Assignment Overview

Examine successful coaching strategies with an emphasis on positive coaching.
Explore specific methods to provide athletes with positive encouragement.

Read the following journal articles:

Docheff, D.M. & Gerdes, D. (2015) The HEART of Coaching, Strategies, 28:2, 28-32, DOI: 10.1080/08924562.2014.1001105

Access the Podcast from the link below:

OSullivan, J. (Producer). (July 31, 2017). WOC #20 Jim Thompson: How Connection Precedes Commitment in Leadership [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from


Write a 3-page paper with the following components:

1. Introduction

2. Based on the readings and podcast, define positive coaching and identify several specific elements of the movement.
    a. Describe how you will use positive coaching techniques when working with athletes.
    b. Give a specific example of an area where you can improve by using positive coaching
    c. How will you influence other coaches to adopt a positive coaching mindset?

3. Conclusion

Assignment Expectations

This paper should be at least 3 pages, not counting the title page and reference page.

A clear introduction that orients a reader to the essay main content and the main points discussed should be provided.

A well-developed, well-balanced essay body that develops each point in its own paragraph should be included.

A concise conclusion that summarizes the whole essay should also be included.

Include at least three references. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it must be enclosed in quotes.

The references should be cited within the text and also listed at the end of the assignment in the References section. Follow the APA Style format;

Evaluate the ethics of any legal or ethical issue in the news. Analyze the dilemma or issue. Thoroughly evaluate the appropriateness of applying at least two ethical frameworks reviewed in the course, and suggest an approach that might help to avoid such dilemmas/issues in the future.

In your paper, be sure to address the following items:

Evaluate the ethics of any legal or ethical issue in the news.
Analyze the dilemma or issue, including a discussion of personal ethics in relation to the situation.
How, if at all, do your personal ethics impact your analysis?
How do personal ethics impact the behavior and actions of the parties/organizations involved?
What is/are the ethical framework(s) of the parties or organizations involved?
Thoroughly evaluate the appropriateness of applying at least two ethical frameworks reviewed in the course and suggest an approach that might help to avoid such dilemmas or issues in the future.

Recommended Topics
Ethics and management
Ethics and reasoning
Ethical relativism
Kants moral theory
Virtue ethics
Natural law
Ethics of care
Equality and discrimination
Economic justice
Environmental ethics
Globalization and emerging ethical challenges
Incorporating ethics into business life

For this final paper, provide an in-depth case analysis of the legal or ethical issue.

Your paper should:

Be 8 to 10 pages in length.
Include a title page that has your name, the title of your report, date, course code, and name of the course mentor.
Include an introduction to the case analysis.
Include a main body that clearly explains the analysis and details of the issue or dilemma. Remember that the focus is on demonstrating a strategy to address real-world circumstances.
Include recommendations for approaches that might help to avoid such issues or dilemmas in the future.
Follow academic research approaches and APA citation format, including in-text citations and a References list.
Be well-developed and convey your understanding of the readings and concepts.
Be organized, coherent, and unified.
Be free of spelling, structure, and grammatical errors.

Crime analysis is one of the most effective tools available to support law enforcement agencies today. Data collection is worthless unless it easily understood and has relevance to the case. Analysis of information provides the indicators of what one has and what is missing. The analysis ultimately organizes the information in a way that leads possibly to prosecutorial success.

With this notion in mind, students will be required to develop a proposal of guidelines for starting an “analytical unit” within a police department.

Your proposal should include the following:

Mission, goals, and objectives
Role of analysis within the department
Expected products

Instructions: The final paper needs to be 8-10 pages long (excluding the title page, abstract page, and reference pages), with APA formatting, citations, and references. Do Not Use MLA or any other form of reference.

You are to use a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed academic journal articles as the basis of your paper. Books are acceptable as a journal article. In addition to these, you may use government websites such as,, etc to demonstrate the data used in your topic. Newspaper articles can be used to describe an example of your topic.

Other websites are not usually acceptable, such as, other .coms, .net, .org, etc. No opinion websites are acceptable. Magazines are not academic sources.

This is not an opinion paper, so the words, “I’, “I think”, “I believe”, “My opinion”, “I agree”, should not appear anywhere in your paper.

Your paper is to be 5 pages long. No excessive margins. 12 point font, and 1.5 line spacing is required. You must submit your paper in a format that can easily be opened such as a word.doc, etc. The bibliography is separate from the body of the text and does not count as one of the five pages. You may add a title page but it is not required.

