitting his guilt.
Darrens confession included a statement that
he was aware of his rights, and that any
statements he made could be used against him.
However, the police made little effort throughout
the interrogation to allow Darren access to a
lawyer, or generally notify of him of his rights.

Your goal is to say something unique about the content.  Try not to simply repeat what is in the documents.  I know what they say you want to give your perspective on them, on the context of the time, on how the writers reflect their times, whether what they said had merit, if there are any connections with our own time, etc A Papers feature  – few or no grammatical errors, superior prose, clarity, and highly communicative writing.  Also, these have very insightful comments and analysis that demonstrate original, creative, and/or critical thinking.

View the scenario called “Critical Decision Making for Providers” found in the Allied Health Community media.

In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, examine the scenario involving Mike, the lab technician, and discuss the following:

1. Discuss the consequences of a failure to report.
2. Explain the impact his decision had on patient safety and organizational performance (risk for litigation, organization’s quality metrics, workload of other hospital departments, etc.).
As Mike’s manager, describe how you would address the issue with him and steps you would take to ensure other staff members do not repeat the same kind of mistake.
3. Reflect on the scenario and describe what underlying aspects or issues may be contributing to workplace dilemmas such as this.
4. Consider the manner in which most health care organizations function (structure, people, technology, environment). As a leader, discuss what principles of organizational behavior and development can be applied to effectively contribute to the success of a health care organization. How could these principles be applied to this scenario?

A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

BS Health Sciences

4.1: Apply the principles of organizational behavior and development in order to effectively contribute to the success of health care organizations.


This assignment incorporates two key components of a research proposal the literature review and the research design. 

The components below must be included. They are highlighted in yellow in the outline.
title page
table of contents
introduction (small introductory paragraph, problem statement, purpose, significance, research question/hypothesis, definition of terms),
literature review
methods (research method & design, sampling, setting, data collection, instrumentation, ethical considerations, strengths and limitations)

Follow the outline (see pages 3-5 below).
Note: Some of the questions in the outline are very similar. They are stated in different ways to get you thinking about the components of each section.


Minimum of 6 text pages (not including the cover letter, the abstract; and the title, table of contents, and reference pages)
Maximum of 12 text pages (additional pages will not be looked at)
12 font, double space (except the cover letter and abstract), 1 margins
APA style (including a running head and page numbers)
Go to the OWL Purdue website for a review of the APA 6th edition
At least 6 key research references (five references must be research studies from peer reviewed journals; all references must be from credible sources no blogs, .coms, etc; newspapers and magazines are not acceptable)
Cite as needed (use the APA or AMA format for in-text citations)
Must include the components noted above (see Requirements)
Must be edited and free of spelling and grammatical errors (see the writing tips below for more writing guidelines)


You will be graded on:
How well you follow instructions (demonstrated by the content you provide)
o Inclusion of all the required elements to complete the assignment

Your writing skills including:
o Grammar & punctuation
o Comprehensive presentation of the literature and all other components
o Coherence of ideas
o Support for argument/point of view (with in-text citations in the APA format)
o Organization
o Clarity and conciseness
o Summary and analysis in your own words
o Paraphrasing others ideas

WRITING TIPS (important to remember!)

Spelling & grammar (proofread & revise, revise!)
Introduce acronyms (write out acronyms the first time they are mentioned)
Define terms
Use the active voice
Use parenthetical in-text citations
Avoid wordiness and jargon
Avoid first person writing and personal opinions
Pay attention to transitions
Pay attention to detail
Provide a summary and analysis in your own words (avoid just paraphrasing others ideas)
Explain technical terms

Research Proposal Outline

Title Page

Cover Letter [Optional] (address it to the funder; one-two paragraphs describing the problem, the proposed study and its significance, as well as how the proposed study relates to the funders mission)

Table of Contents

Abstract [Optional; 150-250 words_keep it short!]

Introduction [1-2 pages]
Introduce the topic [1 paragraph]
o What is the topic?
o What societal or organizational problem/issue does the research topic address?
Problem Statement [1-2 paragraphs]
o What specific problem does this proposed study address?
o What is the magnitude of the problem?
o Why is this problem worth studying?
o How will this study be conducted? (briefly describe in 1-2 sentences) 
Purpose of Study and Significance [2-3 paragraphs] (describes the overall purpose of the study and its importance in meeting the goals & objectives)
o What is the purpose of the study?
o What is the practical significance of the proposed research study?
o What will the proposed study achieve and how will it improve society?
Does it contribute to improved understanding of health services delivery, problem solving, or the refinement of existing theories?
Research question and hypothesis
o Briefly introduce this subsection
o State the main research question (make the connection between the research question and both the problem and purpose)
Sub-research question/s (if any; not mandatory)
o Hypothesis (only if this is a quantitative study)
Definition of terms
o Introduce this section
o Provide a list of key terms with their definitions

Literature Review [3-5 pages]
o What is this section about? (3-5 sentences)
o Summarize/describe prior studies (pay attention to detail but do not throw the kitchen sink in)
The summaries must follow the structure for annotated bibliographies; however, the key here is to create a narrative which shows how one study connects to the other and how together they all help the reader understand the topic, the gaps in knowledge, and the study you will propose.
o State the significance and rationale of these studies
o Indicate the key arguments and main results as related to the research topic
o Identify design/methodological limitations that effect the validity of the studies
o Summarize the main findings of the literature review
o What are the current gaps in the current knowledge and research in this area?
o How will your proposed research fill-in one or more of these gaps?
What will your research contribute to this field of study?

