Read a policy brief/report from either the Brookings Institute or the Hoover Institution and address the following questions:
How does the brief/report compare with the description of policy analysis in your required readings?
Do you think the analysis comes more from a rational perspective or a political perspective?  Why?
Do you support changes being made to your selected policy?  Why or why not?
Be sure to include a link and reference to the brief/report.  In response to your peers, explain the reason you agree or disagree with changes being made to their selected policy.  Always properly cite any sources you may use in your writings.

8. The Elephant in the Room
We have argued that most of the accounts of love we’ve considered this semester at best get only part of the story of love right. In particular, we argued that many theories of love give a necessary, but not sufficient, condition on love. For example, recall Firestone’s account whereby love is a state of mutual vulnerability. It may be true, then, that

If X loves Y, then X and Y are mutually vulnerable to one another.

Indeed, let us just simply grant for the sake of argument that love implies mutual vulnerability. That is, let us grant that mutual vulnerability is a necessary condition on love. It seems another and much more difficult proposition to accept that mutual vulnerability implies love. That is, mutual vulnerability does not also seem to be a sufficient condition on love, since it seems false to say that

If X and Y are mutually vulnerable to one another, then X loves Y.

To show this, all we need is an example where we have mutual vulnerability, but no love. Give such an example to show that Firestone has at most captured a small part of the phenomenon of love. Can you conduct similar analyses for Singer, Nozick, Baier, and Frankfurt? If so, do so. If not, do you think the theory indeed fully accounts for love? Why or why not?

9. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds
Use Frankfurt’s account of love to explain and justify Shakespeare’s famous Sonnet 116.

Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Admit impediments. Love is not love

Which alters when it alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove:

O no! it is an ever-fixed mark

That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wandering bark,

Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.

Love’s not Time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle’s compass come:

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

If this be error and upon me proved,

I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

Is the thesis you find expressed in Sonnet 116 true? Using examples, explain why or why not.

2) Write a 2-3 page essay answering the following questions: watch two videos

( Be sure to create a cover sheet and works cited page, 2-3 pages of text do not include the cover sheet and works cited page. Use APA format).

What are some surprising things you saw in the video?
What are some inspiring things you saw in the video?
Consider both the development and learning theories discussed in Chapter Four in the Who am I textbook.  Which theories do you believe have influenced Bev Bos?  Name the specific theories as well as what each theory means, in your own words.  Why do you believe she has been influenced by these theories?  What did you observe in the video that makes you choose these theories?
What did you observe in her classroom environment that is related to the theories discussed in the book?  Please be specific about what you saw in the video and how it relates to what you read in the textbook.
Consider the teaching strategies she and the parents describe in the video.  What theories support the use of these teaching strategies?
What is the role of play in a child’s development?
3) Please review the rubric for this assignment so that you know how you this assignment will be graded.

Each of the speakers in The Symposium has something to say about what love is, and in doing so they give different, though not necessarily contradictory, answers to the question, why do we seek romantic love? In other words, it is one thing to understand what love is, quite another to understand why we desire it so strongly. For example, Pausanius would argue that we seek (higher) love because it leads us to greater human excellence: The Ancient Greeks, note, valued almost nothing more than the idea of fostering human excellence or virtue. Aristophanes, on the other hand, argued that we seek love because we seek the other half of us from which we were split by the gods.

Explain why we seek romantic love according to Socrates, Augustine, Firestone, Nozick, and Frankfurt. Setting theory aside for a moment, why do you seek, or why have you sought, romantic love? Which theory (of all those we’ve considered) comes closest to the reasons you give? Explain your answer.

Based on the week 2 learning journal where you discussed the project planning and front-end issues of your setting, in Week 3 submission you are required to discuss the value issues related to the project(s) in your setting. In so doing please relate to your own experience, case study discussions, theory and conceptual contributions from the readings allocated as well as the industry and research contributions.

Here are some questions you can use to guide your thinking.

Describe one or more of value creation, delivery and capture issues that you want to address in your contribution (150 words)

Discuss the identified value issue differentiating between different members of the delivery team as well as other stakeholders that participate in the project. Also discuss the role of users and operators in the creation, delivery and capture of value.

What would be impact and implications of you addressing this problem in your setting. Please think of impact not only for you personally but more widely – the organisation, industry, society, economy. Also briefly touch upon what the project practitioners and organisational leadership strive to do to alleviate the front-end and planning problem you identified in your setting – based on your current learning (150 words).

Please pay particular attention on the integration of literature in your writing. To accomplish this, please indicate references and use citations as you will have learned in the academic writing courses – this is very important. As a rule of thumb, I’d expect around 5-10 in-text citations to relevant academic references in your Week 3 submissions.

