Take Home Question #1:
Who do you think is the 5th Beatle?  In a 1to 2 page essay, identify who you feel was the most essential person involved in the Beatles story (other than John, Paul, George and Ringo).  There is no correct answer for this question — its your job to think this out carefully and substantiate your answer, in detail.

Take Home Question #2:
Every year, from 1963 to 1969, The Beatles issued a Christmas Message, on flexi-disk, to fan club members.  It was their way of thanking them for being fans.  Youll notice that the messages evolved in the same way as their music did.

Listen to each message in order, then year by year tell me two details of each message that appealed to you or piqued your interest.

Take Home Question #3:
What proof do we have that the firing of Pete Best was the correct decision by The Beatles?  In your answer be sure to include all aspects of why Ringo was essential to the band.

Take Home Question #4:
The Beatles were true revolutionaries, since they significantly changed the media in their short 7 year lifespan, as a band.  Tell me the various ways they did so.

Critical reflections on the strategic management of Allstate

1. Using publicly available information about a large firm of your choice (which can be integrated with few clearly stated assumptions where needed), write an overview of the firms competitive situation, current strategy, and any other characteristics that you will deem relevant to your analysis (about 500 to 800 words).

2.Then, applying the concepts, ideas and frameworks covered in the module, reflect on the firms strategy to answer in three separate paragraphs the following questions (about 2,200 to 2,500 words):
a. To what extent are the traditional concepts of industry, competitor, and sustained competitive advantage useful to understand the strategic options available to the firm today or in the near future? Does, or should, the firm embrace the competitive logic of technological platforms and business ecosystems? Discuss and substantiate your argument.
b. How could the firm achieve greater strategic agility? Specifically, which broad strategic objectives should it pursue? In answering these questions, you may want to compare and contrast traditional options of differentiation/cost/niche leadership with innovative strategies of platform and/or ecosystem leadership.
c. Which circumstances, factors and resources could support or hinder the attainment of greater strategic agility? Which role might specific aspects studied on the module play in the process? You may reflect, for example, on the role of technology, organisational culture, organizational structure, organizational behavior, trust, relationship management, leadership, and so on.

At least 25 appropriate reference from journal article, published report, and book.

Assignment Topic:
American Imperialism Essay during Post Civil War America (1877 to 2016)

Assignment Directions:
Discuss the American Imperialism ideology after in Post Civil War America.
What affects did imperialism have on:
1. The United States politically and economically
2. American society as a whole
3. Other countries where the United States government intervened to maintain that
4. Nation’s peace and their national sovereignty.
Discuss any acts, laws, congressional measures, conflicts, and consequences that influenced, altered, and changed the United States views on imperialism in Post-Civil War America.

2 pages (Introduction, 2 body paragraphs, Conclusion)

– Introduction Paragraph
Here you want to write an introduction paragraph detailing what is going to be discussed in the essay.
No footnotes needed in this section.
The last sentence in this section must be your thesis statement.

– Body Paragraphs/Formatting
Historical terminology (names, dates, people, places, and events) is the main requirement for each essay.
Please keep your chosen discussion topic historical time-frame narrow.
Discuss only what is interesting to you and what apply to your essay.
Please try to maintain a historical time-line.
Each paragraph must have 5 or more sentences.
No quoting. All statements must be in your own words.
All statements must be in third person.
Avoid first person discussion. Please avoid opinion statements in this section (I, me, and my), outside of the conclusion paragraph.
Please avoid a book, article, or video review, (30-points deduction for such).
Yes, many examples are required.
Please, no summaries of any sources.
Please do not combine different types of citation formatting like MLA or APA. No parenthetical citations allowed. ONLY USE FOOTNOTES – CHICAGO STYLE FORMAT REFERENCES.
Each paragraph must have with 3 footnotes or  more to indicate your references, only use the assigned books and readings.
No comments on footnotes references.
Only place references in the footnotes.

– Conclusion Paragraph:

Use this area to summarize your findings and discuss your opinion.
What have you learned after reading and doing historical research on this topic?
Footnotes are optional in this section.

– Bibliography Page
Must be  a separate page.

