By this stage in your life, you most likely have encountered good and bad leaders. For this discussion, please tell us about your favorite leader you have personally know or a favorite leader from history, a novel, or TV/Movie.

Please explain why and give an example of when this leader was at their best or a situation you were impressed by their leadership. Based on chapter 14, what Leadership qualities did this person did this person possess?

no less than 150 words

also, respond to these no less than 80 words

1.When I think of my favorite leader, I think of my team coordinator, Andrea, when I worked for a window company that operated on door-to-door sales. It’s hard to stay motivated in a sales job because you’re constantly having the door slammed on you (which I can understand). My first week I had 0 callbacks from knocking doors and I remember her telling me about how hard her first week was. It was easy for her to relate to me because she still remembers how it is to be an entry-level employee.

That motivated me to do better because everyone who worked at the company told me that Andrea was the best seller they had ever seen and I knew that If I had her as my teacher I could be one of the top sellers at the company. As soon as I sold my first set of windows our team was the top team for the remainder of our duration. The evidence of Andrea being a good leader was that 3 of her subordinates were the top 3 sellers for the Cincinnati branch of the company.

no less than 80 words

2.My favorite leader that I have known would be the CEO of the agency that I worked at when I graduated with my Bachelors degree. My first job was as a medial social worker at a hospice in Cleveland.  Although the leader I am referring to was the CEO of the agency, he was also a social worker by training.  This maybe why I was able to relate to him so well and why I had so much for respect for him.  There were many times that I can think of that I was impressed by his leadership skills. The thing that probably comes to mind the most is how he was able to connect with the staff. He was  very aware of the importance of his staff providing good patient care but also keeping the agency afloat financially.

In thinking back on the the leadership qualities that I read about in Chapter 14, I wold say that this leader was a servant leader. The textbook describes servant leaders as having a strong desire to serve and work for the benefit of others (page 407). This leader was very concerned about his staff, the patients and the community. I learned a lot from this leader and have often thought of him when working with my own staff.

Mark Twain said of Huck Finn: It is a novel where a sound heart and a deformed conscience come into collision and conscience suffers defeat. The conscience that unerring monitorcan be trained to any wild thing you want it to approve. Thinking about this comment, explain Hucks moral development throughout the novel and interpret what the most important change he goes through is in regards to being a good person.
For his heroes Twain uses a boy with an abusive father who lacks a traditional education, who is barely literate, and who rejects society, as well as an uneducated, gullible, yet caring slave. Evaluate the things that make Huck or Jim admirable heroes and determine the significance of Twains decisions about his characters.

Pose two questions in response to at least two different posts.  Your questions should be very specific as to what you are asking or critiquing in regard to anothers post and also as to what further points of elucidation or clarification you are situating in your questions.
Respond to at least two other posts in the form of a critical commentary.  Your critical commentaries do not need to ask any questions, but rather they are vehicle for you: to further develop a point or argument about a text that someone else began, to reiterate in your own use of language what someone else is trying to articulate, and this is also a space to make a case against someone’s argument or position with supporting evidence from the text.

Mark Twain said of Huck Finn: It is a novel where a sound heart and a deformed conscience come into collision and conscience suffers defeat. The conscience that unerring monitorcan be trained to any wild thing you want it to approve. Thinking about this comment, explain Hucks moral development throughout the novel and interpret what the most important change he goes through is in regards to being a good person.
For his heroes Twain uses a boy with an abusive father who lacks a traditional education, who is barely literate, and who rejects society, as well as an uneducated, gullible, yet caring slave. Evaluate the things that make Huck or Jim admirable heroes and determine the significance of Twains decisions about his characters

Research Essay
Minimum 1,000-word essay on a topic within the remit of this course, Early Civilizations, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome or the East. You may choose the topic but I must approve it. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to, historical events, works of art, architecture, religion, philosophies, gender studies, historical individuals, etc. The paper should contain a clear thesis/argument that it is trying to make.

Style: MLA formatted with one-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced. No cover page
Referencing: you should use MLA Style (parenthetical notation with bibliography) referencing
Length: at least 1,000 words
Sources: at least 6 different sources (use both primary and secondary sources). Use academic sources only. Avoid the internet as a secondary source (it can be useful for preliminary research but look up the references and use them instead). Use JSTOR to find scholarly articles. Primary sources can be harder to find and you may need to use an online version. This is fine but be careful that it is from a reliable source.