As already discussed, while writing the weekly submission, you should ask yourselves: What does literature say about the nature of the problem and its implications. What can I do with these insights to address the problem and advance practice? Additionally, identify any tensions, dilemmas and controversies that remain. Reflective questions such as this will help you in your learning journey. The main goal is to show a focus on the analysis of the problem synthesising literature.

To help flow and continuity of your argument, you can include one or two introductory sentences as a short summary of conclusions from the previous assignment and as a starting point for the new assignment.

Will upload my first two journals so you know what to do.
Answer the questions. Keep the structure clean and similar. Add a graph/chart from online.
(Author, Year) please use in text citations.

This week we are reading about trends in strategic enrollment management, including pricing, financial aid, admissions, and access.  In a 4-5 page paper reflecting upon your readings, describe the major implications of these trends for strategic enrollment management.  How do these implications impact how you will advise potential college students?  Please be sure to include at least 5 supporting research sources.

* here are some references and articles to help write the paper better, thank you.

For this assignment I chose 3 stocks that I will be analyzing and making Excel files that will make up an entire project at the end. 1. Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (ZM)NasdaqGS – NasdaqGS Real Time Price. Currency in USD 2. Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK-A)NYSE – NYSE Delayed Price. Currency in USD 3. Amazon The purpose of the project is to develop a strategy for investing a specific sum of money. For the three stocks I need to discuss economic condition, industry/sector condition, and firm’s financial analysis based on three criteria: (1) the evaluation of the companys financial performance, including measures of liquidity, leverage, profitability, and asset management; (2) the ability of the student to relate economic/industry environment to the companys financial performance. (3) the quality of the display and graphing in report, PPT, and Excel. Also make a portfolio statistic and estimate systemic risk: download the past five years of monthly price data for 3-5 stocks of his/her choice and the S&P 500 Index from Yahoo! Finance. Student will use Excel to compute monthly returns for stocks and S&P 500 Index. Students will then use Excel to estimate means and standard deviations for each stocks returns, as well as a correlation matrix across all returns. Students will also use Excel to estimate Security Characteristic Line (SCL) and the beta coefficient by using to measure systematic risk. Students will then compute the expected return of the stock as of the presentation date, implied by the beta coefficient under the single factor specification of the Capital Asset Pricing Model. Students will turn in their calculations, including spreadsheets showing the raw stock prices, calculations, and relevant graphs. Student grades will be based upon the following criteria: (1) correctly identify and download stock price data from Yahoo! Finance; (2) correctly perform statistical computations of mean returns, standard deviations and the correlation matrix of returns; (3) perform a correct analysis to derive the beta coefficient and expected returns; and (4) the quality of the display and graphing in report, PPT, and Excel. And Construct an optimal portfolio using Excel Solver: In the portfolio project, students will derive an optimal portfolio using the optimization technique such as Excel solver. Student grades will be based upon the following scores: (1) correctly utilize Solver to derive the optimal portfolio; and (2) the quality of the display and graphing of the optimal portfolio in report, PPT, and Excel.

This CR requires that you demonstrate your sociological knowledge of the relationships
between deviance and social problems. Recall that we began our unit deliberating how
sociologists define deviance relative to social problems that are housed on individual
behavior. In this CR you will choose one of the topics that we studied (drug (mis)use or
crime) and discuss how this particular act of deviance is understood as a social problem
and why.
-Begin by explaining how sociologists define deviance and deviant behavior.
-Explain how your issue has been operationalized as an act of deviance. Consider the
following questions:
What behaviors are problematized and why? Who is a problem and why?
Who are the victims? Perpetrators? Why?
What social factors contribute to your topic?
-When do these acts of deviance shift from being a personal problem to a social one?
Why? -Give examples of community-based responses to address this problem.
In your writing, it is important to cite from the scholarship we have been reading, including
Anderson, Best, Dubois, Ferris & Stein, Lauer & Lauer, as well as the authors and activists
from When We Fight We Win, and your own sources. Putting scholars in conversation with
one another requires that you cite at least two different sources.

PowerPoint 8 slides, 7 slides for presentation and 8th slide for reference. Create a professional presentation of your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to be disseminated to an interprofessional audience of leaders and stakeholders. Include the intervention, evidence-based literature, objectives, resources needed, anticipated measurable outcomes, and how the intervention would be evaluated. This project is based on a previous paper. All articles and previous paper will be provided for review and reference.

Compare the processes of disequilibrium, migration, urban adjustment, and inequality in an African community to similar processes ofchange in the United States.  (a) specify how the theories of social change and disequilibrium  presented  apply  to  aspects  of  change  in  the  United  States,  and  (b) summarize some of the major differences between the U.S. situation and social change in an African community.