American Perspectives: Readings in American History Vol. 2, 7th Edt
Must use at least 4 articles related to American Imperialism Essay during Post Civil War America.
No additional sources can be used. No outside sources.
Must only have footnotes
Chicago style
No first person essay ONLY third person format essay
Avoid summaries or reviews


Your motivation and guiding research questions
What questions does your report aim to answer? Why, and for whom are these questions important? To what bigger goal does your report contribute (e.g., to inform the design of this specific project site? To better understand the process of informal learning? To better understand the role of tools in )?

A description of your research site and of its participants
Where is the site located? What’s its intended purpose? Who are the participants at this site? What are their goals? What other relevant details about the participants and the site are important to know?

Research approach
Describe how you collected and analyzed your data. How many hours did each of you and your team mates spend at the site, and across what period of time? What was your method for collecting your data (field notes, observations, interviews, etc)? How did you combine and analyze your data with your teammates, and ensure that your conclusions were based in evidence?

Conceptual framework
How do you conceptualize the learning that occurs in the space you observed? On what theories, ideas, or frameworks in the Learning Sciences is your framework based? What key things are involved in the learning that takes place at your site, and how do they relate to one another? Present “either graphically or in narrative form, the main things to be studiedthe key factors, variables, or constructsand the presumed relationships among them. Frameworks can be simple or elaborate, commonsensical or theory driven, descriptive or causal.” (Miles, Huberman & Saldaa, 2014, p. 20). You may provide separate frameworks for each of your lenses, or attempt to integrate your ideas into a single framework. See EXAMPLES here.

Your analytic approach
How did you (individually and together with your group, if applicable) make sense of your data? What roles did you play in each others analysis processes? How did you select which parts of your data to focus on? How did you ensure that your conclusions were based in evidence?

Evidence-supported claims
What themes, patterns, phenomena, etc. did you identify? What lens, theories, ideas, or frameworks in the Learning Sciences do your claims draw on? How do your claims emerge from, connect to, or offer concretization of ideas from these lenses? Provide some specific examples from your data as evidence to illustrate and explain your reasoning.
This section is an elaborated version of your first and second analytic memos (incorporating revisions based on feedback, and any further thoughts you may wish to incorporate).

Considering the different claims and frameworks that emerged from the different lenses, what higher-level ideas about learning in the space can you identify? Where do the perspectives of different lenses support or enhance each other? Where are there tensions or contradictions? Are there some places where the lenses just lead you to talk about completely different things? Is there a way to pull them together somehow?

Based on your analysis and on theories from the Learning Sciences, what recommendations do you make for better supporting learners’ experiences in this context?

Future work
What further questions remain to be investigated, and that you might address if you had more tools, resources, and time at your disposal?

Hello, I would like my “personal essay” to talk about the covid-19 pandemic, how it affected the world in many ways, and how it affected me as a person.Thus making me questioning myself the right questions, and making me want to start working more about myself, and develop myself as a person, and have my impact on the world in a way! (Please mention that I want to do this through joining the university X)

Side PanelExpand side panel
Discussion: Measuring Resistance to Change

Quizzes and questionnaires are often used in the corporate world to assess the attitudes of their employees. One major issue involved in the change management process is overcoming employee resistance to change.

Search Google for resistance to change questionnaire or resistance to change quiz to assess your acceptance or resistance to change. Take the quiz and respond in approximately 200 words to the following:

Discuss whether or not you think this quiz is accurate and would be useful to managers engaged in an organizational change effort.
Could the quiz you took be used to help management adapt their leadership style during times of change?
Cite and reference at least one source for this discussion assignment and respond to two of your classmates’ original postings with at least 100 words each.

Summary explaining Organ Space Surgical Site Infection Vs Organ Space Surgical Site Infection (present at the time of Surgery) in colorectal surgery only. the importance of leaving wound open in infected cases.

– Important: An SsI can only be assigned at or below the level of closure.

Do’s And Dont’s

In the readings, you will discover unique ethical concerns you may encounter working in a smaller community. You will explore the effects of obtaining personal benefits from your work with clients. This can be more likely to occur in smaller communities and can cause additional ethical issues to be aware of.

n addition, you will discover what to do when faced with unavoidable and unanticipated circumstances in working with clients, especially when living in a small community, and how best to address these issues.