As you will discover, the world does not simply ‘exist’; it does not just happen by accident.  It is a product of the way we think, the values we have, the relationships we form, the ways in which we try to create a ‘good’ life and our hopes and fears for the future – the stories we create, and tell, about the world.  Importantly, this assignment will show you that all of the grand challenges we face as a species are the result of the stories we live by.  In addition, this assignment will help you understand that if you want to create a new world, then you need to start telling new stories – new stories will create new futures.
Obviously, there are countless stories to choose from and it is your job to identify stories that you think have been most instrumental in creating the world of today. 
Importantly, in addition to identifying the stories, you will be expected to provide a short written statement of why you consider the stories you have chosen to be important.
Any large-scale human cooperation – whether a medieval church, an ancient city or an archaic tribe is rooted in people’s collective imagination.  Churches are rooted in common religious myths…States are rooted in common national myths…Judicial systems are rooted in common legal myths…Yet none of these things exist outside the stories that people invent and tell one another.  There are no gods in the universe, no nations, no money, no human rights, no laws and no justice outside the common imaginations of human beings. Over the years, people have woven an incredibly complex network of stories…The kinds of things that people create through this network of stories are known in academic circles as ‘fictions’, ‘social constructs’ or ‘imagined realities’…An imagined reality is something that everyone believes in, and as long as this communal belief persists, the imagined reality exerts force in the world…Most millionaires believe in the existence of money and limited liability companies.  Most human-rights activists sincerely believe in the existence of human rights…Ever since the Cognitive Revolution, Sapiens have thus been living in a dual reality.  On the one hand, the objective reality of rivers, trees and lions; and on the other hand, the imagined reality of gods, nations and corporations.  As time went by, the imagined reality became ever more powerful, so that today the very survival of rivers, trees and lions depends on the grace of imagined entities such as the United States and Google. (Noah Harari, 2011:30-6)

Whether or not you believe/agree with all aspects of this statement is not important.  The point that is being made is that the stories we believe in collectively have shaped the world of the past and will shape the world of the future.  Capitalism, for example, is a story that is based on the belief that the means of production should be in private ownership and should operate for profit.  Religious beliefs are stories shared by those who believe in the same god or deity. As we know, religion has had a huge impact on the world of yesterday and today.

The stories we tell ourselves about our superiority over the more-than-human world (nature) has allowed us to exploit Earth’s resources with impunity and has resulted in climate change and the sixth mass extinction.  The poor treatment of indigenous peoples around the world is a result of stories we have told about their lives being outdated and archaic and of little relevance or importance to modern, Western notions of progress.

The human belief in progress is perhaps the most important story of all; it dictates much of human behaviour and drives our economic and political systems.  It is important to remember that everything we see happening in the world is the result of a story. These stories have shaped the world and these are the types of stories I’d like you to explore in this assignment.
Need to be 2 different stories that happened during the Creation of Agriculture

After you have completed your assigned readings and the questionnaires, respond to all of the discussion board questions. Take into consideration the requirements as you create your response.
Discussion Prompt
There are several non-graded questionnaires for you to complete in this module. After you have finished them, consider what you have learned about yourself and your readiness to undertake the work of helping people cope with loss.

Consider the following questions:

What do you anticipate being most stressful to you in your role as a caregiver? What will be your biggest challenges?
What steps might you need to take in your own life in order to be helpful for clients while protecting yourself from burnout, vicarious trauma, and compassion fatigue? Share as much of your insights as you feel comfortable.

The methodology section should include only details on the procedures you used to carry out the project. There is a lot of theory in your methodology section, a lot of which seems to make no sense or lack context. In this section you should aim to describe how you performed the work in a manner that would allow the reader to reproduce your results.

Thesis Examples ( DO NOT USE PLEASE BECAUSE IT’LL BE COPYING) this is just an example to start with. please if you can talk about the intricate analytical depth capability the protagonist has that would be great!

Although the character has an analytical ability to assess individuals and situations which renders him cautious, this gift is more disadvantageous since it results in him being an unreliable, paradoxical figure given over to inertia.(qualifier)

The under ground man’s analytical capabilities  is mere hyperconsciousness that results in him being an unreliable, paradoxical figure given over to inertia.(other points social awkwardness)(challenge)

The methodology section should include only details on the procedures you used to carry out the project. There is a lot of theory in your methodology section, a lot of which seems to make no sense or lack context. In this section you should aim to describe how you performed the work in a manner that would allow the reader to reproduce your results