*Have genuine faith and practice faith will save us/Pious belief triumph over evil (YOU MAY CHANGE TO A MORE ATTRACTIVE TOPIC NAME) You must follow an argumentative essay format. This is a very theological and spiritual level of essay. The writer needs to make 3 to 4 supporting points, separate to individual body point on the topic how a person can overcome EVIL negativities in life when they have a faith toward God or have a belief? Some of the points, the writer may want to address in the essay: **Doing good should also come from the heart because people genuinely feel happy and satisfied when they help others. Being kind to others and avoiding harming them is an inner satisfaction of self to establish good relationships with people and God and not an intention to be treated similarly. ** In the context of demons, humans also play key roles in justifying their existence. However, in cases where demons appears even if we do good, people should pray and seek help from God. Nonetheless, doing good alone is not an effective approach to completely eliminating evil because suffering and hardships will continue happening as part of spiritual lessons. Evil does not contribute exclusively to suffering, but God initiates suffering to teach believers some life lessons. people should pray always and do good from their hearts guided by the love they have for one another. *** Humans play key roles in allowing demons to exist. Peoples actions on earth welcome the demons or distracts them. Doing good keeps the demons away but dwelling in evil attracts the demons to haunt our lives. Such negative beings undermine the religiosity, faith, and commitment that one has towards God. However, when demons come in our lives even if we do good, as Christians, we need to pray and summon the highest source of light for divine intervention. I need it to mainly focus on Buddhism and Christianity point of view So body paragraphs, we need to present cramps or supporting pints (These can be books and current events articles) For instance, a illness cancer person diagnosed Then continuous have faith, ultimately defeat the illness demon MLA format is preferred This is not only academic related, but most importantly I want to find a spiritual writer who understands my points and knows how to write these spirituality point of view Topic: Have genuine faith and practice faith will save us/Pious belif triumph over evil No matter what religious belief they have, an individual must have faith and practice it regularly We can talk about all beliefs are OnEness good Someone has faith in God or ALLAH or practicing Buddhism, have saved them have witnessed the existence of miracles And we can also talk about, god and all the divine deities are there to desperately have our human being to ask helps from them as they want to see more people awakened on this earth. We need to have faith and belief from our heart and being genuine and ask for help, yet being grateful toward the blessings God and the divine gave us We need to argue more on a spiritual point of view then focusing on certain religion point of view Human being doesnt need to follow certain traditions or ways To seek help from spiritual realm Some of the argumentative point of HOW HAVE faith will OVER TRIUMP EVIL THEME can be: *If demon knocks our door, then shall we remain faith to the God, to the Divine, and continuously pray and meditate, will ultimately defeat the demon’s existence. *If one did certain things wrongly to achieve his or her self-success, then they go on for pray for forgiveness. God usually forgive, but this individual continue and repeat the same wrong pattern. He or she tends to use the WRONG to erase the WRONG. Knowing that evil people or thing will ultimately pays off as karmic does involves in our life. If we don’t see our wrongs come back to haunt us this lifetime, it will surely follow to our afterlife and our soul is the one which ultimately has to pay off. We should never intend to do things beyond our heart, do not try to do evil. Kindness and Generosity will ultimately defeat the evil. *If an individual receives illness, and he/she questions and doubts to GOD because he/she is always a good person with kind heart. Why will illness knock on his/her door? Suffering is one way to be enlightened. Suffering this lifetime will ultimately bring you brightness to the next lifetime. Trust and do not complain, continue being the kind you and will ultimately defeated the evil spirits within your body. -Anger plays as a negativity EVILNESS within ourselves. We should remain balanced and happy, no matte how things, others, and societies treat us. We should always see it as a positive attitude. We should not judge how much pain we go through, We should not complain how unlucky life treats us, We should not lost the faith in God. We should even learn to appreciate the good and the bad in life, as good bring in satisifbaction and appreciation within us. the bad allow our soul to learn and grow. We should not complain and show anger to others, even strangers. We should understand other’s perspective.. Above are some of my points, you can surely break down to your argumentative points. KNOWING that this is a highly vibrational essay, involves with a lot of morality and faith toward spiritual realm. We need to make it perfect. Thank you.

In your deliverables, describe the product category what are the functions of a product, what customer needs does it satisfy, how often customers re-purchase the product, etc. Make sure to discuss the benefits the products provide to customers and the values they may promote. Do not assume that the reader knows the subject, you need to clearly present your vision of the product.

You are about to start a new business selling a new product, a male birth control pill that works within 10 minutes of ingestion and lasting for 24 hours. You already have FDA approval and have gone through clinical trials.  You think the pill will sell millions and millions of units.  You now want to set up a company to make, market and sell this product.  What type of business entity do you think will be best for this endeavor? Make you sure you factually and legally support your answer.  Make sure you use the appropriate terms of art as used in the chapters.

    This is a healthcare ethics case analysis essay, therefore you must find at least one (1), no more than three (3) news articles from a reputable source

!!!Topic already selected be sure to read all the instructions provided carefully!!!

    The case should have a controversial issue, i.e., should not be obviously one sided. You must explain what the controversy is and why its interesting in your essay..

    At least five pages (5), no more than seven (7). The page requirement is for full pages. Page requirements establish a basic set of parameters for good writing. If youre going through a good writing process, the page requirement should be easy to meet. Essays that do not meet the page requirement will receive an automatic D.

    Essays must use MLA or Chicago style, must be typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font.