Cohn, T. J., & Hastings, S. L. (2013). Building a Practice in Rural Settings: Special Considerations. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 35(3), 228244. https://doi.org/10.17744/mehc.35.3.12171572424wxhll

Fok, L., Payne, D., & Corey, C. (2016). Cultural Values, Utilitarian Orientation, and Ethical Decision Making: A Comparison of U.S. and Puerto Rican Professionals. Journal of Business Ethics, 134(2), 263279. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-014-2426-y

Letourneau, J. L. H. (2016). A Decision-Making Model for Addressing Problematic Behaviors in Counseling Students. Counseling & Values, 61(2), 206222. https://doi.org/10.1002/cvj.12038

Tarlow, K. R., Johnson, T. A., & McCord, C. E. (2019). Rural Status, Suicide Ideation, and Telemental Health: Risk Assessment in a Clinical Sample. The Journal of Rural Health: Official Journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association, 35(2), 247252. https://doi.org/10.1111/jrh.12310

Turner, E., & Passmore, J. (2018). Ethical dilemmas and tricky decisions: A global perspective of coaching supervisors practices in coach ethical decision-making. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring, 16, 126142.  https://doi.org/10.24384/000473

National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services professionals. https://www.nationalhumanservices.org/ethical-standards-for-hs-professionals


It is essential to be aware of potential ethical problems that may arise in practice. Without such awareness, a human service professional can stumble inadvertently into a problematic situation from which it can be difficult to extricate themselves. Your discussion will focus on developing and enhancing your awareness in this area.


Please respond to the following:
1.    Describe your scenario and identify each of the problematic decisions made by the practitioner involved.
2.    Use one of the decision-making models (e.g., multi-perspectival model decision-making model process) in Letourneaus (2016) article to resolve the dilemma.
3.    Create a plan of action for how to manage the situation from this point on.
4.    Research similar disciplinary scenarios in your FLORIDA and discuss how they were addressed by the regulatory board. If no such violations occurred in FLORIDA, you may use one from a nearby state.


Working in a small/rural community can provide unique challenges. To prepare for this journal, please watch the following video:
Burns, J. (2019, December 06). The hidden crisis in rural America [Video]. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/603127/mental-health-rural/

Please respond to the following questions:

1.    What do you feel are some of the main challenges of working in a rural community?
2.    What ethical challenges would be more present for human services working in a rural community?
3.    Discuss the impact of reduced resources on burnout and compassion fatigue for human services professionals.
4.    What burnout prevention strategies/self-care would you implement when working in a rural community?

Introduction of Information Systems
Impact of Information Systems on Sales in Starbucks
Impact of Information Systems on Marketing in Starbucks
Impact of Information Systems on HR in Starbucks
Impact of Information Systems on Accounts in Starbucks
Impact of Information Systems on Education during COVID 19

5 sections
1. pick a company or go with Starbucks
2. Write intro of Information systems
3. Write the impact of information system in each company department
4. Give references

This cousework is an 8 (slides for citations) slide power point presentation which should include a total of 2000 words in the notes (250 approximately per slide).

Scenario (More explanation on pdf Coursework Assessment)

You have been invited to make a short presentation (maximum of 8 slides) with
supplementary notes and a Harvard reference list at an Undergraduate Student
Placement fair for University of Surrey students who are seeking a 12- month
Human Resource Management (HRM) placement in business as part of their
The Employability and Careers Manager (ECM) has asked you to illustrate how
the HRM function supports a range of businesses to meet their aims and
objectives through its range of HRM activities.
Specifically, the ECM has asked you to briefly outline how core HRM activities
may differ from the UK public sector, the UK private sector and the UK third
sector (not for profit).
For the presentation the ECM Manager has asked you to particularly focus on
what you consider are essential HRM activities and how these may add value to
a range of organisations. You are expected to include some real- world examples
of HRM practice.

Remember dont purely describe but critically evaluate theories/concepts
Pictures and Graphs could be included but have to be labeled

Please take a look at all the files that will be added as it includes marking criteria more explanation of the topic and many power points explaining the material. This is a Semester Project which means that the grade of the semester is based on this project, I really would really appreciate an excellent grade.