Division chiefs, program managers, and other senior staff members working in CISO organizations frequently find themselves needing to stay current on technologies while, at the same time, leading and managing segments of the IT security program and assigned staff. Attending conferences is one way that these senior level personnel can learn about new technologies, tactics, techniques, and practices which can be adopted by an enterprise. Over the course of two or three days, a busy manager or executive can attend a large number of briefings while also developing business relationships by networking with others in the field.

Find an IT Security or Cybersecurity conference that will be offered in the next six months and research the types of presentations and workshops which will be offered. Research the costs associated with attendance (conference fees, meals, lodging, travel). The conference venue must be within the continental United States. The conference itself should be one that you are interested in and would attend if the funding were made available.

Write up a travel request which includes a summary of the conference, a justification which explains the benefits of attendance (many conferences will provide a template), and an estimate for the costs that includes the following categories: conference or workshop fees, meals, lodging, travel. Format your travel request as a 1 – 1/2 page business memorandum (no more than 7 paragraphs) addressed to the Padgett-Beale CISO.

Your travel request should include links (URLs) for the conference and venue (including the hotel where you would stay). If meals are included in the conference fee then you should state that and not include those meals in your estimate. Use this GSA website to obtain estimates for meals that are not included in the conference fees: https://www.gsa.gov/travel/plan-book/per-diem-rates

At least three sources need to be included as references in this memo.

The post should include the following headers:




Marx and Engels wrote their Communist Manifesto in late 1847 (published in February 1848). They were not only attempting to create a call to action for the working class, but also address the rising importance of the role of the people in the European state. The 19th century gave birth to the defining type of those states: the nation-state. Forging together the ideas of the state with the ideas of Nationalism, the nation-state defines the makeup of Europe to this day, and lead to both the triumph of liberal principles and the embracing of such principle by their conservative rivals.

The Revolutions of 1848 were the key hinge point for these ideas in the history of Europe. Though the first of these revolutions technically occurred in Naples (leading to limited constitutional reform), the major catalyst for this series of revolutions, not surprisingly, will be France. Soon revolutions occurred all across Europe, calling for constitutional reform and major political and social changes. However, despite this initial success, the revolutionaries were not united. Fear of radicals among moderates lead to the collapse of the revolutions and the reestablishment of the old order throughout much of Europe.

While the Revolutions of 1848, with the expectation of France, were largely a failure, in the ashes of the revolution rose a variation of the nationalist traditions that had been pushed forward by the middle-class liberals of Europe: Conservative Nationalism. While conservative nationalism did come from the major states which had pushed through constitutional reform in 1848, namely Prussia and Piedmont-Sardinia, the manner in which nationalism was forged in these countries followed a far different pattern imagined by the liberal revolutionaries of 1848.

Large, monarchical states, such as Prussia and Piedmont-Sardinia, used nationalism as a tool to create a unified nation-state. This is evident in Germany Unification in 1871 and Italian Unification in 1861. While liberal ideas of representation would eventually exist within these nation-states, including the formation of the Reichstag in the German empire, the nature of nationalism had changed considerably post 1870.

Nationalism will fundamentally alter the relationships between the people and the state. No longer are states simply governments that rule over the masses, but now the people have an active role in the identity of a state. Such a relationship leads to greater demands from these masses to take part in government, but will also fundamentally lead to nations and people defining themselves as different from others. This, of course, will be at the center of later racism and imperialism across the globe (more on that next week).

Write a three-part proposal document that provides the following information:

A one-sentence description of your subject and topic.
A tentative thesis statement that indicates your main claim, reasons for it, and its significance.
Submit two annotated references that
Cite each source according to your chosen citation style
Briefly summarize each source
Evaluate their credibility and usefulness
Describes their relevance to your topic/essay.
Annotations should be no more than three or four sentences total, including summary, evaluation, and relevance.

In this assignment, students draw upon content and knowledge gained through the course, to interpret real or fictional life experiences in sport, exercise, or health. Students have the choice to base this assignment on one of three options:


If choosing a personal experience, students may choose any personal experience that is related to sport or physical activity such that students are able to connect it to class content. If you are unsure then please check with the course director.

The assignment should be typed, double spaced, 4 pages in length (excluding title page and reference page(s), and use APA format (7th Edition).

The written assignment should consist of 3 key sections. Students should refer to the marking key on the next page to further comprehend how the assignment will be graded.

1.    Section 1 should offer a brief introduction and description of the experience, Section 1 should be no more than 1 page in length.
(Section 1 of the marking key).

2.    In Section 2 students should engage in an in-depth discussion of one of the sport, exercise, or health psychology concepts discussed in class (e.g., motivation, mental health, talent development) which is presented in the personal experience. Students should include specific examples from the experience, and relate these examples to theoretical and/or practical material discussed in class. This section should be approximately 3 pages in length, including no more than 1 page describing the course concept being discussed. Students should use the remaining space to describe how the concept is embedded in their own experience. (Section 2 of the marking key).

3.    In Section 3, students should offer brief comments outlining their personal insight. This section should be no more than a half page. (Section 3 of the marking key).
    For personal experience: Was your experience consistent with what you have learned in the course? Why or why not?