    Essays must also have a clearly articulated thesis statement. Your thesis will articulate a moral judgment on the decisions made by the individuals involved.

    Make effective use of the text from the course readings. You should have approximately one good textual reference per paragraph. Remember to always closely analyze the text and relate its importance to your thesis statement. Essays that make no reference to the course texts will receive an automatic D.

!!!!!!!!I have already selected the topic of of active euthanasia and have provided 2 texts with opposing views for you to use WITH the articles(s) you choose!!!!!!!!!

Generous tip if it gets an A 🙂

Prepare and submit the following (4) items. Write B, C & D in a single document.
Do not include your interviewees name in the submission.

B. Type your interviewees responses to questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 21 & 22. [2 points]
C. Select the responses you found most surprising, or contrasted the most from your own experience, and type the question and transcribe the response (about 400-words total) [8 points]
D. Write a 300-word reflection on what you learned about how students are experiencing online learning during the pandemic. You may compare your own experience with your interviewees experience. [8 points]

The paper should be typed and doubled spaced with a minimum of 1,500 words and a maximum of 3,000 words. Be sure to include the cover, table of contents, an introduction, a summary, and several references on a separate page called References. I expect research papers to be professionally researched and include several references and in-body citations. Students with a dozen or more references tend to earn higher grades.

Please use the MLA format for your citations and credible sources for your research. Every reference requires at least one citation.

Wikipedia and About.Com are not credible research resources and should not be used. Points will be deducted if these sources are used.

During the course, we have studied principles, theories, and current practices that managers have used to be successful.
Your assignment is to select any theory presented during the course and write an essay defining, describing, and explaining that theory. It is particularly important that students can relate theory to the real world. This is your opportunity to share how your selected theory applies to the real world/fashion industry.
The essay should be between 1500-3000 words.
The submission should include a cover page, a table of contents, an introduction (just an overview of what is going to be presented), and a conclusion (just a few sentences addressing the top 2, 3, or 4 key points presented in the essay.
Must be a Microsoft Word document. No PDF or doc files. Just WORD documents

I want u to write me a presentation, let’s call it the What should i say section, it should be about the same report u did.
It should start from the very beginning (good morning…) to the end (…thank u for listening, any question?)
It is a 5 min presentation.
Remember that the slides contain the same visuals as the report, so u should talk about them.
Depending on this file once it’s finished, we will start talking about the other order (the presentation section)

Write an essay talking about each of the designs by Corbusier that I have already picked out. I also attached the PowerPoint the Essay should follow and some facts about each design in order as this is a two part assignment. Use the same order that I used in the PowerPoint when talking about each design in the essay. The PowerPoint and facts page go in the same order! Thankyou

Identify some of the core leadership concepts that you identified with the most while listening to the leadership podcasts and answer each of the following questions:

Which speaker did you identify with the most and why? Was there a speaker that you did not agree with? What specifically did you not agree with?  If you had an opportunity to shadow one of the speakers for a day, which one would it be and why?

Did you identify any traits that were common among all or most of the speakers? Did you note that any of the speakers followed a particular leadership style that we covered in class? If so, which styles did you pick up on?

What idea, story, example, or philosophy stood out the most?  Was there something that you continued to think about, even after you had completed a podcast? If so, why do you think that is?

Nanos gigantum humeris insidentes is a Latin phrase/metaphor which expresses the meaning of “discovering truth by building on previous discoveries”.  How do you think learning about the career paths and experiences can be of value to students learning about healthcare management concepts?

What other thoughts do you have on your experience of listening to the leadership podcasts?

List of Podcasts:

Leadership Podcast Spotlight:
Patrick Jordan, COO, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center Burlington, MA (72:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMv_kXHdTuo&feature=youtu.be

Sheila Woolley, R.N., Chief Strategy Officer, Wentworth-Douglass Hospital Dover, NH https://soundcloud.com/healthleaderforge/sheila-woolley-cno-and-vp-wentworth-douglass-health-system

Sam Shields, Director, Operational Excellence, Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Lebanon, NH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWjXeg5PSa8&feature=youtu.be

Mark Mellott, Senior Director, Cerner Corporation, Fairfax, VA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR6aye3GUVo

Steve, Roach President & CEO, Marlborough Hospital, Marlborough, MA https://soundcloud.com/healthleaderforge/steve-roach-president-ceo-marlborough-hospital/

Lucy C. Hodder, J.D., Director of Health Law Programs, University of New Hampshire School of Law, Concord, NH https://soundcloud.com/healthleaderforge/policy-podcast-with-lucy-hodder

LTC Jarrod McGee, Commander, 11th Field Hospital https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB2aF_Q7Fzg&feature=youtu.be

Develop an assessment that will determine a childs physical, cognitive, or social emotional development at infancy. Specifically, you must address the following questions:

1. This assessment is designed for a child who is how old?
2. What type of development are you assessing (physical, cognitive, or social emotional)?
3. What is the specific goal of your assessment?
4. What materials will you need for this assessment? What type of space? What objects?
5. What, specifically, will you have the child do? What are the steps you will follow as you introduce the activity, engage the child in the activity, and evaluate the childs ability to accomplish the activity?
6. What specific developmental concepts and/or theories are relevant? Describe those concepts and/or theories and clearly state what you expect the outcome of this activity to be (i.e., what should the child be able to do at this age?).

I have also attached the guidelines for the assignment