Learner Development
Learning Differences
Learning Environments
Content Knowledge
Application of Content
Planning for Instruction
Instructional Strategies
Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
Leadership and Collaboration

reflect on the above topics. This course is focused on multicultural and anti-bias issues that support the development of cultural competence when working with children and families in early childhood settings. With this in mind,

Describe how you will demonstrate cultural competence in five of the exam topic areas of your choosing.
For each chosen topic area, develop a commitment statement that you can use in your future role. For example:
Learner Development: In order to support language development to meet the individual needs of the children in my classroom, I will use checklists to observe where children need additional assistance. Once I observe each child and document where each individual child needs assistance, I will support him or her one-on-one using developmentally appropriate language and literacy approaches. Some examples include providing a print-rich environment, reading aloud to children as a model of language, developing vocabulary through dual-language exploration, and providing engaging learning experiences in which children can use vocabulary and make meaningful connections across instructional activities.

Watch the video featuring Monarchs Stephen Keiley. Reflecting on Keileys comments regarding teaching and homelessness, address the following items:

Define the relationship between the struggles of parents and the struggles of their children. Defend your response.
Discuss how, as an early childhood professional, you would address the situation described in the video.
Describe how you would connect with the families at this school.
Recommend four strategies that support a consistent, effective, and reliable learning environment.

You are to write a 3 page paper (not including title and reference pages so a total of 5 pages) in proper APA format. For your paper, please take a look at the video and article presented in the lesson for Week 3 (I attached a link here also). Pay particular attention to the video and article, as you watch/read, take notes on some of the topics presented that interest you. This is a short paper, think of it as a warm-up for your longer paper due in Week 7.

Video: Non-Verbal Communication in the Global Marketplace

Article: The Puzzle of Non-Verbal Communication

Requirements this assignment:

Your paper should utilize appropriate course material:

Article and/or Video from Week 3

Ensure you address the following topics in your paper:

Pick three areas of interest from the article or video and discuss why you find it interesting, if you have seen any personal examples of it (i.e., someone who covers their mouth while talking).

This paper should be fun, I would suggest that you read/watch the materials as soon as possible and then start observing others around you for some non-verbal clues.

Remember your paper must include (all in proper APA 7th edition format):

Cover Page

Body ( 3 pages a minimum discussion of non-verbal areas of interest)

Reference Page

Make sure to use two additional resources from APUS online library or internet (Google Scholar is a great source)

Wikipedia, or similar sites are NOT acceptable sources for this paper

Assignment Brief
Task 1:
1. Define the concept and application of cryptography.
2. Explain symmetric and asymmetric modes and approaches
3. Assess how cryptographic methods and standards underpin the communications security of cyber-enabled networks and devices

Task 2:
1. Explain the key principles of the related standards, regulations and laws and why they are in place.
2. Assess the consequences for organisations and individuals of non-compliance with these standards, regulations and laws

Task 3:
1. Explain the methods of attack used to target encrypted data.
2. Assess the additional encryption methods available
3. Explain the key principles of escrow and recovery
4. Explain the importance of having robust encryption arrangements within IT systems

See attached files…

This assignment evaluates the current and potential future Business Model of an organization. You
run your own consultancy company and have been contacted by an agency called Fishlock
Associates. Fishlock Associates represent:
Mothercare Limited;
Thomas Cook Limited.
The fortunes of both these companies (Mothercare and Thomas Cook) have declined significantly in
recent years and now they require your help.

Consider your experience both within your own family of origin and when interacting with other families. What is different between these examples of families?

In the field of social work, it is imperative that you know how to assess families. When trying to identify what is happening within a family, a social worker must learn about the familys structure, identify their strengths, review their communication style, and understand the familys dynamics. Families are influenced by the unique individuals within the family, as well as by the larger cultural context in which the family exists. Families vary in how they define who is a member of the family unit, what role each family should play, and what the family dynamics are based on an individual members contributions to the family system. Often, the social workers role is to help identify trouble spots and help the family re-adjust to healthy system dynamics.

In this weeks Assignment, you provide an assessment of a family and provide an analysis of the family using a social work perspective with consideration to strengths, cultural values, and social work theory.

By Day 7
Submit a 2- to 3-page paper in which you analyze a family that is familiar to you. Support your analysis by using the Kirst-Ashman and Hull text and at least 2 to 3 additional peer-reviewed articles to do the following:

Describe the structure of a family that is familiar to you.
Identify the strengths in the family.
Explain where in the life cycle this family is located and how that may influence family dynamics.
Analyze one form of communication used by this family and how this communication style influences family dynamics.
Describe the specific roles of two family members and explain if the various roles work well together for the benefit of this family.
Explain how understanding cultural values will help a social worker working with this family.
Analyze this family using systems theory or the ecological perspective.