This assignment provides the student with an opportunity to present two opposing viewpoints of a social problem or social policy. The student may utilize the database Opposing Viewpoints, to analyze the pros and cons of a social policy, social problem issue, which has been articulated in the Grand Challenges Initiative. Once the student has chosen a social policy and social problem, they must research two social work and/or social science scholarly sources that supports a pro position, and two social work and/or social science scholarly sources that supports a con position. Based upon the presented discussion, the student must show why they have chosen a position and at least documented reasons for best practices. This paper should be at least 8 pages. Please proofread more than once. The analysis must be double space and typed; include a cover page. Use block-quotes when necessary. You must use APA both within-text citations and reference cited page. The reader should be able to discern your editorial comments and researched info.

Write a 5-page paper centering on the film, Devils Playground. To complete this assignment, you will need to summarize the film briefly. However, the main crux of the assignment is to focus on different cultural taxonomies identified in Chapter five. You will need to select and research cultural taxonomies you feel are present within the film. It is appropriate and encouraged to use outside materials to explore the concepts more completely; you are required to have a minimum of six sources. A Works Cited or Reference page must be turned in as part of the assignment.

Book assigned for the course: “Meditations on First Philosophy”, Descartes (Hackett)

To achieve clarity in writing, you must ask yourself three questions: (a) Are all of the terms (used by the author or myself) clear in their meaning? (b) Are all of the propositions (used by the author or myself) necessarily true or perhaps dubitable in some way? (c) Are all of the arguments (given by the author or myself) both valid and sound?3.  To achieve writing that is concise, you must constantly ask yourself: (a) Are some of my sentences repetitive? (b) Am I relying on quotes more than I am explaining, when possible, in my own words? (c) Does each sentence build upon those before it, and does my writing attempt to move efficiently towards a conclusion?a.  On citations: quote if necessary, but try to formulate ideas in your own words. If you are discussing an authors ideas, you should always cite the source of these ideas by giving page numbers or Bekker numbers (the citation format for Aristotles texts). The aim of these papers is to practice your writing and thinking, rather than your ability to quote and cite material correctly.b.  For citations: your preferred style (e.g., MLA or Chicago) is fine. The important point here is simply to be consistent and complete.

The historical record bears witness to the fact that there have been people with significant addictions who have functioned at very high levels and accomplished brilliant things.  This week’s exploration of cocaine reminds us that that Sigmund Freud, the creator of the “talking cure – psychoanalysis –  was a cocaine user.  Freud is reputed to have remarked that cocaine made him feel the way he thought he ought to feel.  He recommended cocaine use to his friends.  The fictional character Sherlock Holmes is portrayed as a cocaine user.  The makers of the film “The Seven Per Cent Solution” put these two coincidences to good use and created a fictional encounter between Freud and Holmes, who seeks Freud out to save him from his overwhelming addiction.  It makes for good fun and adventure and a happy intersection of historical fact and creative imagination.

The question this raises is, to what degree is drug dependence inherently disabling?  Often, reading the biography of a famous person, surprising details emerge.  We know of the drinking behaviours of Canada’s first Prime Minister, John A. Macdonald, and Britain’s war-time PM, Winston Churchill.  But substance use and related problems are part of the biographies of people such as Jean Paul Sartre and Jean Cocteau.  In the fiction of John Irving we encounter an ether-using doctor in The Cider House Rules.  William Burroughs, author of Naked Lunch, was a heroin user and a methadone patient.  Recently, I learned of a baseball player who pitched a perfect game while under the influence of LSD.  His name was Doc Ellis.  A documentary on his life played  at the Rendezvous With Madness Film Festival at the TIFF Light Box in 2014.  Have a look at this short film to get Doc’s version of events.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vUhSYLRw14&t=1s

YOUR JOB IS to add to the list of successful people who have had substance use problems.  Draw from historical figures, contemporary figures, and even from fictional characters. Come up with at least 4-6 people!!

Paper instructions
Choose your course & Major

Determine your interest
(stage 1): here you present information about your values, personality, interests and skills in one paragraph.

Discover your career
(Stage 2): here you will present the information you have collected about the career you are pursuing or your dream job in the second paragraph.
(i choose opening my own hair nail & make up salon)

Plan your career goals
(stage 3): here you will describe your career goal and its specific action steps to accomplish it. Making Good Decisions Think of one problem you are experiencing now or before and illustrate how you will solve it using the problem-solving process.

In your paragraph please include the following:
Identify the problem
Generate possible solutions
Evaluate possible solutions
Select and implement the best solution

Hint: a problem can be: time management, writing skill, Speaking (English), Math problem, examination problem, smoking, excessive sleeping, weight gain, etc.

Information Literacy Discuss some of the things we should consider when using material for academic purposes. Which of the Boolean operators you normally use for academic search? Why do you think plagiarism is a crime? And How can we avoid plagiarism.
(provide references for this third part)

The objective of assignment is to provide a power point presentation about vaccines including the Flu vaccine in the pediatric population. Your primary goal as an FNP is to educate parents about the importance of vaccination, and understanding their beliefs and preference by being cultural sensitive in regards this controversial topic.  This is an individual presentation and must include a minimum of 8 slides with a maximum of 10 slides. This presentation must include a Voice Presentation and the following headings: (you don’t have to record anything if you don’t want to but send me the writing portion)
Introduction, Clinical Guidelines EBP per CDC, Population and Risk Factors, Education, Conclusion.  ** Rubric for this assignment is at the end of the course syllabus and posted on Blackboard.

You must read the Turnitin Policy prior to submitting this PPT presentation.