Note: Remember that the literature review tells a story (a well-structured and woven narrative) about the research that already exists, their strengths and weaknesses, the gaps in knowledge, and how this informs your proposed study.

Theory/Model (Optional)
Discuss the theory and the model that best supports the proposed study and its purpose.

Methods [2-4 pages] (general research design)
Introduce this section and restate the studys purpose and the research question.

o Which research approach is best suited for the proposed research question and why?
E.g., quantitative, or qualitative, or mixed methods. Is it deductive or inductive reason?  Explain the rationale for the chosen approach. Use the literature to support your ideas.
o Discuss the overall design (the details will be noted in the next subsections).
Highlight if this is a cross-sectional or a longitudinal study.  Explain. What are the strengths of this type of study? Use the literature to support the ideas.
o What is the unit of analysis? (is it individuals, states, countries, or entities/organizations?)
Sample & setting
o Define the target population (use demographic information for individuals and characteristics for organizations such as type of facility public or private, small or large)
o How will the sample be selected from the population?  This will depend on the study approach, whether it is quantitative or qualitative.
o What is the setting of the study? (e.g., urban or rural; region)
Data Collection
o How will the data be collected? (e.g., field research, collection of records, surveys, focus groups, interviews, or previously collected data)
o Will it be primary data or will it be secondary data? 
o What are the procedures/steps for collecting the data?
Where is the data coming from the data source?
What collection tool will be utilized (e.g., survey questionnaire with closed-ended questions, interview guide, focus group guide, etc.)? 
Include incentive to get individuals to participate. Remember, the incentive must be within ethical standards.
Instrumentation (if needed for the study)
o Describe the data collection tool in more detail.
E.g., provide sample questions for a survey, an interview guide, or for a focus group guide. (3-5 questions)
Concepts, Constructs, Variables
o What are the key concepts and constructs?
o If proposing a quantitative study, make the constructs measurable. Therefore, discuss the variables of interest?  Which is the dependent variable, and which is the independent variable? How the dependent and independent variables will be measured?  What are potential covariates? Any other types of variable to consider? Use the literature to support the ideas.

Note: Defining the variables and how they are measured. They an be bulleted.
E.g., Body Mass Index (BMI) is a proxy measure for adiposity.  BMI is the outcome in the study and therefore, it is the dependent variable. It calculated using measured weight (in kilograms) and height (in meters). The independent variable is physical activity measured by minutes of strenuous exercise per day. Strenuous exercise would need to be defined, as well.

Ethical Considerations
o How will the researcher/s protect human subjects?
o How will confidentiality be maintained?
Go back to the CITI training on human subjects research and the ethics lesson to provide a well developed discussion here.
Strengths and Limitations
o What are the strengths of the proposed study design?
o What are the anticipated limitations of the proposed study and how will they impact the results? 
E.g., measurement bias, issues of validity and/or reliability, small sample size, selection bias, etc.  Explain and use the literature to support the ideas.

Innovation [1 Paragraph]
o How is the proposed study be different/unique/new?
o What will this study contribute to the research literature/our understanding of the topic and problem?

Discussion [2-4 Paragraphs]
o Summarize the research proposal
o Discuss the potential weaknesses and limitations of the proposed study and why they cannot be eliminated.
o What are the strengths of the study?
o Emphasize the importance of the proposed study in the context of practice and society.
o State what the study is expected to accomplish and how it will contribute to the field.

Reference Page(s)


Answer ONE of the following questions:
Question 1: What is neoliberalism? Discuss how neoliberalism has influenced urban agendas in the context ofyour city/town/suburb (this could be Toronto or any other city you are familiar with). What effect haveneoliberal policies had on urban growth, equity, class and social stratification, and community organizing? How
does neoliberalism relate to gentrification? Discuss in terms of the production of space, uneven development,
and revanchism under neoliberal capitalism.

Question 2: Land (the organization, control and use of land) is a central aspect of life. Land questions are also
crucial when considering the future of urban environments. Discuss in relationship to indigenous politics, black
geographies, and informal settlements.

Question 3: How does globalization affect relations of race, class, ethnicity, gender, and identity shape your
city (this could be Toronto or any other city you are familiar with)? How have the transformation of work and
employment, information technology and shift in manufacturing since the 1970s influenced your city?

Question 4: Explain what is meant by the production of space? Discuss in terms of production of space and
urbanization. What is the role of urban planning in the production of space? Explain how Euclidian zoning,
building bylaws, and other tools of urban planning contribute to addressing or creating urban inequalities?